ET DU MEMBRE SUPI RIEUR 1991 A U T H O R S I N D E X (VOL. 10) N° 1 N°2 N° 3 N° 4 N° 5 N° 6
ALLIEU Y., BENICHOU M., TOUCHAIS S., DESBONNET P., LUSSIEZ 13. - Les formes neurologiques du syndrome du hile du membre superieur: ie r61e du scalene moyen, 308-312. ALLIEU Y. - Cf. BARON J.L., 430. ALLIEU Y. - Cf. BELLUGOU M., 59. ALLIEU Y., CHAMMAS M., LUSSIEZ B., TOUSSAINT B., BENICHOU M., CANOVAS F. - Place de I'arthrodese scaphotrapezotrapezdidienne dans le traitement de la maladie de Kienb6ck. Apropos de onze observations, 22-29. ALLIEU Y. - Cf. GOMIS R., 30. ALNOT J.Y., BOULATE M., KAHN M.F., BOCQUET L. - Osteolyse massive des metacarpiens. A probos d'une observation de rhumatisme psoriasique a forme osteolytique, 162-166. ALNOT J.Y. - Cf. BLETON R., 286. ALNOT J.Y. - Cf. BLETON R., 360. ALNOT J.Y. - Cf. KAPANDJI T., 406. ALPERT B.S. - Cf. BUNCKE H.J., 513. AMADIO P.C. - Cf. VlDAL M.A., 227. AMRANI M. - Cf. DESMANET E., 154. APOIL A. - Cf. DUMONTIER C., 337. ASSOULINE A. - Cf. ORSET G., 101. AUDREN J.L. - Cf. ISELIN F., 437. AUGEREAU B. - Cf. DUMONTIER C., 337.
BAHRI H., FAYADA P., TARHOUNI L. - Les polydactylies, 187-191. BALMAT P. - Cf. VlCHARD Ph., 331. BANZET P. - Cf. MALADRY D., 167. BARON J.L., ROMAIN M., LOUCHAHI N., GOMIS R., ALLIEU Y. - Le lambeau inguinal pc~licul~ en chirurgie d'urgence de la main traumatique: inter~t du pL~clicule long per: mettant une r~ducation pr~coce, 430-436. BARRY P., REGNARD P.J., BENSA P. - L'embrochage fascicule en bouquet dans les fractures du col du cinquieme metacarpien. A propos d'une s~rie de cinquante cas, 469-475. BEAL D., RONGIERES M., MANSAT M. Embrochage centro-medullaire en bouquet. M~thode de choix du traitement des fractures du col du cinquieme m~tacarpien necessitant une r~luction. A p r o p o s de trente cas, 463-468. BELLON-CHAMPEL P. - Cf. MOUTET F., 148. BELLUGOU M., ALLIEU Y., GODEBOUT J. (de), THAURY M.N., STER J.F. - Techniques de ~ d~sensitization )) dans la reeducation de la main douloureuse, 59-67.
