powersup[dy tests
c compilers got link to robot control software
16- t DVM
Software to link a c compiler to Hunter and Ready's VRTX/86 realtime operating kernel has been written by the US firm. 'We wanted to interface the Lattice c compiler with VRTX because of the compiler's popularity and the fact that it is hosted by the IBM PC and other 8086-based computers,' said company vice president James Ready. The VRTX-C interface library (VCLIB) comes on 5¼-in floppy discs. The price of $750 includes documentation. VRTX is a software component used in microprocessor-based systems for controlling industrial robots, medical instruments and aeroplane flight systems. (Hunter and Ready Inc., 445 Sherman A venue, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA. Tel." (415)326 2950)
counter/timer is available from Irish firm Intepro Systems. The unit is designed to act as a component in systems for testing power supply units. It can be used as a discrete instrument under IEEE-488 control. If used instead with a power/ signal switching module it is connected under software control to the unit[s) under test. A typical command format is 'D, 1, M' [digital voltmeter 1, measure). Automatic readback of results can be obtained. The voltmeter ranges are 0-0.5 V, 0 - 5 V / 0 - 5 0 V and 50 V +. The accuracy is better than +0.02% of the reading plus +0.02% of full-scale deflection, says Intepro. The counter/timer measures frequency or period. Its range is 0 - 1 0 MHz.
A test unit incorporating a 16-bit digital voltmeter and a six-digit
Analyser measures frequency response of feedback-type systems on four channels
Power supp/y tester Intepro includes the unit in systems custom built for monitoring functional units at burn-in and for setting up and testing switched-mode power supplies. Prices of these systems range from £8000 to £48 000. (Intepro Systems Ltd, Chllders Road, Limerick, Ireland. Tel: (061) 43611. Telex: 701 I0 TEST El. UK distributor: Omnitest Ltd, Highcliffe House, 411-413 Lymington Road, Highcliffe, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5EN, UK. Tel: (04252) 77731)
sRAM can be reset
A four-channel frequency response analyser has been announced by Solartron, a UK subsidiary of Schlumberger. The 1254 is aimed at feedback-type systems. The analyser measures the system's input, output and feedback network and the resultant error signal. Each of these measurements has a separate test lead. A II four measurements are processed at the same time to give phase and amplitude values. The 1254 has a built-in generator with a frequency range from I0 I~Hz to 65.5 kHz. The interchannel measuring accuracy over this range is O.1 dB, says Solartron. (Solartron Instrumentation Group, Victoria Road, Farnborough, Hants GUI 4 7PW, UK. Tel." (0252) 544433. Telex: 858245 SOLFA R G)
A resettable static RAM has been announced by US firm Advanced Micro Devices [AMD). The Am9150's memory array is cleared in two cycle times, says AMD. The device~has a I k x 4 architecture. It comes in a 24-pin 7.6 mm ceramic package. Input and output pins are separate. Three versions are available. The price of an Am9150 with a maximum access time of 25 ns is £18.75 in 100piece quantities. Versions with 35 ns and 45 ns access times can also be obtained. (Advanced Micro Devices
(UK) Ltd, AMD House, Goldsworth Road, Waking, Surrey GU21 lIT, UK. Tel: (04862) 22121)
microprocessors and microsystems