Book Reviews
RRrJ ~ e I B I L I T Y ~ D MAlk'i'm~s2~OE: M~nagemeut and Engineering Methods Kditad by
: R.T.Andereon, R e l i a b i l i t y Technology Associates and L.Neri, US Aviation Systems Co~mnd
P u b l is h e r
: KIZEVIKR APPLIED SCIK1~CE I~BLISHERS, Crown House,Linton Road, Barking, Essex IGll 8JU,England US$ 108.00 22.14 cm xx+348 pages.76 i l l u s . (ISBN 1-85166-470-X) Published 1990
P r ic e :
The aim of this book is to present an updated reliability and maintenabiiity engineering techniques and management tools in maintenance planning, planning process for complex systems and components. The starting premise of the book is that a more efficient and cost-effectlve life-time maintenance and logistic support program can be established "using a well disciplined, knowledge-based reliabillty-centered maintenance (RCM), and decision logic analysis process.
Tha authors describe an aircraft flight safety prediction model that can be used to facilitate application of RC~ analysis process. Although the book is written from the practical experience of the authors, working in the US Army aircratf systems and component, the methods and techniques, described are applicable both in aircraft industry, transportation, military, nuclear, gas, and generally in high technology industries. The book is useful to the maintenance logistic, design, safety, project, manager, reliability and maintenability engineers, and generally for those who are involved in maintenance, logistic, system engineering and management. Contents: Preface. Chapter I: Introduction. Chapter 2: The Program. 2.1 Airline Industry RC14 Programs. 2.2 The US Army Aircraft RCM Program. 2.3 The Decision Logic Process for US Army Aircraft. 2.4 The RCM & ILS Interface. Chal~Cer 3: R&M Theory end Fundamental Concepts. 3.1 Reliability-Age Characteristics. 3.2 Reliability Degradation and Growth. 3.3 Reliability Concepts and the Exponential Distribution. 3.4 Maintanability Concepts. 3.5 Availability Analysis. 3.6 R&M Modeling. 3.7 Life-Cycle Activities. Chapter 4: R&M Kng~-eering. 4.1 Reliability Allocation and Prediction. 4.2 Maintanability Allbcation and Prediction. 4.3 Failure Mode Analysis. 4.3.1 Fault Tree Analysis. 4.3.2 Failure Mode, Effects and Critically Analysis. 4.4 Reliability testing. 4.4.1 The Design, Development and Production Reliability Growth and Qualification Process. 4.4.2 The Planning and Implementation of Reliability Testing. 4.4.3 Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action. 4.5 Production, Storage and In-Service Degradation Control. 4.6 Environmetal Stress Screening (ESS). Chapter 5: The Application of RCH with Depot ~intenance. 5.i The Depot Maintenance Process. 5.2 Failure Mode Inspection Techniques. 5.3 Airframe Condition Evaluation (ACE)-an on-condition Maintenance Technique. Chapter 6: The Army Aircraft Flight Safety Prediction Model. 6.1 (~eneral Description and Asst~nptions. 6.2 US Army Helicopter Application. 6.3 Application of the Flight Safety Prediction Model with the RCM l~gic. Index. The book is available from the Amsterdam address, or in the USA/Canada from ELSEVIER Science Publishing, 'Co. Inc., P.O.Box 882, Madison Square Station, New York, NY I0159, USA.
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