03183 Greenhouse gas emission by liquefaction and transportation of liquefied natural gas

03183 Greenhouse gas emission by liquefaction and transportation of liquefied natural gas

03 Gaseous fuels (transport, storage) transport fuels including environmental. economic and maintenance aspects of operation. Concerning emissions, th...

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03 Gaseous fuels (transport, storage) transport fuels including environmental. economic and maintenance aspects of operation. Concerning emissions, the tmprovements compared to the gasoline operation were well in the range of already known literature experience. The regular emission cheeks showed a tendency for higher scatter of test results for CNG compared to gasoline and made clear that a catalyst more efficient for methane conversion would he necessary for further improvement of emissions. No operational problems specific for CNG operation occurred during regular use of the LDV although no specific maintenance measures were taken. Only some sensitivity was found concerning the gas pressure control system. Frequent checks were necessary to avoid operational disadvantages like dtfficult starting. Filling of the gas tanks could always be done without problems. Wear ot the engine filled with a common synthetic engine oil was low as could be seen from direct inspection and otl analysis. Intake system and comhustton chambers were clean and will not lead to operational problems. The test results collected indicate that LDVs running on CNG can contribute significantly to the improvement of an urban environment, provided that the technology is further refined.

00103173 cleaning

Hot fuel gas dedusting,

after sorbent-based


Eur. Corm..

(Rep.J EUR, 1999, l-67 Advanced power generation technologies, such as the air hlown gasification cycle (ABGC), require gas cleaning at high temperatures in order to meet environmental standards and to achieve high thermal efficienctes. Prior to desulfurization and ammonia removal processes, the primary hot gas filtration process, which removes particulates from the cooled raw fuel gas at up to 600°C is the first stage of gas cleaning. However, it is envisaged that a further filtration process will be required downstream of the desulfurizationiammonia removal stage because of particulates elutriated from these sorbent-based processes. The dust concentration in the fuel gas downstream of the sorbent processes would be much lower than for the hot gas filtration stage and would have a lower sulfur content and possibly a reduced chlorine concentration. The main aim of this project is to define the requirements for a hot gas filter for dedusting fuel gas under these conditions, and to identify a substantially simpler and more cost effective solution using ceramic or metal barrier filters. The work was carried out in three activities: coupon tests using candidate filter materials to give information on when dust was produced, the nature of dust and an initial assessment of the filters; high pressure candle durability tests to give an assessment of the effect of thermal cycling on filter strength; and pilot plant tests giving detailed performance data on the elements over a range of operating conditions.

00103174 Hydrogen generation from biogenic and fossil fuels by autothermal reforming Rampe, T. el ctl. Journul of Powr Sowces, 2000, X6, (I -2). 536-541. Hydrogen generation for fuel cell systems by reforming technologies from various fuels is one of the main fields of investigation of the Fraunhofer ISE. Suitable fuels are, on the one hand, gaseous hydrocarbons like methane, propane but also, on the other hand, liquid hydrocarbons like gasoline and alcohols, e.g. ethanol as biogenic fuel. The goal is to develop compact systems for generation of hydrogen from fuel being suitable for small-scale membrane fuel cells. The most recent work is related to reforming according to the autothermal principle - fuel, air and steam is supplied to the reactor. Possible applications of such small-scale autothermal reformers are mobile systems and also miniature fuel cell as cogeneration plant for decentralized electricity and heat generation. For small stand-alone systems without a connection to the natural gas grid liquid gas, a mixture of propane and hutane is an appropriate fuel.

00103175 Hydrogen production by steam-iron process Hacker, V. et al. Journul of Power Source.r. 2000, 86, (l-2), 531-535. The steam-iron process is one of the oldest methods of producing hydrogen. It is a cyclic process for water cleavage, whereby coal is consumed. Coal is gasified to a lean reducing gas, containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This gas reacts with iron oxides (haematite FezOa, magnetite FesOJ. wuestite FeO) to produce a reduced form of iron oxide (wuesttte FeO, iron Fe). The reduced iron oxide is re-oxidized with steam to form magnetite and hydrogen. After studies concerning theoretical Itmitations, the subsequent practical realization by construction of a suitable laboratory prototype reactor was performed. Further, the investigation and optimization of process variables, accompanied by respective chemical analyses, and finally the simulation of the whole process and the design of a demonstration plant for electricity generation system in the range of 10 MW were carried out. The resulting overall efficiency (heat and electricity) of the respective power plant was calculated as 35% and the electrical efficiency at about 25%. The operatton of the small scale ‘Sponge Iron Reactor’ (SIR) showed that the hydrogen produced is sufficiently pure for use in any kind of fuel cell (CO < 10 ppm). 00/03176 Infiltration of metallurgical coke by thermal decomposition of methane and its effect on CSR through microporous structure changes Shigeno, Y. and Evans, J. W. Irnnmulirrr~ Corz/: Proc., 1999, 257~267. A discussion takes place on the effects of methane thermal decomposition on coke reactivity and strength.

