Special rubber glove with scale for measuring the true conjugate diameter

Special rubber glove with scale for measuring the true conjugate diameter

SPECIAL RUBBER GLOVE WITH SOALE FOB MEA&URING THE TRUE OONJUG.A.TE DIAMETER H. B. Brscow, M.D., NEw YoRK, N.Y. HE present accepted method of measuring...

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SPECIAL RUBBER GLOVE WITH SOALE FOB MEA&URING THE TRUE OONJUG.A.TE DIAMETER H. B. Brscow, M.D., NEw YoRK, N.Y. HE present accepted method of measuring the true conjugate is for the physician to introduce his middle and index finger into the T vagina, place the tip of the middle finger on the promontory of the sacrum, and with the finger of the other hand, close to, or a little under the symphysis pubis, mark off the space, withdraw his hand, and have an assistant place the two points of the metal pelvimeter on the two ends of the marked off space. From this marked off space, must be subtracted llf2 to 2 centimeters to allow for the thickness of the symphysis pubis. After the subtraction is made, he obtains the length of the true conjugate. To simplify this procedure, the rubber measuring glove is offered. This is an ordinary rubber glove which has a measure printed on the side of the index finger, in centimeters, inches, or both. The measurement is taken in the usual way.

Fig. 1.

1. Measure the diagonal conjugate. Place the tip of the middle finger on the promontory of the sacrum. Mark off the under border of symphysis pubis by finger of the other hand. 2. Read measurement on the centimeter scale on index finger of the examining hand which will give the length of the true conj1tgate and not the diagonal. 3. This is so because the difference of the length between the tip of the middle finger and the tip of the index finger is approximately the thickness of the symphysis pubis. The advantages of this measuring glove are: 1. Simple, 2. Direct, 3. No need of an assistant, and 4. Always at hand.