Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 117/118 (1990) 383-386 North-Holland
GASSER Jean-Georges, MAYOUFI Moussa, KLEIM Roland
Laboratoire de Physique des
Liquides MEtaUiques ,Universit6 de METZ fie du Saulcy ,57045 METZ C6dex 1 France BELLISSENT-FUNEL Marie-Claire Laboratoire L6on Brillouin C.E.N.-Saclay 91191 Gif-sur Yvette CEdex France ( Laboratoire commun C.E.A.-C.N.R.S.) Abstract
II - Theory Ziman [4] has shown that the electrical resistivity of
The electrical resistivity of the silver-germanium system has already been studied previously. But the different results are not in agreement. We have measured the resistivity of this system very accurately in a large range of temperature over the whole phase diagram. The temperature coefficient of the resistivity (T.C.R.) versus concentration presents a minimum. However it does not
a pure liquid metal can be computed using the expression : 2 kf
3 n
rn2n o I
a(q) v(q) 2 q3 dq
P- 4 e2 .i,13 kf6 o where a(q) is the static structure factor, v(q) the pseudo (or model) - potential form factor, ~ o the atomic volume and
become negative, at the opposite of the Ag-Sn system.The
kf the Fermi wave vector. Other symbols have their usual
resistivity has been evaluated using the extended
meaning. This formula can be extended to binary alloys
Faber-Ziman formula with phase shifts and hard sphere
[1] by replacing the product a(q) v(q) 2 by a sum of four
structure factors. The Ag-Ge system is one of the rare
system for which the partial structure factors have been
c 2 a 11 (q)lt 1(q) 12 + (1-c)2a22(q) It2(q)12
measured by neutron scattering using the isotopic
+ c(1-c)al2(q) [tl(q)t2*(q)+ tl* (q) t2(q)]
substitution method. The resistivity is evaluated using
+c(1-c){ Itl(q)12+lt2(q)12-0.5[tl(q)t2*(q)+ tl*(q ) t2(q) ] }
these partial structure factors and the different contributions are compared to those obtained from the hard sphere
where c is the atomic fraction of constituent 1, and aij(q)
are the Faber-Ziman [2] partial structure factors describing
I - Introduction
different diameters. For noble, transition and rare earth
a mixture of randomly distributed hard spheres with metals we use the scattering approach replacing the model It is largely agreed that electrical transport in simple
potential form factor Iv(q)] 2 by a t matrix [ti(q)] 2 for
metals has been well resolved from a theoretical point of
species i in the alloy, expressed in term of phase shifts.
view. In liquid metallic alloys, the transport properties are
The different contributions have been grouped in 4 terms.
generally interpreted with the Faber- Ziman formalism [1]
We have expressed the FABER-ZIMAN structure factors
in terms of pseudopotentials (or t matrix) and structure
aij(q) in terms of the analytical ASHCROFF-LANGRETH
factors. We recall the basic formula in § 2 together with the
[3] hard sphere partial structure factors. The chosen
parameters used for the practical calculations. We present
parameters are the two hard sphere diameters relative to
the experimental design in §3. In §4 our experimental
each specie. We held them constant with concentration but
results are compare to those deduced from hard sphere and experimental partial structure factors.
obtained from the pure metal data. At each temperature, the
0022 3093/90/$03.50 (~) Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
not with temperature. The hard sphere diameters are
J.-G. Gasser et al.// Structure and electrical resistivity of liquid silver-germanium alloys
hard sphere diameters are deduced from the experimental
IV - Experimental resistivity and discussion
densities of the pure metals, compiled by Crawley [4] and from the packing fraction given by the Waseda empirical
The phase diagram of the Ag-Ge system (Hansen
law [5a] where the parameters A i and Bi have been taken
[7]) presents a deep eutectic temperature of 65 I°C at 26 at
from Waseda's book [5b]. The packing fraction and the
% Ge. We have published and discussed earlier [8,9,] the electrical resistivity of pure germanium and silver. The
hard sphere diameters are :
electrical resistivity of Ag-Ge alloys has already been "qi (T) = A i exp (-BIT)
a i 3 (T) = [ 6 rli(T) flo(T)/n]
studied before. However the different results do not agree. Indeed OZELTON et al. [10] have observed some anomalies in the eutectic region of the phase diagram.