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pp. pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
1-96 97-192 193-268 269-372 373-492 493-588
(In English) (In English)
13ENICHOU M. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 22. BENSA P . - Cf. BARRY P., 469. 131SSON M. - Cf. EBELIN M., 151. BLETON R., ALNOT J.Y., KAHN M.F., BOCQUET L. - Synovite sarcdidosique. Apropos d'un cas de Iocalisation au niveau des tendons flechisseurs des doigts, 360-363. BLETON R., OBERLIN C., ALNOT J.Y., FICHELLE A., CHASTRE J. - Les fasciites necrosantes du membre superieur. Apropos de douze cas, 286-296. BLETON R. - Cf. KAPANDJI T., 406. BOCQUET L. - Cf. ALNOT J.Y., 162. BOCQUET L. - Cf. 13LETON R., 360. BONNARD C. - Cf. DELLA SANTA A., 531. BONNEVIALLE P. - Cf. RONGIERES M., 119. BOUC M.P. - Cf. CHAISE F., 348. BOULATE M. - Cf. ALNOT J.Y., 162. 13OUREAU F., PEZE M., DOUBRERE J.F., ISELIN F. - La main douloureuse chronique. A propos d'une serie consecutive de soixante cas, 313-318. BRAGA DA SILVA J., FOUCHER G. - Les varices digitales. Apropos d'une serie de douze cas, 319-323. BREUILLARD F. - Cf. FILLOUX J.F., 181. BRIENTINI J.M. - Cf. VlCHARD Ph., 331. BRUNELLI G . A . , B R U N E L L I G . R . - Anatomical study of distal insertion of the abductor pollicis Iongus. Concept of a musculo-tendinous unit : the abductor carpi muscle, 569-576. BRUNELLI F., MATHOULIN C. - Presentation d'un nouveau lambeau en i3ot homo-digital sensible a contre-courant, 48-53. BRUNELLI G . R . - Cf. BRUNELLI G.A., 569. BUCH N. - Cf. FOUCHER G., 108. B.U.CH JAEGER N . - Cf. MARIN-BRAUN F., 13. BUCHLER U. - Cf. STURZENEGGER M., 207. BUCK-GRAMCKO D. - Complications and bad results in pollicization of the index finger (in congenital cases), 506-512. BUNCKE H.J., BUNCKE GM., LINEWEAVER W.C., OLIVA A., SIKO P.P., ALPERT B.S. Bad results after large toe to thumb transplantation, 513-516. BUNCKE G . M . - Cf. BUNCKE H.J., 513. BURDIN Ph. - Cf. LAULAN J., 158. BUTIN E . - Cf. MESTDAGH H., 280. BUTRUILLE Y . - Cf. MESTDAGH H., 280. BUTTER M. (de) - Cf. VlNCHON B., 343.
C CABROL E. - Cf. LAULAN J., 158. CANOVAS F. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 22. CARO P . - Cf. LE NEN D., 5. CHAISE F . , B O U C M . P . - Une tumeur osseuse rare & la main : I'hemangiome caverneux solitaire. A p r o p o s d'une observation, 348-350.
CHAMAY A., DELLA SANTA D. - Radiolunate arthrodesis in rheumatoid wrist (21 cases), 197-206. CHAMMAS M. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 22. CHASTRE J. - Cf. 13LETON R., 286. CHETRIT A. - Cf. SCHINDLER A., 237. CHIRON P. - Cf. TRICOIRE J.L., 175. CLERMONT D., PARTOUNE E., LEJEUNE G. - L'osteome ostedide de I'extremite distale du radius. Revue de la litterature a la lumi~re d'un cas, 146-147. COESSENS B., DE MEY A., LACOTTE 13., VANDENBROECK D. - Carpal tunnel syndrome due to an haemangioma of the median nerve in a 12-year-old child, 255-257. COESSENS B. - Cf. LACOTTE B., 300. COLLIN J.P. - Cf. HALOUA J.P., 417. COLMAR M. - Cf. RENAUD 13, 385. CORDONNIER D. - Cf. VINCHON B., 343. COURTOIS B. - Cf. LE NEN D., 5.
DARMON C . - Cf. SARTORIUS C., 458. DAUNOIS O., SE131LLE A. - Amelioration de la reinnervation musculaire par utilisation de colle biologique enrichie chez le rat, 113-118. DELLA SANTA D., NARAKAS A., BONNARD C. - Late lesions of the brachial plexus after fracture of the clavicle, 531-540. DELLA SANTA D. - Cf. CHAMAY A., 197. DE MEY A. - Cf. COESSENS B., 255. DENIS F. - Cf. ORSET G., 101. DESBONNET P. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 308. DESMANET E., AMRANI M., FIEVEZ R., SIX Ch. - Les acrometastases. Apropos de deux cas. Revue de la litt6rature, 154-157. DOBYNS J.H. - Cf. VlDAL M.A., 227. DOUBRERE J . F . - Cf. BOUREAU F., 313. DUMONTIER C., APOIL A., MEININGER T., MONET J . , A U G E R E A U B . - Compression de la branche profonde du nerf ulnaire & la sortie du hiatus piso-unciformien. A p r o p o s d'une anomalie non encore decrite, 337-341. DUNAUD J.L. - Cf. PEYROUX LM., 68. DUPORT M. - Cf. TRICOIRE J.L., 175. DURJU J. - Cf. LACOTTE 13., 300.
