Journal of Magnetism ~,nd Magnetic Materials 104-107 (1992) 1489-1405 North-tlolland
Invited paper
Resonant X-ray magnetic scattering in holmium Doon Gibbs Department of Physics, Brookhat'en National Laboratory, Upton, IVY 11973, USA
We review the results of resonant X-ray magnetic scattering experiments on the rare earth metal holmium. When the incident X-ray energy is tuned near the L m absorption edge, large resonant enhancements of the magnetic scattering and resonant integer harmonics are observed. These results are analyzed within the theory of X-ray resonance exchange scattering assuming electric dipole (2p ---,5d) and quadrupole (2p --* 4D transitions among atomic orbitais. 1. Introduction In this paper, we review the results of recent X-ray magnetic scattering experiments on the rare earth metal holmium [1-4]. Specifically, we show that when the incident X-ray energy is tuned near the Ln~ absorption edge, large resonant enhancements of the magnetic scattering, and resonant integer harmonics, are observed. Besides intrinsic interest in the X-ray scattering cross-section and its description, studies of this type are also motivated by the possibility that new structural and magnetic properties of rare earth metals might be revealed, and that new techniques may thereby be developed. As a result, interest in X-ray magnetic scattering experiments has grown rapidly during the last 10 years particularly, with the regular application of synchrotron radiation techniques. Magnetic scattering experiments have by now been performed at most of the X-ray synchrotrons around the world. In addition, insertion device bcamlincs dedicated to X-ray magnetic scattering experiments arc planned at each of the next-generation storage rings presently under construction in the United States (APS), Europe (ESRF) and Japan (SPRING-8). Generally, the results of X-ray magnetic scattering experiments may be analyzed within two regimes of the incident X-ray energy, namely, in the limit of high X-ray energies, when the incident X-ray energy lies above the excitation energy ol any absorption edge, and at resonance, when the incident energy lies near an absorption edge. In the high energy limit, the amplitude for X-ray magnetic scattering has the simple form [L(Q) . A + S ( Q ) " B] [5-7]. Here, L ( Q ) and S(Q) refer to the Fourier transforms of ihc atomic orbital and spin magnetization densities, respectively, and the vectors A and B depend on the incident and scattered wavcvcctors :~.qd on the incident and scattered polarization vectors [5-7]. Because the vectors A and B arc not identical, the polarization dependence of the orbital contribution to the magnetic cross-section differs from that of the spin contribution. This leads to the possibility that the orbital and spin magnetization densities may be distinguished in X-ray scattering experiments. The same distinction is not directly possible by
neutron diffraction techniques (in dipole approximation, where the polarization dependence of the orbital contributio~ is identical to that of the spin contribution), and is important to a fundamental understanding of the electronic structure of magnetic materials. A particular class of experiments for which these techniques may be useful will concern quantitative studies of mixed-valence and heavy-fermion materials, for which the 4f and 5f orbital and spin magnetization densities are presently uncertain. In the resonant regime (of interest in this paper), when the incident X-ray ene;gy is tuned n,~ar an absorption edge, there are additional contributions to the X-ray scattering cross-section [I-4]. Within a one-electron view of the electronic structure, the incident photon promotes an inner shell electron to an unoccupied orbital above the Fermi energy, which subsequently decays thr~)ugh the emission of an elastically scattered photon. The amplitude for resonant magnetic scattering then depends on the matrix elements which couple the ground stale and the excited magnetic states allowed by the exclusion principle. In this way, the energy and polarization dependence ,~1~ the magnetic scattering probes the fine structure o| magnetic states. It follows that detailed modeling