The waters of the western and northern coasts of Norway in July–August 1957

The waters of the western and northern coasts of Norway in July–August 1957

Oceanographic Abstracts 401 LISITZIN E., 1961. The effect of air pressure upon the seasonal cycle of sea-level in the oceans. Soe. Sci. Fenniea, Co...

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Oceanographic Abstracts


LISITZIN E., 1961. The effect of air pressure upon the seasonal cycle of sea-level in the oceans.

Soe. Sci. Fenniea, Comment. Phys.-Math. 26 (5): 19 pp. The present paper is principally concerned with the effect of the atmospheric pressure upon the seasonal cycle of sea-level in the oceans. Air pressure being, however, only one of the numerous factors which influence this cycle, it is self-evident that the results presented in Figs. 1 and 2 a r e b y no means characteristic of the phenomenon as a whole. In addition to air pressure, only the annual fluctuation of the specific volume of sea water and the semi-annual tide (6) have, so far, been studied on a world-wide scale. Not before the local and regional effects of all the other contributing factors are known, will it be possible to arrive at a fuller understanding of all the characteristics of the recorded sea-level data. A great deal more information, especially on currents and winds, will be needed, however, before this problem can be studied successfully. The most interesting feature of the seasonal sea-level variations caused by air pressure is, without doubt, the existence of the six amphidromic points and regions which appear in Fig. 2. The amphidromie regions develop in areas where more or less marked annual differences in air pressure, and hence in sea-level, may be noted around a spot, the amphidromic point, where there are practically no such fluctuations. The largest amplitudes in the annual oscillation in sea-level due to atmospheric pressure occur, as would be expected, in areas characterized by extensive air pressure disturbances with pronounced seasonal variations. The Icelandic and Aleutian lows in winter and the South-Asiatic low in summer are the most typical in this respect, although the effect of the latter is in sea-level records greatly modified by additional factors. A comparison of the results shown in Fig. 2 with the recorded sea-levels, as a rule, reveals marked discrepancies. Only in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere is the influence of the two concerned cyclones mentioned above the predominating factor affecting the annual cycle of sea-level variations. However, even in these regions the recorded amplitudes are generally larger than the computed amplitudes, distinctly indicating the influence of additional factors. The relative differences between the ranges of the recorded and computed sea-levels are still more pronounced in the other zones. Nevertheless, when studying the time of appearance of the maximum sea-level it is frequently possible even in these areas to trace the influence of air pressure, although this effect is frequently highly distorted by the existence of additional factors. LJOEN R., 1962. The waters of the western and northern coasts of Norway in July-August 1957.

Fiskeri SkriJL Ser. Havunder., 14 (2): 39 pp. The research was intended to discuss the hydrographical conditions of the water masses in which biological investigations were simultaneously undertaken. The data were collected during a cruise in July-August 1957. Some characteristic features of the different water masses have been described. The horizontal and vertical distribution of these water masses have been charted by help of the conditions at selected depths and sections. A computation of the relative current has been carried out in the area off Northern Norway. A good correlation was found between hydrographical conditions and the distribution of the various developmental stages of Calanus finmarchus. L a. the development of the stages was most advanced in the western part of the warmest water in the Norwegian Atlantic Current and on the west side of this water mass. To the west of Bear Island a relatively high volume of plankton may be related to an anticyclonic movement of the water masses, which probably was a part of a vortex. Deep water observations were undertaken in the Norwegian Sea between 68 ° and 74 ° N and to the east of 8 ° E. A short discussion of this deep water showed a good conformity with corresponding conditions in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea described by Mosby (1959) and Saelen (1959). MAGARVEY R. H. and B. L. BLACgFORO, 1962. Experimental determination of the charge induced on water drops. J. Geophys. Res., 67 (4): 1421-1426. Charges induced on drops formed by dispensing small masses from a source liquid in the region of an electrostatic field have been measured. The induced charge was found to be proportional to the voltage applied to a ring electrode positioned coaxially with the liquid jet from which the drops are formed. The measured values were in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Charges induced on drops in a regular procession were calculated from current measurements and the drop production frequency. The charge transported by the drops is read directly from a calibrated meter. MARGINEANU C. and G. H. SERPOIANU, 1961. Le d6veloppement du zooplancton marin au littoral roumain dans les conditions thermiques sp6cifiques ~ l'hiver 1960/1961. (In Rumanian; French and Russian summaries). Buletvnul, Inst. Cercetari si Proiectari Pescicole, Roumania, 20 (3): 17-26. Les anteurs exposent les caract6ristiques du r6gime thermique marin durant l'hiver 1960/1961 et les r6percussions sur le d6veloppement du zooplancton et sur la p&:he ~t l'esprot et ~t l'anehois pendant le printemps. Pendant tout l'hiver, tant ~tproximit6 du littoral, qu'en haute mer, la temperature de l'cau a marqu6 des diff6rences appr&:iables en plus, rapport6 aux moyennes des derni/,'res annb~s, ce qui a d6termin6 des hautes valeurs pour la biomasse zooplanctonique surtout pur celle du zooplancton productif.