C. ChemicalOceanography
waters than by the classical procedure of Strickland and Parsons; in samples from less eutrophic habitats the two methods give similar results. The new method is simple, accurate, and can be used in both freshwater and marine studies. Dept. of Environ. Microbiol., Univ. of Warsaw, Karowa Str. 18, 00-325 Warsaw, Poland. 86:6854 Comit6 Technique Europ6en du Fluor (The Analytical Working Group), 1986. The determination of fluoride in environmentally relevant matrices. Analytica chim. Acta, 182:1-16. This report covers analytical methods for the determination of total fluoride in gaseous emissions, rain water and aqueous effluents, vegetation, human urine, factory air and environmental air. All the methods are based on final measurement of fluoride by means of the fluoride ion-selective electrode. The methods were established after individual analytical procedures common in the various member countries of CTEF had been compared; accuracy of the different methods was verified by comparative tests. B. Jensen: Sector Groups Dept., Conseil Europ6en des Fed. de l'Ind. Chim., Ave. Louise 250, Bte 72, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium. 86:6855 Goewie, C.E., 1986. Optimization of mobile phase composition in liquid chromatography--a survey of most commonly used chemometric procedures. J. liquid Chromatog., 9(7):1431-1461. Lab. of Org. Chem., Natl. Inst. of Hlth. and Environ. Hygiene, P.O. Box l, 3720 BA Bilthoven, Netherlands. 86:6856 Li, Xuanru, Lianzhi Chen, Shiyu Liu and Yuying Hong, 1986. Adsorption action of basic zinc carbonate adsorbent on uranium in natural seawater. Acta oceanol, sin. (English version), 5(1): 76-81. Third Inst. of Oceanogr., State Oceanic Admin., Xiamen, People's Republic of China. 86:6857 Monteiro, P.M.S., 1986. The potential for the use of high performance liquid chromatography in marine research. Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr., 46(1):15-26. This paper explores some of the possible applications of HPLC in the field of marine organic chemistry. It is suggested that the use of reverse phase (C18, C8) columns be developed further since these do not require a disruptive desalting step, which makes them particularly suited for seawater research. Dept. of Oceanogr., Univ. of Cape Town, Cape Town 7700, South Africa.
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86:6858 Satsmadjis, John and Basil Iatridis, 1985. Gas chromatographic determination of organochiorines in biota by preliminary fractionation on conditioned silica gel cobnmn, CENTRO, 1(2): 57-66. A method is described for the reliable determination of PCBs in animal tissues. It comprises hexane extraction, removal of lipids on an alumina column, separation into six fractions on a silica gel column and injection into a gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector. Inst. of Oceanogr. and Fish. Res., GR-166 04 Hellinikon, Greece. 86:6859 Smith, R.J., C.S. Nieass and M.S. Wainwright, 1986. A review of methods for the determination of hold-up volume in modern liquid chromatography. J. liquid Chromatog., 9(7): 1387-1430. Sch. of Chem. Engng., Univ. of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1 Kensington NSW 2033, Australia. 86:6860 Willason, S.W. and K.S. Johnson, 1986. A rapid, highly sensitive technique for the determination of ammonia in seawater. Mar. Biol., 91(2):285-290. The procedure is based on the conversion of NH4 + in seawater to NH 3 and its subsequent diffusion across a hydrophobic membrane using flow-injection analysis. Sixty determinations can be made per hour on a flowing stream of seawater or discrete samples. The lower limit of detection is 0.05 /iM. Mar. Sci. Inst., Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA.
C40. Area studies, surveys 86:6861 Zhang, Qunying, Feng Lin, Xun Li and Minghui Hu, 1986. Major ion chemistry and oceanic flux of rivers in southern coastal China. Acta oceanol, sin. (English version), 5(1):57-62. Xijiang River water is dominated by the weathering products of carbonates, and its hydrochemical character is similar to that of the Changjiang River, whereas the rivers in Fujian and eastern Guangdong are characterized by high dissolved silica content and low dissolved salt load. The chemical weathering rate of the Xijiang River Basin is 3 times higher than the rates of Fujian and eastern Guangdong, which are close to the average value of rivers in the world. Dept. of Oceanogr., Xiamen Univ., People's Republic of China.