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abstracts 2353-2364
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I. General II.
vacuum AND
the title indicates
of each item denotes country or origin of publication, country of origin of work (where known).
and engineering
2359. Dissociative excitatian of HCN by slow electrons in the region 280-700 nm. (USSR)
2353. Germanium adsorption on tungsten covered with gold. (USSR) Gold adsorption on tungsten tip, covered with a germanium monolayer, is invcstigatcd in a ticld emission microscope. Absence of migration of one-side evaporated adsorbate on surface at enhancement of temperature is observed. what is explained by features of interaction of monoatomic flm of semiconductor adsorbate with surface of metal and by passivation of substrate. Adsorption parameters at inverted germanium adsorption on tungsten emitter covered with a gold monolayer, arc only slightly different from those at adsorption on clean tungsten surface. N V Mileshkina. iJc/r Zup LGU, No. 370. 1974, 94-98 (i/r Rr/.s.sia~r). II
2354. Ion implantation: possibilities and exploitation. (Czechoslovakia) Ion implantation is reviewed. The equipment for described. The requirement on clean vacuum equipment is emphasized. Physical mechanism ion implantation are discussed. Utilization of solid state physics and electronics is given. J Hlavka, Czech J P/r)j.r, A25 (2), 197.5, 128-135
ion implantation in ion implantation and possibilities ion implantation
is of in
closed-cycle rare gas electrical discharge
The recently developed technology of high-pressure molecular lasers has been combined with ultra-high-vacuum technology to develop a fast-flow high-pressure laser system capable of long-duration closedcycle operation with rare gases. The system’s economy, reliability, and capability for long-time operation at a high repetition rate make it suitable for avionics, space, and isotope separation applications. High-repetition-rate laser performance has been demonstrated in He-Xe. Ne-Xe. Ar-Xe. and Kr-Xe. Experimental results for hiahpressure He-Xe mixtures are given. R A Olson et al, Rev Sci hrrurn, 47 (6), 1976, 677-683. I2 2356. Instability of current in molecular gases. (USSR) Instability of current of nonself-sustained glow discharge in N,, COZ and in their mixture is investigated at pressures of I50 and 760 torr. The various mechanisms of instability are discussed. L P Menakin et al, Z/r Tekh Fiz, 45 (6), 1975, 1346-1348 (in Russian). 12
2357. Collisions of second kind in caesium discharge plasma. (USSR) The role of collisions of excited caesium atoms with electrons in caesium discharge is investigated at irradiation of caesium discharge plasma at pressure of I ?( IO-’ torr by resonance radiation.
and A I Kravchenko, Z/z T&h
2358. Quenching of metastable iodine atoms in the 5ps2P,,2 state by slow electrons. (USSR) The processes of quenching of metastable iodine atoms in gasdischarge plasma are investigated. The pulsed discharge was excited in mixtures of iodine vapour at partial pressure ranging from lo-’ to IO-’ torr and helium at partial pressure ranging from 0.5 to 10 torr. Yu A Tolmachev, Optika Spektroskop, 38 (4), 1975, 814-816 (in Russian).
2360. The free path of electrons for generation of plasmons in aluminium. (USSR) Using a I27 cylindric analyzer, spectra of characteristic losses of electrons reflected from polycrystalline aluminium films are measured at a residual pressure less than 3 lO-9 torr. The Al films were evaporated on glass substrates in a vacuum of IOm8 to IO-’ torr. The dependence of free path of electrons for generation of plasmons in aluminium is obtained for the primary electron energy range of 100 to 1000 eV. I F Koval et al, Fi: Trrrtl Tdu, 17 (4). 1975, 1 138-l I41 (in Russian).
2361. The relation between the coefficient of secondary electron emission and the direction of spontaneous polarization of lithium niobate. (USSR) I2
N D Morgulis 1342-l 345 (in
The radiation of the dissociation products of HCN molecules escited by slow electrons is investigated in the spectral region 280 to 700 nm. The experiments were performed at HCN pressure of 4.5 IO-& torr in the measuring cell. The energy of electrons was varied in the range of IO to I50 eV. V I Korol and S hl Kishko, Op/ikrr Spekrroskop, 38 (5). 1975, 848-85 I
(;)I Czec/t).
2355. High-repetition-rate laser. (USA)
Secondary electron emission from a LiNb03 single crystal with domains of antiparallel direction of polarization is investigated at a residual gas pressure of IO-s torr. It is found that the coefficient of secondary electron emission depends on the direction of spontaneous polarization. M N Devyatkov and V I Ktitorov, Radio/ekh E/cktron, 20 (5), 1975, I I 13-l I I5 (if1 RmYm). I2
2362. The mechanism of conductivity of oxide cathode coatings. (USSR) A mechanism of conductivity of porous oxide cathode coatings is presented which accounts the structure of coating and contact resistance between oxide crystallites. The mechanism explains the complex behaviour of temperature dependence of coating conductivity and the influence of coating structure and of highly dispersive metallic inclusions. A B Kiselev et al, Radiotekh Elektrorr, 20 (5), 1975, 1041-1048 (in
2363. Solid-to-solid emission and band-to-band transitions. (Germany) Internal photoemission in the visible and UV region has been measured at different temperatures using real semiconductor surfaces and metal-oxide-semiconductor structures. The samples were mounted on a conduction coded copper block in a vacuum of about 7 x lo-’ Pa during measurements. It is shown that the internal photoemission gives information on band structure parameters which supplies external photoemission for transitions involving final states below the vacuum level. E W Kreutz, Phys Star Sol (a), 29 (l), 1975, 195-205. 12
2364. Experimental investigation of effective cross sections for ionization of aluminium, gallium, indiurn and thallium atoms by electron impact. (USSR) Using the method of crossing atomic and electron beams, the effective cross sections for ionization of Al, Ga, In and Tl atoms by electron impact are measured in the electron energy range of 5 to 300 eV. The residual gas pressure was in the range of 3 x IO-’ to 39