Unusual Oral Vascular Leiomyoma: Case Report

Unusual Oral Vascular Leiomyoma: Case Report

ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL PATHOLOGY e50 Abstracts examination revealed a neoplastic process with 3 recognized elements. The scarcest was characteristic o...

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ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL PATHOLOGY e50 Abstracts examination revealed a neoplastic process with 3 recognized elements. The scarcest was characteristic of PA; the second included intraductal and invasive areas of salivary duct carcinoma; the last had the appearance of ACC, with cribriform and double-layered tubular structures lined with small cells with hyperchromatic, angulated nuclei. There was massive carcinomatous embolization of mucosal blood and lymphatic vessels. Thirty-nine lymph nodes showed metastatic deposits composed exclusively of the IMSDC component. Frankly invasive CXPAs are aggressive neoplasms often associated with metastatic disease and poor prognosis.

PCC-131 - DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS BETWEEN ACTINIC PRURIGO AND DESQUAMATIVE CHEILITIS: A CASE REPORT IN A BRAZILIAN WOMAN. EDUARDO ALONSO CRUZ MONROY, TIAGO JOÃO DA SILVA FILHO, AMANDA KATARINNY GOES GONZAGA, LÉLIA BATISTA DE SOUZA, ANA MIRYAM COSTA DE MEDEIROS, ÉRICKA JANINE DANTAS DA SILVEIRA. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE. Cheilitis refers to a group of different types of injuries affecting the lips. One of the less common types is actinic prurigo (AP), which can be confused with other types of cheilitis that present similar clinical and histological features. A 44-year-old Black female presented with desquamated, ulcerated lesions in the vermilion border of the upper and lower lip, causing intense itching, that had evolved over the course of 4 months. Her medical history was noncontributory. Although there were no skin lesions, the conjunctiva was affected. The diagnostic hypothesis was AP. An incisional biopsy revealed acanthosis, spongiosis, and sparse lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate without well-defined lymphoid follicles, together with numerous melanophages. Immunostaining showed focal positivity for S-100, CD68, CD20, and CD3. The final diagnosis was desquamative cheilitis, and the patient was treated with a topical corticosteroid.

PCC-132 - MUCOEPIDERMOID CARCINOMA OF THE PALATE: CASE REPORT IN A PEDIATRIC PATIENT. EVERTON FREITAS DE MORAIS, LELIA PRISTO DE MEDEIROS, ANA MIRYAM COSTA DE MEDEIROS, LÉLIA MARIA GUEDES QUEIROZ, CARLOS CÉSAR OLIVEIRA RAMOS, RÔMULO AUGUSTO DE PAIVA MACEDO, MARIA DE LOURDES SILVA DE ARRUDA MORAIS. LIGA NORTE-RIOGRANDENSE CONTRA O CÂNCER. Salivary gland neoplasms account for approximately 5% of all head and neck tumors. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is one of the most common malignant tumors of salivary tissue. A 7-year-old female presented with a painless swelling on the right side of the hard palate that had evolved over a period of 6 months. The lesion, which extended from the premolar region to the molar region, was a 2-cm firm nodule covered with normal mucosa. Extraoral examination showed no lymph node alterations. Computed tomography showed a hypodense area with illdefined margins. Fine needle aspiration was performed, and a diagnosis of MEC was hypothesized. A biopsy was then performed, and the histopathological examination confirmed the diagnostic hypothesis. After 15 months of follow-up, there was no sign of recurrence. Early diagnosis of oral injuries and awareness of oral cancer in the community are important to improving prognoses.

OOOO August 2015 PCC-133 - PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA OF THE PALATE IN A CHILD: A CASE REPORT. LAIS BUENO DALLARMI, MAYARA BARBOSA VIANDELLI MUNDIM, LUCIANO ALBERTO CASTRO, ENEIDA FRANCO VÊNCIO, NEWILLAMES GONÇALVES NERY, NÁDIA DO LAGO COSTA. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE GOIÁS. Although pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common neoplasm of the salivary glands, it is uncommon in children. A 4-year-old male presented with a swelling in the palate. Intraoral examination revealed a soft tissue mass measuring approximately 1.5 cm in diameter on the left side of the posterior part of hard palate. The oral mucosa covering the lesion was normal. Occlusal radiograph and computed tomography revealed no bony destruction. Examination of an incisional biopsy sample showed several ducts lined with cuboidal cells. These ducts were surrounded by myoepithelial cells, some with a plasmacytoid appearance. Areas of chondroid tissue were also evident. The definitive diagnosis was PA. The tumor was resected with wide margins, and no recurrence was observed during 6 months of follow-up. In this report, we discuss the clinicopathological findings in this unusual case.