of the lineshapes of the magnetic scattering may reveal the spectrum of allowed transitions near Et-, including, perhaps, the magnitude of the exchange splitting and the induced polarization within metallic conduction bands [3,4]. It is also important to note that the polarization dependence of the resonant cross-section depends in a simple way on the directions of the local atomic moments. The existence of large resonant enhancements of the magnetic scattering then makes feasible the determination of magnetic structures by X-ray scattering techniques irl a wider class of materials than was previously imagined. We believe that resonant techniques will be of special interest in studies of the magnetic properties of rare earths and actinides, particularly in application to multilayers, thin films and surface layers. Experiments of this type are straightforward using synchrotron radiation when the incident X-ray energy lies ~aear the L absorption edges of the rare earths ( h t o = 6-10 keV) and the M absorption edges of the actinides
0312-8853/92/$05.00 ~3 1992 - Elsevier Science Publisllers B.V. All rights reserved
D. Gibbs / Resonant X-ray magnetic scattering in hobnium
(h¢o = 3-5 kcV). X-ray reflcctivity studies of these materials, and of transition elements, over an cvcn wider range of energies offcr still another direction tbr resonant studies of magnetic properties. A detailed discussion of the experiments reviewed in this paper is given in ref. [1]. Related resonant and non-resonant X-ray magnetic scattering studies have been performed on most c~f the heavy rare earth metals, including Ho [1-4,8-10], Dy [11], Tm [12] and Er [13], on two rare earth magnetic multilayers, including G d - Y [14] and H o - Y [15], and in a variety of actinidcs and transition metals, including UAs [16,17], UN [18], U Ru,Si~ [19], UO 2 [20], Ni [21], MnF 2 [22] and Fc [23]. The largest rcsonant cnhanccments have been observed for incident X-ray energies near the M iv absorption edges of the actinides [16-20] and near thc Lll I absorption edges of the rare earths [1-4,11-15] and transition metals. Spin-dependent absorption measurements have been performed on a wide variety of transition metal and rarc earth powdered fcrromagnets (see, for example, rcf. [24]). Recently, calculations have been made of the resonant cross-sections for scattering and for absorption in fcrromagncts [25]. The first X-ray magnetic scattering experiments were performed by De Bergcvin and Brunel in NiO and various Fe compounds [26,24] following the original calculations of Platzman and Tsoar [28], in 19'/2. The first polarization :~cnsitive X-ray magnetic scattering cxpcrimcnts wcrc performed by Bruncl and coworkcrs on Fe in 1982 [29]. Flume suggested that interesting magnetic effects might occur near an absorption cdgc in 1985 [5]. Namikawa and coworkcrs performed early measurements of resonant magnetic effects in Ni [21]. Metallic holmium has an hcp c~'stal structure with two layers per chemical unit cell and a saturatitm magnetic moment of 10.3P.B/atom [30]. In the ground state there are ten 4f electrons in a Hund's rule Sl s configuration and three electrons in the 5d and 6s bands. In the metal the 5d and 6(s-p) conduction bands have energy widths between 5 and 10 eV, which is typical of rare earths. The 4f bands havc energy widths of about 2 cV and lie less than 5 eV abovc or below the Fermi energy. In holmium, the L ~ absorption edge eccurs at ho0 = 8067 eV, and is well separated from its Ltl and L~ partners at h w ~ 8916 and 9395 cV, respectively. The M w and .~lv absorption edges occur at boo = 1392 and 1351 cV, respectively. lmmcdiatciy bciow the magnetic ordering temperatare (Ty = 132 K), the non-rcsonanl X-ray (neutron) magnetic diffraction pattern f o r holmium consists of single pairs of magnetic satellites split symmetrically around each of the main chemical (nuclear) Bragg reflections, and parallel to the (00L)- or c-axis. This pattern is consistent with a simple spiral modulation in which the average moments are fcrromagnetically aligned w~thin the basal planc,~, but rotate from plane
- . . . . . . .
o,._y o
i£ 0
Fig. I. Schematic vi-w of geometry used in these experiments.
