Removal of sows in Spanish breeding herds due to lameness: Incidence, related factors and reproductive performance of removed sows

Removal of sows in Spanish breeding herds due to lameness: Incidence, related factors and reproductive performance of removed sows

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179 (2020) 105002 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Preventive Veterinary Medicine journal homepage: www.else...

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Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179 (2020) 105002

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Removal of sows in Spanish breeding herds due to lameness: Incidence, related factors and reproductive performance of removed sows


Ryosuke Iidaa,*, Carlos Piñeirob, Yuzo Koketsua a b

School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Higashi-mita 1-1-1, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 214-8571, Japan Department of Data Management and Analysis, PigCHAMP Pro Europa S.L., Calle Dámaso Alonso, 14, 40006 Segovia, Spain



Keywords: Downer animals Gait Locomotory disorders Pig production Shared frailty model

Lameness is a major reason for sow removal in breeding herds. Increased removal occurrences for lameness decrease reproductive efficiency and increase welfare concerns. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence rate of removal due to lameness, and to investigate the longevity and reproductive performance of sows removed due to lameness. Poisson regression models were applied to a cohort dataset of 137,907 sows in 134 herds located in Spain. The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to compare the performance of sows removed due to lameness and their controls in one-to-two matched case-control datasets. Removal due to lameness accounted for 4.3 % of all removed sows, and the incidence rate was 19.6 cases per 1000 sow-years (95 % confidence interval: 15.03, 25.51). The majority (70.4 %) of those removed were farrowed sows, whereas only 29.6 % were serviced sows. In farrowed sows, a higher incidence of removal due to lameness was associated with weeks 4–9 after farrowing, higher parity and winter farrowing (P < 0.01). The removal incidence was 24.7–33.1 times higher in weeks 4–9 after farrowing than during the first week after farrowing (P < 0.01). It was 1.3–1.6 times higher in parity 4−5 than in parity 1, and 1.3 times higher for winter farrowing than for summer farrowing (P < 0.01). In contrast, the factors associated with removal due to lameness with serviced sows were weeks 4−5 after service and being re-serviced (P < 0.01). The service sow removal incidence was 4.7 times higher in weeks 4−5 after servicing than during the first 2 weeks after servicing (P < 0.01). Also, it was 2.2 times higher in re-serviced sows than in first serviced sows (P < 0.01). However, removal in serviced sows was not associated with parity (P = 0.10) or service season (P = 0.39). In the case-control datasets, the sows removed due to lameness had higher weaning-to-first-mating interval (means: 6.5 vs. 5.8 days), fewer piglets born alive (11.7 vs. 12.5 piglets) and lower parity at removal (3.4 vs. 4.9; P < 0.01) than sows removed for other reasons or non-removed sows. However, there was no difference in gilt age at first service between the case and control groups (P = 0.29). We recommend identifying sows showing early signs of lameness and treating them with pain medication until removal. The best time for removal would be at weaning when nonproductive sow days start.

1. Introduction Lameness in sows is an important health problem and welfare concern in the swine industry (Heinonen et al., 2013; Pluym et al., 2013a; Maes et al., 2016), and it is one of the most commonly reported reasons for sow removal (Engblom et al., 2007; Sasaki and Koketsu, 2011; Wang et al., 2019). Moreover, lameness negatively affects sow longevity and lifetime performance, and reduces the herd reproductive efficiency, which consequently decrease farm profitability (Anil et al., 2009; Sasaki and Koketsu, 2011; Wang et al., 2019). So, it is important to know exactly how big a lameness problem is and to characterize the most important factors associated with high risks of lameness removal ⁎

in order to minimize the economic effect. Recent studies based on sowlevel analyses show that lameness accounts for 5.0%–10.5% of all removal cases (Engblom et al., 2007; Sasaki and Koketsu, 2011; Wang et al., 2019). Also, a herd-level analysis showed that the proportions of removal due to lameness varied from 0.7%–19.9% in individual herds (Engblom et al., 2007). The most common method to measure removal due to lameness is to divide the number of sows removed due to lameness by the total number of all sows removed. However, this measurement does not take into account the time of voluntary culling, which will affect the number of sow-days at risk to removal due to lameness, and which varies between herds and between sows within a herd. Therefore, instead of using the number of sows removed as the

Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Iida). Received 29 August 2019; Received in revised form 1 April 2020; Accepted 8 April 2020 0167-5877/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179 (2020) 105002

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91.0 % (range: 85.3–99.9 %) in the other 14 herds. The data from the 134 herds included 802,410 service records for 137,907 sows. The following records were considered as extreme values based on previously published criteria, and were treated as missing values: gilt age at first service of either 159 days or less, or 401 days or more (5458 records; Hoving et al., 2011); gestational length of either 104 days or less, or 126 days or more (2167 records; Sasaki and Koketsu, 2007); the total number of piglets born of either 0 or 31 piglets or more (485 records; Bloemhof et al., 2013). The following records were also regarded as extreme and treated as missing values: lactational length and number of piglets weaned of sows used as nurse sows (7300 records); lactational length of either 6 days or less, or 42 days or more (12,394 records); number of piglets weaned of either 0 or 31 piglets or more (13,379 records); weaning-to-first-mating interval of 42 days or more (4529 records); nonproductive sow days of 366 days or more (595 records); removal intervals of sows removed after 126 days or more post service without subsequent events (87 records); removal intervals of sows removed after 70 days or more post farrowing (154 records). In this study, a sow is defined as a female pig that has been serviced at least once. Parity is defined as the number of farrowing, and the number of parities will not increase until a sow has farrowed. A mating is defined as any single insemination of a sow during estrus, and a service includes one or more mating events in the estrus period. A reservice is defined as when more than one service event occurred within a parity. Types of removal included culling, death and euthanasia. However, death and euthanasia might have been categorized into one group because there was only one euthanasia record in the preliminary analysis.

