DETECTION OF APOPTOSIS IN EPIDERMIS OF GRAFT-VERSUS-HOST DISEASE BY TUNEL METHOD. M. Ishiwa. M.Aihara. T.Nagatani. H.Nakajima. Department of Dermatology. Yokohama City University School of Medicine, Yokohama. Japan. We investigate whether apoptosis is involved in the process af graft-versus-host disease (GVI~D). Apoptosis was detected by TdT-mediated dUTP-biatin nick end labeling (TUNEL) method. 20 casea (acute 17~ases and chronic 3 cases) of GVHD after allogenic hone narrow transplantation and peripheral blood stem cell Lransplantation were assessed. The positive staining cells by TUNEL method were found in the epidermis of the cases with histologic grade Illand IV. but not in the cases with grade I and11 According to this
EMERGENCE AND MECHANISM OF RESISTANCE TO ANTIVIRAL .I AGENTS OF VARICELLA-ZOSTER VIRUS. M. ICShiraki’. Departments of ‘Dermatology and * Virology, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceudcal University, Toyama, Japan. In immunocompromised patients, acyclotir (ACV)-resistant varicellazoster viruses (VZVs) have been induced by prolonged ACV therapy. We compared the appearance of drag- resistant viruses by treatment with ACV or penciclovir (PCV) in vitro. The VZV-infected cells were treated wirh increasing concentradons of either drug. No resistant virus emerged by Pcv treatment. ACV-resistant viruses were isolated by ACV treatment and proved lo be thymidine kinase (TK)-deficient by characterization. Analysis of their DNA sequences of the TK gene showed that the mutations were significantly found at the sites next (dorm stream) to two or more sequential guanosine-
result. histologic
nuclcotides (5’-GG-X-3’)
M. Miaoaachi’ S. Iim’. atd bstibue of &dial Sdcnce. St. Uaivcnity of
‘Deprmr.t of Dcmtobgy Medic&. Kawuaki,Japaa. By using ~onu9i~. WC stwikd the skin mmi6tstniooc of 148 hepuitir C vims antibody p&tive padata with tk Wlowiag brcua: 2 asymPtom&ic clrdcrs, 123 dumb heptitis d 23 liver cinbosis at1 of urbom wuc rariviag caa * the St. Muimm Institute of Me&al S&ace. Tbiayacum paao( (SS/148) of the pllieats ampldml of tbc CYJ-s laiom md wclc exmid by &m,tibgisu Lake,. Both scxcsnap6ly~dfUmlls~nd22~e).~~~wrS6.lyus~gi.g hm 13 to 81 y-. Tk lttstmy of blood tnasfusioar WCICa&d ia 2S/SSpllimts. Tkc bvcls of suam GOT. GFT aad atso titer of HCV-RNA Bd not show my .5&pite lbc pR.¶mcc of skin maaifestatioa$. la the 5s patients, 7 chnmic uliiu& 2 Ii&a plamu and 2 leutofytodsstic v-litis with ayoglobutind~ wue Mu&i Twady-four paant (13/SS)of the pdenu slcrc giw.n Medcmn-a. We Jso investigated tk prescaa of HCV tntigcn in the lesiod skin by using immvndhochemial staining with lcveml monochwal anti HCV antibcdiu.
DBRMAL MICROABSCBSSES IN CTCL. T. N-*1, T, -1, T.1. 1-M of Dermatology, Kagawa Medical University, Kagawq Japan. Histologically, mCL is characterized by a pleomorphic de.& cellular inflltmte with epidennotmpism as either single-cell exocytosis or Pautrier’s mkmxbscesscs. In this study. we have investigated whether microrbscesscs similar to PNluicr’s ax present in the derm!d infiltmtes of aCL. Maws and Melhods: Electron microscopic study was carried out on skin specimens obtained fium 13 patients with clinically active CICL. Results: In almost all the specimens examined, tmmerous demiritic ceils were found in the dermis, often tightly rdhering to tumor cells. Omsionally clusters of tumor cells we= sumlunded by den&tic cells. Although being a rare finding, some of the tumor cells were grouped around Langerhans cell. In one occasion. tllmor cells were seen to immigrate Intoepidermis through the cmaMke stmchm formed by dendritic cells. Conclusions: The tumor cells of CTCL cluster in microabscesses in the dermis as well as in the epidermis. Dendtitic cell appear to play an active role in the formation of these microabscesses.
CI-L4RACTERIZATION OF IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL INFILTRATING CELLS IN XANTHOMA. -hi. Y. H’rose. M dama. Department of Dermatoloiy, Koch; kh. Y. Yamamoto. H. Ko Medical School, Kochi, Japan. Mononuclear cells infiltrate and play important roles by synthesizing a variety of cytokines in the xanthoma lesions. The purpose of the present study is to immunohistochemically characterize the infiltrating cells in xanthoma lesions. Around the blood vessels where a little number of cells infiltrated, CD68 positive macrophages were the main constituents and no lymphocytes infiltrated. At the sites where moderate numbers of mononuclear cells and foam cells perivasculary infiltrated, both CD45 RO (OPD4) positive CD4 cells and CD8 ceils infiltrated adjacent to the blood vessels. Macrophages, CD68 positive foam cells and a small number of T cells surrounded them, but no CD20 positive B cells were observed. In the areas where foam cells infiltrated densely, most cells were CD68 positive and a small number of T and B cells was intermingled. These findings indicate that monocyte-derived macrophages primarily infiltrate at the very early stage of xanthoma formation. Then T cells infiltrate and interact with macmphages developing foam cell infiltrating lesions. u-smooth muscle actin expressing cells were not observed in the various types of xanthoma lesions indicating that fibroblasts are not differentiated to myofibroblastic cells which potentially induce fibrosis.
RELATIONSHIP BEWFEN ACiEOFaNSET AND ACTIVITY, SEVERITY AND FAMILY HISTROY OF PSORIASIS. SB Park. II Youn Dc+wlmcnt of Dcnnalology. Seoul Na~ioaal Uaiversily Callep of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Various effom 10 ctassify psoriasis, cliacat fcatura such as extents, types and scvcrily. have been mad+ but of lktte value in uakrstandiag tke disease. Recently. attempts have been made to distiagatsk psotiis subtype accordi to the age-of-amel bul rarely in Orkalals. In thts study, WC d&ted to iavwtigate the age-af-anset of psoriasis and to &ermine whether tkrr is any nla~ioaahtp hclween the age-of-onset and other clinical features. We cumpand age-of-onsel and associated clinical auivity. sevedty aad tlu iackierce of psodasis in thbd degree nlatives in 846 patients who wen diigmsed and Vestal for podasis during lhe prod from 1983 lo 1994 at psoriasis clinic in Seoul Natbaa Universily Hospital. The MI& at IO-year iNed withoul difbradtaliag Ihe sexes shows a peak agwf-amet between 20 aad 29 yams aad a gmdual decline in incideace after the peak age. If they are divided into two group8 with separation at fbc age-of-ease& two distinct disease pat&-as can be recognized. The early ora type shows a Irmfiluy lendewy wilh more severe and extensive clinical fuuwes. Tk olkr lypc of late owe4 lends to III” a rntld course with lesr kreditaty tatincy. T%is rep-au diffeenN pathmnachaaism in distinct disease patient in psxiasis.