Beyond the three series of radiographs mentioned above we have at our disposal : In some a. 25 cases of orthodontic treat mcnt. bcfo...
Beyond the three series of radiographs mentioned above we have at our disposal : In some a. 25 cases of orthodontic treat mcnt. bcforc and aft.cr treatment. of these cases the time interval was very long for two cases, more than ten years. In all of these cases t,here is not the least modification of the described line. b. A large number of family radiographs (4 or 5 children). In all the cases the line is the same in all the rhildren, even when the faces of the children are different. c. 5 cases of monovular twins. In a case of a triplet with two monovular twins the three children show the same skull basis line. d. A steadily increasing number of orthodontic patient,s have their telcradiograph taken quarterly and the modifications appraised. It is not yet possible to go into detail, but the exactness and the precision of that reference line are astounding. Further study will probably show us more of its real value.
Facial Growth Standards Based on Cephalometrics: a. Findings for the 5-, B-, and ‘I-Year-Old Group: By R. &I. Nelson. b. Findings Compared With Others Reported’ in the Literature:
R. H. Ervin.
c. Changes Occurring
Within the Group With Age: By R. C. Geiger. University of Iowa, Iowa City. From the 140 children enrolled in the State University of Iowa Facial Growth Study, standardized profile roentgenograms of 25 boys and 25 girls possessing so-called normal occlusions were selected for study. Roentgenograms taken at their fifth, sixth, and seventh birthdays were traced and certain anguMeans and standard deviations were lar and linear measurements determined. derived for each age and these were then compared with findings previously The findings acquired in this reported in the literature by other investigators. study at 5 years were also compared with those at 7 to see if any of the linear or angular measurements changed and in what direction and to what extent. Further
Studies on Mandibular Condyle Movements: By G. L. Fraseur. The movements of the condyle durin g opening and closing movements of the mandible still arouse some controversy. A previous study at the University of Iowa showed that the condyle always drops immediately as the mandible opens from centric relationship and usually moves forward. Studies elsewhere indicate that in the first phases of mandibular opening the condyle acts as a hinge with no movement taking place. Since condyle position has orthodontic diagnostic significance, it was decided to repeat the S.U.I. study using a different approach in order to support or reject the previous findings. Re-evaluation
of the Orbital Plane: By R. H. Knarr. Certain studies have indicated that the relationship of the denture to the In this study indiorbital plane as reported by Simon was not substantiated. viduals having good dentofacial relationships were used and the attempt was made to produce gnathostatic casts following Simon’s technique as accurately as possible in order to test his findings and thus decide whether his so-called law of the canines has clinical significance.
The Sella Turcica Size at 4, 5, and 6 Years:
By R. B. Norris. The size of the sella turcica may be important in orthodontic diagnosis. Nothing is reported in the literature about the size of this structure from the age of 5 through 7 years. This report is an attempt to arrive at, a standard for sella turcica size for this age range.