05 Nuclear fuels (scientific, technical} cement plant into a thermally insulated furnace surrounding the rotary kiln, (3) the fly ash is heated to 600-1000” for carbon removal, and (4) recovering the dust from the combustion gas and removing it from the cement plant.
Scientific, technical
Reducing phosphorus export from croplands with FBC fly ash and FGD gypsum
Stout, W. L. Fire/ 1999. 1998. 78, (2). 175-178. Elsevier Science Ltd. High concentrations of water-soluble phosphorus in soil are caused by excessive soil phosphorus levels, thereby increasing the potential for the export of phosphorus into streams. Converting water-soluble phosphorus to less soluble forms with lime or calcium-containing coal combustion byproducts can reduce the release of soil phosphorus to surface runoff. A typical agricultural soil at excessive soil phosphorus levels was incubated with four treatments (O-20 8 kg-‘) of fluidized-bed combustion fly ash (FBC) and a flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) byproduct. A 10 g kg-’ apphcation of FBC and FGD to soil reduced the concentration of watersoluble phosphorus by 60% and 50%. respectively. Projection of these results over an agricultural watershed indicates that the loss of watersoluble phosphorus can be reduced by 30% when only 4% of the watershed is treated.
001013~& Measurement of effective delayed neutron fraction 9.” by Cf source method for benchmark experiments of j3.,, at FCA Sakurai, T. et (11.Progress in Nucl. Energ.)‘. 1999, 35. (2). 195-202. Measurements of the effective delayed neutron fraction /&o,,were carried out at the FCA facility of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute to contribute to benchmark experiments of ,!&rr. These measurements were made in three cores: XIX-l core fueled with 93% enriched uranium; X1X-2 core fueled with plutonium(92% fissile) and natural uranium; XIX-3 core fueled with plutonium. The experimental pen was determined with an apparent reactivity worth of a calibrated 252Cf neutron source. The values of /‘&rrwere 735 f 20 pcm, 358 f 10 pcm and 249 f 7 pcm in the cores of XIX-l, XIX-2 and XIX-3 respectively.
Resonance parameters perturbation with Doppler broadening in Monte Carlo neutron transport problems
00/01319 UNIFAC modeling of multicomponent nonaqueous phase liquids containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Peters, C. A. Envirot~. To.uicol. C’hen~.. 1999. IS. (3). 426429. SETAC Press. The universal functional activity coefficient (UNIFAC) was used to examine the multi-component nonaqeous phase liquid (NAPL) pollutants that are mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). NAPL phase activity coefficients for constituent compounds of four coal tar materials were estimated. The results provide a firm theoretical basis for an assumption of NAPL-phase ideality for many tar constituents. The robustness of this conclusion was indicated through comparable results across different tar materials.
Morillon, B. Annuls of NW/. Energ),. 2000, 27. (I). 21-42. In Monte Carlo neutron transport problems, the effects of resonance parameters perturbation on collision density are studied using the ‘Taylor expansion method’. The multilevel Breit-Wigner and Reich-Moore formalisms for only the elastic reaction are used to calculate cross section derivatives at 0 and 300 K. Collision density derivatives were also calculated with respect to temperature in order to evaluate temperature perturbation.
00/01320 Use of high-volume fly ash in polypropylene fiberreinforced concrete for shotcrete applications Zhang, M. H. An?. Co,nr. I/IS/. SP. 1997, I. 681-722. American Concrete Institute. CANMET have recently carried out investigations, which have led to the development of polypropylene fibre-reinforced high-volume fly ash concrete for shotcrete applications in construction, and for the maintenance of hydraulic structures. This type of concrete has a low water-tocementitious materials ratio of about 0.32, fly ash content of more than 50% by weight of the cementitious materials, and a fibre content up to 0.5% by volume of the concrete. The results of current research on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete obtained on the above type of concrete are presented in this report. Previous CANMET investigative results are confirmed by this study, that polypropylene fibre-reinforced high-volume fly ash concrete has satisfactory workability, resistance to impact, chlorideion penetration, and freezing-thawing cycling.
OOIO1321 Use of pond ash in CLSM Langton, C. A. Concr. fnr.. 1998, 20, (12). 58-62. American Concrete Institute. The use of Savannah River Site (SRS)-Aiken, S. C. pond/basin ashes as a substitute for commercial available Class F fly ash in controlled lowstrength pumpable, flowable backfill material (CLSM) was examined. A collection of ashes from A-, D-, and F-areas coal ash basins were characterized. New CLSM mixes were developed that incorporate these pond ashes as a complete replacement for ASTM C 618 fly ash and/or ASTM C 33 sand in the reference CLSM mix currently used at the SRS. The new CLSM mixes are pumpable, flowable, and excavatable. Material from the A- and F-area sites are a mixture of fine fly ash and coarse bottom ash, hence they are not very uniform in colour, size and texture because. Therefore, it is recommended for use only in common backfill. The material from the D-area basin is finer grained, more homogeneous and is recommended for use in both structural backfill and common backfill.