EBELIN M., MARIETTE X., QUILLARD J., BISSON M . , M A Z A S F . - Tenosynovite d'aspect tuberculoide de la main. Apropos de trois cas de causes rares et differentes, 151-153. EBELIN M. - Cf. LE VlET D., 273. EGLOFF D.V., NARAKAS A.O. - L'urgence microchirurgicale & I'exclusion des reimplantations, 448-457. ENGEL J. - Cf. SCHINDLER A., 237.
FAVARD L. - Cf. LAULAN J., 158. FAYADA P. - Cf. BAHRI H., 187. FICHELLE A . - Cf. BLETON R., 286. FIEVEZ R. - Cf. DESMANET E., 154. FILLOUX J.F., BREUILLARD F., OBRY C., VlVES P. - M~lanome ungu~al achromique. A propos d'une observation, 181-183. FOUCHER G . - Complications and bad results of toe partial transfers in thumb reconstruction, 529-530. FOUCHER G., GREANT Ph., SAMMUT D., BUCH N . - N~vrites et n~vromes des branches sensitives du nerf radial. A p r o p o s de quarante-quatre cas, 108-112. FOUCHER G. - Cf. BRAGUA DA SILVA J., 319. FOUCHER G. - Cf. MARIN-BRAUN F., 13. FOUCHER G. - Cf. MEURICE M., 379.
KAHN M.F. - Cf. ALNOT J.Y., 162. KAHN M . F . - Cf. BLETON R., 360. KAPANDJI A. - Les broches intra-focales (
>de type ~> dans I'ostf~osynthbse des fractures de I'extr~mit~ inferieure du radius, 138-145. KAPANDJI T., BLETON R., ALNOT J.Y., OBERLIN C . - Les lambeaux homodigitaux de couverture de la pulpe dans les amputations distales des doigts. A p r o p o s de soixante-huit lambeaux, 406-416. KAPANDJI A.I., MARTIN-BOYER Y., VERDEILLE S. - Etude du carpe au scanner trois dimensions sous contraintes de pronosuplnation, 36-47. KON M . - Firework injuries to the hand, 443-447. KRIMMER H . - Cf. LANZ U., 399. L
GARDES J . C . - Cf. SARTORIUS C., 458. GERARD P. - Cf. MOUTET F., 476. GIORDANO P. - Cf. ORSET G., 101. GODDARD N. - Cf. PAGLIEI A., 541. GODEBOUT J. (de) - Cf. BELLUGOU M., 59. GOMIS R., RAKOTOMAVO J., LOUCHAI N., ALLIEU Y. - Sympathectomies arterielles segmentaires au niveau des doigts, 30-35. GOMIS R. - Cf. BARON J.L., 430. GOUET O. - Cf. ISELIN F., 437. GOUGEON E., PREVOST P., POLl L. - Les 16sions traumatiques de la main: blessure narcissique, toumant fonctionnel et physique, prise en charge psychologique, 482-485. GRANDIDIER M. - Cf. LEMARECHAL P., 351. GREANT Ph. - Cf. FOUCHER G., 108. GREGOIR C., MENKES C.J. - The rheumatoid elbow : patterns of joint involvement and the outcome of synoviorthesis, 243-246. GSTACH J . H . - Cf. KABA A., 364. GUELMI K., MITZ V., LEMERLE J.P. - Rec o n s t r u c t i o n s pulpaires en urgence, 422-429. -GUIGNARD R.M. - Section incomplbte d'un tendon fl~chisseur superficiel en zone I1: complications successives et syndrome du quadrige, 354-359. GUIGNARD D. - Cf. MOUTET F., 476. H
HABERER J.P. - Cf. MEURICE M., 379. HALOUA J.P., COLLIN J.P. - Le lambeau en not homodactyle dans les pertes de substance pulpaire. A propos de dix-huit cas, 417-421. HAUTEFORT E. - Cf. ISELIN F., 437. HELM R. - Cf. SMITH K., 556. I
INOUE G., TAMURA Y. - - Treatment of fracture-dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint using extension-block Kirschner wire, 564-568. ISELIN F., AUDREN J.L., HAUTEFORT E., GOUET O., PEZE W., PRADET G. - Traumatisme des mains par agents balistiques, 437-442. ISELIN F. - Cf. BOUREAU F., 313.
