- development of comprehensive annual training plans for the NTLP. More detailed information on the various support for the development of resources (manpower and technics) will be presented. The particular features of the cooperation between GLRA and the NTLP, especially the Central Unit, will be described.
138lpA12 Etude critique de la m6thodologie de l'enqu6te autour d'un cas de tuberculose en milieu urbain, semi-urbain et tribal dans la Province Sud de la Nouvelle-Cal~donie
never used at least one of the suggested drugs or the treatment regimen had been changed by the community TB centers. 5. All of the 105 patients expressed that they had been informed about their disease and the treatment and the patient evacuation forms (to the community TB centers) were given before leaving the hospital. According to the results above, most of the shortcomings of the TB treatment in this study arise from the community TB centers or from the patients themselves. It is the doctors' responsibility to educate and give necessary information to the patients.
Droetto, F., Monchotte, I., Noel, M. Centre Mddical Polyvalent, Province Sud, Nouvelle-Calddonie
Objectif: Ameliorer la faisabilit6 et le rendement des enqu&es de drpistage autour d'un cas de tuberculose. Plan: 1) Epidrmiologie de la tuberculose en NouvelleCalrdonie. 2) M6thodes d'enqu&e:
Jusqu'en 1992: Drpistage syst6matique de masse; Annges 1993-1994: Principe des anneaux 6valu6 et modifi6 fin 93 et fin 94. 3) Rrsultats. 4) Interprrtations. Conclusions: Ptusieurs types d'enqu~tes sont drfinis: 1) Recherche d'infectrs autour d'un patient bacillifrre (ED+, C+) qui devra s'dtendre dans le temps mais dont l'extension dans l'espace devra ~tre discutre; 2) Recherche d'infectrs autour d'un patient peu contagieux (ED-, C+) qui devra atre strictement limit6e dans le temps et darts l'espace; 3) Recherche de contaminateur qui devra &re discutre en fonction de l'fige du patient et des donndes des diffrrents entretiens avec l'entourage proche.
144-PA12 The follow-up of the tuberculous patients at the community tuberculous centers Cerrahoglu, K. Aydilek, R., Ilvan, A., Kartalo~lu, Z., Oztiirk, S., Kunter, E. ~amlica Military Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
This study aims to research the effectivity of the followup activities of the community TB centers in the fight against TB. 105 male patients, who were 20-22 years old and diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis in ~amlica Military Hospital in a period from July 1994 to March 1995, were examined. The results are below; 1. 96 out of 105 patients who were discharged from the hospital had been registered to the community TB centers. 2. 78 out of 96 patients who were registered to the community TB centers had been using their drugs regularly, 12 patients had never used and 6 patients had missed some of the doses from time to time. 3. 24 patients had never had a chest X-ray. 63 of the patients had never given sputum specimen for AFB detection. 4. 15 out of 96 patients have claimed that they had
147-PA12 Which drugs are used for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) in Italy? Results of a national survey Nardini, S.*, Migliori, G.B.**, Bertoletti, R.*, Faravelli, B., Di Pisa G. and the National AIPO Study Group on TB. *Dept. of Pulmonary Rehabilitation, "Morelli" Hospital, Sondalo; **Clinica deLavoro Foundation, Tradate, Italy
Background: In Italy, no National TB control programme has been carried out for the last few years. As a part of a national survey to evaluate the actual efficacy of anti-TB activity, research took place in 1994. Aim of the study was to determine which drugs were actually used by physicians when treating TB. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to a randomized sample of physicians from centres involved in TB treatment investigating the actual treatment of noncomplicated pulmonary tuberculosis. Data were analyzed separately for: 1) specialized TB-units, 2) respiratory disease units and 3) infectious disease units. Results: 18 answers were collected from 62 different areas of the country. Second line drugs (WHO, 1991) were not used. First line drugs were used both in a standardized fixed regimen (SFR -- 70.6%) and not (NSFR = 29.4%). Almost all used isoniazid-H and rifampin-R and 84.6% use ethambutol-E with no significant difference between SFR or NSFR. Streptomycin (40.7%) proved to be more prescribed by physicians using a NSFR (p < 0.02) while pyrazinamide-P (30.8%) significantly more by those using SFR (p<0.05). Among new drugs, predominantly rifabutin-RB was used (10.4%), significantly more (p < 0.05) in NSFR. No significant difference in the use of the reported drugs was detected among the three different types of unit. Comments: In Italy TB is commonly treated with no standardized regimen. A minority of physicians treat normal non-complicated pulmonary TB with a 3-drug SFR including HRP (ATS, 1994). A lower percentage use a 4-drug (HRP + E) SFR (BTS, 1990; WHO, 1991). The therapeutic regimen most frequently used is a NSFR including H, R, and E, with a non-systematic addition of S. Among new drugs, which are seldom used, RB is most frequently prescribed.