to plane with an average turn angle proportional to the magnetic wavevcctor "r [8-10,30]. As the temperature is decrcased from T = 132 K, the magnetic wavevcctor decreases from about "r = 0.3c ° to c * / 6 below T = 20 K, and may lock to rational values [8-10,30]. At Tc = 20 K, there is a first order transition to a conical magnetic structure with a net ferromagnetic moment along the c-axis. A schematic view of the geometry used in these experiments is shown in fig. I. In the figure, the X-ray beam is incident onto the sample from the left, and makes an angle P, with respect to its surface and to the (00L) Bragg planes. The coordinate system is chosen so that the ,y-polarized components of the incident and scattered beams arc normal to the diffraction plane (spanned by the incident and scattered wavevcctors k and k'), while the "rr-polarized components lie within the diffraction plane. The experiments were formed at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS). Representative rocking curves of the magnetic satellite of the (002) reflection (002) + obtained as the incident photon energy is tuned through the Lu~ absorption edge, are shown in fig. 2. In these scans the sample temperature was fixed at T = 32 K, at which temperature holmium exhibits a simple spiral magnetic phase with ~-= 0.189c*. The results for f100= 8000 eV arc shown in the lower right of thc figure, where a small magnetic peak is visible on top of a fiat background. Typical count rates in the magnetic peak at this energy were about 1000/s (on backgrounds of about l / s ) at an NSLS electron storage ring current of 100 mA. As tht incident photon energy is increased, the scattering a gle (20) decreases and the peak intensity increases, antii about hoJ = 8070 cV, where the magnetic intensity reaches a maximum. At this energy the measured count rate in the magnetic peak is about 4 5 0 0 0 / s (at a ring current of 100 mA) on a background of about 2000/s. Thus, the measured peak intensity increases by nearly a factor fifty by tuning the incident x-ray energy from ha~ = 8000 eV to an energy
D. Gibhs / Resommt X-ray magnetic scattering in hohnium
near the L il i absorption edge. Relative to the intensity of the charge scattering obtained at the (0,0,2) reflection, the resonant rnagnetic scattering at the (0,0,2)* reflection is reduced by a factor of order 104. The increased background above the cdgc originates in the holmium L m fluorescence, and may be reduced by the use an energy dispersive detector. Above hoJ = 8070 cV, the magnetic intensity again decreases, but remains on top of the large fluorescent background. Integrated intensities measured for the (0,0,2) ~ magnetic satellite are shown plotted on a linear scale from hto = 7700 to 8100 eV in the lower part of fig. 3. Although the intensity obtained near hto = 770(I eV appears small when plotted on this scale, the measured signal at that energy was several h u n d r e d c o u n t / s . The data in the figure have been corrected at each energy for the holmium LI~ I absorption, which is shown plotted in the top panel of fig. 3. For simplicity, we have assumed the infinite flat plate geometcy, in which the integrated intensity is multiplied by the absorption coefficient p, at each incident photon energy. After correction for the absorption, the integrated intensity measured at the Ltu absorption edge for the (0,0,2) + reflection is greater by a factor of about one hundred fifty than the integrated intensity m e a s u r e d at hto = 7850 eV.
0.10 0.05
Ho ( 002 ) 32 K _
8080 eV
0.25 L,0
0.20 0.15 0.10
g g 0.05 ~
8068 eV
o 0.05
~ 8 0 6 2
005 I 8040eV 0[ - - - - - ~ ..... 0.05 0
8000 eV
l17.0 I
17.2 17.4 176 0 ( deg )
c u r v e s o f t h e X - r a y m a g n e t i c s c a t t e r i n g for holmium at the (0,0,2) ÷ reflection plotted as the ineident X-ray energy is tuned through the Lll I absorption edge at hco = 8 0 6 7 e V .
Fig. 2. R o c k i n g
151.0 -
0.75 -
7900 ENERGY ( eV )
g, i00
Fig. 3. Top: the absorption measured flora a 5 p,m holmium film as the incidenl X-ray energy is tuned through the Lll I edge. Bottom: the integrated magnetic intensity of the ((),(),2)" rellection of holmium for the same range of incident photon energies. Solid lines are drawn only to guide the eye.
In addition to the resonant cnhanccmcnt observed for the magnetic scattering at ((),{),L = 2 + r), we have als~ observed resonant harmonics of the magnetic scattcring at L = 2 + 2 r , 2 + 3 r and 2 + 4 z . The energy d e p e n d e n c e of the integrated intensity, corrected for the absorption, of the resonant magnetic scattering at r and its harmonics is shown plotted on a linear scale in fig. 4. At the top of the figure are the results at z. The nlaximum integrated intensity occurs a few electron volts above the inflection point of the absorption at an incident photon energy h ~ = 8117(I cV and the energy full-width-half-maximum (fwhm) is about 10 eV. The second panel of fig. 4 shows the energy d e p e n d e n c e of the scattering at 2z. In this case, no scattering is observed below hco = 8040 eV, nor above hco = 81182 eV. Similar to the magnetic scattering at r, the maximum intensity again occurs near 8070 eV, but is reduced by a factor of about twenty five. In contrast to the scattering at r, the lineshape for the scattcring at 2 r exhibits a shoulder near ho~ = 8062 eV, which leads to a broadening of the lkvhm to about 14 eV. The energy dependence of the integrated intensity of the scattering at L = 2 + 3 r is shown in the third panel of fig. 4. To within the experimental statistics, no scattering is obsmwed below hw = 8054 cV, nor above hoo =
D. Gibbs / Resonant X-ray magnetic scattering in hohnium 50 40
( 002 )
30 20 10 0 03
1.5 1.0
CO :=, IA.i I--" Z C:3 Id.J t'r" tJ.I t--"
0.5 0 0.3
( 002 )* 3
0.2 0.1 0 0.20
( 002 )+4
0.15 0.10 0.05 0 8000
8040 8080 ENERGY (eV)
Fig. 4. Integrated magnetic intensity of the (0,(),L = 2+-;-) magnetic reflection and of its harmonics located at L = 2 + 2r, 2+3r and 2+4r, plotted as the incident X-ray energy is tuned through the Llll absorption edge. Solid lines are drawn only to guide the cyc.
