1206. Power pulse generator of electron beams

1206. Power pulse generator of electron beams

Classified abstracts 1198-l 211 1198. Ionization of residual gas and accumulation electron rings. (USSR) of molecular ions in Accumulation of mole...

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Classified abstracts 1198-l


1198. Ionization of residual gas and accumulation electron rings. (USSR)

of molecular ions in

Accumulation of molecular ions in electron ring during the process of its compression is considered. The dependence of accumulated ion charge on number of electrons in the ring is calculated for the case of ionization of nitrogen and hydrogen. The value of permitted residual gas pressure in the chamber of electron ring compression is estimated. A A Droxdovskiy, ZTEF-100, Moscow 1973, 20 (in Russian). 1199. Separation method. (USSR)

of nitrogen



of Teor and Experim

by the continuous


32 adsorption

The coefficients of separation of nitrogen isotopes from natural nitrogen at adsorption on zeolite are measured in the range of nitrogen pressure of 30 to 720 torr and temperature 78 K using a mass spectrometer. It is found that the coefficient of separation is 1.016 f 0.002 and does not depend on pressure. A V Sarukbanov et al, Atom Energiya, 36 (3), 1974, 208 (in Russian).



33 of pulsed X-ray



Using the model of plasma flare, a formula for determination of dependence of X-ray pulse duration on tube parameters is obtained which agrees well with experimental data. It is shown that the efficiency of X-ray tube excited by capacitor discharge is 213 of that of the same tube operated in the continuous mode. L Ya Morgovskiy and E A Peliks, Appar and Meth Coil, No 13, Mashinostrenie Leningrad 1974, 235-238

of X-ray Anal, (in Russian).

33 in three-electrode

1201. On the mechanism of discharge development X-ray pulsed controlled tubes with cold cathode. (USSR)

Proposing the anode mechanism of development of breakdown initiated by an auxiliary discharge on cathode, the temperature field of anode is calculated and the influence of anode material on the time of discharge development is analysed. The experiments, however, show that anode material has no significant effect on discharge development. It is concluded that the mechanism of breakdown development in devices with initiating discharge is cathodic. M I Staroverov, Rep of Leningrad Electrotech Znst, No 140, 1974, 4146

(in Russian).

1202. Investigation

of transmission

33 targets of soft X-ray tubes. (USSR)

The dependece of radiation dose power on thickness of active layer is investigated for transmission targets of Al-Be, Ti-Be and Re-Be types in the voltage interval of 10 to 40 keV. S A Ivanov and F F Chigak, Rep of Leningrad Electrotech Znst, No 140, 1974, 23-24 (in Russian). 33 1203. Generators

A generator of pulsed electron beam with duration of 30 x 10m9 s at amplitude up to 700 A and electron energy up to 2.5 x 10’ eV is described. The electron gun uses a cathode with explosive electron emission. Utilization of a multigap discharger in the commutation circuit and of special dischargers in further stages enabled one to attain the time lag of generator operation after the triggering signal of 5 x 10-g s. A S Elchaninov et al, Power Nanosec Pulse Sources of Accel Electrons, Coil, Nauka Novosibirsk 1974, 123-127 (in Russian). 33 1296. Power pulse generator of electron beams. (USSR)

A high-current generator of electron beams with electron energy of lo6 eV and current of 3 x lo4 A is described. The generator contains a gas commutator, vacuum diode and drift tube. The gas commutator is triggered by injection of a 3 x 10” eV electron beam with 10 to lo3 A current and lo- * s duration into the gaseous gap. S P Bugaev et al, Power Nanosec Pulse Sources of Accel Electrons, Coil, Nauka Novosibirsk 1974, 113-l 18 (in Russian). 1207. X-ray tubes with transmission-type


1200. Investigation of characteristics plasma cathode. (USSR)

33 1205. Generator of electron beams with nanosecond accuracy of switching. (USSR)

33 target and their utilization.

(USSR) A review on design of modern X-ray tubes with transmission-type target is presented. Utilization of these tubes in structural and spectral investigations, medicine and other fields is described. Recommendations on choice of thickness of active layer of target are given. F F Chigak, Rep of Leningrad Electrotech Znst, No 140, 1974, 25-29 (in Russian). 33 1208. Quantitative application of electron-mirror microscopy to the determination of pure shear of ferroelectric C+(MoO&. (Germany)

Electron-mirror microscopy has an irreplaceable merit that the surface of the specimen is never hit directly by electrons. Application of electron-mirror microscopy to dynamic observation of moving domains of ferroelectric Gd2(Mo0& is described. A theory is developed by which one can determine pure shear of KDP-type ferroelectrics by analysing electran-mirror microscopic contrast due to surface perturbation on a domain boundary. (Japan) T Someya and J Kobayashi, Phys Stat Sol (a), 26 (l), 1974, 325-336. 33 1209. Influence of oxygen annealing on the electrical resistivity and surface scattering of electrons in copper whiskers at 4.2 K. (Germany)

The electrical resistivity of copper whiskers at 4.2 K and its size dependence as influenced by an annealing treatment under low pressures of oxygen in the range of 3 x 10es torr to 1.2 x low4 torr has been studied. The oxygen annealing affects the resistivity in two ways. Firstly, a reduction up to a factor of 10 of the bulk resistivity at 4.2 K is observed. Secondly, the oxygen treatment influences the size dependence of the resistivity by influencing the surface scattering of conduction electrons due to surface oxidation. A Thmnmes and H H Mende, Phys Stat Sol (a), 26 (l), 1974,243-251.

of powerful nanosecond electron beams. (USSR)

The processes are considered which take place in a vacuum diode at explosive electron emission. Cathode processes as formation of plasma flare and transport of metal during current flow are treated in detail. Experimental investigations of parameters of cathode flare plasma and kinetics of expansion of this plasma are described. Design of some power generators of electron beams is described. S P Bugaev and G A Mesyats, Power Nanosec Pulse Sources of Accel Electrons, Coil, Nauka Novosibirsk 1974, 5-22 (in Russian). 33 1204. The dependence of radiation pulse characteristics of a tbreeelectrode X-ray tube with cold cathode on parameters of triggering and main discharge circuits. (USSR)

Time and energy characteristics of X-ray pulse from a X-ray tube with cold cathode are investigated. It is shown that time characteristics of the pulse are determined mainly by parameters of the triggering circuit and energy characteristics by the energy stored in the capacitor. E N Zagranichnyy and M I Staroverov, Znst, No 140, 1974, 47-51 (in Russian).

Rep of Leningrad


33 1210. Investigation of operation of alternating-current gas-discharge electron source. (USSR) The results of experimental investigation of operation of alternating-

current gas-discharge electron source are presented. The source has a 50 % power efficiency. V I Melnik, Vestn Kiev Politekh Znst Ser Radioelektron, No 11, 1974, 13-l 5 (in Russian). 1211.



for surface


33 of materials.

(USSR) To investigate processes occurring at various modes of electron-beam treatment of various materials, an electron-beam equipment has been built. The equipment consists of working chamber, vacuum system, electron beam source, focusing and deflecting system and power supplies. G V Gurtyachenko et al, Industrial and Med Electronics, Coil, Vol 1, Tomsk 1974, 102-103 (in Russian). 397