LACOTTE B., PIERRE-JI~ROME C., COESSENS B., SHAHABPOUR M., DURDU J. Le syndrome du canal carplen. Etudes comparatives pre- et postoperatoires entre r6sonance magn6tique et" ~lectromyographie, 300-307. LACOTTE B. - Cf. COESSENS B., 255. LANGLAIS F. - Cf. RENAUD B., 385. LANTUEJOUL J.P. - Cf. MOUTET F., 476. LANZ U., KRIMMER H., VISPO-SEARA J. Four-finger injuries. Concept of treatment, 399-405. LAULAN J., CABROL E., FAVARD L., ROSSET Ph., BURDIN Ph. - Luxation associee du trap~zdfde et du deuxieme metacarpien. A propos d'un cas, 158.-161. LE BAIL B. - Cf. RONGI.ERES M., 119. LE BAIL B . - Cf. RONGIERES M., 178. LEBRETON E. - Cf. ORSET G., 101. LEBRUN Ch. - Cf. MOUT.ET F., 148. LECLAIR O. - Cf. RONGI.ERES M., 119. LECLAIR O. - Cf. RONGIERES M., 178. LECLERCQ C. - Cf. PAGLIEI A., 541. LE FEVRE C . - Cf. LE NEN D., 5. LEGRE R . - L'oedeme en chirurgie de la main, 71-76. LEJEUNE G. - Cf. CLERMONT D., 146. LEMARECHAL P., TRUCHETET F., GRANDIDIER M . - Tumeurs multiples de la main : un cas de <~reticulo-histiocytose multicentrique ~, 351-353. LEMERLE J.P. - Cf. GUELMI K., 422. LEMERLE J.P. - Cf. MITZ V., 324. LEMERLE J.P. - Cf. SELINGER R., 124. LE NEN D., RIOT O., CARO P., LE FEVRE C., COURTOIS B. - Luxation-fractures de la radio-carpienne. Etude clinique de six cas et revue g~n~rale, 5-12. LEPS P. - Cf. KABA A., 364. LE VlET D., EBELIN M., LOY S. - Luxation traumatique de I'appareil extenseur au dos de I'articulation metecarpo-phalangienne de I'auriculaire. Apropos de six cas, 273-279. LINEWEAVER W.C. - Cf. BUNCKE H.J., 513. LINSCHEID R.L. - Cf. VlDAL M.A., 227. LODA G. - The vascular rein technique : a new way for thumb reconstruction, 251-254. LOUCHAHI N. - Cf. BARON J.L., 430. LOUCHAI N. - Cf. GOMIS R., 30. LOY S. - Cf. LE VlET D., 273. LUSSIEZ B. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 22. LUSSIEZ B. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 308.
