Simultaneous raman and cyclic voltammetry study of the redox behavior of 4,4′-bipyridine on silver

Simultaneous raman and cyclic voltammetry study of the redox behavior of 4,4′-bipyridine on silver

Volume 106. number 6 CHEMICAL SIMULTANEOUS Therese hi. COTTON Received The advantage 1983; OF 4,4’-BWYRIDINE STUDY ON SILVER and Mark VAV...

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Therese hi. COTTON


The advantage





and Mark VAVRA

of Chetnistry.

9 January






Hiinois Institute of Tecltnology. Chicago, Illinois 606 16, USA in final form

of using an opriwl

29 February





to record


taneously with elrctrochcmicsl studies is considerable. In this study. AelI)-?,3’-bipyridinc tored during the anodization of s~lvcr. At negative porcnrxds the reducrion of adsorbed upon

the bulk bipyridine




those of bipyrtdine







spectrd oi ;idsorbJrrs


complex formarlon was monibrpyridine 1~~s found IO depend the suriacc



to be dir;-


I. introduction

of Ag4,4’-bipyridine complexes during the ORC of an Ag electrode. We have also used this approxh to unravel the comples redos behavior of bipyridine in the potential region from -0.6 V to -I .4 V versus SSCE.

There have been numerous studies of the experimental variables which contribute to the ma~itude of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) from molecules adsorbed onto silver electrodes [ 11. Two important variables are the anodhation procedure or the oxidation reduction cycle (ORC) used to roughen the electrode surface and the electrode potential. Investigations of the ORC have shown that laser irradiation of the electrode during the procedure can result in significantly greater enhancement factors as compared to anodizations performed in the dark [34]. The formation of Ag adatom complexes with the electrolyte or adsorbate appears to increase the enhancement due to the formation of siIver microstructures. The second variable, the potential dependence of SERS signals, has been studied in detail for a large number of adsorbates. However, there have been relatively few studies of reversible electron transfer reactions in the ndsorbates as a function of electrode potential [S]. Yet, the potential of SERS for providing a molecular interpretation of voltammetric data is considerable as illustrated in the study by Farquharson et al!. [S] and the results reported herein. Through the use of a multich~nel analyzer (OMA U) we have monitored the formation and reduction 0 009-2614/84/S 03.00 0 Elsevier Science Publishers (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)

2. Experimental Chemicals used in the experiments were the purest grades availably. Tha 4,3’-bip>Gdino was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Company and further purified by recrystallization from ethanoifwatzr (I/l _v/v). followed by vacuum sublimation. Burdick and Jackson HPCL grade water was used to prepare the solutions, which wzre degassed for 30 min with prepurified nitrogen. The electrolyte used in al1 of the experiments was 0.1 M Na,SO,. The electrochemical cell used for the cyclic voltammetry (CV) and SERS esperiments has been described [6] _The Ag electrode was constructed from flattened Ag wire, which was sealed into $ass tubing

with Torr-Seal. The exposed surface was approximately 2 X 10 mm. The silver was polished with 0.3 micron alumina on a mechanical polishing wheel prior to immersion in the electrolyte solution. A Pr wire constituted the auxiliary electrode and a satursted NaCl calomel (SSCE) electrode served as a reference. B.V


Vohxnc 106. number 6


The ORC used in these experiments consisted of a voltage ramp from -0.4 V to +0.45 V versus SSCE. The scan rate was IO mVls and the electrode was irradiated during the ORC. An argon ion laser (INNOVA 90-5) was used to excite Raman scattering. The SERS spectra were recorded in the backscattering geometry and an f/1.2 camera lens was used to focus the Raman scattered light onto the slits of the monochromator/spectrograph (Spex Triplemate 1877). Two 600 grlmm gratings were used in the mo~~hromator stage and a I200 gr/mm grating was used in the spectrograph

11 May 1984





0.02 s -c 5


z 2 ii! I0



Raman and SERS spectra were acquired on an OMA II equipped with a model 1420 intensified SiPD detector which was cooled to -10°C. The detector Integration time was 1 ~(60 delays) for ail of the specua reported here. The progr~abie Timing Mode 6 supplied In the OMA If softwan? was used to acquire data simultaneously with the CV scan. Data collection was synchronized through the external start



ii r0.4

I *0.2

I 0.0

I -0.2

1 -0.4

mode. Fig. 1. Cyeticvoitammo~r~m of a Ag electrode in 0.1 hf Na$OQ (dashed line) and with 1 X IO-* M 4,4’-bipytidineadded (solid

