Research note In vitro antifilarial activity of organometallic complexes against infective larvae of Molinema dessetae and adult females of Brugia pahangi

Research note In vitro antifilarial activity of organometallic complexes against infective larvae of Molinema dessetae and adult females of Brugia pahangi

International Journal for Parasitology 17 "0887# 0168Ð0171 Research note In vitro anti_larial activity of organometallic complexes against infective...

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International Journal for Parasitology 17 "0887# 0168Ð0171

Research note

In vitro anti_larial activity of organometallic complexes against infective larvae of Molinema dessetae and adult females of Brugia pahangi P[M[ Loiseaua\\ J[J[ Ja}eb\ D[G[ Craciunescuc a

Biologie et Contro¼le des Organismes Parasites\ Faculte de Pharmacie\ Universite de Paris!Sud\ Cha¼tenay!Malabry\ France b Department of Pharmacology\ College of Medicine\ University of Vermont\ Burlington\ U[S[A c Departamento de Quimica Inorganica y Bioinorganica\ Facultad de Farmacia\ Universidad Complutense\ Madrid\ Spain Received 5 November 0886^ received in revised form 00 March 0887^ accepted 00 March 0887

Abstract New organometallic complexes having protozoocidal properties were evaluated for their in vitro anti_larial activity using two models] infective larvae of Molinema dessetae and adult females of Brugia pahangi[ The compound most active on the M[ dessetae model was Ir"I#!COD!pentamidine tetraphenylborate with an EC49  520 mM after 6!day!incubation[ In the 1!aminobenzothiazole series\ Ruthenium was more potent than Iridium for anti_larial activity[ A dithiocarbamate function signi_cantly enhanced the anti_larial activity[ The compounds derived from benzimidazole were inactive whatever the metal "Iridium or Rhodium#[ The other compounds exhibited EC49 ranging from 09 to 20 mM[ On adult female Brugia pahangi in vitro\ Pt!DDH!N!acetylleucine\ Pt!diminazene and Pd!Cl3!piperazine at 19 mM began to kill both micro_lariae and the developing embryos within the mothers on day 1[ The compounds\ except for Pd!Cl3! piperazine\ killed the adults after 4 days[ Rh!Cl!1!chloropyridine caused obvious slowing of the adults from day 2 onward but did not a}ect the viability of adults\ micro_lariae or developing embryos[ In vivo anti_larial investigations are necessary to appreciate the real advantage of heavy metal complexes in the experimental treatment of _lariasis[ Þ 0887 Australian Society for Parasitology[ Published by Elsevier Science Ltd[ Keywords] Molinema dessetae^ Brugia pahangi^ Organometallic complexes^ Anti_larial activity

Organometallic complexes are known as anti! tumor agents ð0Ł[ Moreover\ some of them have interesting properties against parasitic protozoa such as Leishmania spp[ ð1Ł and african trypano! somes ð2Ł[ Their mode of action remains unknown but the low toxicity of these compounds compared with that of their parent organic moieties led us

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to investigate their potential e}ect against other parasites such as helminths[ We report here for the _rst time an in vitro anti_larial study of organ! ometallic complexes using two models] infective lar! vae of M[ dessetae and adult female of B[ pahangi[ These models are complementary since the sen! sitivity of M[ dessetae infective larvae to chem! otherapeutic agents is similar to those of Onchocerca spp[ adult worms ð3Ł and the sensitivity of B[ pahangi is similar to those of lymphatic _lariae such as Brugia malayi ð4Ł[

S9919!6408:87 ,08[99¦9[99 Þ 0887 Australian Society for Parasitology[ Published by Elsevier Science Ltd[ Printed in Great Britain PII] S9919!6408"87#99961!0


