270 tre of of the ledge nausea ; anatomy, from our personal knowof Mr. Lane, from the advantages we have derived from his instructions as an anato...

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270 tre of

of the


nausea ;

anatomy, from our personal knowof Mr. Lane, from the advantages we have derived from his instructions as an anatomical teacher, and from the kindness and attention he has invariably shown towards us, feel called upon (in our interests for the future, and in our duty for the past) to express, most respectfully, our earnest hope, that those Governors who have not yet promised their votes, will be pleased, in consideration of our request, to afford their support to Mr. Lane, in the ensuing election for the office of second assistant surgeon to the above institution :R. G. C. Gardner, George Crosier,

Henry Woo’dridge, S. Johnson, E. S. Leete, Henry Howlett, C. Elwyn, A. J. Skrimshire, R. W. Sannermann, Robert F. Browne, C. Toogood, W. Shillito, W. H. Wood, F. S. Muller, F. M. Willesford, E. Fagg, E. Foaker, W. Symonds Rootes, A. P. Nunn, J. H. Steele, William P. Hoare, Thomas Keen, Charles Pickering, R. Rowland, Edward Dakins, William Veal, T. Williams, James Ralton, C. A. Holcombe, J. E. Jones, G. D. Pridham, H. Lomax, T. Willmott, George T. Gream,

C. P. Stevens, C. Bruorton, Edmund T. Halliday, Arthur Noverre, J. W. Robinson, T. F. Oliver, Charles Thatcher, William Coyne, Charles Upton, William Hudson, William Fawssett, Michael Mee, C. V. Ridout, J. A. Dela Hooke, J. C. Cornelius,

Righton Gream,

Henry Parry, Robinson Elsdale,


Thomas Jervis, M. Neale,

J. Collins, James Dodd, Henry Elsegood, John Bredale, T. P. Smith, John B. Rohertson, R. Jones, G. Parsons,

Guernsey Bowen, Robert Bage, James Probert, Edward Crosse, T. A. Richards. Arthur C. Tupper,

George Grey, W. P. Bennet, Edmund Guest,

George Robinson, F. H. Parker."

on the 26th rigors and the 27th erysipelas appeared, which continued to extend, and on the 29th occupied almost the entire of the

right leg; on

thigh, leaving

patches unaffected;


colour, deep red; considerable symptomatic fever, and much soreness comof. The inflamed surface to be covered with mercurial oi2atment. 30. Inflammation has not extended; tongue loaded ; bowels confined. Purging mixture directed. July 1. Catamenia being present, did not take the mixture; recurrence of rigors, and extension of erysipelas, both inferiorly; vesications formsuperiorly and more tongue loaded; bowels still confined. A castor-oil draught ordered; ointment continued. 2. The erysipelas has extended nearly to the ankle; large vesications on inside of the thigh; increase of fever ; bowels very open; pulse quick and full; abdominal tenderness. Ordered a diaphoretic mixture, with tincture of opium, and V. S. ad xii. The ointment only to be applied to the spreading inflammation. 3. Restless night; less fever; nausea; bowels open; pulse 96, less full; erysipelas stationary. In the evening diarrhoea and tenesmus ; restless ; raves. An anodyne enema administered ; limb elevated. 5. Improved; much of the erysipelas has disappeared, and what remains is much paler; some diarrhoea has con-


ing ;

tinued ; tongue cleaning;

well ;


las ; tongue cleaning; bowels regular; pulse quiet. Beef tea and arrow root for diet. R Sulphatis Quininœ gr. xii; Acidi Sulphurici Diluti, gutts. xxiv; Mist. Camphorœ vi; Tinct. Cardamomi Comp. i.m. Sumat i ter in die. 8. Convalescent.

Case 2.-Anne

Conway, aged 30,


mitted ration of May 14th, in ulcethe leg; erysipelas 1834, with chronic the the



The mercurial ointment removed; the nitrate of silver in substance applied freely to the borders of the erysipelas, and to any patches remaining ; arrow root and milk for food ; an enema of mucilage of starch, with tincture of opium. 6. Much better; little trace of erysipemouth very


preceded by



rigors on and vomiting during


19th; had nausea thc night. On 20th, tongue furred, exi from the paIN the following cases, reported by Dr. tending erysipelas reaching to the ankle, abruptly ending above, tella of one the of the M’DOWELL, surgeons ERYSIFELAS.