denominator, it would be better to replace it with the number of sowdays at risk. There are two stages when sows are typically removed due to lameness: one is after service and the other is after farrowing (Anil et al., 2008; Engblom et al., 2008; Pluym et al., 2013b). Engblom et al. (2008) reported that the hazard of removal due to lameness was greater at weaning (30–40 days after farrowing) than at other stages, but no study has reported on possible changes in the incidence rate from the time of service. It has been also shown that the proportion of sows removed due to lameness was highest in sows removed at low parity, and decreased as the parity at removal increased (Lucia et al., 2000; Engblom et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2019). However, there has been little reporting about the effects of other sow-level factors on the incidence rate of removal due to lameness, such as the effects of number of services, season or year, nor any effects of herd-level factors (e.g. herd size and culling rate). Therefore, it would be useful to assess such sow- and herdlevel factors to provide more information about sows at high risk of removal due to lameness, and the characteristics of removal. Lameness is a painful condition that negatively affects the eating or postural behaviour of sows (Cornou et al., 2008; Heinonen et al., 2013; Maes et al., 2016), which could compromise their reproductive performance. However, few studies have investigated the effect of lameness on reproductive performance, with little comparison of farrowing performance between lame and non-lame sows. It has been reported that lameness occurrence was not associated with pregnancy failure, farrowing failure or delayed post-weaning estrus (Heinonen et al., 2006; Pluym et al., 2013b). Also, Pluym et al. (2013b) found that the only adverse effect of lameness during gestation on farrowing performance was an increase in mummified fetuses. Furthermore, lameness during lactation would cause an increase in piglet mortality due to crushing. Therefore, in order to obtain more precise information on sow lameness, the objectives of this study were 1) to examine the incidence rates of removal due to lameness at different stages of the reproductive cycle in sows across different parities, while taking between-herd variability and the number of sow-days at risk into account, 2) to clarify the herd- and sow-level factors associated with these incidence rates, and 3) to investigate the longevity, lifetime performance and reproductive performance of sows removed due to lameness.

2.2. Statistical analysis Data management, descriptive statistics and all other analyses were performed using SAS University Edition (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, U.S.A.). An annualized incidence rate of removal due to lameness (cases per 1000 sow-years) was calculated as the number of sows removed due to lameness divided by the sum of the number of sow-years at risk, multiplied by 1000 sows (Dohoo et al., 2009). The at-risk interval was defined as starting at the date of first service and ending at the date of removal. When the data were extracted for active sows, the sow-years at risk was defined as the number of years from the first service date to the last event date (e.g. service, farrowing, or weaning date). The at-risk intervals were censored for each service record before summation if a sow had no subsequent event after 126 days or more post service or after 70 days or more post farrowing. The cohort data analyses were performed to estimate incidence rates for removal of lame sows by using the records of all sows from first service to removal. In addition, the nested case-control analyses were performed to assess the lifetime performance and reproductive performance of sows removed due to lameness. The following lifetime performance measurements were examined: parity at removal, lifetime number of piglets born alive, lifetime piglets weaned and nonproductive sow days. Nonproductive sow days was defined as the number of days when sows were neither gestating nor lactating, from the date of first service to the removal date. Also, the following nine reproductive performance measurements were assessed: gilt age at first service, whether or not a sow had been used as a nurse sow, lactational length, number of piglets weaned, weaning-to-first-mating interval, gestational length, number of piglets born alive, stillbirths and mummies.

2. Materials and methods 2.1. Herds, data extraction and definitions A veterinary consultancy firm (PigCHAMP Pro Europa S.L., Segovia, Spain) has collected pig data by requesting that all their 155 farms in Spain mail their data on a regular basis. Sows in the herds were mainly crossbred pigs between Landrace and Large White, which were either purchased replacement gilts from breeding companies, or were replacement gilts home-produced through internal multiplication programs. Individual sow data of the 155 herds were extracted from the database in July 2017 to construct an entry cohort dataset. The extracted dataset included lifetime reproductive performance records of all sows that were entered into the herds between 2011 and 2013, with service records from January 2011 to December 2016. Records of gilts removed before first service were not used because some herds did not have records of gilts removed before service. Producers are required to record a reason for the removal of each sow in the PigCHAMP software, but there is no specific personnel training on how to decide and record removal reasons. The 21 of the 155 herds (13.5 %) did not record removal reasons for more than 15 % of the sows (range of the percentage of sows with removal reasons: 2.9–84.3 %), and so these herds were excluded from this present study. Of the remaining 134 herds, 120 had removal reasons recorded for all their sows. The median percentage of removal reasons recorded was

2.2.1. Cohort data analyses The cohort data had a two-level structure with sows nested within herds. Therefore, using the GLIMMIX procedure, two-level Poisson regression models were applied 1) to estimate the incidence rate of removal due to lameness, taking into account the herd variability, and 2) to examine the associations between the incidence and the sow-level 2