PCC-134 - POLYMORPHOUS LOW-GRADE ADENOCARCINOMA: CASE REPORT. RENATA ASSIS DE OLIVEIRA FELISDÓRIO, MÁRCIA JANE FERREIRA DA SILVA DUARTE, RAYARA FERNANDA DUARTE EUZÉBIO, CAMILA MARIA BEDER RIBEIRO, SONIA MARIA SOARES FERREIRA, MÁRCIA CRISTINA DA COSTA MIGUEL, STEFÂNIA JERONIMO FERREIRA. CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO CESMAC. Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) is a rare, malignant salivary gland tumor, which is found almost exclusively in the minor salivary glands. It is usually located in the hard or soft palate. A 48-year-old female presented with a history of a lesion in hard palate, which had been removed approximately 9 years earlier, without resolution, who had recently noted a gradual increase in the size of the lesion. Clinical examination revealed a painless, fibrous, non-infiltrative, sessile nodule, under a removable partial denture. Imaging tests revealed no changes. The diagnostic hypotheses were pleomorphic adenoma and peripheral ossifying fibroma. After the biopsy, histopathological analysis revealed PLGA. The patient was referred for treatment and was still under follow-up at this writing. This case report demonstrated the negligence of the dentist involved and that PLGA requires long-term follow-up because of its recurrence rate.

PCC-135 - UNUSUAL ORAL VASCULAR LEIOMYOMA: CASE REPORT. HUGO COSTA NETO, CLARISSA FAVERO DEMEDA, MARIANNA SAMPAIO SERPA, RODRIGO PORPINO MAFRA, HÉBEL CAVALCANTI GALVÃO, LÉLIA BATISTA DE SOUZA, LEÃO PEREIRA PINTO. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE. Leiomyoma is a benign smooth muscle tumor that commonly affects the uterus and stomach, being rare in the oral cavity. A female in the third decade of life presented with a nodular, sessile lesion, with a firm consistency, in the lingual gingiva and extending into the retromolar region. The diagnostic hypothesis was pyogenic granuloma (PG). An excisional biopsy was performed, and the histopathological analysis revealed smooth muscle cells with fusiform morphology and blunt-end nuclei,

OOOO Volume 120, Number 2 excluding the diagnosis of PG. On immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells showed immunoreactivity for alpha smooth muscle actin, vimentin, and desmin, together with negativity for Ki-67 and S-100 protein, which helped to confirm the smooth muscle origin of the tumor. This was an unusual case of leiomyoma, in which immunohistochemistry proved an accurate and reliable diagnostic method.

PCC-136 - TUFTED ANGIOMA IN THE LIP OF A 10YEAR-OLD MALE. FRANCINE TROMMER MARTELLI, GRAZIELE DE OLIVEIRA RAMOS, ALESSANDRA DUTRA DA SILVA, PANTELIS VARVAKI RADOS, LAURA CAMPOS HILDEBRAND, FERNANDA VISIOLI. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Tufted angioma is a benign vascular tumor of endothelial origin. It is extremely rare in the oral mucosa. A 10-year-old male presented with an asymptomatic lesion in the left labial commissure that evolved over the course of 2 months. The clinical examination revealed a firm, red-to-purple nodule with a sessile base, measuring approximately 1 cm in diameter. Due to the clinical appearance of the nodule and because a trauma was reported in the region, the diagnostic hypothesis was pyogenic granuloma. Based on the histological features, the final diagnosis was tufted angioma. After 2 weeks, there was recurrence of the lesion in the same site. The new lesion was completely removed, and no variation of the microscopic characteristics was observed in comparison with the previous lesion. No signs of recurrence were detected after 1 year of clinical follow-up.

