P.A. Jacobo et al. (Editors), Structure and Reactiuity of Modified Zeolites
© 1984 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
ABSTRACT Transition metal complexes (TMC) fixed in Y zeolites by "surface assembling" [Ni, Co, co , Ru ~hthalocyanines (Pcl.) or by exchanging Na+ for [RUNO(NH 3) OHJ + and [Rh(NH ) ClJ cations have been investigated by ~PS. MePc were est~b~ished to be located in supercages as isolated complexes which interact with zeolitic OH groups via meso N atoms of the porphyrin ring. The stability of both MePc and complex cations under various conditions of zeolites pretreatment was compared. MePc were found to be quite stable in inert and reducing atmosphere while Ru and Rh complexes decomposed causing the stabilization of metals in intermediate and zero-valence states. XPS combined with a catalytic study showed that zeolites with TMC are of great interest as promising metal-complex catalysts or precursors of zeolite supported catalysts with high dispersion of metals. INTRODUCTION The synthesis and study of TMC in zeolites opens new possibilities for the use of zeolite catalysts. Because of the regular structure, high adsorption potential and some other properties of zeolites a large number of centres can be produced the characteristics of which are expected to be similar to those of individual homogeneous complexes. A lot of work, reviewed in (ref. 1,2), was devoted to solve this problem but in most cases the fixed complexes were unstable under catalytic conditions and a small amount of information was obtained on TMC distribution in the zeolite structure arrd on the influence of the latter upon the properties of TMC. This paper concerns an XPS investigation of Ni, Co, Cu and Ru phthalocyanines fixed in Y zeolites which were found (ref. 3,4) to exhibit some interesting catalytic properties. Both zeolites with MePc synthesized in the zeolite cavities in situ, and [RUNO(NH3)40H]2+ or [Rh(NH3)5ClJ2+ -containing zeolites have been examined. The main problems involved
are: (a) the characterization of TMC; (b) the nature of the TMC-zeolitic framework interaction; (c) the effect of various pretreatments on the TMC stability and on the valence and coordination states of the metal. In addition, several TMC-containing samples were tested in catalytic NO reduction. Some XPS data of the samples studied have been reported earlier (ref. 5,6). EXPERIMENTAL The procedure of MePcY preparation consisted in (ref. 3,4): (a) dehydration of exchanged forms in vacuo at 300_350 0 ; (b) exposure of the samples to phthalonitrile vapours at the same t empe ra t u r e , (c) eli.mination of the excess of the complexing agent and removal of residual cations from zeolite by the exchange with NaCl solution. [RUNO(NH3)40H]2+ and [Rh(NH3)5Cl]2+ cations were introduced into NaY via cationic exchange (ref. 5). XP spectra were recorded with an ES 200B spectrometer (ref. 7). The C is line (E = 285 eV) and the Si 2p line (E = 103 eV) were b b used for energy calibration. The atomic ratios were determined from integral intensities; the photoionization cross-sections and corrections for escape depths and analyser transmission coefficients for photoelectrons with different E were taken into k account. The catalytic reaction NO+CO was performed in a static ~eactor (ref. 5). NO labelled with 15 N180 was used in some experiments. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. MePc synthesized in the 7-eolite matrix Fig. 1 shows Ni 2P3/2 spectra of Ni in the samples studied, as an example. The interaction of phthalonitrile with the cationic form of zeolites leads to an E shift of the main peak to b values which are characteristic of individual MePc (see Table 1). These shifts indicate decreasing effective positive charges on Ni and Co when compared to isolated cations (ref. 8). According to correlations, the charge values are 0.35 for Ni and 0.37 for Co, in agreement with those derived from EHM calculations of the corresponding MePc (ref. 9). The changes of the shake up satellite structure and the line shape which are most pronounced for Ni samples also indicate the MePc formation in zeolites. The decreasing satellite intensity as well as line HWFM are caused by decreasing Ni unpaired spin density due to the diamagnetic state of NiPc (ref. 7). Since CoPc exhibits some paramagnetism, the
satellite structure of CoPcY spectrum did not change so dramatically. The exposure of the Ru form to phthalonitrile also results in an appreciable shift of the Ru 3d 5 / 2 spectrum from 281.1 eV to 284.2 eV, which can be attributed to RU(III) complexes (ref. 5). This fact as well as the high N/Ru ratio presumably indica2 tes the formation of RuPc. The Cu 2P3/2 Eb in CuPc and Cu + y
NiPcY-40 NiPc
NiC1 2 865 Fig.
