what a
professional society means to pharmacy n the 1961 Lunsford Richardson Pharmacy Awards program six of the winning papers by under-
I graduate students in colleges of pharmacy were written on the topic-What a Professional Society lVfeans to Pharmacy and to Me. The purpose of the awards program which is sponsored annually by Richardson-lVIerrill, Inc. is to stimulate undergraduate pharmacy students to contribute their thinking on current national professional problems and institutions. From each of the six manuscripts which won first prize or honorable mention for timely and worthwhile comments, the following excerpts have been selected.
W. Whitmyer,
Ohio State University Pharmacists should join APHA because it is their professional organization and can be their voice for all matters involving the profession. They have learned in the past that membership implied good professionalism and the
advantages were confined to certificates of membership. This is for the most part true. It has been said that a nation's youth is its life's blood; this too applies to pharmacy and more specifically to APHA. The newest members must be made aware of the role they must take in the creation of a strong national organization .
by Robert J. Marcus University of Wisconsin What do I expect my role to be as a future pharmacist in relation to APHA? I will expect APHA to be concerned with the professional needs I shall have in my work; to work towards solutions to (continued on page 567)
... APItA eteaum pad ••• As
we went to press, the board of
~ canvassers completed the election
tall y for 1962-63 APHA officers in a record vote. George F. Archambault, immediate past chairman of the APHA Council, pharmacy liaison officer to the office of the surgeon general of the U.S. Public Health Service and chief of the pharmacy branch, division of hospitals, U.S. Public Health Service, is presidentelect of the AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION. Practicing pharmacists J. Curtis N ottingham of Williamsburg, Virginia and Lee E. Eiler of Dayton, Ohio have been elected to serve as first and second vice presidents, respectively during 1962- 63. Councilors elected to a .three-year term starting at the conclusion of the 1962 annual meeting are Grover C. Bowles, J r. of Memphis, Tennessee, Robert A. Hardt of Chicago, Illinois, and Frederick D. Lascoff of New York, New York. The officers elected will be installed at the conclusion of the APHA annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, the week of March 25, 1962. Present officers of APHA who will continue to serve through the annual meeting next year are-J. Warren Lansdowne of Indian-
apolis, president; Rudolph H. Blythe of Philadelphia, first vice president, and Noel E. Foss of Baltimore, second vice president. Officers of the AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIA nON are elected in a mail ballot by all active members in good standing and the votes are counted by a board of canvassers appointed by the president. The board of canvassers, consisting of Chairman James O. Hubbard, Jr., of Richtllond, Virginia, R. David Allen of Arlington, Virginia, and Kenneth E. Hanson of Washington, D.C., met at APHA headquarters on \Vednesday, August 30, to certify the results of the record vote. The honorary president is elected annually and the secretary and treasurer triennially by the House of Delegates. Heber \V. Youngken, Sr., of Boston currently serves as honorary president, while William S. Apple of Washington, D.C., secretary, and Hugo H. Schaefer of Yonkers, New York, treasurer, were elected for three-year terms in 1959. The APHA Council presently consists of Chairman Louis J. Fischl of Oakland, California; Vice Chairman George F. Archambault of Bethesda, Maryland; Secretary William S. Apple of \Vashington, D '. C.; Rudolph H.
George F. Archambault
Blythe of Philadelphia; Roy A. Bowers of Newark; Grover C. Bowles, Jr. , of Memphis; Henry IV!. Burlage of Austin; Troy C. Daniels of San Francisco; Robert P. Fischelis of Washington, D.C.; Noel E. Foss of Baltimore; J. Warren Lansdowne of Indianapolis; Howard C. Newton of Boston; Ronald V. Robertson of Spokane; Linwood F. Tice of Philadelphia; Hugo H. Schaefer of Yonkers, N ew York, and Leroy A. \Veidle, Jr., of St. Louis. Grover C. Bowles, J r., now serves as chairman and Donald C. Brodie of San Francisco as vice chairman of the House of Delegates. These officers are elected annually by delegates. • Vol. NS1, No.9, September 1961