Conlinurd f r o m ptrgr '/i
The last chapters contain definitions, s \ inptoins
and treatment of post-operativc roniplicatioiis. A list of emergency cardio\ascular drugs is placed into four groups and discussed. The text and the list of suggested readings included are invaluable. This completely upto-date and comprehensive book will be ot paramount interest to interns, medical students, nurses and all others who have now. or will i n the future. a responsihility for the care of the rrcovei y room patient. I n addition 11) its obviou5 n u r ~ i n gvalue, i t will he o I itntnetliatr interest a n d use to Ihose providing guitldines i n pldtitiing recovery room patient care. Frances E. Reeser, I1.N. Operating Room Suliervisor Bronx Veterans' Hospital Bronx. New York
T H E STORY O F W O U N D HEALING A N 0 WOUND REPAIR b y Allen 0. Wliipple. M.D., DSc., 135 pages, Springfield, Illinois. Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1963. Price: $5.75
distinction between the practice of medicine and surgery. Intensive research has enabled the author to describe suture materials and instruments used in each significant historical period. It is evident that suture material such as cotton, hemp, leather, horsehair and animal sinews closely resemble those in use today. Methods of wound approximation and repair are clearly outlined and defined. There is a definite distinction between the medical duties and privileges of the priest. physician and surgeon in t h r Graeco-Roman period. Sutured lines of incisions on tnummies plainly illustratr the Egyptians' knowledge of wound approximation and wound healing. In most instances healing was apparently by primary inlention. Credit or recopnitioa is arcorded many of the nations and Conlinurtl on p a p r 32
in all
This is a clironological presentation of thr development anid discovery of medical and wrgical technics from c.2980 B.C. to the present. Inasmuch as primitivc surgery antedated primitive medicine, wound hraling and wound repair has presented a problem since the beginning of time. Dr. W h i p p l ~ begins his story with events from the reign of Pharoah Zoser, ruler of the Third Egyptian Dynasty. By means of authentic, documentar\ material and illustrative photographv, he establishes a rrlationship of surgical method.; employed by the ancients w i t h preFetit d a v practices. Translation of the Egyption pap) rus, uritten in c.1600 B.C., indicates a clear
May-June 1954
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cold tome. A lifetime spent in collecting and researching material has produced the author’s warmth of feeling for great men of the past. His respect and admiration for all men of science is captured in the text. The many interesting, little known facts about many famous men add spice to the story. Karely, are so many rec*ords compiled as compactly and as well. The book is so well written aiitl informative, it should be read by everyone who appreciates good literature. The appended bibliography is extensive and provides a wealth of references. Dr. Whipple has made a valuable contribution to the literary world and the medical prolession.
Continued from page 29
people of ancient civilization who contributed to the science of medicine and surgery. Doctrines and treatises, introduced by the philosopher-physicians in c.5 B.C., were still in use in the 19th century. The Hippocratic Oath, also written in the Periclean Age (“which produced more men ol genius in a short period than any other period in history”), remains the physician’s oath even today. Medicine and its progress from Hippocrates to Halstead provide the reader with much interesting, fascinating subject matter. The effect of historical events on medicine and surgery is cleverly interwoven throughout the book. The evident authenticity of the facts presented therein places this book in the documentary class. “The Story of Wound Healing and Wound Repair” in historical perspective is not a
Joan Driscoll, R.N. Operating Room Coordinator Montefiore-Morrisania Affiliation New York, New York
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