PCC-137 - SUBGEMMAL NEUROGENOUS PLAQUE: REPORT OF 2 CASES. FERNANDA MARIÁ MOTTA, GUSTAVO G RODRIGUES, MÁRIO JOSÉ ROMAÑACH GONZALEZ SOBRINHO, ELLEN BRILHANTE CORTEZZI, MÁRCIA GRILLO CABRAL, MICHELLE AGOSTINI, ALINE CORREA ABRAHÃO. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Subgemmal neurogenous plaque is characterized by aggregates of nerves in the posterolateral border of the tongue. Clinical features are variable, including burning, whitish plaque, and swelling. No recurrence is expected after surgical removal. Two adult male patients were referred for evaluation of a unilateral focal burning sensation on the posterolateral border of the tongue. Intraoral examination of first case also showed a yellowish soft papule while only burning sensation was reported in the second case. In both cases, microscopic evaluation revealed subepithelial small nerve fascicles intermingled with mature ganglion cells, von Ebner’s glands, and lymphoid infiltrate just beneath the superficial epithelium, which exhibited numerous taste buds. The diagnosis was subgemmal neurogenous plaque in both patients. First patient was well, with no signs of recurrence, but second patient reported no significant improvement in symptoms. Further studies are needed in order to distinguish this condition from normal structures of tongue.


ABSTRACTS Abstracts e51 Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare benign tumor that occurs most frequently in the pleura. In the maxillofacial area this lesion is rare. A 67-year-old male presented with a well-defined submucosal mass, in the left buccal mucosa, that had appeared several months earlier. The lesion was completely removed, and microscopic examination revealed patternless proliferation of ovoid and spindle cells with perivascular hyalinization. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the tumor cells were diffusely positive for S-100 and smooth muscle actin, as well as being strongly, broadly positive for CD34 and CD99. The final diagnosis was SFT. The patient remains free of recurrence 6 months postoperatively.

PCC-139 - ORAL TRAUMATIC NEUROMA IN A CHILD. RUTH TRAMONTANI RAMOS, THIAGO MOREIRA PESSOA, T TEIXEIRA SOUZA, MARÍLIA HEFFER CANTISANO, BRUNA LAVINAS SAYED PICCIANI, FÁBIO RAMOA PIRES, GERALDO OLIVEIRA SILVA JÚNIOR. UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Traumatic neuroma is a reactive proliferation of neural tissue in response to disruption in a nerve after injury. It occurs predominantly in the mental foramen, alveolar ridge, lips, and tongue, with a higher prevalence in the elderly. Its occurrence in young patients is rarely reported. A 7-year-old White female presented to our stomatology clinic with a painless nodular fleshcolored fibrous swelling on the dorsum of the tongue. The differential diagnosis included traumatic fibroma, granular cell tumor, schwannoma, neurofibroma, and traumatic neuroma. An excisional biopsy was performed under local anesthesia, and the final diagnosis was traumatic neuroma. After 6 months of clinical follow-up, there were no signs of recurrence. The present case demonstrated the importance of considering traumatic neuroma in the differential diagnosis of painless submucosal tongue swellings in children and adolescents.

PCC-140 - MASSON’S TUMOR ON THE LOWER LIP: HISTOPATHOLOGICAL ASPECTS. MORGANA KELLY DE SOUZA SANTOS, ANDRESSA DE OLIVEIRA SOUZA, PEDRO GABRIEL DANTAS GUEDES, JARIELLE OLIVEIRA MASCARENHAS ANDRADE, TARSILA DE CARVALHO FREITAS RAMOS, JEAN NUNES DOS SANTOS, MÁRCIO CAMPOS OLIVEIRA. UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE FEIRA DE SANTANA. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (Masson’s tumor) is a benign lesion of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, consisting of reactive proliferation of endothelial cells with papillary formations related to a thrombus. The clinical picture is nonspecific, and the diagnosis is based on histological examination. A 46-year-old White female, employed as a maid, presented with a symptomatic lesion on the lower lip, measuring 10 mm in diameter, and violet in color. The lesion had first appeared 24 months earlier and had recurred 12 months after the initial treatment. On the basis of a diagnostic hypothesis of mucocele and in view of the differential diagnosis of hemangioma, the lesion was treated via excisional biopsy. On postoperative days 7 and 14, all parameters were within normal limits. The histopathological diagnosis was Masson’s tumor. During 12 months of follow-up, there was no sign of recurrence.