3. Results The presence of 4,4’-bipyridine during the ORC has a pronounced effect upon the oxidation of Ag as may be seen in fig. 1. The dotted curve depicts the oxidation and reduction of Ag in electrolyte only, whereas the solid curve was recorded with 1 X IO-’ M bipyridine in the electrolyte solution. A peak near +0.3 V is observed in the latter, which is attributed to the formation of Ag(I)4,4’-bipyridine complex In the diffusion layer and on the electrode surface_ The complex is reduced at potentials near +O.l V and -0.06 V. The second reduction peak may arise from a different structure and increases in intensity with repeated cycling, with a concomitant decrease in the height of the first reduction peak. The Ag(l)4,4’-bipyridine complex is highly insoluble and a white precipitate cari be observed near the surface of the electrode during the CV experiment. Raman spectra recorded simultaneously with the CV data are displayed in fig. 2. Spectra were acquiied every IO0 mV during the CV scan, but for simplicity not aII spectra are shown. Based upon the integration of charge passed during the oxidation cycle; 492

line). Scan rate = 10 mV/s; ausiliary clcctrode: Pt; refcrcnce electrode: wuratcd NaCl nlomel.

appro~mateIy 100 monoIayers of Ag are oxidized. From the estimated diffusion layer thickness (~1 X IO-* cm [7]) at this scan rate and the diffusion coefficient of bipyridine (7 X IOW6 cm2/s IS]), it can be calculated that there is sufficient bipyridine in the diffusion layer to complex essentially all of the Ag+ which is formed. Thus, there are undoubtedly

multilayers of the complex formed on the electrode surface and it is not possible to estimate the amount of enhancement resulting from the SERS effect. As may be seen in fig. 2, the Raman intensity decreases as the potentiai is scanned into the Ag oxidation region. In addition, shifts are observed in several bands (table 1) and these are characteristic of those observed on preparing the Ag(I)-4,4’-bipyridine com-

pfex in the solid state [9]. The structure of the complex has been described as a Iinear poiymer of Ag(1) by bipyridine molecules [IO]. As the potential is scanned into the region where the complex is reduced, the adsorbed bipyridine spectrum reverts to that of the uncomplexed moiecuIe. As noted for pyridine [I], small band shifts and relative Intensity ions bridged


106, number




‘I 500




1100 SHIFT



Fig. 2. Surface Raman spectra of 1 X lo-’ $1 4,4’-bipyridine in 0.L M Nzr2S04 rrcordzd si~~ul~~~euu~l~ with cyclic voltsmmugram in fii. 1. Raman spectra were recorded cvrry 100 mV (not all sp~tra are shown); inrcpration time 1 s: lx+rr rucitarion line 51f.5 nm; potvcr 40 mW. Spccu~! shown are for the second scan.

differences occur for adsorbed bipyridine as compared to the solution species. Following the anodization cycle, the redox behavior of bipyridine was investigated. Fig. 3 shows the CV obtained for a 1 X IO- 2 M solution. Only a single, irreversible reduction peak is manifest near - 1.25 V, with the ~orre~ond~ng reoxidation peak occurring at -0.75 V. The voltammogram is reminiscent of rhe behavior of quinones in the presence of acids. Thus, the -1.25 V peak is assigned to the two-electron reduction of bipyridine coupled with the addition of two protons to form BiPyH?. The pK, values of bipyridine are reported as 3.5 and 4.9 in a solution of

0.3 M ionic strength [ 111. Under these experimental conditions (pfY = 6.4). only about 2.6% of the bipyridine is monoprotona:ed. However, upon reduction the anion radical is a stronger base and abstracts a proton from water. The unstable baseline fol’towing the reoxidation peak at --O-75 V is due to capacitance changes accompanying tie desorp tion of mu1 tilayers of bipyridine which are formed near the cathodic limit. Maintaining the elecrrode potential ~II -I .4 V for about 1 min results in an increase in the oxidation peak current and even greater baseline instability. Moreover, a purplish colored product (the protonated anion radical) can be seen streaming from 493


