Veterinary obstetrics and genital diseases (Theriogenology)

Veterinary obstetrics and genital diseases (Theriogenology)

THERIOGENOLOGY R.E. Larsen Department of Reproduct ion University of Florida CZinesville, FL 32610 A certain symnetry is apparent in the dates of t...

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Department of Reproduct ion University of Florida CZinesville, FL 32610 A certain symnetry is apparent in the dates of the three editions of Ilr. Roberts’ Veterinary CWtetrics and Genital Diseases (‘Iberiogenology), with 15 years between the first and Gondfi and 1971) and second and third editions. The fomt of the new edition is similar to the second in being an with and interpretation. The all-inclusive 1 i terature review cammts literature reviewed runs to well over 6000 references and the anmint of text within each subject area is related to the volme of scientific literature available. Dr. Stephen J. Roberts, speaking of himself as the author, says in and the preface, “His primry concern w*s the organizing, documenting, abstracting of new and pertinent knowledge and fitting it into the framework of his first and second editions.” This organization of the infonr?ation is one of the great strengths of the hook. Each chapter is divided into subsections with its own bibliography, and a series of clinical entities are discussed in a In a change from the previous edition, each reference logical progression. appears only as a superscript in the text rather than as an author’s name. ‘I?xree chapters frcnn contributing alithors have been included. These are Infertility in the Ritch and Queen by Rmald Lein, 4rtificial Insemination by Rohert Il. Foote, and Embryo Transfer hy Maarten nrost. nr. I,ein’s review of the literature of small animal reproduction includes over 480 references, a section on the basic physiological events in non-nal reproduction, and an excellent discussion of the use of exogenous hormones in the bitch. 4 review of the pathological conditions of the reproductive tract follows with basic therapeutic approaches. ‘Ihe chapters covering artificial insemination and embryo transfer are reviews of selected literature with brief histories of the techniques. lbth these chapters serve as excellent introductions to the basic principles involv& and to the special considerations required for each species. Neither atteqts to serve as a how-to manual for heginners. In this 981-page book, the first 3% pages are dedicated to pregnancy diagnosis; physiology and diseases of gestation, parturition and obstetrics; and diseases of the puerperal period. 7his, in itself, is a ccnplete veterinary obstetrics textbook. ‘Ihe species orientation is heavily toward the bovine hut each chapter has sections on the xare, sow, hitch, queen, sheep and goat, reflecting the literature available for each species. The 121-page chapter Xseases and 4ccidents of the &station Perid is a rtiel of organization for review of this topic. ‘l%e seemingly endless list of etiologies capable of interrupting or affecting pregnancy is broken into various groups of infections and noninfectiolls agents. mese groups follow a sequence and have an internal order of etiologic agents: this serves as an excellent framework for learning and for review. 4 few of the IIX)re commn, well-dorxmented agents may receive two to three pages of attention while most :I re reviewed in one to two paragraphs. Part II of the hook is labeled Infertility in Domestic 4nimals and includes a chapter on ohysiology of female reproduction and a chapter on infertility in the fomle of each of the dcmestic species. Physiology of the estrous cycle of each species is reviewed. ‘I%cse chapters are primarily discussions of clinical conditions (as are all the chapters in the book). Reprorluct ive physiolog is


1986 VOL. 26 NO. 5



approached reproductive

the only to the level necessary for grasping management and clinical diagnosis and treatment.




Tne final chapter of the infertility section of this hook consists of 130 pages on infertility in male animals (andrology). This chapter catalogs and describes the many injuries and pathological conditions of the different organs making up the male tract. G section sunrarizing semen collection, evaluation, and hreeding soundness examinations is included. The organization is by organ and type of injury rather than by species. This approach may have advantages the information on the nonbovine for certain types of study, but in this case, species heccmes difficult to find srnng the volwninous entries for the bull. .4 ntunher of additional appeared during the period

references--citations of proofreading--are

from 1983, 1984, and 1945 that included in an addendum.

This text can he characterized as an encyclopedia of veterinary It is not a book that is likely to he read cover to reproductive medicine. cover. Fach paragraph summarizes so much infonrcation that reading even relatively short sections provides much material for thought. However, it is exactly this encyclopedic sumnary of virtually everv reproductive clinical condition for which scientific literature exists that makes the book unique and valuable. Sane familiarity with the organization of the text is necessary for rapid use as a reference book. Since chapter sections are groupings of diseases such as Puerperal Metabolic Diseases or JXupture of the Uterus, Cervix, Vagina, and Perineun, paging one’s way to the subject of interest requires an acceptance of the clinical logic of Dr. Roberts. in the sequencing of However, this logic subjects generally holds true fran chapter to chapter so that familiarity cones rapidly. This hook is for the veterinary clinician whose practice or interest includes reproductive medicine. There is also a considerable volume of information of value to animal scientists and animal hreeders, but its orientation is recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of the ahno-1. The mass of veterinary literature on reproduction tends to favor the bovine species. That tilt is reflected here and bovine practitioners will not be disappointed in the Students of reproduction will have a Fairly cqlete total information covered. outline of the field of theriogenolog. The evolution of this text throngh the years as a massive literature review gives this edition a sense of the history and progress of the field. The historical perspective in many discussions is for dealing with certain valuable in clarifying the changes in technique in earlier conditions and in explaining how modern procedures have roots prdCtiCeS.

Veterinary (Ibstetrics and Genital Diseases Uheriogenology) hy S-d. Roberts 981 pages, $72.00. 1996, Published by the author, 3rdon. (ed.1; Distributed hy David and Charles Inc., North Pornfret, VT Woodstock, VT 05091. 05053.


NOVEMBER 1986 VOL. 26 NO. 5