04699 Low-strength concrete and controlled low-strength materials (CLSM) produced with class F fly ash

04699 Low-strength concrete and controlled low-strength materials (CLSM) produced with class F fly ash

04 Fluorine-carbon and fluoride-carbon materlala. 95194889 Chemlatrv. Dhvslca. and anollcatlona Nakajima,T. Mar&l De&r Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New Yor...

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04 Fluorine-carbon and fluoride-carbon materlala. 95194889 Chemlatrv. Dhvslca. and anollcatlona Nakajima,T. Mar&l De&r Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY.10016,USA, $165.00, 1994, 416~~. The reference book presents the latest scientific Fmdinas concerning the synthesis, structure, thermodynamics, and physical and &micaI prop&tics of fluorine- and fluoride-carbon compounds-elucidating their practical a plications in lithium batteries, su erhydrophobic composites, and the cPectrolytic production of elemental a uorine. I..


98104890 Granulatlon of coal ash-modlfled zeolltes Kate, H. (Assigned to) Shinnippon Seitetsu KK, JAP. Pat JP.o6,321,528,

Nov. 1994.

Describes a process of granulation of coal ash-modified zeolites, which are obtained by adding alkali aqueous solution to coal ashes, hydrothermal treating, removing remaining alkali aqueous solution, water washing and

By-producta related to tieis

QSlO48QQ Low-strength concrete and controlled low-strength materials (CLSM) produced with class F fly ash Naik, T. R. and Ramme, B. W. Am Concr. Inst., SP, 1994, 150. 1-13. Presents the results of research carried out to identify optimum mix proportions for the production of CLSM with high fIy ash content. CLSM is defined by the AC1 Committee 229 as a cementitious material that is in a nowable state at the time of placement and has a 29-day compressive strength of up to 1,200 psi 95104700 Manufacture of active carbon from gel-type Ion exchangers Von Bluecher, H. and De Ruiter, E. GER. meen DE.4,328,219, Feb. 1995.

95lo4701 Manufacture of cement wlth coal ash Honda, M. (Assigned to) Sumitomo Cement Co., JAP. Par. JP.O6,329,453,

Nov. 1994.

98/04891 Growth response and element accumulation In Bets vulgar18 L. ralsed In fly-ash-amended aolla Singh, N. et al., Ecotoxicology, 1994, 3, (4), 287-298. The study was undertaken to elucidate the possibility of fly-ash application to Indian agricultural soils to improve crop yields. Hydrogenatlon of multlcomponent mlxture almulatIng fast pyrolysls tar SW&I, J. e%al.. React. Kinet. CataL Len.. 1994, 53. (1). 217.221. A &component mixture simulating rapid &al pyrolysis‘&r was hydrogenated over different catal sts and temperatures to determine the degree of conversion of the indivi (rual components and the degree of removal of heteroatoms. Benzothiophene is 100% converted on all catalyst. The degree of hydrogenation of biphenyl was low; no conversion of dibenzofuran m the mixture was observed over all catalysts. Anisole was converted to a substantially larger degree than o-cresol; mtrogen was eliminated to a larger degree from quinoline than indole. 98104892

98/04893 Improved concrete quality with comblnatlona of fly ash and alllca fume Ozvildirim. C. and Halstead, W. J. AC1 Mater. J.. 1994.91. (6). 587594. Potiland &ment concretes-and concretes with iario& co~~b~nations of cement, fly ash and silica fume were tested lo establish parameters for strength and chloride permeability. The effects of the different curing temperatures and different durations of moist-curing were also determined. 98104894 Influence of fly ash replacement on caplllaty permeablllty of concrete Ito, Y. and Koshikawa, S. Nihon Daigaku Selsankogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku, A. Rikokeh 1994, 27, (2). 39-52. (In Japanese) Ion-exchan e granulatlon of coal ash-modlfled 98/04898 zeolltes for obtalnlng caBclum zeollte granules Kate, H. (Assigned to) Shlnnippon Seiretsu KK, JAP. Pat. JP.O6,321,529,

Nov. 1994. The ion-exchange manulation of coal ash-modified zeolites was obtained

by adding alkai’r 8;lueous solution to coal ashes, hydrothermal treating, removing remaining alkali aqueous solution, water washing, adding Ca compound for ion exchanging and refining are granulated. 98104898 Laboratory lnveatlgatlon on the extractlon of P,O, fr_omIndlan basic slags of Iron and steel Industry s;“$, B. P. and Chattopadhyay, P. Fuel SCL TechnoL In&., 1995.13, (l), - . An attempt has been made to increase the reactivity of the basic slag and solubilize the hos hatic content present therein by water soluble organic acids produce 8. m t! e oxidative degradation of low rank coal fine bv notassium perman anite so as to ex lo% their practical utility as a ferti&er. A possible met a anism for the soPubilization and increased reactivity is also discussed.

