An Analysis of Experimental Air Detritiation Data Using TSOAK-Ml* R. H. LAND, R. G. CLEMMER, A. G. ROGERS, M. MINKOFF and V. A. MARONI, Argonne National Laborator _A Computer code (TSOAK-Ml) has been developed which permits the determination of reactjon T2 to -,_T_y: --HTO)/adsorption/release and instrument correction parameters fro:!) enclosure (building) detritiation test data. The code is based on a simpified wdel which treats each paraneter as a normalized time-independent constant throughout the data unfolding steps. Because of the complicated four-dimensional mathematical surface generated by the resulting differential equation system, occasional local-minima effects are observed, but these effects can be overcome in most instances by selecting a series of trial guesses for the initial parameter values and observing the reproducibility of final parameter values for cases where the best overall fit to experimental data is achieved. The code was [usedto analyze existing smallcubicle test data with good success, and the resulting normalized parameters were employed to evaluate hypothetical reactor building detritiation scenarios. The calculated fitting parameters were in reasonably good accord with expectations. The second-order reaction rate parameter (T2 + H20-+ HTO + HT) was nominally three to five orders of magnitude greater than those reported for closed, static bulb-type containers. The normalized adsorption and release parameters were of a magnitude that would lead to measurable but manageable effects in large enclosures and the instrument correction factor was in the ranqe of normal instrument backgrounds for ambient tritium monitors. The principal conclus>on drawn from the reactor-building evaluation was that the magnitude of complications associated with moisture formation, adsorption, and release, particularly in terms of extended cleanup times, may not be as great as was previously thought. It is recommended that the validity of the TSOAK-Ml model be tested using data from detritiation tests conducted on large experimental enclosures (5-10 m3) and, if possible, actual facility buildings. *Work performed under the Auspices of the U.S. Department of,Energy.
Recent Research on Cryogenic Deuterium-Tritium, P. C. SOUERS, E. M. FEARON, R. L. STARK, and R. T. TSUGAWA, University of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory*, Livermore, California -Frozen D-T fuel will probably be used in fusion machines in the next five :/ears. To aid in the engineering of this material, we are measuring various physical and chemical properties of D-T below 25 K. Our current work includes: 1) D2+T2 reaction kinetics measured by infrared spectroscopy in the liquid and solid state. The half-time for reaction for the 21 K liquid is about 60 hours, but it may be faster in the solid because of the accumulation of radiation debris. 2) The electrical conductivity of the gas and liquid. The tritium radioactivity converts them into soft dielectrics, and they conduct equally well. 3) Solid thermal conductivity. Our first crude measurement is 0.05 W/m-K at 10 K, which is 100 times lower than is measured in pure H2 crystals. 4) Rotational J-l-J=0 time measured by nuclear magnetic resonance. The tritium beta particle de-excites T2 quickly but the D2 is much slower. The T2 reaction proceeds more quickly in the solid as the temperarture falls. 5) Probable indirect observation of radiation-produced ions trapped in solid T2. New lines are seen in tile infrared spectrum. Experiments in preparation include: electrical conductivity of the solid, crystal quality studies under pressure, and the D2-12 reaction rate in the gas phase. *Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.