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factors. Assessed sow-level factors included the number of weeks from service, the number of weeks from farrowing, number of parity (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 or higher), number of services (first service and re-service), service or farrowing season (Jan. to Mar., Apr. to Jun., Jul. to Sept. and Oct. to Dec.) and entry year (2011, 2012 and 2013). The models were separately constructed for two stages of the reproductive cycle (i.e. the period from service until farrowing and the period from farrowing until subsequent service). The number of sows removed due to lameness and the logarithm of the sow-years at risk divided by 1000 were set as an outcome variable and an offset, respectively in the models, in order to predict the number of cases of removal due to lameness per 1000 sowyears. Sow-level factors were univariately added into the models as a fixed effect. When analyzing the number of weeks from service or the number of weeks from farrowing, individual records were divided into week-level risk sets before modeling (Yang and Goldstein, 2003; Iida et al., 2019). No herd-level information was collected for herd health, number of sows per stockman, housing system factors such as floor type and space, nutrition and genetics information, which were reportedly associated factors for sow lameness (Cador et al., 2014; Willgert et al., 2014; Maes et al., 2016). However, instead of using such herd-level information, random effects of the intercept were allowed to vary across herds in the models. Intercept-only Poisson models with an offset and without either fixed or random effects were applied to the data in order to estimate simple sow-level incidence rates, herd-level incidence rates and their 95 % confidence intervals. The herd-level incidence rates were used to estimate Pearson’s correlation coefficient with the herd-level management factors. The herd-level measurements were herd size, number of piglets weaned per sow per year (PWSY), culling rate and mortality rate. The measurements were annually calculated from 2011 to 2016, and then were averaged for each herd in six 1-year periods. The culling rate (%) and mortality rate (%) were respectively calculated as the number of culled sows per year and the number of dead sows per year divided by annual sow inventory, multiplied by 100. The annual sow inventory in a herd was calculated as the cumulative number of days that all sows in a herd were fed during a year divided by 365.25 days. The median incidence rates across herds, i.e. the incidence rates taking herd effect into account, were estimated by two-level Poisson models with an offset, random effects and no fixed effect. Also, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for sows within the same herd were calculated as the proportion of the variance explained by herd-level information. The ICCs were estimated by a simulation-based approach, 2 using the linear predictor ( Xβ ) and herd variance (σherd ) which were estimated by the models (Stryhn et al., 2006):

dataset. One farrowing case record was similarly matched to two farrowing control records by using the variables of herd, parity, farrowing year and season in the 2nd dataset. In the 3rd dataset, one lifetime case record was matched to two lifetime control records by using herd, first service year and season. To increase statistical power, one case was matched with two controls in each dataset. It was not possible to consider a higher ratio due to the limited number of controls available in some herds. These case-control analyses were performed using the SURVEYSELECT procedure of SAS. Continuous and dichotomous measurements were analyzed by the Wilcoxon rank sum test and the Fisher’s exact test, respectively. Finally, in order to check the validity of the results, stratification analyses were applied to the original cohort data by using either the van Elteren test or the exact Cochran-MantelHaenszel test with the NPAR1WAY and LOGISTIC procedures of SAS (SAS Support, 2018, 2019). The matching variables which were used to construct the case-control datasets were used as the stratification variables in the analyses. 3. Results Descriptive statistics of herd and sow reproductive data are detailed in Table 1. Means of herd size and PWSY over six years were 724.0 sows and 24.3 piglets, respectively. Table 2 shows the risk and proportion of removal due to lameness in each parity, with an overall proportion of removal due to lameness of 4.3 % (5840/135,548 records). The risks of removal due to lameness increased from 0.2 % in parity 0 to 0.9 % at parity 1 and to 1.5 % at parity 6 or higher. Also, 92.8 % of records of removal due to lameness were culling records (5418 records), with the other 7.2 % recorded as death or euthanasia (422 records). Fig. 1 shows the frequency distribution of removal due to lameness in each week from last service. The majority (70.4 %: 3941/5599 records) of removals due to lameness occurred in farrowed sows, with 38.2 % (2140 records) of removals during weeks 19–20 after service (133–146 days). There was also a slight increase in removals due to lameness in weeks 3–5 after service (21–41 days), but this only accounted for 9.7 % (543 records) of all lameness removals. For all sows, the sow-level incidence rate (cases per 1000 sow-years) for removal due to lameness was 19.6 (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 15.03, 25.51; Table 3). The rates in serviced sows and farrowed sows were 7.2 (5.55, 9.34) and 70.8 (52.12, 96.16) cases per 1000 sow-years, respectively. The median incidence rates across herds for serviced sows and farrowed sows were estimated to be 2.5 (1.65, 3.91) and 16.0 (9.95, 25.72) cases per 1000 sow-years, respectively (Table 3). Also, in 27 of the 134 herds (20.1 %) there were no records of any cases of removal due to lameness. The ICCs for the incidence rates were estimated to be between 99.6 and 99.9 %. Table 3 shows Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the incidence rates of removal due to lameness and the herd management measurements. The incidence rate in farrowed sows was correlated with herd size (r = 0.17; P = 0.04), PWSY (r = 0.27; P < 0.01) and culling rate (r = 0.46; P < 0.01). Also, the correlation coefficient between PWSY and culling rate was 0.44 (P < 0.01). Fig. 2 shows scatter plots of (A) the incident rates for farrowed sows and (B) culling rate and PWSY in each herd. The incidence rates for farrowed sows in each herd ranged from zero to 398.3 cases per 1000 sow-years. Removal due to lameness in serviced sows was associated with the number of weeks from service and the number of services (P < 0.01; Table 4). The removal incidence rate was 4.7 times higher at 4−5 weeks after service (4.7 cases per 1000 sow-years) than during the first 2 weeks after service (1.0 cases; P < 0.01), and 8.0 times higher at 16−17 weeks after service (8.0 cases; P < 0.01). Furthermore, the removal incidence rate was also 2.2 times higher in re-serviced sows (5.1 cases) than in first serviced sows (2.3 cases; P < 0.01). However, the removal incidence in serviced sows was not associated with either parity (P = 0.10), service season (P = 0.39) or entry year (P = 0.36). A higher incidence of removal due to lameness in farrowed sows