Describes a process where coal ash is directly blown into the front section of a cement kiln to bum unburned carbon in the coal ash and adding the remaining carbon-free ash to cement clinker.

ZtiY Iida, K et

Manufacture of zeollte compoaltlone from coal

al., (Assigned to) Mkubishi JP.O6,344417, Dec. 1994.

Heavy Ind Ltd., JAP. Pat

A process for the manufacture of zeolites comprises mixing coal ashes with N&O,, NaOH, K CO,, and/or KOH. melting, and heat treatment. This process is suitable br coal ashes containing crystals such as mullite, alphaquartz. 95lO4703

Method and apparatus for modlflcatlon of coal ashes, and aynthetlc calcium-type zeollter obtalned from the process Kate, H. (Assigned to) Shinnippon Seiretsu KK, JAP. Pat. JP.O6,321,526,

Nov. 1994.

95lO4794 Method for purlflcatlon of naphthalene Furumoto, M. et al., (Assigned lo) Shinninetsu Kagaku, JAP. Pat.

JP.O6,184,009, Jul. 1994. 98/04?08

Modlflcatlon of coal ashes for recycling as zeolltea Kate, H. and Haruna, J. (Assigned to) Shinnippon Seirersu KK, JAP. Pat.

JP.O6,321,524, Nov. 1994. The process comprises adding alkali aqueous solutions to coal ashes and

hot water treatment to give porous crystaline substances, where solid-liquid ratio of aUrali aqueous solutions and coal ashes are controlled to 0.5-3.5 vks. 95lO4708

Optlcal trsnaltlon In reduced C thln fllma Kaneto, K. et al., Fullerene Science & Tech., 1985, 3, (4), 447458. Absorption spectra of C, thin film reduced in an electrochemical cell are studied. The results are compared with data of chemical1 reduced C anions. Absorption with relatively broad line-width below tKe energy of “P eV is observed in the film besides the peaks at 1.14 - 1.4 eV observed in C, anion solution. The electronic states of reduced C, are discussed in terms of solid state effect. 98104707

Organic Iron compounda as catslyat precursor8 In pitch pyrolysla Muller. M. W. ef al., Fuel, Jul. 1995, 74, (7). 953-959. The influence of ferrocene. iron benzoate. iron naphthoate and iron acetylace&mate on the pyrolysis of Asland A240 petroleum pitch was investigated. The additives are catalyst precursors for iron-catalysed pyrolysis with the followin aims: (1) acceleration of the yrolysis reactions;(2) production of pitc%es with improved coke yield-g Pass transition temperature relationships; and (3) conversion of or anically to inorganically bound sulphur, which is less critical for coke pu!fing. 95lO4708

98lo4897 Local structure around Cs+ Ion In Na,CaC, ruperconductor Fujimoto, T. Fullerene Science & Tech., 1995, 3, (4). 419-428. Cs K-edge EKAFS studies are carried out for the fiit time on the superconducting Na,Cs($,, at 20K and at room tern rature. We found that Cst ion is located at not only the octahedral site geut also the tctrahcdral site.

Overvlew of coal ash use In construction and related appllcatlons Tyson, S. S. and Blackstock, T. H. Proc 49th fnd Waste Confer. _ f19!UJ, 1995, 635.641. Discusses the uses of fly ash including blasting grit and roofing granules, cement and concrete products, and road base and subbase. 98lO4709

98lO4898 Local structure around Cat Ion In Rb&aC, Kubozono, Y. ef al., Fullerene Science & Tech., 1995, 3, (4), 411-418. Local structure around Cst ion in Rb,CsC, has been investi ated on the basis of Cs K-edge EXAFS spectrum. It has been found that & t ions are located mainly in the octahedral site. The fraction of Cst ions in the tetrahedral and octahedral sites has been determined.

Pore structure8 of fly ashes activated by Ca(OH), and CaS0,.2H,O Ma, W. et aL, Gem. Concr. Res., 1995, 25, (2). 417-425. Discusses the nature of the pore structure which develops when low-lime fly ash reacts with Ca(OH)?, and CaS0,.2Hz0 under hydrothermal treatment. The nitrogen adsorptIon of deso tion isotherms of hydrothermally treated samples of fly ash and activate P fly ash were analyzed.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts September 1998