Wind data generator: A knowledge-based expert system

Wind data generator: A knowledge-based expert system

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 38 (1991) 101-108 101 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Nether...

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Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 38 (1991) 101-108


Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands

Wind data generator: A knowledge-based expert system Edmond D.H. Cheng Department of Civil Engineering, University o[ Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA

Summary Research was undertaken to improve the methods of utilizingshort-term wind records to estimate long-term extreme winds for design purposes. Recent approaches to the problem include the Markov models developed at the University of Hawaii for extreme wind simulation applicable to a well behaved climate and to typhoon-prone regions. Recently, it has been realizedthat the application of these simulation models, is tedious, painstaking and time consuming for inexperienced users. Therefore, the current effortis to utilizean expert system shell to facilitatethe application of the simulation models in a microcomputer environment. An application of this approach is illustrated.



state of wind speeds number of states of wind speeds of a data base conditional transition probability Pij of period r in season s a matrix ofpij a matrix ofp~f number of periods in a day number of seasons in a year a given season of S standard deviation of the inherent sampling error of historical

Vh, Vs V.V +I

records historical and simulated annual extreme wind speeds hourly wind speeds at hour z and hour z+ 1


P~j PM

PM(s,r) R S s

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n

Recent efforts have been made to improve the methods of utilizing shortterm wind records [ 1-4 ]. The contribution made by research at the University 0167-6105/91/$03.50 © 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


of Hawaii is the development of stochastic simulation models which generate hourly wind data in a well behaved climate and in typhoon-prone regions [5-9]. Recently, it has been realized that application of these simulation models is tedious, painstaking and time consuming for inexperienced users. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that a knowledge-based exert system approach can be utilized to facilitate the application of the simulation models developed at the University of Hawaii in a microcomputer environment. A brief description of the simulation model is presented in the next section. 2. T h e m o d e l

The simulation model presented here has the capability of generating hourly wind data in a well behaved climate in which hurricanes or typhoons may not be expected to occur, as well as in typhoon-prone regions. The simulation model consists of three components. The first component is the wind simulator (WSR) which is capable of generating non-storm wind data. The second component is the storm simulator (SSR) which is for simulating tropical cyclones or other extratropical winds. The last component is a cyclone occurrence simulation program called the storm occurrence simulator (SOR). Basic elements in simulators WSR, SSR, and SOR are briefly described as follows.

2.1. Wind simulator (WSR) 2.1.1. State of wind speeds In the simulation process for a given wind site, the first step is to divide the entire range of observed wind speeds into a finite number of states. This is performed with reference to the probability histogram derived from the observed wind data for that site. A computer program called WSTAT was developed for performing this task. 2.1.2. Distribution functions The second basic element involves the wind speed distribution functions, i.e. the probability density functions (PDF) and the cumulative distribution functions (CDF) of wind speeds in various states. In this paper, three types of PDFs are utilized to fit a wind speed histogram: uniform, linear and exponential functions. The exponential PDF is exclusively reserved for the last state in which extreme winds are involved. 2.1.3. Transition probability matrices The transition probability Pij is defined as the probability of a wind speed in state j which will occur in the next hour, given that a wind speed in state i has

103 occurred in this hour. For a wind field of m finite states, Plj is actually a conditional transition probability of wind speed V~ going from one state i at hour T to wind speed V~+ 1 of state j at hour T+ 1 or pii=p(V~+l=jlv,=i)


With m states determined, an m × m transition probability matrix P M can be determined. If the number of periods in a day and the number of seasons in a year are R and S respectively, then there will be R X S transition probability matrices in the simulation process. A typical transition probability matrix for a given period r and season s can be expressed as P M ( s , r ) = [p~f]


where s= 1,2,...,S, and r= 1,2,...,R. Computer programs called W T P M and WSIM were developed for calculating the P M (s,r), and generating the hourly wind data respectively. 2.2. Storm simulator (SSR) In the SSR, the PDF of storms, collected from historical data at a given site, is the essential element. Calculations of the storm histogram and the PDFs are performed through a computer subroutine called SSTATE. With this information, a Monte Carlo method based computer program can be developed for storm simulation. 2.3. Storm occurrence simulator (SOR) In the SOR, the interarrival time between occurrences of storms in a strong wind season is the key element. The CDF of the interarrival times may be expressed by a time dependent shifted exponential function. In addition, the probability distributions of the arrival times of the first and the last storms of each strong wind season and probability distributions of the duration of storm seasons are parameters needed in the SOR. 3. Markov property and stationarity tests