Volume 106, number 6 Table I Raman and SERS frequencies BiPy(solid)

for 4,4’-bipyridine

df V) =)

1295 1290 f29O

998 1013 1020


IS04 1502 153a.1499

1336.1290 1336, 1297(sh) 1334.1288

1039.1009 1039,100o 1040






BiPy2-(ads) (- 1..4 V) e, BiPyH.(ads) (-1.2 V) f)





V) f)

1512 IS07 1535.1517


1599 1596 1592


1 I May 3984

a) 1615&h), 1606 1602 1613


BiPy(ads) (-0.4 V) c) Biiy(ads) (+0.4 V) c) As(l)-BiPy(solid) BiPy-(ads) (-1.2





frequencies are in cm-t _ b) Spectrum recorded in a 5 mm glass tube.

a) Vibrational

c) Spectru,n recorded during ORC d, A& complex prepared according e) Spectrum recorded during redor f&pectrum recorded during rcdos the


cycle (figs. 1.2). Numbers in parentheses refer to clectrodc potcnthl. to ref. 191. Spectrum recorded on solid in 5 mm glass tube. scan for mudified electrode in absence of bulk bipyridine. scan (i&s. 3.4). Bulk bipyridine concentration is 1 x 10m2 hf.

surface at about -0.75

the spectrum



of the adsorbed

tion of potential.

Support for the protonation of bipyridine upon reduction is provided by the changes in the Raman spectrum accompanying the reduction. Fig. 4 shows


to the uncomplexed potential isscanned



as a func-

V the spectrum

is similar

bipyridine in solution. As the to -0.9 V distinct spectral












z” ,” 0 3 0




Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammogram of a Ag electrode in 0.1 hl NazSO;r i-n the presence of 1 x low2 ht 4,4!-bipyridinc. Experimental conditions were: scan rate IO mV/s~auGiiary electrode: Pt;reference electrode: saturated NaCI calomef;stmting potential -0.5 V and initial scan direction: cathodic. The voltammo~am was recorded following the anodization cycle shown in fig. I. 494


106. number

Fig. 4. Surfkcc simultoncously





enhanced Raman spcctrs of 4,4’-bipyridine on Ap as a function of &xtrodc porent~~l with rhe cyclic voltammogram shown in fig. 3. The Raman pammeters wcrc idcntkal

changes occur, including especially the formation of shoulders on the high-frequency side of the 1602, 1507 and 1290cm-1 bands (table 1). Both the 1602 and 1507 cm- 1 band are comprised of mixed C=C and C=N stretching modes and the shoulders are assigned to the protonation of the ring nitrogens. The 1290 cm-l band results from the C-C inter-ring stretch and undergoes a shift to higher frequency upon reduction due to the increased bond order resulting from electron delocalization between the aromatic rings. A similar change is observed for the oneand two-electron reduction of biphenyl [12]. A detailed rationalization of these assignments will appear elsewhere [ 131. As the potential is scanned to a value near -1.2 V, the three shoulders increase in intensity together with the overall Raman intensity. Ar -1.4 V a decrease is observed in the bands associated with the protonated, reduced bipyridine and bands near 1500 and 1040 cm-t increase in intensity_ These are attributed to the two-electron reduced bi-

pyridine. AU on rescanning there are two on reduction BPy,,, &PYH;~,

fhc sprtctra were recorded to those gwcn in fig. 1.

of the changes are completely reversed the electrode potential IO -0.5 V. Thus, distinct spectral changes which occur of the adsorbed bipyridine:

+ e+ e-

+ Hi



BiPyH,, s BiPyH& ,


(1) (‘1

where BiFy,ds is adsorbed bipyridine. In addition to these reactions, adsorption of reduced bulk bipyridine also occurs at the electrode surface near the cathodic limit, which leads to multilayer formation. The effect of multilayer fomlation on tie Raman intensity is discussed below. Changes in the vibrational spectrum of adsorbed bipyridine occur at a potential considerably less negative than the reduction of bipyridine as indicated by CV. This is not surprising since the CV response is indicative of the heterogeneous electron transfer reaction between bulk bipyridine and the electrode at this 495

