The amygcaloid complex

The amygcaloid complex

33 (1982) 103-1134 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. Neuroscience Letters, 103 -BOOK IU:vIEWS The Amyg~alloid Complex Edited by "~,', Ben...

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33 (1982) 103-1134 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. Neuroscience Letters,



The Amyg~alloid Complex Edited by "~,', Ben-Ari ElseVier/NottJ -Holland Biomedical Press, Ams~erdarn - N e w York - O,~ford, 198!. $ 89.73 (516 pp.) I S B N 0-44~.~0397,1

This book comprises the proceedings of the second international conference on the "AmygdaloidiComplex", held in 1981. The first conference on this topic took place in 1971 with its proceedings published in a volume entMed "The Neurobiology of the Amygdala', (B.E. Eleftheriou (Ed.), Plenum Press, 1972). By: comparison it: becomes evident that ~matomical data obtained by techniques develop~.'d between 1971 and 1981 have h~d a great impact on our understar~ding of amygdaloid functions. In this context neocortical, thalamic, and pontine-meduIlary fibre systems arising and terminating within the amygdaloid complex are of special interest. Thus it is probably correct if Yehezke~ Ben-Ari~ editor of the present volume, states in his introductory remarks that the amygdaloid complex should be viewed to function "in parallel" to the hypothalamus and no~ "in series" as previously thought. , One could perhaps have expected more comprehensive matt:riai c~n autonomic aspects, :i,e. .cardiovascular and neuroendocrinological data (like in the previou3 volume of 197i). it would.have also been desirable to include a more extensive review on: "kindling" since this model of epilepsy was not available when the first volume on amygdaloid functions appeared, L a s t but not least, :price of the book (approx, U.S. $ 90) seems rather high for a camera-ready copy volume. However, the reader is compensated by the higl~ quality of the anatomical figures. The,proceedingsof this conference can justly be considered to represe~t tl~e state of the art lit this field. This volume will undoubtedly serve as an im.9ortant refere.n_ce which cannot be ignored in t h e future. G~.INTER STOCK Neia~!berg, JR ~. G.