2 ) for 1) the random effect vector ui was simulated from Normal (0, σherd i = 1, …, 100,000, 2) the expected values and their variances [exp(Xβ + ui ) ] were computed, 3) the variance of the expected values and the mean of the variances were computed across the i simulations, and 4) the ICC was computed as the variance of the expected values/(the variance of the expected values + the mean of the variances) x 100.

2.2.2. Creation and analyses of matched case-control data A nested case-control study was carried out taking into account the factors examined in the cohort data analyses (i.e. herd effect and sowlevel factors). Three case-control datasets were prepared to compare retrospectively 1) gilt age at first service and weaning-to-first-mating interval, 2) the other seven reproductive performance measurements after farrowing and 3) the lifetime performance measurements between sows that were removed due to lameness and their matched control sows. One service record for a sow removed due to lameness (case) was matched to two service records for sows removed for other reasons or non-removed sows (controls) by using herd, number of parity, number of service, service year and season as the matching variables in the 1st 3

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Table 1 Descriptive statistics of herd and sow reproductive data in 134 herds. Measurements Herd-level data Herd size, sows PWSY, piglets Culling rate, % Mortality rate, % Sow-level data Gilt age at first service, days old1 Parity at removal2 Lifetime number of piglets born alive per sow3 Lifetime number of piglets weaned per sow 3 Nonproductive sow days3 Days from last service to removal due to lameness before farrowing4 Days from last farrowing to removal due to lameness5 Parity-level data Number of parity at service Gestational length, days6 Number of piglets born alive6 Number of stillborn piglets6 Number of mummified fetuses6 Percentage of nursing6 Lactational length, days6 Number of piglets weaned6 WMI, days7 Service-level data Number of services




Median (IQR)


134 134 134 134

724.0 24.3 35.5 7.1

657.0 2.4 8.5 2.7

529.7 (288.7−930.3) 24.2 (22.5−26.2) 35.6 (30.1−40.7) 6.4 (5.4−8.5)

80−3180 19−30 17−61 2−18

117,715 135,548 135,463 133,696 134,953 1658 3941

255.2 4.9 60.5 53.9 75.0 56.2 27.4

41.0 2.8 36.9 30.7 58.8 33.3 12.1

250.0 (233.0−276.0) 5.0 (2.0−7.0) 64.0 (28.0−90.0) 58.0 (28.0−79.0) 57.0 (33.0−103.0) 46.0 (30.0−84.0) 26.0 (21.0−33.0)

160−400 0−15 0−214 0−174 0−365 0−124 0−69

727,302 679,040 680,722 680,722 680,722 680,733 661,039 660,054 584,866

2.8 114.9 12.4 1.0 0.2 1.07 23.6 10.9 5.7

2.2 1.6 3.2 1.5 0.7 – 4.3 2.1 4.8

2.0 (1.0−4.0) 115.0 (114.0−116.0) 13.0 (11.0−14.0) 1.0 (0.0−2.0) 0.0 (0.0−0.0) – 23.0 (21.0−27.0) 11.0 (10.0−12.0) 5.0 (4.0−5.0)

0−14 105−125 0−28 0−24 0−22 – 7−41 1−30 0−41




1.0 (1.0−1.0)


IQR: interquartile range; N: the number of records subtracted by the number of missing records; PWSY: number of piglets weaned per sow per year; SD: standard deviation; WMI: weaning-to-first-mating interval. 1 The remaining records (137,907 - N) were regarded as missing records. 2 The remaining sows (137,907 - N) were sows that had not yet been removed. 3 The remaining records in removed sows (135,548 - N) were regarded as missing records. 4 The remaining records (1745 - N) were regarded as missing records. 5 The remaining records (4095 - N) were regarded as missing records. 6 The remaining records (681,207 - N) were regarded as missing records. 7 The remaining records (589,675 - N) were regarded as missing records.

in the entry cohorts numerically but non-significantly increased from 14.4 cases per 1000 sow-years in 2011 to 17.0 cases in 2013 (test for the association between the incidence and entry year: P = 0.09). Table 6 shows comparisons between removed sows due to lameness (cases) and the control sows for the nine reproductive performance measurements. Mean weaning-to-first-mating interval in the case group was greater than that in the control group (6.5 vs. 5.8 days; P < 0.01), as were the numbers of stillborn piglets and mummified fetuses (P ≤ 0.04). In contrast, gestational length and lactational length were shorter in the case group than in the controls (P < 0.01). Also, the numbers of piglets born alive and piglets weaned were lower in the case group than in the controls (P < 0.01). However, there were no significant differences between the case and control groups for gilt age at first service (P = 0.29), nor for the percentage of nursing between the cases and the controls (P = 0.62). The stratified analyses showed consistent results. Finally, with the exception of gilt age at first service (P = 0.82), all the other assessed lifetime performance measurements were lower in sows removed due to lameness (cases) than in the controls (Table 7; P < 0.01). The stratified analyses showed the same associations as the case-control studies for lifetime performance of sows.