00103177 Method for the purification of hydrogen from gasification of hydrocarbons Sparer, J. PI rrl. Ger. Offen. DE 19.807.224 (Cl COlBi/54l. 26 Aug 1999, Appl. 19,807.224, 20 Feb 1998. 6. (In German) Cooled, dedusted and compressed gases from gasification processes, containing Ha, IHzO. CO, HCN and HzS are purified by passing them through a fixed-bed catalytic reactor for CO conversion. The CO conversion is performed using (a) TiOz and (b) cobalt, molybdenum, iron and/or chromium catalysts in a staged process at 250-550°C. The resulting gases are treated in an acid gas scrubber, then in a pressure-swing adsorber (PSA) for hydrogen purification. The residual gas from the Hz-PSA process is recycled to the catalytic converter. The gasification gases can be manufactured from hydrocarbon feeds in a reformer, partial oxidation gasifier, plasma furnace or high temperature furnrce. 00/03178 Natural gas - pro-ecological raw material for the chemical and refinery industry Molenda, J. Ga:. IF&u Tech. Smrl., 1999. 73, (4). 113-l I8 (In Polish) The use of natural gas in Polish chemical and refinery industries is reviewed. The main topics discussed included, the advantagesof natural gas use in chemical and refinery industries, environmental benefits of using natural gas in the manufacturing of synthesis gas, energy consumption in synthesis gas manufacturing (methanol, ammonia), hydrogen use in refining industry, expansion of hydrogen processes in Polish refining industry and environmental benefits from processing natural gas in hydrogen-type refineries. 00103179 Recovery and utilization of coal mine methane in China Zhu, X. Greenhou.se Gus Cmlrol Techrrologv, Proc In/-Conf, 4th 1998. 1999, 791-797. Edited by Eliasson B. e/ rrl. This paper reviews the current methods of recovering and utilizing coal mine methane in China. 00103180 The CO* reforming of natural gas in a pulsed corona discharge reactor Malik, M. A. and Jiang, X. Z. Phsmrr Clrcw. P/NSI~I Proces.. 1999. 19. (4), 505-512 An investigation took place into the conversion of CO: and (CH4 + COz) mixtures to CO at room temperature and atmospheric pressure conditions in pulsed coryna discharges. The conversion of pure CO: was /6.8% at IO cm’ min flow rate, which corresponds to 75 /Imol min rate of conversion. The CO2 conversion was improved to 38% (85 jlmol min ‘) by feeding the reactor with CHI + COz gas mixture (I:1 ratio\, simu\taneously with CHJ conversion of 46% (~102.7 LimoI min ‘) at 10 cm- mm flow rate of feed gases and 9 W power conditions., The rate of CO production is increased from ~110 to 2180 rlmol min with the variatton of feed gas (CHI + COz mixture, 1:l ratio) flow rate from 10 to 40 cm’ min ’ at 9 W, which corresponds to an energy efficiency of 2.5-4.1%. The highest energy yield of 25 g/kWh for CHJ converston, 29 piWh for CO? conversion, and 33 g/kWh for CO production was achieved.



00103181 Analysis of possibilities for the flow of crude coke oven gas between receivers through a space under the oven roof Dlugosz, A. ef ul. &rho. 1999. 44, (3). 97-102. 1111Pohsh) This paper reveals the results of pressure measurements at the bottom of the coking chamber and temperature measurements at the lower part of outlet pipes. The proper pressure kept in receivers has secured the positive pressure at the bottom of coking chamber independently of the operation of one or two receivers. While keeping the same pressure in both receivers, a raw coke-oven gas flowed from the receiver at the coking part through a space under the roof of the furnace to the receiver at the machine part. This phenomenon caused an excessive temperature reduction in the space under the roof of furnace and the total burning-up Iof ‘graphite’. 00/03182 Gas hydrate properties at low temperature and its engineering applications Ebinuma, T. ef ul. Hokkaido Kogw Gl/lr/.scr K~~nkvmho Hoknku, 1999, 73, I6. (In Japanese) Studies were carrted out into the low-temperature phase equilibrium conditions of natural gas hydrates, with special reference to two new technologies, namely natural gas storage and transportation and coldthermal energy storage that takes advantage of the large latent heat of the hydrates. 00103183 Greenhouse gas emission by liquefaction and transportation of liquefied natural gas Masayuki, S. and Atsushi, I. Greenhouse Go:; C’onrrol Techno/., Proc. In/ Con/:, 41/i, 1999, 781-784. Edited by Eliasson B ef ul. A detailed investigation of CO? and CHJ emtssions by extraction, liquefaction, and transportation stages of LNG production was conducted, choosing typical natural gas fields overseas which export liquefied natural

