07 the information obtained from \uch studies can be used by Public Utility Commissions to determine the quality of service. conduct cost/benefit analysis and even to impact rate-making decisions.
00100296 QGMJ, 1999.
More money for western
supply network
IOO.( I 170),
36. A brief review is given of NORQEB’s reliability of supply for customers Queensland. Australia.
$136 million programme in several rural areas
00/00297 Multi-criteria selection using analytical hierarchy process
of electric
to improve in western
A new model for distribution
of electricity
tariffs in competitive
&o~ Ecownricv. IYYY. 21. (3). 213-22.X Keppo. J. and R:iGnen M. In rna?Y countrie\ electricity
Progress towards 00/00300 for use in electric vehicles
an advanced
Moseley. P. T. and Cooper. A. J. Pmw Sowce.~, 1999, 78, (l-l!), 244-250. The attrihutes which are essential for a battery to be successful as the energy Store for an electric vehicle are reviewed. These are then matched agalnat the substantial advances in the technology of valve-regulated leadacid (VRLA) batteries that have been posted during the course of the technical programme of the Advanced Lead-Acid Battery Consortium (ALABC). A project which was designed to draw together several desirahle features. identified during the early years of the ALABC programme. into a tect battery has provided much useful information. The design target for specific energy (36 W h kg ‘) has heen achieved successfully. Cycle-life is short. but it appears likely that an inappropriate charging regime with an unrestricted charge factor wa\ largely responsible. Benchmark test\ with a commercial product also yield very short life with this regime, hut provide good performance when the charge factor is kept in check. Attention to the deployment of suitable charging regimes continues to he a fruitful area in extending the life of VRLA batteries, and the ALABC’s programme to enhance both specific energy and life, while shortening recharge time. is making good progress.
Weather-induced changes SOP and NO. at large power plants
desulfurlzation plants attached. The desulfuriration plant\ should cllminatc Y5(r of the sulfur dioxide produced hv the generating unit\ to hhlch the\ arc attached. In the past. abatement effort\ ha\e focused on sulfur dmxide. However, with the addition of the desulfurization plant\ and the cxpan\ll,n of Mac Mob’s capacity, nitrogen oxides produced hy Mac Moh.5 generation of electricity hill hecome an increasingly important prohlcm. This paper examines the tradeoff, and how climate affects it. between concentrations of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides just prior to the addition of the deaulfurization plants. Mae Moh can use knowledge of thi\ tradeoff in it\ efforts to minimize the environmental damage from generating electricit).
in the tradeoff
Leightner, J. E. Enerp Economics, 1999. 21, (3). 239-259. Mae Moh Power Plant generates 30% of Thailand’s electricity hy burning high sulfur content coal which comes from adjacent mines. The resulting sulfur dioxide emissions have been blamed for acid rains in the Mae Moh valley in IYYI and I9Y2. Mae Moh is now adding desulfurization plant\ to 60% of its lYY4 generating capacity-the four largest units of an I l-unit facility. In IYYS-1996. Mae Moh added two additional large units with
system planning
Farrag. M. A. Elecrricul Powrr & Ewrp Systems, 21. (7). 523-531. This article presents a new and efficient simulation model for optimal expansion plannilg of distribution systems using separable linear programming (LP) technique. The developed model can be used to determine optimum substation \ite\ and transformer tizes, optimum expansion of existing substation. optimal load transfer between substations and load centre\. optimal rlwtes and optimum feeder size at each selected route. Thr least coat expansion network is guaranteed owing to the accurate representation of cost function associated with both substations and feeders and correct simulation of load flow constraint equations and limit constraints. Also, the inherent characteristics of separable LP technique were efficiently utilized through deriving a new set of constraint equations to guarantee radial configuration as well as quality (voltage drop) constraints. The utilization of separable LP technique makes possible the determination of fast and reliable wlutions for large size networks using normal size computers. The model can he easjly extended for dynamic planning of distribution networks. The model verification was made using a YO-nodes te\t cxamplc.