Table 2 Risk and proportion of removal due to lameness by parity at removal. Parity at removal

Number of

Risk of removal due to lameness2

Proportion of removal due to lameness3

sows removed due to lameness

sows at risk1

removed sows

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 or

305 1097 858 852 844 863 1021

137,245 129,003 114,632 103,593 92,339 80,597 68,068

8694 14,414 11,174 11,277 11,737 12,508 65,744

0.2 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.5

3.5 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.2 6.9 1.6

higher Total






1 Sows that had missing parity records were not counted in the number of sows at risk. 2 Denominator was the number of sows at risk. 3 Denominator was the number of removed sows. 4 16,666 sows were removed due to reproductive failure; 41,083 sows were removed for high parity.

4. Discussion

was associated with the 4–9 weeks after farrowing, higher parity and winter farrowing (P < 0.01; Table 5). The removal incidence rate was 24.7–33.1 times higher at 4–9 weeks after farrowing (54.4–72.9 cases per 1000 sow-years) than during the first week after farrowing (2.2 cases; P < 0.01). It was also 1.3–1.6 times higher in parity 4−5 sows (18.1–22.5 cases) than in parity 1 sows (13.7 cases; P < 0.01), and 1.3 times higher in sows farrowed in winter (18.1 cases) than in those farrowed in summer (14.2; P < 0.01). Meanwhile, the incidence rate

4.1. Reproductive performance of removed sows due to lameness This observational study has characterized sows removed due to lameness, including their reproductive performance and the time pattern of removal occurrences. One of the main characteristics is that they had delayed weaning-to-first-mating interval, and had subsequently lower farrowing and weaning reproductive performance than sows removed for other reasons or non-removed sows. The sows removed due 4

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Fig. 1. Relative frequencies (%) of the number of sows removed due to lameness after last service. Sows were classified into those removed before the due date or after farrowing. 241 records of the number of days from last service were excluded as extreme values.

cross-fostering and nursing on non-lame sows than on lame sows. However, there was only a small number of sows recorded as nurse sows in our study, so the lack of any association between lame sows and nursing sows may not be conclusive. Additionally, the small difference of only 0.2 days of shorter gestational length in sows removed due to lameness may not be biologically important.

to lameness could have had minor feet or leg problems during lactation which may have caused a reduction in lactational feed intake (Cornou et al., 2008; Heinonen et al., 2013). A reduced feed intake in sows during lactation has been associated with delayed post-weaning estrus and reduced subsequent litter size (Koketsu et al., 1996). Other similar conditions have also been associated with negative reproductive performance. For example, claw lesions have been negatively associated with these reproductive performance (Lisgara et al., 2015a). Pluym et al. (2013b) reported that the presence of wall cracks, white line lesions and skin lesions above the claw increased the odds of a sow having stillbirths and mummified fetuses, whereas heel lesions increased the odds of a sow crushing her piglets. Meanwhile, sows with prolonged periods lying down could be predisposed to urinary and genital infections which may increase the risk of stillborn piglets (Heinonen et al., 2013). Also, lameness can hinder sow movement during lactation, and depending on the housing system this could cause piglet mortality due to crushing (Anil et al., 2009). The shorter lactational length of sows removed due to lameness implies that some lame sows were weaned earlier than usual schedules for batch weaning. Also, it is possible that producers performed more

4.2. Longevity and lifetime performance of removed sows due to lameness Our study corroborated previous studies showing that lameness impedes sows from reaching optimal breeding efficiency (Lucia et al., 2000; Sasaki and Koketsu, 2011; Pluym et al., 2013b). In the previous studies, sows removed due to lameness had 4.4–4.8 lower parity at removal, and consequently had 43.7–46.4 fewer lifetime piglets born alive than those removed due to high parity (Lucia et al., 2000; Sasaki and Koketsu, 2011). Also, our study suggests that all first serviced sows were equally at risk of removal due to lameness, regardless of gilt age at first service.

Table 3 Incidence rate for removal due to lameness in serviced and farrowed sows in 134 herds. Measurements

Duration of at-risk From service until farrowing

Number of cases 1658 Number of sows at risk 137,907 Total sow-years at risk 230,278.2 1 Incidence rate, cases per 1000 sow-years (95 % CI) Simple estimate (95 % CI) 7.2 (5.55, 9.34) Estimate taking herd effect into account (95 % CI) 2.5 (1.65, 3.91) Model intercept (SE) 0.93 (0.219) Random herd effect (SE) 3.1 (0.56) ICC, %2 99.6 Pearson’s correlation coefficient with herd management measurements (P-value) Herd size - 0.03 (0.69) PWSY 0.15 (0.08) Culling rate 0.26 (< 0.01) Mortality rate - 0.01 (0.94)

From farrowing until subsequent service

Total duration

3941 129,123 55,669.1

5599 137,907 285,947.2

70.8 (52.12, 96.16) 16.0 (9.95, 25.72) 2.77 (0.240) 4.2 (0.70) 99.9

19.6 (15.03, 25.51) 5.0 (3.19, 7.87) 1.61 (0.228) 4.2 (0.68) 99.9

0.17 0.27 0.46 0.03

0.11 0.25 0.42 0.02

(0.04) (< 0.01) (< 0.01) (0.73)

