070 Whether allergic contact dermatitis is necessary to induce systemic immunization by applied hapten

070 Whether allergic contact dermatitis is necessary to induce systemic immunization by applied hapten


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070 WHETHBR ALLERGIC CONTACT DERMATITIS IS NECESSARY ‘I-0 INDUCB SYSTEMIC IMMUNIZATION BY APPLIED HApTEN. Y.Hamamdsu*. S.-ii. RTacldhara. A.Fuktd ami S.Nakmtmn DeparWttt of Detmatdogy, Fitst Hospital of Nippon Medical Scbod, Tckyo, Jlparr ‘Ibe nuthod of lymphocyte pmtifemtion is used to assay the delayed type byptsensltlvity. such as aIIer@c contad &mtatitis, instead of tk mcssurcmcttt of foot ped or car sweIIii. It is assessed, wbethz aIIcrgic cantact demmtlti shndd be appemd to itbtce systemk immuidmtkn by locally applkd haplen or not, hy itsing Iymphoqte pmIifeaivc assay. Methods: Regional lymph node &Is, taken after the applicstion of DNFB or W on tk shaved back of mice, ax culhwcd with itmdiakd spken cells, puked with each haptcnTheallrarehams~oonthcdsy4,afterpllsedwith’H-TW. Rcsdtx Both DNFB and FB induced Iympkqtc pmIiiemtiott spccificaIIy by hapten used for immudaion DNFB. but mt FB. induced alkrgic catact derttwiti~. In other words. FB induced systemk lmmtmization witbmtt pmvdtittg the Local damad&. colrlusion: syaemic itttmni2ation by kcauy applkd hapicn is &montuaied to beas.saycdby IymphxytepmIifetationand ltisalso intkpmdetttofalIetglccomact demiatitis on haplen .sppIicd lacation

068 Characteristic immunohistochemical Kindkr’s syndrome distinguishing ,,,,,,mp ~l-b$~2~2~3~Z~ ~4.J-D.~liPP”~

071 and ultrastructural it from dystrophic

features of epldermolysis

Deptimcnts of Dermatology, ‘Keio University School of Medicine., Tokyo Japan. 2Gifu University School of Medicine. 3Second Hospital of Tokyo Women’s Medical College, 4Univ&ty of Mlinster, SUniversity of Nt& Carolina School of Medicim~kffason Medical College Acral bullae formation, fusion of fingers and toes and generalized progressive poikilodcrma axe major symptoms of Kindlet’s syndrome. In order to clarify the nature of the bullous components of Kindlds syndrome. the ulhastmcture and antigen expressiw pattern were studied in skin samples from two unrelated patients. Electron microscopy dematsumed marked duplicaticit of the lamina densa Indirect immunoflu-mx revealed normal linear labeling with antibodies against bemldesmosomal compcitents (a4 and 84 integrins. BPAGI, BPAGZl and the uncein detected by the l9-DEJ-I mmoclonal antibody. However, antibadks against the three laminin 5 chains, type IV collagen and various cotnpottents of type VII collagen revealed a chancteristic bmad reticular pattern. Screening of the type VII collagen gene lCOL7AI l in patients and their patents failed to &ect any apparent pathological mutations in all four alleles. These results indicate that the bullous component of Kitids svttdmme is distinct from dvstroobic coidwmolvsis bullosa cawed bv mutations bf the type VII collagen ge& kddit&nally, & diffewtt disvibuti& patterns of the uncein and laminin 5 in the patients’ skin samples support the hypothesis that uncein and laminin 5 in different mokcules.

COMPARISON OF THE PAM TEST ASSAY WITH THE GUINEA 616 MAXIMIZATION TEST FOR CONTACT ALLEROENS. M.*“. & 1. ’ DepYokowkll.&w3ld& of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental Uniwtity, lb&O, Japan. z Ilumtln and Env,mnmental safety assessment center, Lion carponeion. Kanagawa, Japan We reported prawously the in vitro hapten-specific sensitization method utig Pam-212 cells to Identify potential contact allergens (Pam Test Asmy). In the pwnt study, we atromped the compansan study about 2 irritants and 9 allergens in order to bo able to evaluate the method as an alternative predictive test, fulthermors, to mcrcase the ~ansuwty of that osray we compared the sensitivity of it using sera contained wthln eukure medium such as fetal bovine serum, horse serum or fmsb mice sew Tha gumra pig maximizatmn test (GPMT) was basedon and sit&art0 that dosenbed by Magnu son and Kligman The procedure of Pam Test Aa~ay were Darried out below wu trwtwl Pam cells vnth test chemical solution, and then T calls and macmphsgus of HAlSUc mice were cultured wth hapten- conjugated Pam Miss for 6 days Mar meubatmn the T cells were harvested, and 10’ T calIs were stimulated with hapten tm!ated BALB/c spleen cells. ll,,ee days after fHpdR up t&s wem counted The Pam Test Assay was capable of deteotmg chemicals that e&bit a moderate scns~tzalmn Potentml in the GPMT when we used culture medium contarned 1% fresh mice sera (not heat mactwatedl. We obtained that stimulation mdex @I) were 6 2 as Memaptobenzothlazole, 7.7 as hick.1 sulfate. 6.9 as Benzccmne. There results m&w& that the Pam Test Assay may pmvlde a rapid and objectwe

072 ONLY HAPTENS CAN INDUCE ACTIVATION OF CDIA+ DENDRITIC CELLS. uiba S* and H. Department of Dermatology, Sendai It is well known that Langerhans cells am activated phenotypically and functionally, after in vitro short-term cultore. We have nported that hapten painting can induce the similar functional and phenotypicai activation of LC in viva. As LC can change their functional and phenotypical characteristics after ordinary culture, it is quite difficult to analyze the mechanism of various chemicals, e.g., haptens, to induce the activation of LC in vitro. Recently, it has been demonstrated that CDla+ dendritic cells can bc differeritiated from CD14+ monocytes in the omscnce of IL-4 and GM-CSF. In this culture. den&tic cells are still able to maturate 7 days after cultme. Using &is system, we examined the effects of chemicals on activation of dendritic cells. Among the chemicals we examined, only haptens, e.g., TNCB, DNCB, Ni. and Mn, could augment the expression of CD40, CD54, CD86, and HLA-DR. while Zn, Cu. or dichiomnitmbenzen, which are not haptens. could not affect their expression. These data confum that some chemicals, which belong to so-called hapteas, can induce the activation of dendritic cells




APPROPRINE TO TEST MARKER SUBSTANCES FOR STEROID CONTACT ALLERGY? R.Hayakawa and M. Sueiura. Department of Dermatology, Nagoya University Branch Hospital, Nagoya, Japan. Recently there have been several reports suggesting that budesonide and tixomrtol pivalate are propriate to test marker I2 cases substances for steroid contact allergy. 3 e experienced with steroid contact allergy durin 41 months from September 1992 to January 1996. We carrl ‘edgout 48h close patch testing with 20 kinds topical steroids including the patients’ own steroid, budesonide and tixocortol pivalate. 4 cases were caused from budesonide, 2 cases from amcinonide, 2 cases from alclomethasone dipropionate, 1 from triamcinolone, 1 from bethamethasone butyrate propionate, 1 from hydrocortisone butyrate and 1 from prednisolone acetate. 9 oses co-reacted to either budesonide or tixowrtol pivalate. I-k,wever 3 cases reacted to neither budesonide nor tixocortol pivalate. 25% of steroid contact allergy should be overlooked by screening patch testing with budesonide and tixocortol pivalate.