Abstracts plexitia of the plasma estrogen composition during pregnancy still remains to be L%tablished. A long-term study was initiated in 1974 t...
Abstracts plexitia of the plasma estrogen composition during pregnancy still remains to be L%tablished. A long-term study was initiated in 1974 to undertake simultaneous weekly determmations of plasma unconjugated and total estriol (E3). Human Placental Lactopen (HPL) and 24-hour urinary E, during the third trimester of normal and pathological pregnancy. Plasma unconju~ated Ea was deter-
9. CLINICAL 163. Detection of heterozygote carriers of congenital adrenal
hyperplasin LUEUNE-LENAIN. C.. CANTRAINE. F., WOLTER. R. and FRANCKSO~, J. R. M.. Brussels. Belgium
PREVOT. University
ASPECTS nal surgery with a coeliac WHO contract H9’lXl-72Et.
165. Estrogen receptors in human breast cancer
times: (41 data were analysed by a stepwise discriminant analysis. The test was performed in 22 normal adults and 14 parents of children with 21-OHD. The following results were obtained: (I) significant alterations in the metabolic pathways of F and B but not in the conversion of I?-OHP IO AD were demonstrated in carriers. (2) addition of AP AB results did not improve the discriminant potency of statistical analysis performed on the Al7-OHPiAF data: (3) wnhrn the Itmits imposed by the number of subjects applied to the studied. the di~criminant analysis Ai7-OHP,bF data revealed a combination of variables for normals
chromatography. Data will be presented on the normal values obtained from about 2X0 pregnancies and a limttcd number of pathological pregnancies.
F.. of
of 21-hydroxylase deficiency Htterozygotc carriers (ZI-OHD) cannot be detected by measurements of basal adrenal secretion. Attempts were made to reveal the latent metabolic block by ACTH stimulation and determination of plasma 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHPt. Overlapping of the response curves between normals and carriers prevented their use for individual prediction purposes. The test sensitivity was improved as follows: (1) endogenous ACTH interference was suppressed by dexamethasone prior to I.V. injection of ACTH: (2) plasma 17-OHP. cortisol (F). progesterone (PI. corticosterone (B) and androstenedione (AD) were measured (during the I h duration of the test): (3) parameters analyzed were the ratio of plasma increments between precursors and end-products (Al7-0HP:A F.AP,AB. A17-OHP,AAD) at corresponding
which lead to a 91”,, correct classification carrier\.
mined by radioimmunoassay and plasma total E, by spectroflurometry using a semi-automated solvent-partitioning method for purification of E,. Plasma HPL was delcrmined by radiolmmunoassay and urinary E, by gas liquids
164. Effect of coeliac plexus block on plasma cortisol in major abdominal surgery KATARIYA. R. N., CHARS. P. and SHARMA. B. R.. Departments of Anaesthesia and Endocrinology. P.G.I.. Chandlparh. 160012. India A slgnlficant increase in plasma cortisol IFI during major abdominal surgery is well recognized. It IS considered to be mediated through neuronal impulses from the operation site. The present study was designed to evaluate alterations in plasma F during abdominal surgery with and without acoeliac plexus block in two comparable groups of ten patients. The basal and pre-induction F levels m both groups were comparable. Post induction samples in both groups showed higher mean plasma F values. the rise being more in comparati\elj major abdominal surgery (Radical gastrectomy or resection anastomosis vs exploratory laperotomyf. In patients without the coeliac plexus block the rise. was stpnificant (P < 0.5) from I.5 min of induction to 190 mm. In the coeliac plexus block group. although there was a rise at 15 min after the induction. the difference from the basal was not significant unttl 19Omin. The data suggest an effective inhibition of cortisol responses to abdomi-
CHATTOPAOHYAY. T. K.. SINGH. P. and KAPUR. M. M.. Departments of Surgery and Reproductive Biology. All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi-i& India Qualttative and quantitative characteristics of estrogen receptors (ERs) were studied in 5 normal and I2 cancerous breast tissues. The in ritro uptake and intracellular distrlbution patterns of radioactive estradiol were ldentlcal in both normal and cancerous tissues. However. radioactive estradlol was predominantly localtzed in the nuclear fraction t - V,,), cytosol retaining only Xi“,, of the specifically bound estradlol. Generally. the number of high affinity bmding sites. as evaluated by saturation analysis. averaged between 27-66 fmol.mg cytosol protein In normal and 1 l-268 fmol:‘mg protein in cancerous tissues. The dlssociation constants of ERs in normal (0.4 0.6 nMj was similar to those of cancerous (Issues (0.2. 1.6). ERs from normal and cancerous cytosols exhibited molecular hetert~genelty on 5-20”,, sucrose gradient. ERs in normal tissues mvariably exhibited two peaks; 3-5s (M.W. 56.000) and 8-9s (M.W. 167.000). On the othe hand ERs in cancerous IISsues demonstrated one (3-5::). two (3 SS and 5 7.S 7 IOS) or three (3-55. 5-7s and 7-10s) peaks with molecular weights 37.ooO: IIZ.Mxf and 166.0(X1 respecttvely. One interesting observation was the absence of a 5 7S peak in all the cancerous cyIoso!s (7 GWS) with binding srtes < lGOfmol.mg protein. This lack of molecular association in the 5-7s region may help In the e%aluatlon of hormone non-responsive breast cancer cases.
l&Steroid hormones: their potential role in the develop ment of atherosclerosis SUBBAIAH. P. V. and BAGDAO~. J. D.. Deptrtment Medicine. Providence Medical Cenier. University Washington. Seattle. Washington. L;.S.A.
of of
In order to understand the mechanisms underlying the accelerated development of atherosclerosis in women using oral contraceptives (“the pill”) as well as m patients on chronic steroid treatment, we have investigated the effect of their serum on the growth and metabolic responses of human arterial smooth muscle cells USMC) (the predominant cell type in the atherosclerotic lesion) in cell culture. Pooled serum from pill users causes greater stimulation of SMC proliferation (P < 0.01) as well as increased DNA synthesis, compared to the serum from the controls. This mitogenic effect of pill serum was contained in the nonlipoprotein fraction of the serum (d > 1.25g;mll which also caused increased synthesis of sterol by the cells from [“‘Cl-acetate. Serum from kidney transplant patients and bronchitics who receive large doses of plucorttcolds chromtally also markedly increased proliferatron of SMC and stimulated sterol synthesis. The serum from all steroid-tak-