(0.22) (< 0.01) (< 0.01) (0.81)

CI: confidence interval; ICC: intra-class correlation coefficient; PWSY: number of piglets weaned per sow per year. 1 The Simple estimate indicates the sow-level incidence rate; the Estimate taking herd effect into account indicates the median incidence rate across herds. 2 The sow-years at risk was set to 1000 sow-years in the ICC calculation. 5

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Fig. 2. Scatter plots of (A) incidence rates of farrowed sows removed due to lameness and (B) culling rate with number of piglets weaned per sow per year, in 134 herds.

weaned in 2018 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA-AMS, 2018). In addition, more effort would probably be needed to detect sows showing early sings of lameness in a large group during gestation. Although most sows were removed due to lameness in the weeks after farrowing, about 10 % were removed 3–5 weeks after service. There are two possible reasons for an increase in removal due to lameness at this time. One is that lameness was detected when the serviced sows were moved to group housing from an individual stall. A previous study showed that more lame sows were found when sows

4.3. Time pattern of removal occurrences for lameness More lame sows were removed during the period from farrowing until subsequent service, especially at weaning, than from service until farrowing, which is consistent with previous studies (Anil et al., 2008; Engblom et al., 2008). This indicates that producers would decide to cull a sow with mild-to-moderate lameness at the time of weaning because a considerable economic loss would be incurred if sows were pregnant. The opportunity cost of piglets weaned due to culling a pregnant sow was estimated to be $13.64–74.91 per 4.5–5.5 kg piglet

Table 4 Estimated incidence rate (cases per 1000 sow-years) for removal of serviced sows due to lameness prior to farrowing, using the cohort data. Variable1

Number of cases

Number of records

Total sow- years at risk

Incidence rate (95% CI)

Overall Weeks from service; P < 0.01 0−1 (0−13 days) 2−3 (14−27 days) 4−5 (28−41 days) 6−7 (42−55 days) 8−9 (56−69 days) 10−11 (70−83 days) 12−13 (84−97 days) 14−15 (98−111 days) 16−17 (112−125 days)2 Number of parity at service; P = 0.10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 or higher Number of services; P < 0.01 First service Re-service Service season; P = 0.39 January to March April to June July to September October to December Entry year; P = 0.36 2011 2012 2013




2.5 (1.65, 3.91)

87 256 382 230 165 118 119 168 133

802,410 798,905 754,167 728,772 715,624 708,473 704,200 700,019 682,190

30,692.9 29,874.0 28,324.2 27,611.2 27,268.4 27,066.3 26,900.9 26,645.7 5894.6

1.0 3.0 4.7 2.9 2.1 1.5 1.6 2.2 8.0

(0.53, (1.81, (2.97, (1.84, (1.29, (0.95, (0.96, (1.37, (4.77,

1.82)e 4.94)c 7.55)b 4.69)c 3.54)ce 2.51)de 2.55)de 3.62)cd 13.56)a

276 285 227 221 212 202 235

158,380 136,643 119,750 106,419 93,291 78,785 109,142

44,318.9 38,788.3 34,617.8 30,877.4 27,107.9 22,877.6 31,690.3

2.1 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.2 2.8

(1.25, (1.57, (1.42, (1.57, (1.73, (1.93, (1.77,

3.48) 4.02) 3.63) 4.01) 4.44) 5.15) 4.53)

1368 290

727,302 75,108

211,478.0 18,800.1

2.3 (1.48, 3.50)b 5.1 (3.22, 8.05)a

390 382 421 465

196,628 198,065 202,387 205,330

56,626.5 57,123.8 57,515.6 59,012.3

2.5 2.4 2.6 2.8

476 530 652

260,984 252,244 289,182

74,780.9 72,339.0 83,158.2

2.3 (1.46, 3.67) 2.5 (1.60, 3.87) 2.8 (1.77, 4.33)

(1.57, (1.51, (1.65, (1.76,

3.83) 3.69) 4.00) 4.29)

CI: confidence interval. a−e Estimates within a group with different letters are different (P < 0.05). 1 Variables were univariately assessed by using the model including the herd random effect. 2 Reasons for censoring during the period: 667,826 farrowings; 4727 removals due to reasons other than lameness; 2206 reservices; 7298 records had no any event during this period. 6

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179 (2020) 105002

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Table 5 Estimated incidence rate (cases per 1000 sow-years) for removal of farrowed sows due to lameness without subsequent service, using the cohort data. Variable1

Number of cases

Overall 3941 Weeks from farrowing; P < 0.01 0 (0−6 days) 153 1 (7−13 days) 254 2 (14−20 days) 571 3 (21−27 days) 1174 4 (28−34 days) 924 5 (35−41 days) 426 6 (42−48 days) 178 7 (49−55 days) 136 8 (56−62 days) 82 9 (63−69 days)2 43 Number of parity at farrowing; P < 0.01 1 745 2 588 3 603 4 597 5 638 6 or higher 770 Farrowing season; P < 0.01 January to March 1121 April to June 1006 July to September 914 October to December 900 Entry year; P = 0.09 2011 1109 2012 1282 2013 1550

Number of records

Total sow- years at risk

Incidence rate (95 % CI)