8080 cV. The profile of the scattering at 3r takes a maximum at hto = 8063 eV, which is about 4 cV below the inflection point of the absorption. The energy t\vhm for thc scattering at 3r is 6 cV, which is thc instrumental resolution at this cnergy. The profile for the scattering at L = 2 + 4r, shown in the fourth panel, also takes a maximum at hto =8063 cV and has a similar cncrgy width. In our view, all of the data prcsentcd in figs. 3 and 4 may be most simply undcrstood on the basis of electric multipolc contributions to the X-ray scattering crosssection througt~ f' and f". Spccifically, in application to holmium, it may bc shown [1-4] that dipole-allowed transitions, coupling 2p core clcctrons with 5d-derived conduction band states, lead to only two harmonics: at r and 2r. Similarly, the quadrupolc allowed transitions, coupling 2p core clcctrons to 4f-derived states, Icad to four harmonics: at r, 2r, 3r and 4r. Rcfcring to fig. 4, the scattering located at hto = 81163 cV for the first 2 harmonics at r and 2 r and all the scattering at 3r and 4 r may bc associated with
quadrupolc excitations. The extra energy width of the scattering at ~- and 2z, i.e. the additional scattering obscrvcd at hto = 8067 cV, is thcn associatcd with dipole excitations. This dcsignation gains particular credibility in polarization sensitive experiments where the dipole and quadrupole contributions have a distinct polarization dependence and may be uniquely identified [1-4]. To investigate the dependence of the lineshapes on electric multipole transitions, on the induced polarization and exchange splitting within the d-band, and on the non-resonant magnetic scattering, systematic studics of the integrated magnetic intensity of the (0,0,2) ÷, (0,il,4) ~ and (0,0,6) ~- magnetic reflections were undertaken between hto = 7911(I and 8150 cV. All of the intensities reported here arc integrated intensities, and have been corrected for the absorption and by the Lorentz factor. Except for a single scale factor (amp l, below), these intensities may be regarded as absolute. In the analysis, however, no account has been taken of the contributions to the scattering from non-linearly polarized components of the incident or scattered beams. Although wc believe these additional contributions arc probably small ( P = 0.9 + 0.1 at I~iSLS), they certainly exist, and they may distort the lineshapes. For this reason, our interpretation of the lincshapes is limited mainly to their qualitative features. Polarization sensitive experiments were performed at the same time as thcsc and arc dcscribcd in rcf. [1]. The total intcgratcd intensity obtained at the magnetic wavevector -r for the (0,0,2) ÷, (0,0,4) ~ and (0,0,6)+ reflections is plotted on a logarithmic scale versus incident X-ray energy in fig. 5. For clarity of presentation, the results for the (0,0,2) ~ and (0,0,4) ~ reflections have been scaled by factors of 200 and 10, respectively. The solid lines are the results of fits, which arc discussed below. The main features of the lineshapes in fig. 5 are clear. In each case the profile of the magnetic scattering exhibits a long, asymmetric tail which cxtcnds toward lower energy and a large cnhanccmcnt of the scattering in the ncighborhood of the L ~ edge. The asymmetry is weakest and th~ cnhanccmcnt largcst, for the (0,0,2) + satellitc. As the scattering angle increases, the relative asymmetry also increases. It is intcresting that the resonance width for thc (0,0,6) ~ rcflcction is broadcr ncar the LII I cdgc than arc the corrcsponding widths for thc (0,0,4) + or (0,0,2)* reflections. This bchaviour suggcsts the possibility of additional finc structure. Abovc the Lit ~ absorption edge, thc scattering in again reduced and the fluorescent background is large. Wc havc modcllcd thc energy dcpcndcncc of the magnetic scattcring for the (0,0,2) +, (0,0,4) 4 and (0,0,6) 4 rcflcctions using non-resonant contributions takcn from rcf. [6] and rcsonant contributions takcn from rcf. [4]. In thc modcl, wc assumc that thc rcsonant contributions arise mainly from clcctric dipole
D. Gibbs / Resonant X-ray magnetic scattering m hohnium 101 -
'E 10° , (
x= 10 4
t-- 0 2
10 .3
8000 ENERGY ( eV )
t 8100
Fig. 5. Total integrated magnetic intensity for the (0.0,2) +, and (0,0,8) + reflections plotted on a logarithmic scale as the incident X-ray energy is tuned through the L m absorption edge. The solid lines are the results of fits, which are discussed in the text.