Energy Sources (bioconversion
power plants
Akarh. B. A. <‘t trl. E/w Pow). .~~.\I. Rc\.. 1941). 52. (I). 29-3.5. Thi\ paper uses analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methodology to compare and contrast the different electricity power production options in Jordan. The sy\temh, which were considered. in addition to fossil fuel power plant\. are nuclear. solar, wind. and hydra-power. Result\ on coqt-tw henefit ratios \hou that wlar, wind. end hydro-power may he the best alternatives for electric power production. Nuclear electrtcity appear\ to be the least economical. followed hy fossil fuel electric power.
tree growing
Biofuel consumption, in rural India
and farm level
Mahapatra, A. K. and Mitchell. C. P. Hwncr\c & B/rwrrc~r;<~~.IYYY. 17. (4). 2’) l-303. Bwmars is the major source of energy in many deveh,plng countries. The continued dependence of the rural populace on hiofuels. c\pecially the demand for fuel wood, affects both forest and agricultural \y\tems. Forest policy has to integrate energy needs in its afforestation strategy for rural areas to meet the demand for fuel wood. A regional study wa\ conducted to analyse howehold energy consumption and to test the commonly held beliefs that scarcity of wood will lower the consumption and a higher demand for wood motivates people to plant tree+. The paper examine\ the pattern of biomass fuel use in rural India and the supply effects on household consumption. The analyses showed that socio-economic factor\ influence bioencrgy use, hut scarcity of forests doe\ not lower the demand for hiofuels nor is it a driving force for farm level forestry. H~wsehold-ha\ed analysis from a user perspective provided useful Information on the dynamics of hioenergy. which can aid development of regional microplans for the fowtry and energy wctor\.
Biogasification of rice straw with an anaerobicphased solids digester system
Zhang, R. and Zhang, Z. Riowroure 7i~cho/og~. IYYY. 68, (3), 235~236. Rice straw was converted into hiogas using a high-rate anaerobic digestion (ystem. anaerobic-phased solids digester system (APS-digester system). The system was stable and, with proper design. could become a space-efficient, high-rate solids digestion system. Ammonia is used as a supplemental nitrogen source for rice straw digestion. The effects of difterent pretreatment methods. physical (mechanical), thermal and chemical (ammonia) treatment, on the digestion of rice straw were investigated at the mesophilic temperature of 35 C. A combination of grinding (IO mm length), heating (I 10 C) and am,monia treatment (Zr; ) resulted in the highest hiogas yield. 0.471 go’ vs fed. which is l7.5? higher than the hiogas yield of untreated whole straw. Prctrcatmcnt temperature has a \ignlficant cffcct on the digestibility of \tr;w. 00/00304
Biogasification fermentation
of solid wastes
by two-phase
Vieitez. E. R. and Ghosh, S. Bwn~crcc & Bworergv. IYYY. Ih. (5). 29Y-300. Municipal industrial and agricultural solid wastes and biomass depocita cause large-scale pollution of land and water. Gaseous products of waste decomposition pollute the air and contribute to global warming. This paper describes the development of a two-phase fermentation system that alleviates methanogenic inhibition encountered with high-solids feeds. accelerates methane fermentation of solid hed and captures methane (renewable energy) for captive uw to reduce gl~lhal warming. The innovative system consisted of a s(;lid-hed reactor packed with simulated solid waste at a densit,y of I60 kg/m- and operated with recirculation of the percolated culture (bloleachate) through the hed. A rapid onset of solid\ hydrolysis, acidification denitrification and hydrogen gas formatum has observed under these operating conditions. Ho-ever. these fermentative reactions stopped after about 2.5 months of solid-bed fermentation at which time total volatile fatty; acids (VFA) concentration accumulated to 13,000 mg;l (as acetic) at pH 3. and the reactor head-gas consisted of 7Sc; carbon dioxide. 20% nitrogen. 2% hy.drogen and 3’/r methane. The VFA concentration and gas composnmn remained virtual,ly constant for an additional 2.5 months of solid-bed fermentation indicating inhihition of the hydrolysis-acidification process. Inhibition of acidogenic fermentation %‘a\ alleviated by moving the hioleachate to a separate methane-phase fermenter, and recycling methanogenic effluents at pH 7.5 to the solid bed. Coupled operation of the two reactors during the following 4.5 month\ of t\co-phase fermentation achieved methanogenie conversion of ahout 30% of the volatile wlids (VS) content of the high-wlids feed. Procc\s operation was continuing.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
January 2000