objected that in proportion to the number of
footballers the
tale of accidents is small, but we do not think so. Those who interest themselves in the chronicles of the game know that injuries more or less severe are very common-far more so, it appears to us, than in any other pastime; and only a small proportion of cases find their way into the papers." These are sensible words, and worthy of consideration by all who wish well to the game.
privy with joint ashpit, and urges that if any such structure be permitted it should be a pail-closet contrived so as to ensure comparative dryness of contents. But the water-carriage system has strong advocates, and in view of the arrange-
single closets to secure of automatic by flushing, such closets be within to reach even of poor-class practical ought as sewer ventilators are also rightly property. Rain-pipes condemned, as calculated, amongst other things, to carry foul air into bedrooms and other apartments. The stir that "THYROIDIC LEUCOCYTHÆMIA." has thus been made will doubtless have a beneficial effect, -11. llAYEM has related the case of a woman, aged sixty- and it will stimulate the Town Council to proceed more two, in good health until the present illness began. Fourteen actively than they have hitherto done on the advice of their medical and engineering advisers. years ago, after her last confinement, a swelling of the right lobe of the thyroid gland was observed, which, however, remained stationary till last October, when it began rapidly THE SOLUBILITY OF MEAT. to until it became the ments that can now be made as to
voluminous, displacing augment, DR. N. PavLOssr, who has just published a number of cesophagus and trachea to the left, and causing difficulty in and of attacks The suffocation. swallowing impending experiments made in Professor Dobroslavin’s laboratory in carotid artery lay in front of the tumour, whose consistence St. Petersburg on the solubility of meat in water, finds that was hard, and did not present a murmur. The cachectic by means of a temperature of 10° C.-under high pressure aspect led to the blood-corpuscles being counted, and the of course-water will dissolve one and a half times as discovery was made that besides chronic anoemia, there much of the albuminoid constituents of meat as when the existed a considerable augmentation-70,000 per cubic milli- meat is boiled in it under ordinary circumstances; also that metre-of white blood-corpuscles. The liver was not the addition of a small quantity of hydrochloric acid enlarged, neither was the spleen nor any of the lymphatic increases the amount dissolved to a very marked degree, so glands. M.Hayem makes the inquiry whether this increase in that he succeeded in obtaining a solution containing as the number of white blood-corpuscles shouldjustify the em- much as 64 per cent. of the meat. This was effected by ployment of the term "tbyroidic leucocythsemia." A certain boiling for eight hours, in a digester at a temperature of from degree of leucocytosis usually accompanies the growth of 150° to 160° C., five grammes of meat with eighty cubic some malignant tumours, no matter what their situation, centimetres of water, to which has been added half a and the same kind of increase in white blood-corpuscles is cubic centimetre of dilute hydrochloric acid containing observed in phthisis, empyeon, and other inflammatory 10 per cent. of the gas, or nearly the same proportion diseases irrespectively of site ; but the degree of leucocytosis as the B.P. preparation. Without the acid only about in Hayem’s case is much above the level usually found in 16 per cent. of the meat albumen dissolved. Some further such cases of leucocytosis. experiments were made to ascertain the proportion of -
acid most favourable to the solution. One or two cubic centimetres, added to eighty cubic centimetres of water, were found to dissolve much more of the meat than a larger proportion of acid. Thus with eight cubic centimetres of the acid only 53 per cent. was dissolved, and with fifteen cubic centimetres only 48 per cent. A similar effect is observed in gastric digestion, where too large a proportion of hydrochloric acid arrests digestion, and the process can only be made to recommence by the neutralisation of part of the
mgl1 rate ot mortalltyprevaumg in vewcastie-uponhas for some time past attracted attention, and with Tyne a view of further eliciting its causes special commissioners have been engaged by the Newcastle Daily Chronicle and the Newcastle Daily Leader to inspect and report on the borough. In performing this duty they have evidently received all needed assistance from the borough sanitary said department, the medical officer of health, and the borough The to situation is the present engineer. danger belonging SQUATTERS IN LONDON. stated to be the establishment of a generally low and state a of IN of the the Mansion House Committee, of Parliadepressed physical amongst large body spite which to and other a diseases inhabitants, gives zymotic mentary committees, of pondrous blue-books, public speeches, and for evil death which otherwise would not power they agitations, newspaper reports and articles, it seems as if but possess; and it is evident that there are very distinct and little progress has been accomplished in the vexed question tangible conditions of ill-health somewhat widely prevalent of the housing of the poor. The state of No. 141, Floodin the city. With respect to the sewerage system, nothing street, Chelsea, as described at the Westminster Policevery obvious can be found to attach to the method of its court, indicates how far we are from the solution of the disposal direct into the tidal river, but any results which problem. The ground floor of this house is dismantled, the may ensue to those living or working on the banks doors are torn down, the partitions gone, there is no sanitary of the river would be injurious if they were traceable. accommodation whatever, there is no water, the roof is Ag to the main sewers themselves, many are old and of entirely removed, the house is condemned and half pulled huge capacity, and it is certainly most desirable that down, yet several families have chosen to live amid these the rate at which these are being replaced should be ruins. In one small room there are no less than six persons expedited. With respect to the minor sewers, no complaint -three adults and three children. Well might the " amateur is alleged as to those laid by the present city engineer; but casual" write about "the wilds of London," for all these others are ill laid, blocked, and foul; and some, being on the persons are " squatters," and, like the squatters in the curve instead of in straight lines, cannot even be inspected. Far West, stubbornly refuse to leave the spot on which, Here, again, more rapid progress is wanted in order to get without asking leave, they have elected to dwell. That in rid of such grave underground dangers. One of the greatest this wintry season so many people should be willing to live evils in Newcastle evidently lies in the neglect as to privy in such an unsuitable and half-demolished house shows to and refuse accommodation and removal. One of the com- what straits the poor are driven. On the other hand, the missioners very properly condemns the system of double fact that neither the sanitary inspector, nor Earl Cadogan