transitions coupling 2p core states and 5d conduction band states and from electric quadrupolc transitions coupling 2p core states and 4f states. For simplicity, wc also assume that the degree of linear polarization of the incident beam P = 1. Then, the amplitude for the magnetic scattering is: I
I.f~r - v
" = ampll.lcrt--~c: sin(20) sin(0 ) v
cos(0) cos(20)C ]2 /-'(x' - i) '
where 5.5,(0,0,2)+ Jeff
[ g f t + ~ f , ] J = 4.0,((L0,4)
2.3(0.0,6)+ A = F n c / 4 , B ( A ) n ~ , F / 4 and C = F ' . The first term in
this expression is the non-resonant contribut;on to the magnetic scattering from a magnetic spiral [6]. Jct r is the total effective magnetic moment and depends on the form factors for the orbital- and spin-magnetization densities ft, and f,,. The values for Jet t are calculated from published values. The terms containing A and B arc the resonant contributions from electric
dipole transitions coupling 2p and spin-down and spinup 5d orbitals, n~ and n h arc, respectively, the net induced polarization and the number of holes in the 5d band of holmium, and 3 is the energy of the exchange s ~litting bctwctm spin down and spin up states in the d-band. F depends on the overlap of radial 2p and 5d electronic wavefunctions of holmium. The principal effect of the exchange splitting is to introduce a second-order pole with amplitude proportional to B. !" is the width of the excited resonant state, and x = 2(El, E ~ , - h o ~ ) / F is the resonant denominator. The term containing C is the resonant contribution from electric quadrupole transitions coupling 2p and 4f states. The 6 eV shift which appears in the resonant denominator of the quadrupole term x ' = 2 ( E , - E b - hoJ - 6)/1" accounts for the 6 eV splitting which separates the dipole and quadrupole excitations (sec rcf. [1]). The trigonometric functions give the polarization dependence of the resonant and non-resonant cross-sections for a magnetic spiral, and depend on the scattering angle. a m p l is a global scale factor, independent of scattering angle 20, which accounts for the structure factor, thc Debye-Waller factor, the incident intensity, etc. Self-consistent fits of the data to the model arc shown by the solid lines in fig. 5. Because these parameters are highly correlated, it has not bccn possiblc to obtain "best fits" of the results, which would result from arbitrary variations of the parameters. Instead. these values have emerged aftcr repcatcd trials starting from a variety of initial values. Small variations of the parameters may also give reasonable fits. Although the results arc approximate, certain features of tl~e resulting lincshapcs arc clear, and suggest that the basic elements of .he description arc correct. In particular, it is sccn that the asymrnctric tail and the large enhancement near the L~=t absorption cdgc for the total crosssection in fig. 5 is closely rcproduced. On the basis of the model, it is unambiguous that this asymmetry arises from the interference of the resonant and non-resonant cross-scctions in eq. (1). It may also be deduced that the decreased asymmetry in the lineshapc for the (0,0,2)+ reflection results from the dccrcasc of the non-resenant magnetic cross-section scattering at small momentum transfers. A second result of the fitting concerns the apparent broadening or fine structure of the lincshapcs of the (0,0,6) +rcflcctions, relative to the iincshapcs of the (0,0,4) ~ and (0,0,2) ~ reflections, in fig. 5. Although the agreement is not precise, it seems clear from the model that the weak shoulder which becomes visible at higher momentum transfers arises from quadrupolc contributions to the magnetic scattering (that is, from the term containing C in cq. (1)). This manifestation of the qt, ~drupole contributions at higher momentum transfers is a consequence of the polarization dependence of the resonant cross-section. It is noteworthy that these same idcas may also bc used to explain the
D. (;il~bs / Resonant X-ray magnetic scattering in holmium