In the alloy we have taken into account the modification of
However they measured the resistivity by the electrodeless
the mean atomic volume ~ o ( T ) and of the Fermi
rotating field method of ROLL and MOTZ [11]. It has been
wavevector kf :
ADAMS and LEACH [14], GASSER [6]) for different
shown (DAVIES and LEACH [12], MERA et al.[13], kf3 = (3x 2 Z(c)/f2o(T,c))
where Z(c) and f~o(T,c) are respectively the mean valence
liquid alloys that these anomalies do not appear with an electrode technique. SOIFER et al. [15] results are about
and the mean atomic volume of the alloy obtained by a
30 ~
linear interpolation of the pure metal values.
al. observed negative temperature coefficients while it is
cm above those of UEMURA et al.[16]. SOIFER et
not the case for UEMURA et al.. In order to clarify the HI - Experimental method and arrangement for resistivity
situation, we measured the resistivity of Ag-Ge alloys by
measurements We measured the electrical resistivity of metals and
at. % steps near the eutectic composition. Our experimental
alloys in a quartz cell which has several advantages. The
results are represented on fig. 1 as a function of
first one is the possibility of filling the capillary from the
10 atomic % steps over the whole phase diagram and by 2
bottom in order to avoid the presence of bubbles. The second one is the possibility of changing the composition
of the alloy during the experiment. The measurement cell
has been described in earlier work [6]. The geometrical
1000 ° C
constant of the cell was calibrated by measuring the
resistivity of triple distilled mercury.The whole arrangement is heated under vacuum until the metals are
melted. An absolute pressure of argon of 1 to 3 bars is then applied over the liquid sample and pushes the liquid alloy
~ 80
into the capillary tube. The resistivity is measured by a four probes method. A stable constant current is furnished by a General Resistance DIAL DAS 86 generator. The voltage
N 4o
drop is measured with a 1 I.tV resolution 120 000 points Hewlett Packard 3490 voltmeter. Thermoelectric e.m.f, are eliminated by inverting the current. The accuracy of the electrical resistivity is estimated to 0.4 %, that of the composition of the alloy to 0.3 at % and that of the temperature to. 3 %. The experience is fully described in GASSER's thesis [6].
Ozelton et al
This work
COMPOSITION (at% Ge) Figure 1 Experimental resistivity of liquid Ag-Ge alloys
J.-G. Gasser et al./ Structure and electricM resistivity of liquid silver-germanium alloys
We did not observe OZELTON's two maxima curve. Our values are about 10% lower than their maxima and 6% higher for germanium rich alloys. SOWER et al. results are more than 20% higher than our values near the eutectic
00 o
composition. We obtain a reasonable agreement with U E M U R A et al measurements which however differ from about 3 %. We have represented on fig. 2 both experimental
concentration, at 1000 o C. All the curves present a maximum. However the experimental one lies at about 40 at % Ge while the calculated ones give a value of about 20 at % and is less sharp than the calculated values. The
question is to know if the extended F A B E R - Z I M A N
his work
A WasedalO00C
formula fails or if the hard sphere description is inadequate
[] Dreirach 1000C • Waseda A(q)exp
to describe the structure of this alloy. The eutectic Ag-Ge o
alloy is one of the rare systems for which the partial
structure factors have been measured using the neutron COMPOSITION
isotopic substitution method (Bellissent et al [15]). We
(at% Ge)
have calculated the four different contributions of formula
Figure 2 Comparison of our experimental and calculated
2 to the electrical resistivity with both hard sphere and
resistivities with experimental and hard sphere structure
experimental partial structure factors. The results are
summarized on table 1 and are represented on fig 2. The difference in the temperature coefficient is more
Resistivity obtained with hard sphere structure factors
important even with U E M U R A et al values. Our
experimental temperature coefficient, (together with
WASEDA 17.00 24.24 25.62 62.31 129.17
calculated values) is represented on fig.3 and is compared
DREIRACH22.07 20.30 27.97 83.17 153.52
with experimental WASEDA 6.34 23.72 18.32! 62.31 110.69 structure factors DREIRACH 8,08 19.92 20.03 83.17 131.20
to earlier experimental results. As can be observed, the temperature coefficient presents a minimum at 15 at % G e , but it remains positive.The difference with UEMURA et al. curve is more important on the germanium rich side of the phase diagram. The difference is considerable with
Table 1 Different contributions to the resistivity of Ag-Ge
SOIFER et al values which could not be drawn on our figure (they can be more than ten times greater in positive or negative values). A minimum of the temperature coefficient (which can be negative) in metallic alloys
With both sets of phase shifts, the electrical
generally occurs when the limit of integration 2kf in
resistivity is lowered from about 20 I.tf2 c m . We obtain a
Faber-Ziman formula [1] lies near the main peak of the
value of 131 g O cm with DREIRACH et al. phase shifts
structure factors. This is the case when the mean valency is
and a value of 110 g ~ cm with W A S E D A [5c] phase
about 1.7 i.e. for alloys of polyvalent with monovalent
shifts which has to be compared to an experimental value
(noble, alkaline, or transition metals). This classical
of 99 A better agreement between experimental
explanation of temperature coefficient minimum can be
and calculated resistivities is obtained when using
used for Ag-Ge systems. We must return to the Ziman
experimental structure factors.
explanation of this effect. When the temperature is raised,
J.-G. Gasser et al./Structure and electrical resistivity of liquid silver-germanium alloys
30 1)
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-20 0,0
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Figure 3 Experimental and calculated temperature coefficients of the resistivity
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