P[M[ Loiseau et al[ : International Journal for Parasitolo`y 17 "0887# 0168Ð0171

Eleven organometallic compounds were synthe! sised to be evaluated in the M[ dessetae model and compared with 00 compounds used as references[ The reference compounds\ 1!aminobenzo! thiazole\ piperazine hydrochloride and albendazole were purchased from Sigma[ Pentamidine ise! thionate was kindly supplied by Roger Bellon Lab! oratories "Paris#\ ivermectin by MSD laboratories "Rahway# and potassium melarsonyl from Rho¼ne Poulenc Rorer "Vitry sur Seine#[ Other reference compounds were synthesised by us[ Moreover\ we present here the activity of other organometallic complexes on the B[ pahangi model[ Several of the compounds tested possess organic moieties having either anthelmintic properties either protozoocidal activity[ The metallic structures were derived from Iridium\ Rhodium\ Ruthenium\ Platinum and Pal! adium[ The contribution of the metallic complexes

could be evaluated with regard to the anti_larial activity of the organic moiety alone "Table 0#[ The _laria M[ dessetae was maintained in the laboratory in its natural host\ Proechimys oris\ a small Brazilian rodent[ The intermediate host was the mosquito Aedes aegypti GKEP strain[ This model has been shown to be remarkably sensitive to the major known _laricides\ and has been used to screen for anti_larial activity ð3Ł[ The in vitro test using infective larvae has similar sensitivity to those of adult worms ð5Ł and is used as primary screening ð6\ 7Ł[ Brie~y\ infective larvae were isolated by dis! section from heads of mosquitoes A[ aegypti which were infected 19 days previously[ The in vitro test was performed in plastic ~at!bottomed 13!well trays[ Each well contained 0[4 ml of a culture medium consisting of Hepes "14 mM# bu}ered

Table 0 In vitro anti_larial activity of organometallic complexes on Molinema dessetae infective larvae


E[C[ 49)2S[D[ "mM# on the Molinema dessetae infective larvae Day 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7

Ir "III#!benzimidazole dithiocarbamate Ir "III#!1!aminobenzothiazole Ir "III#!1!aminobenzothiazole dithiocarbamate Ir "III#!pyrolidine dithiocarbamate Ir "I#!COD!pentamidine tetraphenylborate Rh "III#!1!amino 5!ethoxybenzothiazole Rh "III#!Cl!1!aminonaphtothiazole Rh "III#!1!chloropyridine Rh "II#!benzimidazole dithiocarbamate Ru "II#!n!dihexyl dithiocarbamate Ru "III#!1!aminobenzothiazole Reference Compounds

×199 ×199 036201 065204 5324 021201 ×199 086219 ×199 082207 ×199

×199 ×199 4423 4424 2123 7627 6925 7425 ×199 7325 019202

×199 ×199 1121 3123 0220 4523 2422 3123 ×199 0221 1121

×199 000201 0221 2022 520 1722 1622 1422 ×199 0920 0320

Albendazole 1!aminobenzothiazole 1!aminobenzothiazole dithiocarbamate 1!amino 5!ethoxybenzothiazole 1!amino 5!ethoxybenzothiazole dithiocarbamate 4!carboxypyrolidine dithiocarbamate Pentamidine isethionate Piperazine Ivermectin Levamisole hydrochloride Potassium melarsonyl