Volume 106, number 6


Therefore, to eliminate the voltammetric response of the bulk bipyridine, the electrode and cell were washed with four aliquots of electrolyte solution following tie cathodic scan. The CV response was measured in the presence of fresh 0.1 M Na2S04 with no bipyridine added. A reversible, one-electron transfer peak was observed near -1 .O V and an irreversible electron transfer near -1.35 V. The current

tion in 1 X 10m4 M solutions of bipyridine and the surface spectra showed only slight protonation of the adsorbed bipyridine. Furthermore, variation of the solution pH supported the spectral interpretation. At a pH near 5.6 an increase in the protonated C=N mode at 1644 cm- I was observed. When thepH was

was proportional to scan rate in the case of the first peak, verifying the presence of adsorption. Moreover, the modified electrode was stable during repeated cycling. Integration of the area under the first reduction peak provided a value of 0.5 nmole/cm’ which is reasonable for a monolayer of adsorbed bipyridine. The Raman spectra of the bipyridine modified electrode were recorded in the electrolyte solution as a function of potential as well. The spectra were found to be as iniense as those shown in fig. 4. Thus, it appears that the spectra originate from a monolayer of bipyridine, i.e. the presence of multilayers when the bulk concentration is high does not increase the signal inteiizity. The overall enhancement produced by adsorption of bipyridine on silver can be calculated by a comparison of the 1290 cm- * peak intensity as a function of concentration at the surface with the similar ratio for bipyridine in solution. An enhancement factor of 1.5 X 106 was obtained. An important difference between the spectra of the modified electrode and that observed in the presence of bulk bipyridine is the lack of protonation on reduction in the case of the former. From this result it can be concluded that protonation occurs on multilayer formation. Based upon the pK, value for the fist protonation. it can be calculated that the con. centration of monoprotonated bipyridine is about 2.6 X 10m4 M in a solution containing an overall concentration of 1.0 X lo-? M. This is sufficiently concentrated for the formation of a monolayer of adsorbed bipyridine, which upon reduction interacts with subsequent layers of bipyridine through hydrogen bonding interactions:

strongly adsorbed [ 13 ] . The results of this study show that simultaneous Rarnan/cyclic voltammetry experiments can provide detailed molecular information concerning electron transfer reactions. Of course, the role of SERS in these experiments is crucial. in summary, the following conclusions can be drawn: (I) The presence of 4,4’-bipyridine during the anodization of Ag results in the formation of Ag(I)4,4’-bipyridine complex in the diffusion layer and on the surface of the silver electrode. The concentration of bipyridine during anodization has a significant effect on the enhancement factor observed in SERS [ 131. At high concentrations, the enhancement is about ten times greater than observed for low concentrations(i.e. lo-’ M versus IO-6 M). This may be related to the formation of microstructures as discussed in rzfs. [Z-l]. (2) Cyclic voltarnmetry and SERS indicate that when the bulk pyridine concentration is high (IO- 2 M), the reduction of surface bound bipyridine proceeds through two one-electron steps. A protonation reaction is involved in the first step when the bulk bipyridine concentration is high, but is absent at low concentrations. In the former case, multilayers of bipyridine are adsorbed onto the electrode during the reduction and are desorbed during oxidation of bipyridine. (3) Bipyridine interacts strongly with the silver surface. Following the reduction and reoxidation cycle in concentrated solution, the electrode can be removed, washed, and still exhibits spectra comparable to those seen when the bulk bipyridine concentration is high. However, no protonation of the anion radical occurs under these conditions. Thus, it appears the strong surface spectra result from the first layer of adsorbed bipyridine. The increase in signal intensity with reduction probably results from a resonance Raman effect, since the anion radical is colored. (4) Cyclic voltammetry measurements on the



H, -C, H,NH..

. NC, H, -C, H, N ,

where the hatched area indicates the electrode surface. It should be noted that 1 X IO- 2 M is near the solubility limit of bipyridine in water at pH 6.4 and multilayer adsorption is probably favored under these conditions. We saw no evidence of multilayer forma496

lowered to 2.9, however, only very weak spectra resulted, indicating that the diprotonated species is not

Volume 106, number 6


modified electrode indicate a surface coverage of which is consistent with a about 0.5 nmole/cm2, monolayer of adsorbed bipyridine. The SERS enhancement factor was estimated at 1.5 X 106.


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