Radiology of the Skeletal Trauma, 3rd edition

Radiology of the Skeletal Trauma, 3rd edition

Book reviews/Journal of Clinical Imaging 28 (2004) 313–315 the preface, the authors correctly state that in the last 30,000 years, human anatomy has ...

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Book reviews/Journal of Clinical Imaging 28 (2004) 313–315

the preface, the authors correctly state that in the last 30,000 years, human anatomy has not changed, what have greatly evolved are the methods on how to investigate and represent it. Therefore, the particular scope of this book necessarily required a frequent reevaluation of many images every time further improvement was brought to conventional techniques and new procedures were developed, such as CT, US, and MRI, all factors that resulted in a more precise evaluation of the finest details of the human anatomy. This atlas, which is constituted only by illustrations, practically all perfect images, is recommended to the residents in radiology for its completeness, for its easiness of consultation, and specifically for its great didactic value in pointing out—if it were necessary—that the discerning of a pathologic process is based only on the cognition of the normal anatomic findings. Medical students, during their formative years, and senior members of the medical profession would also find the book a valuable vade mecum to have in hand. Furthermore, the merit of the authors is in having chosen from the first edition illustrations of high quality and of having added in each edition new images, also very clear and demonstrative, obtained by recent imaging techniques. Finally, it should be pointed out that the value of this Atlas is far superior to its price. Sandro Morassut, MD doi:10.1016/j.clinimag.2004.04.022

Radiology of the Skeletal Trauma, 3rd edition Lee F. Rogers, Ed., Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone 2002, Vol. 1, 592 pages, 531 illustrations, Vol. 2, 813 pages, 931 illustrations. This is the third edition of the well-known instructional book by Lee F. Rogers. The two-volume set is divided into 24 separate chapters in which are reviewed the axial and peripheral skeleton. The first chapter deals with the general anatomy of the skeleton, while in the second a detailed evaluation of the skeletal biomechanics and the role of ‘‘forces’’ in skeletal trauma is presented. In the third and fourth chapters, the epidemiology of fractures, as well as the subject of osteoporosis as related to trauma and the various available


imaging techniques for the diagnosis of a fracture are comprehensively discussed. The fifth chapter is dedicated to a review of skeletal trauma in children, and the sixth deals with the multiple-injured patient. Chapters 7 to 9 deal with the various treatments to be applied to the different classes of fracture as well as the healing process, and the possible complications associated with fractures. In Chapters 10 to 24 the different types of traumas involving the axial the axial and peripheral skeleton are thoroughly discussed. The traumas involving the components of the axial skeleton (skull; face; cervical; thoracic, lumbar spine, and thoracic cage) are discussed in separate chapters. The components of the peripheral are organized in different chapters centering on the major joints. These 15 chapters are set up basically the same way. Each chapter begins with the description of the radiographic anatomy of the region under investigation, followed by a review of the statistical frequency of injuries involving the particular region and by an analysis of the mechanism: trauma and consequent type of injury. The discussion of radiographic findings having therapeutic and prognostic implications is clear and informative. The role of other imaging techniques, skeletal scintigraphy, CT and MRI in specific general injuries is illustrated following the description and discussion of the findings demonstrated by standard radiographic techniques. The book is focused mainly on the bony skeleton; therefore, while the role of imaging in the assessment of acute skeletal injury is emphasized, no attempt is made to discuss the acute and chronic injuries occurring in the ligaments, tendons, menisci and joint capsules. The book is well organized, the topics discussed are presented in a lucid and instructive manner, and appreciated is the comprehensible indexing of the material presented. The illustrations, generally of excellent quality, are numerous and appropriate, and their annotations, although concise, are comprehensive. The intended audience of this text book is the radiologist, the orthopedist and other physicians who are involved in the imaging of skeletal trauma, particularly those who work in a trauma setting. Maria Cova, MD doi:10.1016/S0899-7071(04)00009-9