1145. Pulser for accelerator cathode

1145. Pulser for accelerator cathode

Classified abstracts 1140-1155 31 1140. Wide-angle internal deflection structures of cathode-ray tubes. (USA) Test results are described which were ob...

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Classified abstracts 1140-1155 31 1140. Wide-angle internal deflection structures of cathode-ray tubes. (USA) Test results are described which were obtained with a test gun comprising two two-dimensional lenses and one rotationally symmetrical lens. Three deflection systems are compared as to their focusing properties. Another test gun design is described with which it is expected to demonstrate the deflection defocusing requirements. R G E Hutter, Rep P1BMRI-1355.3-67; AD-661305, Oct 1967, 16 pages (Sci Tech Aerospace Reps, 6 (3), 329, N68-12221). 32. NUCLEONICS 32 1141. A filament current regulator for solid source mass spectrometers. (Great Britain). A triple filament ion source has been used to study the temperature dependence of alkali ion emission. The side filaments serve merely as sample holders and are not electrically heated. Neutral particles, volatilized by radiation from the hot central filament, are ionized on impact with the hot metal surface. The ion beam intensity can be conveniently related to the ionizing filament current by a simple power law whose exponent varies for different alkali compounds. (USA) J G Ables and G H Riley, J Sci lnstrum, Ser 2, 1 (3), 1968, 329-331. 32 1142. A CS~ Lyman-alpha photon counter. (Holland) A high counting rate Lyman-alpha photon proportional counter with a sensitivity of 20-25 per cent is described which uses a photoelectron suppressor grid. The construction of the counter and the filling procedure is described. Before filling the counter was evacuated to 10-5 torr and heated for several hours to 160°C. (Switzerland) V Dose, Nucl Instrum Methods, 59 (2), 1968, 322-324. 32 1143. The NOL Van de Graaff facility. (USA) The Naval Ordnance Laboratories 2.5 MeV Van de Graaff positiveion accelerator is described. This machine was originally a 2 MeV x-ray generator. The design of the present facility and technical problems connected with conversion and updating of the machine are discussed, instructions are given for its operation and maintenance. A E Evans and D G Simons, Rep NOLTR-67-102; AD-661794, June 1967, 143 pages (Sci Tech Aerospace Reps, 6 (4), 490, N68-13446). 32 1144. A ruggedized thin-window proportional counter tube. (USA) The design and testing of a thin-window proportional counter tube are described. The objective of this investigation was the development of a component suitable for use in space experiments involving the detection of x-rays from light elements. In a series of tests, it was determined that 0.25 mil aluminium-coated Mylar, supported by a nickel screen, provided maximum strength with minimum absorption. Two methods of sealing the window are described: an o-ring and a potting compound. H W Schnopper and R A Shields, Rep NASA-CR-90428, Sept 1967, 7 pages (Sci Tech Aerospace Reps, 6 (2), 212, N68-11367). 32 1145. Pulser for accelerator cathode. (USA) The design of a high-speed cathode pulser for the injector of a linear accelerator is discussed. Included topics are choice of tubes, damage prevention, avalanche transistor stage, time response calculation and possible circuit improvements. R W Kueaning and S D Winter, Rep UC1D-15156, April 1967, 23 pages (Sci Tech Aerospace Reps, 6 (3), 329, N68-12647). 32 : 63 1146. Bibliographies in nuclear science and technology. Section 18: Accelerators. (USA) A bibliography of 390 references on various aspects of particle accelerators is presented. Included also are author, patent, report number and subject indexes. (Germany) W Mansberg, Rep AED-C-18-09, Dec 1966, 106 pages, in German and English (Sci Tech Aerospace Reps, 6 (3), 375, N68-12468).

33 1147. Peculiarities of a radiofrequency source of negative hydrogen ions in a charge-exchange proton injector. (USSR) A negative ion source based on extraction of ions from an rf discharge in hydrogen, is described. 10 pA current of negative hydrogen ions were obtained at an extraction rate of only 10 to 15 cma/hour. G I Dimov and B N Sukhina, Pribory Tekh Eksper, 13 (I), Jan-Feb 1968, 16-18 (in Russian). 33 1148. Commercially-available electronograph EVR-1 with instantaneous registration of dispersed electrons. (USSR) A system manufactured by SZEMiE Factories, Suma, USSR, is described. The electronograph with an accelerating voltage of 40 to 60 kV operates at 5 × 10 -5 torr, obtained by means of oil diffusion pump N-5S with a booster pump N-005 and mechanical pump RVN-20, and measured by combined vacuum gauge VIT-3. A G Alekseev et al, Pribory Tekh Eksper, 13 (1), Jan-Feb 1968, 192-196 (in Russian). 33 1149. Pulse high density atomic hydrogen source. (USSR) Hydrogen was dissolved in titanium at 1200°C in hydrogen atmosphere of 300 torr. The titanium was then irradiated by pulse of laser light. At a distance of 30 mm from the substrate, a pulse of atomic hydrogen, with a density of 10TM at/cm 2, was obtained. The pulse contained about 20 per cent of Ha and Ti ions and atoms, but no hydrogen ions were observed. G S Voronov and N K Martakova, Pribory Tekh Eksper, 13 (2), March-April 1968, 23-25 (in Russian). 33 1150. Improvement of Zeiss EF 4 electronograph for investigations of volatile compositions molecules structure. (USSR) The Zeiss EF 4 electronograph was modified by the addition of an effusion chamber which is described. To obtain pressures of 6 x 10-6 torr, a Tungsram B 32 oil diffusion pump was added to the original vacuum system. (Hungary) 1 Hargittai et al, Priboo, Tekh Eksper, 13 (2), March-April 1968, 206-208 (in Russian). 33 1151. Device for investigation of the spectrum and kinetics of recombination radiation from semi-conductors excited by electrons. (USSR) The device consists of a gun which provides a pulsed electron beam of 70 keV energy and 5 A/cm 2 density, a sample-holder cooled to liquid nitrogen or helium temperatures, and appropriate optical and electrical circuits. The chamber is pumped to a working pressure of 10-7 torr. 1 I Geytsi et al, Pribory Tekh Eksper, 13 (2), March-April 1968, 209-211 (in Russian). 33 1152. Some peculiarities of charged particle motion in superposed quadrapole and inhomogeneous longitudinal magnetic fields. (USSR) It is shown that the correction of non-orthoganality in the planes of symmetry of charged particle beams may be achieved by superposition of a homogeneous magnetic field over the field of a quadrupole lens. V P Kartashev and B A Utochkin, Zh Tekh Fiz, 38 (3), March 1968, 479~,81 (in Russian). 33 1153. Achromatic spiral multipole systems. (USSR) Electrostatic and magnetic spirally-symmetric systems with Nmultiple symmetries and antisymmetries in their cross-sections are theoretically analyzed. A M Strashkevich and N I Trotsyuk, Zh Tekh Fiz, 38 (3), March 1968, 520-526 (in Russian). 33 1154. Chromatic aberration of two-dimensional electrostatic quadrapole lenses. (USSR) Chromatic aberration is theoretically analyzed for lenses with an arbitrary character of symmetry and anti-symmetry. A M Strashkevich, Zh Tekh Fiz, 38 (3), March 1968, 527-530 (in

Russian). 33. GENERAL PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS 33:18 Vacuum insulation between very cold niobium electrodes. See abstract number 1064.

33 1155. Dispersion and focusing properties of the Yuza-Rozhanskiy capacitor field by taking account of the space charge of the investigated particles. (USSR) Electron beams are often analyzed by means of the Yuza-Rozhanskiy 495