Rules for S a t e d organizations On 4 February 1989, the Council of the Forensic Science Society agreed to the amendment ...
Rules for S a t e d organizations On 4 February 1989, the Council of the Forensic Science Society agreed to the amendment of the above named Rules by the addition of Rule No 17. Application for affilation under these rules should be addressed to The Honorary Secretary, Clarke House, 18A Mount Parade, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England, HG1 1BX. 1. The Society may extend special privileges to organizations interested in or professionally concerned with Forensic Science. 2. Such organizations shall be termed "affiliated organizations" of the Society. 3. The affiliation shall date from the agreement between the Council of the Society and the governing body of the organization applying for affiliation. 4. The affiliation agreement may be terminated either by the Society or by the affiliated organization or by mutal consent. 5. The Society shall exercise no supervisory function over the affiliated organization except to require that these rules be observed. 6. Individual members of an affiliated organization may attend meetings of the Society upon terms applicable to individual members of the Society. 7. Neither individual members of affiliated organizations nor the organizations themselves shall have any voting rights in Society matters. 8. Individual members of affiliated organizations may apply to join the Society as individual members under the usual terms. 9. The Society may publish papers supplied to it by the affiliated organization, in the Society's Journal. 10. All such papers shall be submitted through an Editorial Secretary appointed for the purpose by the affiliated organization. 11. The Editorial Secretary shall have full responsibility for the selection, editing to Journal standards, and despatch to the Editor of the Journal, of all papers requiring to be published by the affiliated organization. 12. If the number of papers warrants it, the affiliated organization may be allocated a separate section in the Journal with or without title page. 13. The decision of the Editor of the Society's Journal shall be accepted as binding by the Editorial Secretary of the affiliated organization. 14. Payments for the Journal and such other charges as may arise shall be a matter for agreement between the Council of the Society on the one hand and the governing body of the affiliated organization on the other, subject to the guiding principle that affiliated organizations in their formative years may receive more preferential treatment than long established organizations. It follows that charges may vary from affiliated organization to affiliated organization. 15. Individual members of affiliated organizations may purchase and wear the Society's official tie. 16. The membership list of the affiliated organization may be published, by agreement, in a separate section of the Society's List of Members which is published from time to time. 17. Membership of an affiliated organization qualifies individuals to apply for and hold the Forensic Science Society Diploma in accordance with condition 8(a) of the Diplomas in Professional Subjects.