Versatile pain measures for children

Versatile pain measures for children

. VAS lo IMe the inlcnsiiyof e tea, 3.2lo 5.4).the W%P to QXQ&% rhr eeliItiensbip btatveen ape mod locetlone ~liere A hovlodge, of any age-rrtla...

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VAS lo IMe the inlcnsiiyof

e tea, 3.2lo 5.4).the W%P

to QXQ&% rhr eeliItiensbip btatveen ape mod locetlone ~liere A hovlodge, of any age-rrtlatrd prrer~ns io $ rrperisncod pain. 1wAlretio11 OE p&a could ereicrt fn the clinicaL ammvm~~t of pedu do childr44. Ithod: 7h@ opfwrndrd eenewwo co@plseLon ibssl ‘1 had a pain in...’ WI usrd to obteta = sad wlttsa dataon lacatW~d of peru e~po~~~o~~d by 680 #ehoel childrm isgod sr~geifica~ from 5 to 14 y&&t& Iho data vae eategorieed and onrlyesd for bstveaa three sge groupr (5-7 yeare, 8-10 ycrre end 11-14 yrrro) ln lace Rssules: Chl sqwxo a:elyeie indtcnted sigaificmt diffWWIc@s batvesa a fbr%ion 0.” fats l~crelow OE puln. ‘Rw4 war4 thre@ mnlo psterrnr of

tho tuwyp ocoso~;, or srconya W&IQ rhr mostfrequonrly reported locredoa of po$u in 5-f year old group, .~nd decrereo sQaifieontly with 88%. Tha tiwntPon of head @ed II lncroasrd oigniftcanrly wirh aBe. AR uneaprct:d finding w%%th 88 10c.Qti0n5 of p the EOWKR SaoOBt e * loc%tiaa woo enviran8wrtol locntioo%. e.B. . school’ or ion of thee eype of locrtton WIB~016 g~o~u~~~ bn the B-10 year
