Announcement 10th International Biophysics Congress 29 July-3 August 1990 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Sponsored by the Biophysical Society...
Announcement 10th International Biophysics Congress 29 July-3 August 1990 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Sponsored by the Biophysical Society of Canada, the National Research Council of Canada and the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics. Persons interested in attending the Congress, presenting papers or displaying products are requested to contact: Mr. Laurier Forget, Congress Manager 10th Int. Biophysics Congress National Research Council Canada Ottawa Ontario KL4 OR6 Canada Telephone: (613) 993-9009 Telex: 053-3145 (613) 957-9828 Telefax: The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 31 January 1990.