XP Ni 2P3/2 s pe c t ra of the samples studied
TABLE 1 The parameters of XP Me 2 P3/2 spect ra for-the samples studied Sample Ni Co o,ev a) HWFM,eV J3 Eb,eV HWPM,eV Eb,eV
MeY-1J MeY-30 MeY-40 MeY-60 MePcY-13 d) MePcY-30 MePcY-40 MePcY-60f MePc/Nay ) MePc
855.6 855.7 855.8 856.2 855.2 854.5 854.9 854.9 854.9 854.8
2.7(2.4)c) 2.9(2.3) 3.1(3.0) 2.9(2.3) 2.7(2.2) 2.1(1.8) 2.6(1.9) 2.5(1.9) 1.7(1.6) 1.5(1.4)
5.7 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.2 7.3 6.8 7.5 6.5 7.8
1.63 1.70 1.57 1.46 1.40 1.88 2.26 3.24 3.84
781.7 781.8 780.8
3.0 3.4 2.2
2.12 2.08 2.17
780.6 780.8
2.7 2.1
2.12 2.08
a) satellite-peak splitting; b) peak/satellite intensities ratio; c) HWFM without multiplet splitting contribution; d) the number denotes the exchange degree in t~e initial cationi8 form; f) prepared by sublimation of NiPc on NaY in vacuo at 500 • are rather close, therefore the identification of CuPc in zeolite is not so unambiguous. However, the N 1s spectra and chemical analysis imply that a complex is formed, at least in the samples
with high Cu content. The parameters of the Me 2P3/2 spectra of Ni and Co cationic forms with various Me contents are rather similar but the differences became more pronounced after the reaction with phth~loni trile. The higher is the exchange degree,the closer becomes the satellite structure to that of the corresponding individual complex. This would suggest an increasing degree of Me complexing. The latter values can be estimated quantitatively from Me/N determinations (see Table 2). From these data it follows that (a) the number of cations bounded in Pc increased with the degree of exchange; (b) the number of residual cations, which reacted neither with phthalonitrile nor with NaCl during the reverse exchange was 2-3 per unit cell, independently of the Me content. Apparently, these cations occupy inaccessible 51 - sites (ref. 10). TABLE 2 MePc contents in Y zeolites as determined by XP5 Sample
NiPcY-1) NiPcY-30 NiPeY-40 NiPcY-60 NiPc CoPcY-13 CoPcY-40 CoPcY-60 CoPe
a) "'Ie wt;0
1.0 1.7 2.0 3.1
1.0 1.8 3.0
IM.e/I N MePc, The number of we atoms per cell % unit Me2 + total extracted MePc by NaCl residual 0.96 0.43 0.44 0.37 0.29 1.93 0.86 0.62 0.38
30 67 66 78 100 20 44 61 100
4 8 11 16 4 11 16
2 4 4 1
2 2 2 3
1 3
2 3 4
1 4
a) obtained by chemical analysis The critical dimensions of Pc molecules are equal to 12-13~, which is very close to the supercage diameter. This means that the number of MePc formed in a unit cell, if located inside the zeolite cavities appeared to be limited to 8. This is actually the case within the error limits (see Table 2) but some doubts still remain whether all complexes are inside the cavities or whether a part of them aggregates on the external surface. The detailed analySis of Me/5i and Me/Na intensity ratios gives evidence in favour of a preferential location of the MePc complexes inside the zeolite. structure. The diagram in Fig. 2 demonstrates that the differences between surface and bulk composition did not j exceed 25-30 % except of NiNaY-13. the external surface of which
is strongly enriched in NiPc. This may be due to Ni reduction and subsequent Ni o migration during vacuum treatment of the hydrated NiNaY-13 (ref. 7,8). The data for NiPc sublimated en the external surface of NaY also supported the conclusion about a rather uniform MePc distribution over the zeolite structure. In this case Me/Na and NISi ratios exceed several times those of MePcY with the same Ni content. The nearly molecular dispersion of Mepe, which can be achieved in zeolite, facilitated an interaction between Pc and the zeolitic framework which may be displayed in the XP spectra. The coincidence of Me 2p Eb for MePc and MePcY may suggest that the zeolittc framework did not affect the Me state in the complex.
