16. Visual
-4 Model of diffusing motion direction along a line
Kawato Dynamic Brain Project, ERATO, JST’, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University2, .4TR Human Information Processing Research Laboratory3 Masato Okada’, Naoki Matsukawa2, Mitsuo Kawato113, Kunihiko Fukushima2 The visual system has to solve many problems including optical flow, texture, shading and so on. Those problems are formulated by the optimization problem. Theoriticaly, in order to solve the problems within the locality condition, we have to use the relaxation culculation. But some of researchers naively guess the visual system uses one-shot algorithms, because we feel that such kinds of visual tasks are usually solved immediately. In this paper, we offer a computation model to treat phenomena regarding motion perception done by Ben-Av and Shiffrar. Analyzing the phenomena using our theory, we propose new phychological experiments whether the visual system uses the relaxation method or not.
Psychophysical evidence of diffusing motion direction along a line
Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University’, Kawato Project, ERATO, JST2, ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories3
Dynamic Brain
Shigeaki Nishina l, Masato Okada2, Mitsuo Kawato2v3 The direction of a moving line behind an aperture is ambiguous if no cue of temporal correspondence like a terminator is seen. However, if another moving line with a terminator can be seen in another aperture, and these lines are perceived as two parts of a line, the ambiguity disappears. In this experiment, we measured perceived motion direction of the ambiguous line segment for various distance between the apertures, size of the apertures, and duration of the stimulus. We obtained the results that longer duration is necessary to perceive the valid direction. These results are consistent with the model in which the information of locally detected motion direction diffuses along a line(Okada et al. 1997)