In order to substantiate the major assumptions made earlier, a test must be performed of the Markov property, i.e. the existence of dependency between two adjacent hourly wind speeds. Furthermore, this simulation technique is only applicable to stationary time series; the intended simulation model is a stationary first-order Markov chain. Consequently, a test of stationarity of the historical wind speed times series is necessary prior to acceptance of the simulated results. Anderson and Goodman's method [ 10 ] was used in performing these tests (Section 5).

104 4. E X S Y S - P r o f e s s i o n a l

The simulation model is written in FORTRAN with more than 5000 statements. The master program consists of four interactive subprograms, 17 subroutines and uses mathematical and statistical functions from the International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries [11]. It is realized that the application of our simulation models by inexperienced users, is tedious, painstaking and time consuming. Therefore, the current effort is to utilize an expert system shell to facilitate the application of the simulation models in a microcomputer environment. In other words, an expert system shell is used to manipulate the master program in the decision making process on input data and parameter selection, linkage mechanism among interactive sub-programs, and smooth execution of information flow. This task can be accomplished by decomposing the master program into a network of external programs (executable version) which will be called by an expert system shell. The chosen system is a rule-based system called EXSYS-Professional [12] which is coded in C language. Although this system, like many other PC tools, represents knowledge as I F - T H E N rules and uses backward chaining to process these rules, it is capable of executing external programs and can also pass its results to external programs. Furthermore, the EXSYS-Professional has a convenient command language. This language is utilized to control the direction and flow of our knowledge-based expert system (KBES), while the rules provide the logic, inference and chaining capabilities. The EXSYS-Professional was selected because of these powerful features. 5. Application A schematic block diagram of the KBES simulation model is illustrated in Fig. 1. This KBES simulation technique is applied to wind data at Taipei station in Taiwan which is situated in a typhoon-prone region. The second 5-year out of the 22-year (January 1961 to December 1982 ) hourly wind records available at Taipei station were used in the test run. Historical wind data at the Taipei station indicated that more than 80% of the annual extreme wind speeds were attributable to typhoons. Therefore, in this test run, the storm occurrence simulator SOR is developed for tropical cyclone occurrences only (Fig. 2). In this paper, tropical cyclones are classified as tropical storms or typhoons whose maximum sustained 10 min mean surface winds are 15-28 m s-1 or 29 m s and greater respectively. In this illustration, four periods (1 a.m.-8 a.m., 9 a.m.-noon, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. and 6 p.m.-midnight) in a day and three seasons (December-May, June-August and September-November) in a year were chosen. The periods of the day were decided from the averaged diurnal wind speeds, and the selection of seasons was based on the seasonal variation of wind






2ilel~ f




2 Data





Ready I




Fig. 1. A schematic block diagram of the knowledge-based expert system wind data simulation model.




[ I . . . . . lew I




106 15

10 4~ .,-t




I 5







Wind speed, m/s Fig. 2. Histogram of hourly tropical cyclone wind speeds, 10 m above ground level, at Taipei station for data period 1961-1982. TABLE 1

Results ofMarkov property and stationaritytestin X2 values for Taipeistation historical wind data 1966-1970 Markov Property Test


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season I

Season 2

Season 3

6842 2988 3443 6234

2352 1156 1384 2488

3524 1649 1913 2906

1001 991 1159 969

447 410 482 426

499 497 589 578

49 66

49 66

49 66

1624 1719

784 850

784 850

Period 1 2 3 4

Degrees of freedom Z 2 table

speeds at Taipei station. Therefore, using eqn. (2), 12 transition probability matrices were generated. The tests of Markov property and stationarity of historical records used in the test run were performed and passed (Table 1 ). The model was executed in a 16 MHz IBM PS2/80 microcomputer. It only took 22 and 25 s to execute WSTAT and WTPM respectively. However, to generate 100 years of hourly wind data from WSIM, 37 min were needed. It was observed that the annual extremes of the simulated (100-year) as well



o 0


ms m





.~ / ~ i s t o r i c a l









I0 20 30 50 I00 Recurrence interval, years Fig. 3. Type I dmtribution of historical and simulated annual extreme wind speeds, 10 m above

ground level, at Taipei station. TABLE 2

Estimated annual extreme wind speedsfrom historical records and from simulation method at Taipei, in meters per second at 10 m above ground level Data



interval (years)