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

November 2000



Gaseous fuels (derived gaseous fuels)

gas (LNG) to Japan. From natural gas fields, ~16% of the total LNG imported by Japan is produced. A total of 6.7g CO2 is released from extraction, liquefaction, and transportation stages for I MJ production of natural gas. The major portion of CO? emissions occur in the liquefaction process. For liquefaction, >lO% of extracted natural gas is used for a cooling energy source. lmprovin, 0 the efficiency of the liquefaction process greatly contributes to reducing the amount of COa released in LNG production. Due to recent LNG tanker improvements, the boil-off rate is <0,15%/day, causing natural gas emissions during transportation to be almost negligible. Results showed it is possible to transport LNG long distances without large environmental impacts or losses of loaded LNG. It was estimated that CO? release from LNG is less than that by domestic coal in Japan if the combustion process of each fuel is considered, even though LNG requires a considerable amount of energy for its liquefaction. 00103184 Methane utilization via synthesis gas generationcatalytic chemistry and technology Lercher, J. A. cf al. Cnrcri. Sri. Ser., 1999, I, 103~126. Because of the remote location of gas fields, it is necessary for natural gas to be converted into easily transportable chemicals, to make them commercially attractive. Current industrial option for this is the indirect routes via synthesis gag generation. A discussion is also provided oi the chemicals involved and the technologies used for the various options to steam generate synthesis gas, for example, carbon dioxide reforming, reforming and partial oxidation. 00103185 Reducing the organic deposits in coke oven gas pipelines of steel plant Lin, S.-L. cl ul. Ironnwku~g Con/. Proc., 1999, 295-301. In China Steel Corporation, serious problems are caused by the deposition of organic compounds in coke oven gas (COG) transmission pipelines. The formation of the organics was mainly caused by wash oil which is employed in light oil recovery system. Some strategies have been proposed to improve the quality of wash oil and to modify the recovery process in the present work. It was confirmed that these strategies were effective in reducing organic deposition inside COG pipehnes. 00103186 Storage capacity of CO2 in geological media in sedimentary basins with application to the Alberta Basin, Canada Bachu, S. and Gunter, W. D. Green/mtr.se Grrs Con/& TeclrnologJ~, Proc. Irr/. Con/, 4rh, 1999, 195-200. Edited by Eliasson B. ef crl. In the mitigation of greenhouse gas effects on climate change, the sequestration of CO: in geology media is a mid-to-long term solution. It is based on deep injection of COZ in sedimentary basins, which are naturally associated with fossil energy resources whose exploitation leads itself to CO* production and emission to the atmosphere. On a basic level there are five ways for COz sequestration in geology media: use in enhanced oil recovery, injection in unused oil and gas reservoirs, replacement of methane by CO- in deep coal beds, injection into deep saline aquifers, and storage in salt caverns. However, not all sedimentary basins are suitable for COz sequestration because of issues related to tectonism, geology and flow of formation waters, which all ultimately lead to issues of integrity, safety and duration of COz sequestration. The most important elements in assessing the viability of, and improving the estimates of COz sequestration in sedimentary basins, are the tectonic characteristics of the basin; namely the existence, storage capacity and integrity of the storage media; the hydrodynamic regime of formation waters; and the basin maturity. Coupling this assessment with the analysis of surface COz sources, capture, transport and facilities for injection should lead to the selection of prime candidates for CO* sequestration. From these points of view, the Alberta basin meets all the criteria for CO: sequestration in geology media. The basin is tectonically stable and has abundant oil and gas resources and major coal and tar sands deposits. In addition, it possesses deep regional saline aquifers with a favourahle flow-regime and deep, extensive, thick salt layers. Major CO? point-sources are coal-based power plants and welldeveloped energy and petrochemical industries. COz, is already used in enhanced oil recovery and is injected as acid gas m several depleted reservoirs and deep saline aquifers. All these factors make the Alberta basin a prime candidate for CO: sequestration in geology media. 00103187 The ‘Marches du Nord-Est’ project Grochowski, G. Ga; d’crlrjo~rrd’hrrt. 2000. 124, (4-5). 39-42. The northern and eastern regions of France have, for many years, received and transmitted approximately 70% of the natural gas imported to France. Thanks to Gaz de France, France lies at the heart of the European natural gas supply system, with links to the major European gas transmission routes. 00/03188 The Fos-sur-mer terminal: a successful project Dassonville, C. and Nussbaum, M. Grrz d’ctrcjotrro”hui, 2000, 124, (4-5). 3 I35. The refurbishment of the Fos-sur-mer terminal, which receives LNG from Algerta, has now been completed after four years of work on the site. The work involved the installation of a new automatic numerical control and safety system, the transfer of a dozen technical and administrative buildings and the reconstruction of about 80% of the electrical installations.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts

November 2000





00103189 Gas industry development in Egypt Raze, J. and longuevtlle, P. Gut d’mjourd‘hui, 2000, 124, (4-S). 51-56. Egypt is a country with major gas potential and its gas industry has grown rapidly over the last ten years. Egypt is in ninth position as a potential world producer, with natural gas reserves estimated at 3400 billion ma. These reserves are contained m 120 fields situated primarily in the Nile Delta and Mediterranean regions. Over the last two years, 54 new gas fields have been discovered. WWz;90

How sustainable

is the framework

for Norwegian


Sunne;ag, K. J. I+ncrg,r Polic),. 2000, 28, (5), 31 l-320. This paper discusses the way Norway has organized its gas sales, and to what extent Norwegian regulatory goals are reconcilable with EU gas market objectives. Although there are strong arguments in favour of governmental resource management and co-ordination of Norwegian offshore activities, there are also a series of reasons why the existing nrgantzation of gas sales is not the right one in a liberalized market. 00/03191 Optimize ammonia plant operation. Depending on plant capacity, typical pay-backs are four to seven months Lin, R. c! al. Hyclrocurhm Prowss., Int. Ed., 1999, 78. (6) 91-92, 94, 96, 98, 100. This paper looks at a real-time, online economic optimizer module which maximizes an objective function based on the total ammonia produced, exported CO? and steam revenue, and fuel gas and feed gas costs. There is a 4-7-month payback for a model-based advanced process control system. 00/03192 Structural change in Europe’s gas markets: three scenarios for the development of the European gas market to 2020 Ellis, A. et rrl. Energ,r Poluy, 2000, 28, (5). 297-309. Against the background of the European Union’s gas directive, and the emergence of new players and markets in Europe’s gas sector, this paper explores how company actions could shape the future for the gas industry. Starting with an examination of company strategies this paper develops three scenarios for the future: a ‘Gradual Transformation’ scenario where a single European gas market develops that is essentially oligopolistic in nature; a ‘Vertical Integration’ scenario, where upstream and downstream gas companies merge to form a vertically integrated gas supplier; and a ‘Pull the Plug’ scenario, where the current market structure decomposes into a competitive market. These scenarios are examined in terms of their impact on gas prices, demand and the distribution of gas rent along the supply chain. The paper highlights the fact that the EU’s gas directive is not sufficient for the introduction of competition into Europe’s gas markets, but that company actions will be the key determinant, and they may favour alternative market structures. 00103193 The gas industry in Japan JCgo, H. Gtr: r/hujourd’/7rrl, 2000, 124. (4-5), 59-68. In Japan, oil is the most widely used primary energy, however, its market share is gradually decreasing in favour of other energies such as natural gas. The Japanese gas distribution law, revised in April 1999 and in force since October 1999, has introduced strong competition on the Japanese gas market, thereby opening up an unregulated market, 00/03194 The growth of Japan’s LNG industry: lessons for China and Hong Kong Lam, P.-L. Energy Policy. 2000, 28, (5) 327-333. About 30 years ago, the Japanese government decided to import LNG from other countries. Since then, the LNG trade in Asia has been growing rapidly. Electric utilities in Japan have co-operated with the major gas companies to construct LNG receiving terminals and to import LNG from foreign countries. In China, the government is planning to construct the country’s first LNG terminal in Shenzhen, a municipality across the border from liong Kong. The development of LNG projects will help overcome the problem of the security of supply of natural gas in South China. While mainland China can provide land and lahour for the construction of LNG terminals, Hong Kong can provide capital and a market. China and Hong Kong can learn from Japanese experiences of introducing LNG for power generation, gas production and other non-utility uses.




00103195 A fuel gas generator Singleton, G. Brit. UK Pat. Appl. GB 2,332,684 (Cl. C25B1/04), 30 Jun 1999, GB Appl. 1997127,325, 29 Dee 1997. 21. The adaptation of a fuel gas generator has been done to produce separate supplies of oxygen and hydrogen for use as fuel in a vehicle engine. In one example, the cell comprises an electrolytic bath with spaced electrodes