Textbook of oral surgery

Textbook of oral surgery

Book Reviews TEXTBOOK OF ORAL SURGERY Waite, D. E. (ed.): Textbook of practical oral surgery. 567 pages, illustrated. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia 19...

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Book Reviews


Waite, D. E. (ed.): Textbook of practical oral surgery. 567 pages, illustrated. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia 1972, Price: $ 19.50. Although numerous textbooks on oral surgery already are available, there is always a need for books of quality. Waite's book is a good textbook, reasonably balanced between the undergraduate and the graduate level. Several prominent oral surgeons and oral pathologists have contributed with chapters on their specialties. The inclusion of a certain amount of oral pathology in the description of the individual lesions adds considerably to the value of the book. In relation to this, it is surprising that keratocysts are not mentioned in the chapter on odontogenic cysts. Many chapters have rather comprehensive reference lists. The printing technique has permitted numerous illustrations in this low-priced textbook, but details, especially in the clinical pictures~ have to a great extent beenlost. Operation techniques are often better illustrated in drawings. There is ample unutilized space on the 567 pages; may this be put to better use in the 2nd edition.

E. H]6rting-Hansen, Copenhagen JORGENSEN'S ANESTHESIA

Jorgensen, N. B. & Hayden, I. Jr.: Sedation, local and general anesthesia in dentistry.

2nd ed. 163 pages and 67 illustrations. Lea & l~ebiger, Philadelphia 1972. Price: $ 9.50. Five years have passed since the first edition of this book was published, and although new drugs and techniques have appeared since then, the text still rests on the basic principles of the well-known Jorgensen technique: control of pain and patient anxiety together with concern for safety. A thorough knowledge of anatomy is fundamental to the correct and successful administration of local anesthesia. Evaluation of the patient's physical condition prior to any procedure in order to avoid unnecessary risks or complications is emphasized. The words "premedication" and "analgesia" have, wherever possible, been substituted by the word, sedation, as the authors feel that the latter concept more clearly describes the relief desired for the patient. The chapters are divided into four sections dealing with patient evaluation, sedation, local and general anesthesia, anatomy, neurophysiology and pharmacology, and finally, a chapter on the history of local and general anesthesia. The text is clear and well-written, and the illustrations are excellent, especially the many anatomical dissections included in the chapter on anatomy. Anyone practicing dentistry should read this book in order to be able to provide better painfree anxiety-free dentistry.

Jens KOlsen Petersen, Aarhus, Denmark