×199 ×199 ×199 ×199 ×199 ×199 058204 ×199 1[029[1 0[229[0 1321

×199 012209 8927 025209 7625 8327 0621 ×199 9[729[0 9[8629[97 0621

×199 7026 1921 6225 0721 0821 229[1 ×199 9[3429[94 9[6129[96 0120

×199 2422 0621 4423 0321 0421 0[129[0 ×199 9[2029[93 9[3829[92 729[6

P[M[ Loiseau et al[ : International Journal for Parasitolo`y 17 "0887# 0168Ð0171

RPMI 0539 supplemented with 09) foetal calf serum and 0999 IU ml−0 penicillin and 099 mg ml−0 streptomycin[ The ~asks were maintained at 26>C and in an atmosphere air 84)ÐCO1 4)[ Twenty larvae were put into each well after decon! tamination in sterile medium[ Compounds dis! solved in DMSO or water were added to the well in a volume of 09 ml[ Each experiment was run in triplicate[ Controls were treated with DMSO only and observed under identical conditions[ The samples were tested in a randomised order[ Larvae viability was estimated at day 1\ 3\ 5 and 7 by direct observation of the motility of infective larvae using a microscope "×39#[ The percentage of surviving larvae corrected by comparison with the control was determined[ In these conditions\ more than 84) of worms were alive[ In order to exclude poten! tial reversible paralysis induced by the drugs\ infec! tive larvae were washed at the end of the assay and put into fresh medium for 13 h[ Immobilised worms were then considered as dead[ EC492SD "e.cient concentration which killed 49) of worms# are expressed in mM[ The most active compound was Ir"I#!COD!pen! tamidine tetraphenylborate with an EC49  520 mM after a 6!day!incubation time[ Never! theless\ this compound remained 4!fold less active than pentamidine isethionate[ Moreover\ this com! pound was the most promising against African trypanosomes ð2Ł and a polyvalent activity could be of interest[ Its chemical structure is presented in Fig[ 0[ 1!aminobenzothiazole had an EC49  2422 mM whereas Ir"III#!1!aminobenzothiazole had an EC49  000201 mM and Ru"III#!1!aminobenzo! thiazole had an EC49  0320 mM[ Ruthenium appears therefore as more potent than Iridium for anti_larial activity[


A dithiocarbamate function signi_cantly enhanced the anti_larial activity[ Thus\ 1!amino! benzothiazole and 1!amino!5!ethoxybenzothiazole had EC49  2422 and 4423 mM\ respectively[ When a dithiocarbamate group was added\ they became more active "1!aminobenzothiazole dithi! ocarbamate and 1!amino!5!ethoxybenzothiazole dithiocarbamate with EC49  0621 and 0321 mM\ respectively#[ This e}ect was also observed with organometallic derivatives^ thus\ Ir"III#!1!ami! nobenzothiazole dithiocarbamate with a dithi! ocarbamate group was more active than Ir"III#!1! aminobenzothiazole "EC49  0221 and 0002 01 mM\ respectively#[ The compounds derived from benzimidazole "Ir"III#!benzimidazole dithiocarba! mate and Rh"III#!benzimidazole dithiocarba! mate were inactive whatever the metal "Iridium or Rhodium#[ The other compounds exhibited EC49 ranging from 09 to 20 mM[ Twelve other organometallic compounds were tested for activity against adult female B[ pahangi in vitro[ These compounds were chosen from a large series of derivatives for the following reasons] 0[ broadly representative complexes involving four heavy metals could be compared[ 1[ the diminazene ligand would represent the other aryldiamidines[ 2[ the piperazinyl ligand is known to be active against intestinal nematodes and the substituted piperazine diethylcarbamazine is a standard anti_larial drug[ 3[ it was of interest to compare the activity of pip! erazinyl and pyridinyl moieties[ 4[ _lariae take up exogenous leucine e.ciently[ Jirds "Meriones unguiculatus# infected i[p[ with B[

Fig[ 0[ Chemical structure of Ir!"COD#!pentamidine tetraphenylborate\ the most active compound on the M[ dessetae infective larvae in vitro model[


