574 have found him fit to distinguish peel from saffron, and has, "the THE APOTHECARIES’ ACT. faute," construed one of their dog-Lann prescriptions ; I say any man thus sanctioned may, (let him be otherwise eye, To the Editor of THE LANCET. so ignorant,) with impunity, act in mry SIR,—I take the liberty of troubling degree as a surgeon, whose professicn is you with a few lines, which, I trust, you one of the most important in the world, will not deem too intrusive from a young and one which requires and deserves t " tyro, who is anxiously looking forward greatest attention and study, it may seem for the next return of that season of the severe to ascribe this palpable incongury year, esteemed by " the elect" the only of regulation, to any mercenary view on the .favourable time for the acquirement of sur- part of the Company ; but I confess I am gical knowledge, &c., when I intend to very suspicious, and if it really is by way of commence hospital study, with a view of their insatiate cupidity, under the endeavouring, in due rotation, to qualify mask of care, lest the sublime mysteries ci myself as a general practitioner;" conse- the apothecaries, e. i. preparers and venders of drugs, be misused in the hands of thcse quently, I mean to exert my best abilities to procure a college diploma, but, " en who are not examined by them. Could they atteudant," I am anxious to learn from some not with much greater propriety, consist. of those, most competent to inform me, ency, and honesty, satisfy their rapacious why, in addition to the credential, I shall desires, by levying contributions on that vast he compelled to take another from the and respectable class, who call themseh’a Worshipful Company of Apothecaries ?? I chemists and druggists, but who are, in am quite inquisitive to ascertain whether reality, practical apothecaries, let them be it was ever, or is now, by these worshipful compelled to buy their apothecary’s parch. gentlemen, supposed that members of the ment, not that it is necessary, but to enable far-famed Royal College of Surgeons, (par- apothecaries to allow their superiors to pm ticularly under their late regulations,) were, toll-free, without decreasing the Company’s or are incompetent, to prepare such medi- revenue. Should you, Mr. Editor, be likewise ciues as they prescribe1 ’-Can they for a moment imagine, that an individual is of opinion, that members of the College equal to practise as a surgeon, and yet ought to pass scot-free, I, in common not know how to compound what he with a multitude of brethren, invoke vour wishes to administer to his patient such aid in overturning their authoritv, asjararas presumptions are absurd ! Then why should it affects such members. We appeal to you as it be made imperative, that members of the one who has taken up the gauntlet, with a College (wishing to mix the drugs they find promise of ever combatting to abolish the it necessary to prescribe) shall obtain di- gross abuses that exist in our profession,as plomas from apothecaries ? and that they one who has done much for the profession, and shall, for a second time, descend to an inferior as one whose powerful weapon, guided asit body, to be examined as to their fitness. is by talent and independence, cannot fartinin We are told by these right worthy and making a useful impression on those un. modest gentry, that, forsooth, their only happy persons who, for private pnrpooel, view is the protection of his Majesty’s sub- obstruct the general good. jects from ignorant and unskilful persons ; Soliciting that your usual urbanity mar pray, do they include the members of the be extended towards me, I have the honour to be, Sir, College among the number of unskilful and Yours, &c., ignorantif not, why is there not a clause, SUBSCRIBER F. relieving such members from the honour June 5, 1828. and expense of theirjurisdiction?? It appears to me mighty strange, that there are hundreds practising as surgeons unmolested with only apothecaries’ diplomas, and yet ABERDEEN DIPLOMAS. the Company of Apothecaries (just folks, do not a surpermit regularly-bred truly !) To the Editor of THELANCET. geon to prepare his own medicines without their authority ! thus a member of the ColSIR,—From several articles iu vour Numlege is compelled to submit to a catechetical bers for last month, it appears" that you are farce under the superintendence of a parcel not yet acquainted with the Regulatices of drug-dealers, before he is allowed to be respecting Medical Degrees"now is t’w accomplished in their art and mystery, of at Aberdeen, which have been a:red open making up a dose of calomel and jalap, during the last two or three while any person with a testimonial from the universities there. The censures « these said drug-dealers, setting forth that lavishly bestowed upon them are, at the