MARIETTE X. - Cf. EBELIN M., 151. MARIN-BRAUN F., FOUCHER G., BUCH JAEGER N . , S A M M U T D . - R~paration du flechisseur profond et du long fl~chisseur du pouce par la (( fixation en rappel >>. Resultats d'une s~rie de soixante-dix-sept cas, 13-21. MARTIN-BOYER Y. - Cf. KAPANDJI A.I., 36. MATHEVON H . - Cf. KABA A., 364. MATHOULIN C. - Cf. BRUNELLI F., 48. MAYNOU C. - Cf. MESTDAGH H., 280. MAZlERES B. - Cf. TRICOIRE J.L., 175. MEININGER T. - Cf. DUMONTIER C., 337. MENKES C . J . - Cf. GREGOIR C., 243. MERLE M. - A critical study of thumb reconstruction by second toe transfer, 517-522. MESSINA A . - Traitement chirurgical de la brachym~tacarpie cong~nitale par osteosynthbse dynamique d'elongation. Rapport sur un cas clinique, 54-58. MESSINA A., MESSINA J. - The TEC treatment (continuous extension technique) for severe Dupuytren's contracture of the fingers, 247-250. MESSINA J . - Cf. MESSINA A., 247. MESTDAGH H., BUTRUILLE Y., BUTIN E., URVOY P., PERLINSKI S., MAYNOU C. La luxation scapho-trapezotrapezdfdienne. A propos de cinq cas, 280-285. MEURICE M., SCHULLER T., HABERER J.P., FOUCHER G . - L'anesth~sie Iocoregionale du membre superieur dans le cadre de la chirurgie d'urgence de la main, 379-384. MEYER V.E. - Older (~traditional ~ methods for thumb reconstruction with special regard to bad results, 499-505. MITZ V., LEMERLE J.P. - Int~r~t du recul de la pulpe dans les crochets inv~t~r~s de doigt. Technique/Indications, 324-330. MITZ V. - Cf. GUELMI K., 422. MITZ V. - Cf. SELINGER R., 124. MODAN M. - Cf. SCHINDLER A., 237. MONET J. - Cf. DUMONTIER C., 337. MOUGHABGHAB M. - Cf. PEYROUX L.M., 68. MOUTET F., BELLON-CHAMPEL P., LEBRUN Ch., SARRAZlN R. - A propos d'une metastase isol~e au grand os, 148-150. MOUTET F., LANTUEJOUL J.P., GUINARD D., GERARD P. - Caractbre d'urgence et de gravit~ des lesions dues aux injections b_ haute pression au niveau de la main, 476-481. N
NARAKAS A.O. - Cf. EGLOFF D.V., 448. NARAKAS A. - Cf. DELLA SANTA A., 531. O OBERLIN C . - Cf. BLETON R., 286. OBERLIN C . - Cf. KAPANDJI T., 406. OBERLIN F . - Cf. OBERLIN P., 184. O B E R L I N P., R O U A U L T - P L A N T A Z V., OBERLIN F. - Chondrosarcome m~tacarpien. Apropos d'un cas, 184-186. OBRY C. - Cf. FILLOUX J.F., 181. OLIVA A. - Cf. BUNCKE H.J., 513. ORSET G., LEBRETON E., ASSOULINE A., GIORDANO P., DENIS F., POMEL G. L'orientation axiale des phalanges consecutive b. I'enroulement des doigts, 101-107.
KABA A., SCHOOFS M., LEPS P., VERLET E., GSTACH J.H., MATHEVON H. Conduite b tenir devant une isch~mie digitale. A p r o p o s de cinq cas, 364-372.
MALADRY D., REVOL M., SERVANT J.M., BANZET P. - Tumeur d'Abrikossoff de la main. Apropos d'un cas. Revue de la litterature, 167-170. MANSAT M . - Cf. BEAL D., 463. MANSAT M . - Cf. RONGI~RES M., 119. MANSAT M . - Cf. RONGIERES M., 178.
PAGLIEI A., LECLERCQ C., GODDARD N., TUBIANA R . - Palmar subluxation of the carpus in rheumatoid disease : a radiological evaluation, 541-555. PARTOUNE E. - Cf. CLERMONT D., 146. PERLINSKI S. - Cf. MESTDAGH H., 280.