[MeJ s
400 300
CoY Exchange degree (% equiv.) 1 - 13 2
Fig. 2 Diagram illustrating the Me distribution in MeY and MePcY samples (dashed lines limit the error range of ::: 25 %~. On the contrary, N 1s spectra of MePcY greatly differ from those of MePc. Instead of a narrow singlet (Eb~399.0 eV, HWFM~1.9 eV) for MePc, a strongly broadened peak (up to 3.5 eV HWFM) or a poorly resolved doublet appeared. Computer deconvolution of such a spectrum for NiPcY-30 gave two components with the values of 399.0 and 400.5 eV. The appearence of non-equivalency of N atoms in Pc may be due to the interaction between meso N atoms and structural OH groups of the zeolitic framework. This assumption is confirmed by similar E shifts of N 1s observed for the NH b fragment in porphyrin (ref. 11) or during the proton adsorption on a Pc molecule (ref. 12). The other reason of the changes in N 1s spectra may be a distortion of the planar Pc molecule in the supercage due to steric hindrances and ~o the strong electrostatic field of the lattice.
Low thermal stability of TMC is likely to be the major disadvantage which prevents the application of complex-based catalysts. An examination of TMC stability during zeolite pretreatment is therefore of great importance. After the heating of 0 NiPcY-30 in He flow up to 600 no appreciable change of the XP spectra was observed. A small part of complexes desorbed at 400o -450 was probably located on the external surface. H2 treatment 0 at 350 also did not affect Ni 2 P3/ and N is spectra. When the o temperature increased up to 400-450 , a Ni line appeared in the Ni 2P3/2 spectrum and the N is intensity decreased drastically, which indicated a partial hydrogenolysis of the complex. Unlike Ni 2+_y, no migration was observed in the case of reduced NiPcY.
In this temperature range complexes of NiPc/NaY were desorbed from the surface without any decomposition. The treatment with O2 affected MePcY at a lower temperature than with H2 or He. The decrease of the intensity of the N is peak and the appearence of 2+ the spectrum of Ni 2P3/2 similar to that of Ni cations at 2000 350 indicate a strong decomposition of NiPc. Both individual NiPc and NiPc/NaY samples are stable at temperatures as high as 0 300 and are decomposed under NiO formation at higher temperatures. 2. Transformations of complex cations in zeolites A higher Eb of Me 3d 5/ 2 levels for [RUNO(NH3)40HJ2+ and [Rh(NH3)5Cl]2+ introduced into zeolites in comparison with corresponding individual complexes may indicate ionic bonding between TMC and the zeolitic framework. These complexes, however, are gradually decomposed in the course of treatmentsof the corresponding zeolite samples in vacuo, H or O2, during which inter2 mediate and zero-valence states of the metals are observed (see Fig. 3). According to XPS and IR data the coordination Ru-NO 0 bond is partially maintained up to 200-300 • As a result of va2+ cuum or H treatments of MeY, metals are stabilized as Me (Ru) 2 0 or Me 1+ (Ru, Rh). The RuY sample treated in H at 450 exhibits 2 spectra similar to those of Ru1+ species. However, these spectra correspond most likely to Ru clusters dispersed inside zeolite o cavities and the +0.9 eV shift with respect to Me is due to Ru interaction with elect ron acceptor sites of the framework (ref. 5,7). The absence of Ru migration to the external surface is indicated by a constant Ru/Si ratio. The conclusion about a high dispersion of metal produced by gradual reduction of the complex seems to be valid for Rh samples. Unlike treatment in vacuo and
Rh 2+
1 - after ion exchange; 2 - 180°, vacuum; 3 - 350°, vacuum; 4 - 4500 , (vacuum +H 2); 5 - 500°,( O2 + H2 ) , (scale 1: 5) •
Rh 3+1 I I
! I