results of polarization sensitive magnetic scattering experiments (scc rcf. [i]). The values of the parameters used to generate the fits shown in fig. 5 arc ampl =0.{13, ,,t = 2, B =4~ - C = C ' = 3 / 4 and 1"= 0 cV. The fitted Icvcl width F = 9 eV is close to the atomic value calculated for holmium of about 7 eV. It is interesting that the ratio of the fitted constants A / B = 1/2 is of the same order of magnitude as may be estimated from reasonable values of the parameters fl~r holmium: A / B = n J n h A = 1/8 with n h = 0.2 and A =0.2 cV. Similarly, the fitted values of the constants A and B each fall within a factor of two of the values obtained using one-electron orbitals in a calculation of the electronic structure of (Ho) 3+. Using thc samc estimates for n h, n t and A as above, these calculations [3,4] yield A = i and B = 8. Thus, the fitted parameters A and B are qualitatively consistent with one-electron predictions for thc clcctronic structure. The discrepancies between the fitted parameters and their calculated values suggest that more sophisticated calculations of the electronic structure may bc required betk~re a quantitative comparison is possible. In the calculation, for example, the influence of the core hole on the wavefunctions of the excited state has been ignored. It should bc clearly noted, in addition, that the effect of the exchange splitting on the model may be entirely removed by setting B = 0 in eq. (7) above. Fits of the model with B = 0 have also bccn successfully performed, leading to results of nearly the same quality as those shown in fig. 5. For this range of the parameters, the main effect of the exchange splitting on the lincshapcs is to introduce small corrections to thc maximum intensity. Thcreforc, while the present results arc consistent with an orbital model of the clcctronic structurc which includcs exchange splitting of the d-band, these fits arc not unique. Finally, we note the values of the constant C and C' arc of the same order of magnitude as A and B, but that C has opposite sign to the results expected from one-electron calculations. It seems possible that this difference may rcflcct the influcncc of the crystal field, which has also bccn ignored in thc calculation [3,4]. In this papcr, wc have summarizcd somc rcsonancc properties of the X-ray magnetic cross-section of the spiral antifcrromagnet holmium for incident X-ray energies near the Li~ t absorption cdgc. The results arc qualitatively consistent with the thcory of X-ray rcsonancc exchange scattering, including electric dipolc and quadrupolc transitions anaong atomic orbitals. The most striking feature of the lineshapes is their asymmctD', which arises from the interference of the resonant and non-resonant contributions. It remains to explain the quantitative deviations of the fittcd parameters for thc L xlI rcsonancc bchavior from simplc onc-clcctron estimates and to explain the weakness of the cnhanccmcnt observed near the L~ absorption cdgc relative to that observed near the Lt~ t cdgc. In our view, X-ray
magnetic scattering techniques will find continued, fruitful application in studies of rare earths, actinidcs, transition elements and their compounds - particularly in the extensions of these studies to thin films, multilayers and surface layers. It also seems clear that these techniques will benefit directly from the development of polarization- and energy-tunable insertion-device beamlines at the high brightness storage rings under construction in the United States, Europe and Japan.
Acknowledgements The work reviewed in this paper was performed in collaboration with G. Griibci, D.R. Harshman, E.D. lsaacs, D.B. McWhan, D. Mills and C. Vctticr. Their contributions arc gratefully acknowledged. We have also benefitted from discussions with M. Blume, J.P. Hannon, G.H. Lander, W.G. Stifling and G.T. Trammcll. Support of the lOP Magnetism Group and of Elsevier/North-Holland during the 1991 International Conference on Magnetism held on 2-6 September in Edinburgh, Scotland is also gratefully acknowledged. Work performed at Brookhaven National Laboratory is supported by the US D O E under contract no. DEAC02-76CH00016.
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