VOLUME 1 l N° 3 - 1 9 9 2
PEYROUX L.M., DUNAUD J,L, MOUGHABGHAB M . - Apophyse sus-~pitrochl~enne et compression du nerf meclian, 68-70. PEZE M. - Cf. BOUREAU F., 313. PEZE W. -: C f. ISELIN F., 437. PIERRE-JEROME C. - Cf. LACOTTE B., 300. POLl L. - Cf. GOUGEON E., 482. POLVECHE G. - Cf. VINCHON B., 343. POMEL G. - Cf. ORSET G., 101. PRADET G. - Cf. ISELIN F., 437. PREVOST P . - Cf. GOUGEON E., 482. PUGET J. - Cf. TRICOIRE J.L., 175. Q
RAKOTOMAVO J. - Cf. GOMIS R., 30. RATIER B. - Cf. VINCHON B., 343. REGNARD P . J . - Cf. BARRY P., 469. RENAUD B., LANGLAIS F., COLMAR M., THOMAZEAU H . - Reimplantations et revascularisations digitales. Facteurs de conservation. Apropos de 183 doigts, 385-398. REVOL M. - Cf. MALADRY D., 167. RIOT O. - Cf. LE NEN D., 5. ROBERT O . - Cf. SARTORIUS C., 458. ROMAIN M. - Cf. BARON J.L., 430. RONGII~RES M., LE BAIL B., SAMARAN P., LECLAIR O., MANSAT M. - Une fracture & deplacement inhabituel du premier metacarpien. A p r o p o s d'un cas revu & 3 ans, 178-180. RONGIERES M., MANSAT M., LE BAIL B., SAMARAN P., LECLAIR O., BONNEVlALLE P. - Fractures du p61e proximal du scapho'/de. Entite anatomo-clinique et th~rapeutique~ 119-123. RONGIERES M. - Cf. BEAL D., 463. ROSSET Ph. - Cf. LAULAN J., 158. ROUAULT-PLANTAZ V. - Cf. OBERLIN P., 184.
S SAMARAN P . - Cf. RONGI.ERES M., 119. SAMARAN P . - Cf. RONGIERES M., 178. SAMMUT D. - Cf. FOUCHER G., 108. SAMMUT D . - Cf. MARIN BRAUN F., 13. SARRAZIN R. - Cf. MOUTET F., 148. SARTORIUS C., DARMON C., ROBERT O., GARDES J.C., TEISSIER J . - Luxation palmaire irreductible de la metacarpo-phalangienne du pouce par accident de ski, 458-462. SCHINDLER A., YAFFE B., CHETRIT A., MODAN M., ENGEL J. - Factors influencing elbow arthrolysis, 237-242. SCHOOFS M . - Cf. KABA A., 364. SCHUHL J.F. - Compression du median au carpe par un petit palmaire intra-canalaire, 171-174. SCHULLER T. - Cf. MEURICE M., 379. SEBILLE A. - Cf. DAUNOIS O., 113. SELINGER R., MITZ V., LEMERLE J.P., VlLAIN R. - Un nouveau test d'evaluation fonctionnelle de la main et son apport dans I'etude des transferts d'orteil : le test des 5 allumettes dit (( Take Five >>, 124-137. SEROR P . - Carpal tunnel syndrome in the elderly. ~ Beware of severe cases >~, 217-225. SERVANT J.M. - Cf. MALADRY D., 167. SHAHABPOUR M. - Cf. LACOTTE B., 300. SIKO P.P. - Cf. BUNCKE H.J., 513. SIX Ch. - Cf. DESMANET E., 154. SMITH K., HELM R., TONKIN M.A. - The Herbert screw for the treatment of scaphoid fractures, 556-563. STEICHEN J.B. - Complications and bad results of thumb reconstruction by the microv a s c u l a r <( w r a p - a r o u n d >> technique, 523-528. STER J.F. - Cf. BELLUGOU M., 59. STURZENEGGER M., BUCHLER U. - Radioscapho-lunate partial wrist arthrodesis following comminuted fractures of the distal radius, 207-216.
TAMURA Y . - Cf. INOUE G., 564. TARHOUNI L . - Cf. BAHRI H., 187. TEISSIER J . - Cf. SARTORIUS C., 458. THAURY M.N. - Cf. BELLUGOU M., 59. THERY D. - Cf. VINCHON B., 343. THOMAZEAU H . - Cf. RENAUD B., 385. TONKIN M.A. - Cf. SMITH K., 556. TOUCHAIS S. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 308. TOUSSAINT B. - Cf. ALLIEU Y., 22. TRIC.OIRE J.L., DUPORT M., PUGET J., MAZlERES B., CHIRON P., UTHEZA G. - Osteome osteoide du trapezdfde, 175-177. TROPET Y. - Cf. VlCHARD Ph., 331. TRUCHETET F. - Cf. LEMARECHAL P., 351. TUBIANA R. - Cf. PAGLIEI A., 541.
URVOY P. - Cf. MESTDAGH H., 280. UTHEZA G. - Cf. TRICOIRE J.L., 175.
