Sequential nuclear explosion fracturing of geological formations. Patent

Sequential nuclear explosion fracturing of geological formations. Patent

6~ 571 SPRAGUE, KE ARMY WATERWAYS EXI~.STAT.LIVERMORE,USA Construction of re,clear geostarage facilities far petroleum products:DEP. NAT.TECH. INF. S...

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571 SPRAGUE, KE ARMY WATERWAYS EXI~.STAT.LIVERMORE,USA Construction of re,clear geostarage facilities far petroleum products:DEP. NAT.TECH. INF. SERV. ~qL-TR-E-72 - 26, JUNE, 1972, 108P. The feasibility of constructing nuclear explosion cavities to be used as hardened storage facilities for petrole~n products in a theatre of operations is examined; 572 LATI~RY, JE UNIV .CALIF .LIV~LMORE, USA Recent develol~nents in explosive excavation technology. TRANS. AMER. NUCL. SOC.VI5, N2,1972, P6 24. 573 SILV~gN, D Method of increasing size of vmdergrour~ nuclear chimney; Patent.US PATENT. 3,677,342. JULY, 1972. •

geological formations. Patent. US PATEET.3,712,374.JAN.1973, 20P. A vertically-spaced series of nuclear explosive devices is emplaced in a subterranean fcrmation amd the lowermost explosive is detonated first to provide a nuclear chimney having an apical void spaced therein, The next higher device is then detonated to cause a generally cylindrical plug region to be displaced dowrae~rdly partially into said void space while creating a ~clear chimney similar to the first arzl the procedure is repeated with successively higher of the emplaced devices. 578 TAYLOR, RW UNIV. CALIF. LIV~P~WORE,USA Thermal effects of undergroumd nuclear explosions. NUCL. TECNNOL.VlS, N2,1973, P185 -193.


579 BASHAM, PW HORROR, RB Seismic magnitudes of undergroumd nuclear explosions; SEISMOL. SOC . A M ~ .BULL.V63, N1,1973, P105-131.

BIBLIOGRAPHY ARMY WATERWAYs EXI=f.STAT.LI~a~%MOBE,USA Annotated bibliography of explosive excavation related research. DEP. NAT.TECH. INF. SERV. EERL-T2-E-72-3 2,JULY, !972. This bibliography contains a description of all repc~ts prepared by the USAEC Nuclear Craterirg Group, the USAE Waterways Experiment Station Explosive Excavation Research Office a ~ the USAE Waterways Experiment Station Explosive Excavation Research Labaratary from 1962 to 1972. The reports address themselves to the many topics as~ciated with the use of chemical and nuclear explosives in excavation projects, and each is described by a brief ~ m ~ y or abstract. Indexing is by subject, author, title, and report number. Auth.

DERLICH, S Effects of an urglergroumd nuclear explosion on the surrounding rock. Content of the cavity arzl chimney, and of the zones of cruahing and fracturirg. Translation: DEP. NAT .TECH. INF. SERV.UCHL-TRANS. 10616-4,1972 , 24P. French nuclear ex]x~iments in a granite massif have produced cavities and associated chimneys due to rock collapse. The cavities are surrounded by concentric zones of crushed and fractured rock. Transformations of the rock medimn have been studied by means of boreholes which pass near the detonation point c~ are drilled to various parts of the cavity or chimney.


Influence of dynamic loads due to explosions or earthquakes

Experimental and numerical techniques

See also abstracts: 488,509.

See also abstracts: 538,551,556.



~ , R W Prediction of urzlerground nunlear explosion effects in Wagon Wheel sandstone. NUCL. TECHNOL.V15, N3,1972, P431-446. Project Wagon Wheel is a study to investigate the technical concept of nuclear stimulation of a natural gas reservoir located near Pinedale, Wyoming. The results are presented of computer calculations, simulating the explosion effects, based on equationof-state measurements of care samples taken from E1 Paso Natural Gas Wagon Wheel No:l hole at a depth between 8,000 to 12,000 ft. Cavity and chimney dimensions are predicted for a sir~Ele explosive detonated at a depth of 10,O00 ft. Auth.

BAN~RJEE, K BENGAL ENGNG. COLLEGE, HOWRAH, I ND Application of the finite element technique to the analysis of rock mechanics problems. Proc. Symposi~n on Rock Mech. Dhanbad, India, July 1972. 3F, 10R. THE INSTN.OF ENGRS.CALCUTYA, INDIA,1973,PSI-59. The method of finite element analysis for plane strain or a plane stress problem has been presented. Few solutions far typical contir~un mechanics problems (in the farm of plots of "yielding zone" or "tension" area) have been given to highlight the versatility of the method and its wide applicability in rock mechanics problems.

576 I SENBERG, J ADHAM, SA Seismic interaction of soil amd power plants. J. POWER DIVISION, ASCE,V98, P02,1972, P273- 291. Bedrock motions are generated from a segment of the Golden Gate record amd are applied to a four-layer elastic finite element of a soil site. Three different finite element models are derived to represent a nuclear reactar structure, each reflecting a different degree of refinement. The results of the various analyses are compared and conclusions are drawn regardirg the necessity to include a refined model of soil/ structure interaction in seismic analyses. Auth.

Z0RIN, AN INST. GEOT. MECH. AS, UKRAINE, SU The physical principles of rock bursts. 4F,14R. SOVIEY MIN. SCI .VS,NS, SEF2-OCT. 1972, P562-507 • In the Dombass, bursts of sandstone into workimgs are confined to certain strata st great depths ar~ usually occur during blasting operations. They are observed mainly in the roofs and floors of the workings. The authc~ ass~nes that the main factc~s influe~irg the occurrence and course of a burst are the state of stress due to the weight of the rock and the action of the explosion pulse, and the physical properties of rocks. Rocks are considered as complex bodies possessing both elastic ard inelastic properties which after applying and removirg a sudden load are set into vibration. The problem is solved usirg the theory of vibration. The results give a solution for a mechanism for rockbursts in a working driven by blasting.


577 TERHUNE, RW Sequential nuclear explosion fracturing of