00101322 Viscosity measurements and empirical predictions for some model gaslfier slags Hurst, H. J. Fuel, 1999. 78. (4). 439-444. Elsevier Science Ltd. There is an increasing interest in the Integrated Gasification-Combined Cycle (IGCC) power generation technology. This has resulted in a need to predict viscosities for coal ash and fluxed coal ash slags at the tapping temperatures of entrained flow gasifiers. Slags derived by fluxing Australian bituminous coal ashes with limestone have properties that may be approximated by the SiOz-AIZ02-CaO-Fe0 system. Presented in this paper are the experimental detections of the viscosity and the temperature of critical viscosity for artificial mixtures covering the anorthite region at the 5 and 10 wt% Fe0 levels of this quaternary system. The viscosity measurements were fitted empirically using a modified Urbain treatment. Contour plots of viscosities at 1400, 1450 and 1500°C and of temperatures of critical viscosity at the 5 and 10 wt% Fe0 levels are presented as an aid for predicting slag behaviour in entrained flow gasifiers. The viscosity results are extremely beneficial as they form a self-consistent database, which can be used for future theoretical studies.
A non linear model for the PWA fuel assembly
Fontaine, B. and Politopoulos, I. Nucl. EII~. nm/D~sigtr. 2000. 195. (3), 32l329. In seismic PWR core analysis, the non linear behaviour of fuel assemblies has to be studied taking into account variations of stiffness and damping due to the slippage of rods in spacer grids. Based on the linear CEA’s assembly model, principally composed of two beams representing sets of rods and thimbles, a linear model is described. In the second part of this paper the slippage and loss of contact of rods on a grid relic is analysed. Based on the Coulomb friction model and plasticity analogy, a grid model constituted of elastoplastic hinge and non-linear springs is proposed to simulate the progressive slippage of rods inside the cells. In the third part, a non-linear assembly model is designed and validated with experimental data. This model represented with success the increase of damping and decay of frequency when the magnitude of the dynamic loading increases. A pan-shape transuranic burner core with a low sodium void worth
Sang, J. K. Awtcr/s of Nad. Ewrgr. 2000, 27. (5). 435-44X. A 1575 MWt transuranic (TRU) burner reactor core with a low sodium void worth has been developed by devising a pan-shaped active core design. The core consists of two types of fuel subassemblies that differ in the height of the fuelled regions. This strategy has allowed an extreme ‘pancaking’ of the inner core region, while the radial dimension increase is limited by placing longer fuels in the outer core region. The fuel cycle analysis has been performed in the equilibrium cycle, consisting of external feed fuel with reprocessed typical PWR spent fuel and fissile makeup with recycled TRU elements. The neutronic performance characteristics obtained from the equilibrium cycle analysis show that it would work safely as well as economically, as measured in terms of burnup reactivity swing, peak power density, Doppler coefficient, TRU burning and sodium void worth. The core has relatively low double power peaks in both the inner and outer cores without enrichment zoning, and this enables the active core volume to be made smaller. The developed TRW burner core has been subjected to an extensive parametric study on the reprocessing schemes. Investigations are given for sodium void worth, transmutation capability, burnup reactivity swing and minor actinide (MA) contents. Through this series of study, a variant of the TRU burner core that is aimed at preferentially burning MA has been determined. This MA burner core uses U-235 as well as the homogeneously recycled TRU elements. This MA burner core consumes 140 kg of MA per year, without penalizing the sodium void reactivity observed in the TRU burner core. Finally, the combined introduction of developed TRU and MA burner cores shows the functional effectiveness of reducing PWR discharged TRU inventory. 00/01327 A semi-linguistic fuuy approach to multi-actor decision-making: application to aggregation of experts’ judgments
Ghyym, S. H. et trl. Artnu/.r,q! Nucl. E/trrg_r, 1999, 26. (12). 1097-I I I2 In the present work, a semt-lmguistic fuzzy algorithm is proposed to obtain the fuzzy weighting values for multi-criterion, multi-alternative performance evaluation problem, with application to the aggregated estimate in the aggregation process of multi-expert judgements. The algorithm framework proposed is composed of the hierarchical structure, the semi-linguistic approach, the fuzzy R-L type integral value and the total risk attitude index.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
May 2000