Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition

Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition

Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition June K. Robinson, C. William Hanke, Daniel Mark Siegel, Alina Fratila, Ashish C. Bhatia, and Thomas E. Rohrer, 2015, ...

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Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition June K. Robinson, C. William Hanke, Daniel Mark Siegel, Alina Fratila, Ashish C. Bhatia, and Thomas E. Rohrer, 2015, London, United Kingdom, Saunders. 880 pages. $279.99. ISBN: 978-0-32326027-5. Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition aims to provide a practical, comprehensive resource for practitioners of all skill levels covering the entire spectrum of dermatologic surgery. With an impressive list of contributors, the book draws on the expertise of an international assortment of dermatologic surgeons to provide evidence-based guidance for a wide range of topics. The chapters are well organized, well illustrated, and edited so that the book reads equally well from cover to cover or as a reference text to be consulted, as needed, for specific topics. The book is divided into 5 parts, progressing in a logical order from basic surgical concepts to advanced aesthetic and reconstructive techniques. The beginning of the book focuses on familiarizing the reader with topics such as surgical anatomy, preoperative evaluation, and surgical instrumentation. After establishing this foundation of knowledge, the chapters that follow provide concise and practical descriptions of basic dermatologic surgical procedures such as electrosurgery, biopsy, and suturing (techniques), and a wide range of surgical repairs from simple linear closures to skin grafting and cutaneous flaps. In addition, there are numerous


chapters that focus on a mixture of aesthetic procedures and special situations including chemical peels, liposuction, laser procedures, and nail surgery, and many other topics. The full-color illustrations, photographs, and graphics that accompany these step-by-step instructions are very helpful and well placed. However, perhaps the most useful aspect of this reference comes in the form of over 130 video clips (available online) referenced throughout the book. These video clips are particularly helpful because they allow the reader to actually watch the procedures being performed, rather than relying solely on technical instructions found in the text. In addition, each purchase includes access to an electronic version of the book that is fully searchable on a variety of devices. This volume succeeds in providing a practical, comprehensive resource for dermatologic surgeons of all skill levels. In fact, some readers may find that the book covers some procedures they would consider beyond their scope. However, this only serves to illustrate the extensive and all-inclusive nature of this publication. In summary, Surgery of the skin, 3rd edition is a well-written, informative, and practical reference for any practitioner who aspires to master the concepts and procedural techniques that comprise the field of dermatologic surgery. Sean Marzolf, MD Charleston, South Carolina

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