gradually shadillg off above hospital, the plan of mercurial in- in general of a dusky unction was adopted :-

below ; the colour is red, with pale spots

interspersed; much tenderness and heat Bridget Keogh, aged 26, ad- ) of surface. Leeches were applied 3,estermitted May 10th, with an ulcerated burn day, but drew little blood; skin hot aud Case 1. -


dry;no discharge from the sores. Mer- ’ 29. Mouth nearly well; original disease almost entirely removed. curial outtrnent to be applied. 21. Some extension of the redness on L Case 4.-Margaret Loftus, aged Ati, the inside of the thigh, hut in general it weak and emaciated: admitted July 8, has much subsided. Saline purging mix- 1834, with erysipelas of the face, fore22. Disease extending head, and directed. ture ears; tremors; cold clammy above ; healthy discharge from the ulcers. perspiration ; loaded tongue, and pulse 24. Still slowly travelling upwards; vesi- indistinct. Previous history :—was first cations over the patella. 28. Mouth af- affected six weeks ago with heaviness, fected ; inflammation arrested. stupor, and darting pains in the head ; 29. A patch of erysipelas near the troerysipelas commenced six days since; the chanter. Ointment applied. , the headach has been relieved within the 30. Extension of inflammation; nausea; last two days; the bowels have been consore mouth. Gargle of the chlorate of fined for six weeks past. A large emolsoda with sirup. R Confect. Aromat. lient enema directed to be administered i; Tinct. Opii, gutts. xx; Aquce Cinna- with the long tube and syringe, and the naorrzi i. m. Fiat haustus, statim suinento be dressed with mercurial ’ erysipelas dus. Ointment omitted. ointment. July 2. No extension of disease; de- 9. Bowels well freed ; tongue loaded; bility. Quinine ordered. great thirst during the night; inflamma3. Erysipelas again extending ; it occu- tion paler; uo tremors : pulse quick. pies the gluteal region to within two and 10. Diminished erysipelas; thirst; loaded a half inches of the crest of the ilium ; tongue ; quick pulse; rests well. leg and thigh free; tongue coated with a I 11. Mouth very sore ; bowels free ; erydark drab-coloured fur; this fresh attack sipelas only occupies the right side of the accompanied by frequent nausea, vomit- face. To this nitrate of silver was aping, and diarrhoea ; no abdominal tender- plied, and all the ointment carefully washed ness. Mist. Crettv viii; Tinct. Opii ’, off. i;Spir. Lavandulœ Co2,np. ss;Syrupi 12. Mouth very sore; ulcerated. SoZingiberis iii. M. i post sedes singulas lution of nitrate of silver applied to the liquidas. ulcers, and a gargle, with the chlorate of 5. Erysipelas still extending; the border soda directed. rubbed with nitrate of silver in substance; 15. Erysipelas has disappeared; diarcessation of vomiting and diarrhoea; tongue and mouth sore ; these effects rhœa, loaded and brown; pulse very feeble. Or- of the mercurialvery were re-f application dered Mist. Camphorœ %vi; Carb. Amand on the 21st July she was dismoved, moniœ gr. xxiv ; Etheris ii. m. zi. 4tis charged. horis. In several other cases of erysipelas I 7. Improving; inflammation fading ; have found the mercurial inunction very tongue clean; bowels regular; pulse and would venture to recomefficacious, In increased. a few stronger; strength this plan be more extensively that mend, days afterwards was able to leave the lios- adopted than it has hitherto been, at least pital perfectly recovered. in this country.—Dub. Jour., Nov. ’

Case 3.-Eliza Killeen, act. 40, was admitted with a tubercular and phagedenic GUY’S HOSPITAL. - ulceration of the upper lip and left comLectures and Subjects.—The timely casmissure, of three weeks’ duration. On the 15th and 16th of June, she was at- tigation has been of service to some of tacked with rigours and nausea. the intriguing people at this Hospital, On the 18th, face greatly inflamed; of Mr. COCK has not appeared in the chaa dusky-red colour ; much tumefaction and racter of anatomical lecturer since Friday induration of lips and cheeks; suffers sennight, the day before the last LANCET much pain ; raved all last night; tongue was published. white and furred; ardent thirst; bad A meeting of the students took place taste ; pulse weak, not much quickened ; on Wednesday evening, in the anatomical bowels confined. Mercurial ointment to theatre, in order to petition the Secretary the face ; bowels to he freed by enema. of State for a better supply of subjects for 2]. Extension of erysipelas to the scalp. dissection in the school. After a few suitOintment smeared thickly over all the able resolutions had been carried, almost inflamed parts. unanimously, as appeared by the show of 22. Much better; erysipelas has faded hands, and just as the meeting appeared considerably; is salivated. Omit oint- to be about separating, great opposition ment. 24. Inflammation gone. A gargle was evinced by a party of the students, directed. who hehav ed in a very turbulent manner,