Fig. 3. XP Ru 3d+C is (a) and Rh 3d (b) spectra of RuY and RhY in H the decomposition of the Ru complex in O2, followed by 2, o the reduction in H resulted in RU migration to the external 2, surface and the formation of a metallic phase (see Fig. 3). 3. Catalytic properties of Ru containing zeolites in NO tion with CO
XPS study of Ru zeolites prepared either via [RUNO(NH3)40H] Cl 2 exchange or by RuPc synthesis showed considerable differences in coordination and valence state of Me. In Pc, the metal is surrounded by four N atoms and the axial coordination sites are unsaturated. In case of RuY, the Me state changed from ionic to cluster or metallic one depending on the pretreatment conditions. These differences greatly influenced the catalytic properties of Ru zeolites in NO reduction. The higher activity of RuPcY (see Table 3) in comparison with RuY, which contains 2+ 3+ Ru and Ru ions under catalytic conditions, can be probably explained by a higher reactivity of coordinatively unsaturated RuPc. Reduct~on of RuY gives rise to predominant RU d+ clusters i formation which exhibited maximum activity. On the contrary, H 2 treatment of RuPcY had no effect on the initial reaction rate and enhanced the final conversion only. According to XPS, Ru atoms are formed in the course of RuPc decomposition under these conditions but some active sites may be blocked by hydrogenolytic products. The examination of the reaction mechanism by means of 15 N180 isotopes suggests that NO reduction over RuY proceeds via NO dissociation and 0ads+CO inter$ction, the last step being
the rate-controlling one. The formation of strong complexes between Ru active sites and molecularly adsorbed NO appear to be responsible for the deactivation of the Ru form at low temperatures. The lower final conversion observed for RuPcY may be explained by the additional poisoning effect of CO (ref. 3). TABLE 3 Catalytic properties of Ru containing zeolites in NO reduction 0 with CO (300 , 15 torr)
WQX10- 18 , J., a), Ru state max before cata- molecules lysis g sec %
Pretreatment conditions
Ru 3+ ,RUc5+ 350 0 , va c . 350° ,vac. RuPc 0+ Ru 450 0 , v a c . +H2 450 0 , va c . +H2 RuPc,Ruo
2.1 6.6 14.2 7.0
50 30 90 70
Ru state lll1der catalysis Ru 3+ ,Ru 2+ RuG+(6O}b)
a) final conve rs ion. CONCLUSION XPS provided new quantitative data on the surface layers of zeolites modified with TMC. This information can be related not only to the external surface but to the zeolite structure as well. The good agreement between XPS and chemical analysis data concerning MelNa and Si/Al values confirmed this conclusion. XPS revealed some fine features of TMC properties in zeolites. Phthalocyanine complexes being isolated in supercages maintain to a great extent their individual characteristics. The zeolite actsas a solid solvent affecting the meso N atoms of the chelate unit. Although MePc loses some of its stability when introduced into zeolites, it remaine~ sufficiently stable, so that these samples can be used as catalysts at elevated temperatures. In addition to the reaction NO+CO, MePcY exhibits activity in dehydrogenation of cyclohexane to benzene and of benzene to styrene (ref. 3,4,13), their behaviour being different from that of conventionally prepared metal zeolite catalysts. The decomposition of Ru and Rh complex cations in vacuo and in H leads to Me stabilization in 2 low valence states or highly dispersed clusters. According to XPS, zeolite cavities contained Ru clusters even at 550_600°. The high efficiency of Ru containing zeolite catalysts in NO+CO and CO+H 2 (ref. 14) reactions is probably explained by the presence of a large number of active sites with special electronic properties.
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