1080. On crystal
095 31 zonal melting. (USSR)
growth at electron crucibleless
The results of investigation of preferred crystal orientations at electron-beam crucibleless zonal melting in vacuum of tungsten, molydbenum, niobium, vanadium and tungsten-rhenium alloy are presented. M V Pikunov et al, Growth and Defects of Metallic Nauk Dumka Kiev 1972,247-25 1 (in Russian). 1081. The influence of high-temperature of structure of single crystals. (USSR)
31 on perfectness
Behaviour of dislocations and dislocation boundaries is investigated at thermal treatment of corundum, alkali haloide and anthracene single crystals in vacuum of lop3 torr. E R Dobrovinskaya, Growth and Defects of Metallic Nauk Dumka Kiev 1972, 284-288 (in Russian). 1082. Simultaneous growth of several and orientation. (USSR)
single crystals
37 of given shape
A vacuum equipment for simultaneous growth from melt of eight zinc single crystals of given shape and crystallographic orientation is described. Yu G Kazarov and F F Lavrentev, Growth and Defects of Metallic Crystals, CON, Nauk Dumka Kiev 1972, 306-310 (in Russian). 1083. Investigation
of directed
of PbSn
37 and AI-Cu
alloys. (USSR) Regularities of formation of structure in alloys Pb-Sn and Al-Cu at the directed crystallization are investigated. The alloys were melted in vacuum 4 X 10m4 torr. I V Salli et al, Growth and Defects of Metallic Crystals, Coil, Nauk Dumka Kiev 1972, 372-279
(in Russian).
37 1084. Investigation of oversaturation of solid solutions and temperature regime at quenching from liquid state. (USSR)
A vacuum equipment for investigation of crystallization of metals and alloys at high cooling rates is described. The pressure of 10ez torr is maintained in the chamber. V T Borisov and A I Dukhin, Growth and Defects of Metallic CON, Nauk Dumka Kiev 1972, 408-414 (in Russian). 1085. Measurements of dislocation pinning and dislocation cold-worked copper at 1 Hz. (Germany)
Crystals, 31 damping in
Measurements of the temperature dependence of modulus and damping are carried out simultaneously on cold-worked polycrystalline copper at 1 Hz in vacuum less than 1 x 10e6 torr. G Sokolowski et al, Phys Stat Sol (a), 19 (2), 1973,4933504. 1086. The heat capacity 1670°K. (Germany)
of Ni,Fe
37 data from 300 to
T G Kollie and C R Brooks, Phys Stat Sol (a), 19 (2), 1973, 545-554. 37 structure in dehydrogenated
niobium. (Germany)
Dislocation structures and mechanical properties of dehydrogenated niobium specimens were investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy and tensile test. Dehydrogenated specimens were prepared by annealing at various temperatures of a Nb-30 at ‘A H alloy in a dynamic vacuum of 5 x 10e6 torr. (Japan) M Amano and Y Sasaki,
Phys Stat Sol (a), 19 (2), 1973,405414.
37 1088. Utilization of the method of reduction melting in vacuum for determination of oxygen in rare earth elements. (USSR)
A method of determination of oxygen content in samarium by reduction melting in copper-nickel bath in vacuum without utilization of platinum is described. V V Orlov and Yu A Karpov, Zavod Lab, 39 (IO), 1973, 1184-1 I86 (in Russian). 1089. Investigation of defects in titanium dioxide depolarization thermostimulated currents. (USSR)
The depolarization 330
(Germany) The photoresponse-wavelength curves were measured in vacuum lo-’ torr for ZnS crystals grown from the vapour phase. (Hungary) M Somogyi et al, Whys Stat Sol (a), 14 (2), 1972, K 121-K 124. 31 1090. Photoresponse
37 by the method of
of single
on ZnS polytypes.
1091. X-ray photoelectron spectra of solid copper compounds. Relation between presence of satellite peaks and state of copper oxidation.
(Germany) Comparative study of X-ray photoelectron spectra of copper compounds as well as an examination of the changes of copper and oxygen peaks caused by active gases show that the satellite peaks adjacent to copper peaks are characteristic for the cupric ion. The samples were subjected to prolonged degassing at 250°C in vacuum 10-j torr before measurements. T Robert and G Offergeld, Phys Sfat Sol (a), 14 (I), 1972, 277-282. 37 1092. Anisotropy
of dislocation
internal friction
in copper whiskers.
(Germany) The internal friction spectrum of copper whiskers prestrained by torsion is experimentally investigated in vacuum 5 x 10e5 torr. It is found that the complex temperature dependence of internal friction is due to inelastic behaviour of dilocations and point defects entered into a whisker during prestraining. (USSR) V S Postnikov et al, Phys Stat Sol (a), 14 (1), 1972, 305-3 15.
IV. Materials and techniques vacuum technology
used in
41. METALS AND ALLOYS 41:31 1093. Alloy for cathode units. (USSR) An alloy designed to improve the strength of cathode heaters is proposed; it comprises 8&94% tungsten, 5-15x molybdenum, I&5% rhenium, together with 0.154.32x potassium oxide, 0.20.45 % silicon oxide, and 0.01-0.05 % aluminium oxide. The alloy is prepared by ordinary methods of powder metallurgy (pressing, sintering in hydrogen, and heat treatment close to the melting point). A considerable proportion of the oxide additives leaves the alloy during the heat treatment; the particles remaining impart an excellent combination of strength, toughness, and ductility. Cathodes so made are on the whole cheaper than those made by conventional methods. V M Amosov et al, Soviet Patent, class H 01 j, l/22, H 01 k, l/02, No. 360,701, claimed
The heat capacity of Ni,Fe has been measured with an accuracy of 1% in a temperature interval of 300 to 1670°K using a pulse calorimeter evacuated to less than lO-6 torr. (USA)
1087. Dislocation
crystal titanium dioxide, reduced in vacuum IO-“ torr at temperatures 600 to 700°C is investigated. A L Ahdeev et al, Fiz Tverd Tela, 15 (IO), 1973, 3090-3091 (in Russian).
314170, published
(in Russian). 41:31
1094. Alloy for cathodes.
A nickel-base alloy for cathodes containing 0.054.5x zirconium and 0.005-0.2°~ boron is proposed, the boron constituting an innovation. The tensile strength of this alloy in the original state is 5@90 kg/mm2, while after treatment at 900°C it falls to 30-50 kg/mm’ and the relative elongation equals 17-23 “A. The number of bends to rupture after heat treatment is 125-225 and the Eriksen stretch 1.75-1.1 mm. The change in combustion voltage for a current of 2-15 mA euuals 2.5-3.0 V: the spread in this parameter from one instrument to another for a current of 5 mA is 0.2-l .O V. V A Belyaev and G I Esarev, Soviet Patent, class C 22 c, 19jO0, No 360,389, claimed 415170, published 27/l l/72 (in Russian). 44. WAXES,
44 1095. Utilization of the adhesive VT-200 for low-temperature vacuumtight seals. (USSR) It is shown that vacuum-tight low-temperature seals of various materials can be made with the aid of an epoxy-silicon-organic adhesive VT-200. A helium mass spectrometer leak detector was used for testing of the seals. 0 P Anashkin and V E Keylin, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 5, 1973, 246247 (in Russian).