25 50 100 25 50 100




23.8 26.4 29.1

1.4 1.6 1.9


Vh -- V8 SCR

23.9 26.3 28.6

- 0.07 0.06 0.26

as the historical (1897-1984) hourly wind speeds 17, and Vh, are closely fitted by the Gumbel distribution of extreme values (Fig. 3). Using the Gumbel line obtained from the historical annual extreme wind speeds as the reference, the deviations of simulated 25-year, 50-year or 100-year wind speeds from the reference Gumbel line are less than 0.5ScR (Table 2). ScR is the standard deviation of the inherent sampling error of the historical records [ 13,14]. This result is very encouraging. 6. Conclusion A K B E S simulation model for generating long-term wind data, on the basis of short-term wind records,has been demonstrated. The resultsobtained from

108 t h e a p p l i c a t i o n of this k n o w l e d g e - b a s e d t e c h n i q u e are very e n c o u r a g i n g . Furt h e r r e s e a r c h is n e e d e d to generalize t h e p r o p o s e d K B E S S i m u l a t i o n model. Acknowledgment P a r t i a l s u p p o r t of this s t u d y b y t h e N a t i o n a l Science F o u n d a t i o n t h r o u g h g r a n t I N T - 8 5 - 1 1 5 3 is g r a t e f u l l y a c k n o w l e d g e d .

References 1 E. Simiu, J.J. Filliben and J.R. Shaver, Short-term records and extreme wind speeds, J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 108 (1982) 2571-2577. 2 L. Gomes and B.J. Vickery, On the prediction of extreme wind speeds from the parent distribution, J. Ind. Aerodyn., 2 (1977) 21-36. 3 A.G.Davenport, Wind structure and wind climate, Proc. Int. Research Seminar on Safety of Structures Under Dynamic Loading, Tapir Publishers, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 1978, pp. 209-256. 4 M. Grigoriu, Estimates of design winds from short records, J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 198 (1982) 1034-1048. 5 E.D.H. Cheng and A.N.L. Chiu, Extreme winds simulated from short-period records, J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, 111 (1985) 77-94. 6 E.D.H. Cheng and A.N.L. Chiu, A Markov mixture model for extreme wind simulation, Proc. Fifth U.S. Nat. Conf. on Wind Engineering, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, TX, 1985, pp. 1A-9 to 1A-16. 7 E.D.H. Cheng and A.N.L. Chiu, Stochastic simulation of extreme winds in a tropical cycloneprone region, Proc. U.S.-Asia Conf. on Engineering for Mitigating Natural Hazards Damage, Asian Institute of Technology Press, Bangkok, Thailand, 1987, p. A10-1 to A10-14. 8 E.D.H. Cheng and A.N.L. Chiu, Extreme winds generated from short records in a tropical cyclone-prone region, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 28 (1988) 69-78. 9 E.D.H. Cheng and A.N.L. Chiu, An expert system for extreme wind simulation, Proc. Sixth U.S. Nat. Conf. on Wind Engineering, University of Houston Press, Houston, TX, 1989, pp. C8-11 to C8-19. 10 T.W. Anderson and L.A. Goodman, Statistical inference about Markov chains, Ann. Math. Stat., 28 (1957) 89-110. 11 International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries, User's manual, IMSL, Houston, TX, 1987. 12 EXSYS-Professional, New commands and features, EXSYS, Inc. Albuquerque, NM, 1988. 13 E.J. Gumbel, Statistics of Extremes, Columbia University Press, New York, 1958, pp. 227228. 14 E. Simiu and R. Scanlan, Wind Effects on Structures, Wiley, New York, 1986, pp. 87-88.