16.0 (9.95, 25.72)

680,143 676,014 671,205 654,179 362,256 105,919 51,870 30,370 15,982 10,942

12,984.6 12,908.2 12,737.3 10,171.1 3961.4 1343.9 745.7 417.9 244.2 154.7

2.2 (1.04, 4.45)d 3.6 (1.89, 6.86)d 8.3 (4.61, 14.89)c 23.6 (13.54, 41.16)b 57.9 (32.68, 102.58)a 72.1 (40.97, 126.91)a 54.4 (29.90, 99.09)a 72.9 (38.84, 136.84)a 67.8 (34.74, 132.45)a 58.9 (27.45, 126.35)ab

128,222 114,393 103,341 92,170 80,507 161,510

11,245.9 9366.2 8384.5 7417.1 6435.5 12,819.9

13.7 13.6 15.9 18.1 22.5 15.3

(8.24, 22.73)c (8.21, 22.57)c (9.64, 26.26)bc (10.94, 29.84)ab (13.54, 37.24)a (9.20, 25.51)bc

172,451 168,524 173,378 165,790

13,947.4 13,721.0 14,445.6 13,555.0

18.1 16.5 14.2 15.1

(11.21, 29.28)a (10.23, 26.74)ab (8.84, 22.87)c (9.38, 24.45)bc

221,801 213,233 245,109

18,161.9 17,416.6 20,090.5

14.4 (8.80, 23.46) 16.5 (10.17, 26.7) 17.0 (10.49, 27.6)

CI: confidence interval. a−d Estimates within a group with different letters are different (P < 0.05). 1 Variables were univariately assessed by using the model including the herd random effect. 2 Reasons for censoring during the period: 1285 removals due to reasons other than lameness; 1716 services; 7898 records had no any event during this period. Table 6 Comparisons of reproductive performance between sows removed due to lameness (case sows) and control sows in the matched case-control study. Reproductive performance

Cases N

Gilt age at first service, days old (only parity 0 sows) Weaning-to-first-mating interval, days Gestational length, days Number of piglets born alive Number of stillborn piglets Number of mummified fetuses Percentage of nursing Lactational length, days Number of piglets weaned


180 11451 39372 39332 39332 39332 39402 34992 33192


Controls Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)

266.2 (36.13) 6.5 (6.15) 114.6 (1.73) 11.7 (3.57) 1.4 (2.06) 0.27 (0.814) 0.91 21.9 (5.66) 10.5 (2.58)

360 2297 7874 7874 7874 7874 7879 7668 7638

263.3 (36.30) 5.8 (4.78) 114.8 (1.51) 12.5 (3.25) 0.9 (1.44) 0.23 (0.677) 1.02 22.7 (4.23) 11.1 (2.48)


0.29 (0.79) < 0.01 (< 0.01) < 0.01 (< 0.01) < 0.01 (< 0.01) < 0.01 (< 0.01) 0.04 (< 0.01) 0.62 (0.84) < 0.01 (< 0.01) < 0.01 (< 0.01)

N: the number of records subtracted by the number of missing records; SD: standard deviation. 1 Each individual case was matched to two control service records based on the herd, number of parity at service, number of services, service year and season. 2 Each individual case was matched to two control farrowing records based on the herd, number of parity at farrowing, farrowing year and season. 3 Fisher’s exact test was performed on whether or not a sow had been used as a nurse sow. Wilcoxon rank sum test was performed on the other outcomes. 4 P-values for the stratified analyses are shown in the parentheses.

sows has been mandatory in the European Union (European Commission, 2008). This change can explain the relatively high removal rate due to lameness in sows that were entered into herds in 2013, because the pregnant sows in group housing would have had more social interactions and so could have exhibited more lameness than those in individual stalls (Harris et al., 2006; Anil et al., 2007; Cador et al., 2014). Additionally, we found an increased incidence of removal due to lameness in winter farrowed sows. There is still some debate about the relationship between farrowing season and increased removal due to lameness (Anil et al., 2005; Knage-Rasmussen et al., 2014; Masaka et al., 2014), but in Spain the humidity is higher in winter than in summer, and this may have caused an increase in infections of mechanical lesions of the sows. Also, gestational housing floors could be

were moved from the insemination stalls to the gestation unit (Pluym et al., 2013b). Another possible reason is that lame sows were culled just after having a negative pregnancy check. 4.4. Sow-level factors associated with removal due to lameness In our study, re-serviced sows were more likely to be removed than first serviced sows. This result is consistent with a previous study showing high culling hazard due to lameness in sows with a long weaning-to-farrowing interval (Engblom et al., 2008). Some cases of pregnancy failure which result in returns to service can be a consequence of lameness because it could inhibit the display of behavioral estrus when the sow should be inseminated. Since January 2013, group housing for a certain period for gestating 7

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Table 7 Comparisons of lifetime performance between sows removed due to lameness (case sows) and control sows in the matched case-control study1. Lifetime performance

Gilt age at first service, days old Parity at removal Lifetime number of piglets born alive Lifetime number of piglets weaned Nonproductive sow days





Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)

4987 5840 5833 5711 5828

258.1 (34.98) 3.4 (2.08) 41.5 (27.84) 37.7 (23.38) 60.6 (58.56)

9983 11,669 11,660 11,507 11,644

258.3 (35.12) 4.9 (2.77) 60.7 (37.47) 54.2 (31.28) 73.9 (56.90)


