15th FEBS meeting

15th FEBS meeting

X 15th FEBS meeting 2. Capillary permeability. E. M. Renkin (Davis, U,S.A.). F. E. Curry (Davis, U.S.A.). C. C. Michel (Oxford, U.K.). 3. Charges on...

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15th FEBS meeting

2. Capillary permeability. E. M. Renkin (Davis, U,S.A.). F. E. Curry (Davis, U.S.A.). C. C. Michel (Oxford, U.K.). 3. Charges on isolated cells.

St. McLaughlin (Stony Brook, U.S.A.). D. Danon (Rehovot, Israel). J. N. Mehrishi (Cambridge, U.K.). M. Wioland (Paris, France). Y. Marikovsky (Rehovot, Israel). R. Beauwens (Brussels). 4. The renal glomerulus : Charge perm-

selectivity ; Nephrotoxicity of cationic proteins, Deposition of immune complexes. B. M. Brenner (Boston, U.S.A.). Y. Kanwar (Chicago, U.S.A.). W. M. Deen (Cambridge, U.S.A.). P. Bargmann (Brussels, Belgium). D. K. Oken (Richmond, U.S.A.). M. A. Venkatachalam (San Antonio, U.S.A.). P. P. Lambert (Brussels, Belgium). W. A. Border (Torrance, U.S.A.). A. Vogt (Freiburg, F.R.G.). S. Batsford (Freiburg, F.R.G.). 5. Handling of proteins by renal tubules in relation to molecular charge. D. H. Clyne (Cincinnati, U.S.A.). K. So/ling (Copenhagen, Denmark). K. Baumann (Hamburg, F.R.G.). 6. Intracellutar cationic proteins (eosinophi/s, p/ate/ets and granulocytes). G. J. Gleich (Rochester, U.S.A.). J. J. Ho/brook (Bristol, U.K.). J. C. Herion (Chapel Hill, U.S.A.). 7. Poster session. Prof. P. P. Lambert The Q u ~ n EH'sabeth Medical Fou,ndation Avenue J. J. Cpocq 1 - 1020 Brussels Tel. 02/478.98.03

24th to 29th July 1983 Brussels, Belgi,um

The Belgian Biochemical Society has pleasure in inviting all the members of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) as well as all the interested scientists to the 15th meeting of their federation. Scien¢ffic programme

it wilt include plenary lectures, invited lectures on the selected topics listed below and poster sessions on all aspects of biochemistry. Selected topics (tentative number of haft-day sessions in parentheses) : 1. Gene organization, replication and expression (8). 2. Molecular and cellular irmnunology (5). 3. Biological membranes (5). 4. Enzymology and metabolic regulations (5). 5. Structure and activity of proteins and peptides (4). 6. Cell communication and regulation (4). 7. High-order structures and assembly

(3). 8. Protein synthesis, modifications and secretion (3). 9. Bioenergetics (3). 10. Biochemistry and molecular biology of plants (3). 11. Biotechnology (3). 12. Neurobiochemistry and receptors (2). 13. Metabolism of xenobiotics (2). 14. Cell multiplication and differentiation (1). 15. Biochemistry of parasites (1). 16. Molecular evolution (1). 17. Models and computer methods (1). General inf(~rrr~a~ibn. Dates.

From Sunday 24th to Friday 29th July 1983. 1982, ~,

n ° 6.


Place. Brussels International Conference Centre. Pro-registration. Please cut, complete and return the aside pro-registration form before 1st August 1982. Do not forget to indicate the topic(s) of particula[ interest to you. Second An~ou,ncement. The second announcement, containing more detailed information on the scientific programme, will be forwarded by the end of 1982 to all who have returned the pro-registration form. It will include the instructions to the authors of abstracts and the final registration forms, as well as further information on the accommodation facilities and the social programme.

Abstracts. The abstracts, typed on the special frame sheet, will have to reach the Meeting Secretariat before 1st March 1983.

Exhibition. A technical and book exhibition will be organised in the very site of the meeting.

Secretary General of the meeting. Prof. Eric Schram.

1 9 8 2 , 64, n ° 6.

For all correspondence and inquiries :

15th FEBS Meeting Brussels Intemationl Conference Centre Parc des Expositions B-1020 Brussels (Belgium) Phone (32-2) 478.48.60 Telex 23 643.

4 e symposium international sur le m 6 t a b o l i s m e e t la n u t r i t i o n a z o t 6 s Ce 4" Symposium organisd sous rdgide de la Fdd6ration Europ~enne de Zootechnie, se tiendra du 5 au 9 septembre 1983 Clermont-Ferrand, France. Les r~sultats les plus rdcents seront pr6sent~s et discut6s dans les trois domaines suivants : synth~se et d6gradation des prot~ines et leur r~gulation en particulier hormonale, digestion et absorption des protdines, dtude critique des recommandations a/imentaires des animaux domestiques, il y aura 17 rapports pr~sent~s par des conf~renciers choisis par un comitd scientifique; sept tables rondes et deux s~ries de posters.

Renseig~ements : 4" S.I.M.N.A. INRA ~ Theix Laboratoire d'Etude du Mdtabolisme Azot~ 63110 Beaumont - - France.