regulation of Na+/myo-inositol
Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, Osaka University Neurobiology, Osaka University, Medical School2
gene expression
Medical School’, Department
of Molecular
Wei Guo’ , Shoichi Shimada’, Toshihide Yamashita2, Masaya Tohyama’ Myo-inositol plays a role in many important aspects of cellular regulation including membrance structure, signal transduction and osmoregulation. It is taken up into the cells by the Na+/myo-inositol cotransporter (SMIT). We investigated developmental changes in the expression of SMIT mRNA in rat. In adult rats, strong signals were observed in the kidney medulla and in local region of the brain such as choroid plexus. In the fetal rat, SMIT transcript was diffusely and abundantly expressed throughout the brain as well as the spinal cord. Positive signals were expressed in neuronal and non-neuronal cells in these regions. SMIT is gradually down regulated toward birth but the intense signals were still detected in the brain at the post-gestational day one. On the other hand, signals in kidney were very weak at the embryonic stage and the expression suddenly increased after birth. These results suggest that myo-inositol and its transporter play an important role in the developmental stage of CNS.
and expression of DP5, a programmed
neuronal death-related
Department of Cell Science, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Fukushima Medical College’, Department of Molecular Neurobiology (TANABE), Osaka University Medical School2 Ken-ya Kanazawa’, Kazunori Imaizumi2, Tetsuji Mori’, Sachihiko Yokoya’ , Manabu Tsuda’. Tsutomu Takagi’, Akio Wanaka’ To gain an insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal apoptosis, we searched for genes induced in the dying neurons by differential display. We have identified a candidate, which is induced during programmed neuronal death in the cultured sympathetic neurons of the superior cervical ganglia. This gene, DP5, encodes a novel protein with 92 amino acids and can cause apoptotic cell death of the cultured sympathetic neurons, when it is overexpressed. DP5 mRNA expression was primarily detected in the brain and peaked around postnatal l-2 weeks. At these periods, we observed the expression of DP5 mRNA in a group of neurons of the hippocampus, the entorhinal cortex, and the cingulate cortex.
1028 Department
Novel G-preotein which is expressed in the brain of ascidian tadopole larva. of Life Science, Himeji Institute
of Technology
Tatsuo Iwasa, Mahito Ohkuma, Takahiro Azuma, Motoyuki Tsuda Brain of ascidian tadpole larva is composed of only about 80 neurons which are derived from the neural plate. The stereotyped cell cleavage pattern and well characterized cell lineage in these animals allow to study the molecular mechanism of signal transduction in the brain. We focused G-protein which is involved in signal transduction in central neural system. We cloned ascidian tadpol larva cDNA encoding the G-protein which is 63% identiical in amino acid sequence to human Go. In situ hybridization of whole-mount of the species shows mRNA of this G-protein is located brain of tail bud of ascidian.