0.82 (0.59) < 0.01 (< < 0.01 (< < 0.01 (< < 0.01 (<

0.01) 0.01) 0.01) 0.01)

N: the number of records subtracted by the number of missing records; SD: standard deviation. 1 Each individual case was matched to two control service records based on the herd, first service year and season. 2 Wilcoxon rank sum test was performed. 3 P-values for the stratified analyses are shown in the parentheses.

possibility that there was underreporting of lameness cases in our data because the reason for removal of some lame sows could have been recorded as high parity instead of actual lameness. This could be a reason why 20.1 % of our studied herds did not record any cases of removal due to lameness over the six-year period of the cohort dataset. Another report also showed a similar percentage of herds with no records of removal due to lameness, 26 % of 76 English herds (Willgert et al., 2014).

more slippery in winter than in summer due to the high humidity and dewdrops, which may cause progressive lameness during gestation. Furthermore, culling of sows from a herd depends on other production factors, such as availability of gilts to replace the culled sow and pricing of sow carcass (Heinonen et al., 2013). Our analysis using Spanish data showed a higher risk of removal due to lameness after farrowing in high parity sows than in low parity sows. High parity sows are more likely to suffer from claw lesions or foot problems than low parity sows because they have heavier body weight and greater pressure on their feet and joints (D’Eath, 2012; Fitzgerald et al., 2012; Lisgara et al., 2015b). However, Engblom et al. (2008) reported that in Sweden the hazard for removal due to lameness is greater for first parity sows than for other age groups. They suggested that producers were likely to remove young sows with affected legs, meaning that sows with good legs usually remained in the subsequent parity groups. It appears that the culling policy and other related factors for lame sows differ between our studied population and their research population (Heinonen et al., 2013; Pluym et al., 2017). The Swedish study showed that the removal hazards for parity 1 sows were approximately two times higher than those for parity 2–7 sows (Engblom et al., 2008).

4.7. Conclusion and recommendation Our study revealed that sow-level factors associated with removal due to lameness were weeks 4–9 after farrowing, weeks 4−5 after service, higher parity, winter farrowing and being re-serviced. Also, sows removed due to lameness could have had impaired reproductive performance in their last parity. So, we recommend identifying sows with early signs of lameness and moving them to a sick pen for recovery. From an economic and welfare point of view, it is recommended treating a lame sow with pain medication and deciding to cull the sow at weaning when non-productive sow days start. Acknowledgements

4.5. Herd-level factors associated with removal due to lameness

The authors are grateful to Dr. I. McTaggart for his critical review of this manuscript. This work was supported by the Meiji University Giken-B-2019 Project Grant.

In our study, high PWSY herds were likely to have a high incidence of removal due to lameness. This result can be explained by the fact that high PWSY herds would be more likely to voluntarily cull sows to keep a stable age structure in the herds and to maintain constant pig production (Koketsu et al., 2017). In fact, in the current study the high PWSY herds had a high culling rate which increased the incidence rate of lameness. So, it is possible that an increase in culling rate results in a decrease in the at-risk interval i.e. a decrease in the denominator of the incidence rate. In addition, we found that almost all the variability of removal due to lameness was explained by herd variability (ICC: 99.6–99.9 %). A possible reason for this is that the number of cases of removal due to lameness after farrowing per 1000 sow-years varied between zero and 300 or more. This suggests that there are herd-level factors associated with removal due to lameness, such as housing system and management, and that they can differ between herds (Heinonen et al., 2013; Pluym et al., 2017; Bergman et al., 2019).

Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at doi: 105002. References Anil, S.S., Anil, L., Deen, J., 2005. Evaluation of patterns of removal and associations among culling because of lameness and sow productivity traits in swine breeding herds. J. Am. Vet. Med. A 226, 956–961. 956. Anil, S.S., Anil, L., Deen, J., Baidoo, S.K., Walker, R.D., 2007. Factors associated with claw lesions in gestating sows. J. Swine Health Prod. 15, 78–83. shap/issues/v15n2/v15n2p78.pdf. Anil, S.S., Anil, L., Deen, J., 2008. Analysis of periparturient risk factors affecting sow longevity in breeding herds. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88, 381–389. 4141/CJAS07072. Anil, S.S., Anil, L., Deen, J., 2009. Effect of lameness on sow longevity. J. Am. Vet. Med. A 235, 734–738. Bergman, P., Munsterhjelm, C., Virtala, A.-M., Peltoniemi, O., Valros, A., Heinonen, M., 2019. Structural characterization of piglet producing farms and their sow removal patterns in Finland. Porc. Health Manage. 5, 12. Bloemhof, S., Mathur, P.K., Knol, E.F., van der Waaij, E.H., 2013. Effect of daily environmental temperature on farrowing rate and total born in dam line sows. J. Anim. Sci. 91, 2667–2679. Cador, C., Pol, F., Hamoniaux, M., Dorenlor, V., Eveno, E., Guyomarc’h, C., Rose, N.,

4.6. Proportions of removal due to lameness In our study, the proportion of removal due to lameness (4.3 % of all removed sows in 134 herds) was lower than the proportions of 5.0−10.5% reported in recent studies (Engblom et al., 2007; Sasaki and Koketsu, 2011; Wang et al., 2019). This discrepancy suggests that there is some variability among the studied populations for factors affecting decisions to remove lame sows, such as replacement gilt selection, lameness assessment or sow culling strategy. Also, we cannot rule out the 8

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