P[M[ Loiseau et al[ : International Journal for Parasitolo`y 17 "0887# 0168Ð0171

pahangi were supplied by Dr John W[ McCall "University of Georgia\ USA#[ In vitro evaluation on B[ pahangi adult worms was performed as follows] each of the compounds was dissolved in 099) DMSO at a concentration of 1 mM\ and 19 ml was added to each of two sterile tubes containing 1 ml MEM Eagle "with balanced salts¦2) bovine serum albumin# and two sexually mature adult female B[ pahangi freshly recovered from the peritoneal cavity of infected jirds[ Thus\ each drug was tested in triplicate at an initial con! centration of 19 mM\ which is realistic in the context of achievable blood levels[ Identical volumes of DMSO were added to the tubes housing the controls[ The ~uid phase was removed and replaced with fresh drug!containing medium every 13 h for 4 consecutive days[ Each day the motility and viability of the adults were evaluated[ In this system\ the adult worms remained highly motile throughout the 4!day!period of observation "more than 84) viable#[ Each female usually releases approximately 0999 micro_lariae "mf#:day for the _rst 1 days^ thereafter the daily output of mf progressively falls[ Under the conditions described above\ Pt!DDH! N!acetylleucine began to kill both mf and the developing embryos within the mothers on day 1[ The adults slowed dramatically on day 1\ two out of four died on day 2 and all were dead by day 3[ Pt!diminazene began to kill both mf and developing embryos on day 1 but the cumulative e}ect on these forms was not as great as with the former compound[ The adults slowed dramatically on day 2 and two of four died by day 4[ Pd!Cl3!piperazine began to kill both mf and developing embryos on day 1\ with a cumulative e}ect as great as Pt!DDH! N!acetylleucine[ The adults slowed dramatically from day 1 onward but none died by day 4[ Rh! Cl!1!chloropyridine caused obvious slowing of the adults from day 2 onward but did not a}ect the viability of adults\ mf or developing embryos[ Apparently\ the response curve is steep since none

of these compounds a}ected the worms in any detectable way at 1 mM[ This is the _rst report on the use of organo! metallic complexes as anti_larials[ It seems clear that at least some heavy metal complexes have appreciable anti_larial activity[ Nevertheless\ the complexes did not exhibit higher activity than organic moieties\ except for Ru"III#! 1!aminobenzothiazole[ Useful antiparasitic drugs must have fairly wide margins of safety[ In vivo anti_larial investigations should now be performed to determine the real advantage of heavy metal complexes in experimental treatment of _lariasis[ References ð0Ł Farrell NP\ Williamson J\ McLaren DJM[ Trypanocidal and antitumor activity of platinum metal drug dual function complexes[ Biochem Pharmacol 0873^22]850Ð860[ ð1Ł Croft SL\ Neal RA\ Craciunescu DG\ Certad!Fombona G[ The activity of platinum\ iridium and rhodium drug com! plexes against Leishmania donovani[ Trop Med Parasitol 0881^32]13Ð17[ ð2Ł Loiseau PM\ Craciunescu DG\ Doadrio!Villarejo JC\ Cer! tad!Fombona G\ Gayral P[ Pharmacomodulations on new organometallic complexes of Ir\ Pt\ Rh\ Pd\ Os] in vitro and in vivo trypanocidal study against Trypanosoma brucei brucei[ Trop Med Parasitol 0881^32]009Ð003[ ð3Ł Gayral P\ Bories C\ Loiseau PM\ Gueyouche C[ Molinema "ex Dipetalonema# dessetae for in vitro and in vivo evalu! ations of _laricidal activities[ Trop Med Parasitol 0876^27]54[ ð4Ł Striebel H[ Filariasis[ In] Zak O\ Sande MA\ editors[ Exper! imental models in antimicrobial chemotherapy[ Academic Press\ 0875]2]170Ð221[ ð5Ł Bories C\ Loiseau PM\ Gueyouche C\ Gayral P[ Utilisation des larves infectantes de Dipetalonema dessetae en survie pour l|etude et la recherche de substances _laricides[ J Phar! macol "Paris# 0875^06]290Ð296[ ð6Ł Loiseau PM\ Mettey Y\ Vierfond JM[ Anti_larial and trypanocidal properties of phenothiazines and related poly! cyclics as new lead structures[ Int J Parasitol 0885^15]0004Ð 0006[ ð7Ł Loiseau PM\ Bourass J\ Letourneux Y[ Lymphotropic anti! _larial agents derived from closantel and chlorambucil[ Int J Parasitol 0886^16]332Ð336[