VERDAN C I . E . - La main symbole, 77-83. VERDEILLE S. - Cf. KAPANDJI A.I., 36. VERLET E . - Cf. KABA A., 364. VICHARD Ph., TROPET Y., BALMAT P., BRIENTINI J.M., PEM R. - Reflexions a propos de quatre observations de luxations antelunaires du carpe, 331-336. VIDAL M.A., LINSCHEID R.L, AMADIO P.C., DOBYNS J . H . - Preiser's disease, 227-236. VILAIN R. - Cf. SELINGER R., 124. VINCHON B., POLVECHE G., CORDONNIER D., THERY D., BUTTER M. (de), RATIER B. - Ost~ochondromatose tenosynoviale & la main. Apropos d'une observation, 343-347. VISPO-SEARA J. - Cf. LANZ U., 399. VIVES P. - Cf. FILLOUX J.F., 181. Y YAFFE B. - Cf. SCHINDLER A., 237.
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1991 S U B J E C T I N D E X N°l N°2 N°3 N°4 N°5 N°6
AMPUTATION Digital reimplantations and revascularisations. Preservation factors (based on 183 fingers). B. RENAUD, F. LANGLAIS, M COLMAR, H. THOMAZEAU (Rennes,
France), n° 5, 385-398.
Four finger amputation injuries. Concept of treatment. Y. LANZ, H. KRIMMER, J. VISPO-SEARA (WOrzburg, Germany) (In English), n° 5, 399-405. Homodigital pulp reconstruction flaps in digital pulp amputation based on a series of 68 flaps. T. KAPANDJI, R. BLETON, J.Y. ALNOT, C. OBERLIN (Paris, France), n° 5, 406-416.
ANATOMY Anatomical study of distal insertion of the abductor pollicis Iongus. Concept of a new musculo-tendinous unit: the abductor carpi muscle. G.A. BRUNELLI, G.R BRUNELLI (Brescia, Italy), n° 6, 569-576.
................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................
pp. pp. pp. pp. pp. pp.
97-192(InEnglish) 193-268 269-372 373-492 493-588
The rheumatoid elbow : patterns of joint involvement and the outcome of .synoviorthesis. C. GREGOIR, C.J. MENKES (Paris, France), n° 3, 243-246.
Tuberculoid tenosynovitis of the hand. Report of two cases with rare and different cases. M. EBELIN, X. MARIETTE, J. QUILLARD, M. BISSON, F. MAZAS (Paris, France), n° 2, 151-153. AVASCULAR BONE NECROSIS Preiser's disease. M.A. VIDAL, (Barcelona, Spain), R.L. LINSCHEID, P.C. AMADIO, J.H. DOBYNS (Rochester, USA), n ° 3, 227-236. Surgical treatment of Kienb6ck disease by scapho-trapezo-trapezoidal arthrodesis. Report of eleven cases. Y. ALLIEU, M. CHAMMAS, B. LUSSIEZ, B. TOUSSAINT, M BENICHOU, F. CANOVAS (Montpellier, France), n° 1, 22-29.
Axial orientation of the phalanges following closing of the fingers. G. ORSET (Cannes, France), E. LEBRETON, A. ASSOULINE, P. GIORDANO, F. DENIS, (Nice, France), G. POMEL (Cannes, France), n° 2, 101-107.
The pulp recession as treatment for fixed hook finger. Technique and indications, V. MITZ, J.P. LEMERLE (Paris, France), n° 4, 324-330.
Regional anaesthesia of the upper limb for emergency hand surgery. M. MEURICE, T. SCHULLER, J.P. HABERER, G. FOUCHER (Strasbourg, France), n° 5, 379-384. ARTHRITIS Massive osteolysis of the metacarpal bones. A case report of psoriatic rheumatism. J.Y. ALNOT, M. BOULATE, M.F. KAHN, L. BOCQUET, (Paris, France), n° 2, 162-166. Radiolunate arthredesis in rheumatoid wrist (21 cases). A. CHAMAY, D. DELLA SANTA (Geneva, Switzerland), n° 3, 197-206.
Neurological forms of the thoracic outlet syndrome. Y. ALLIEU, M. BENICHOU, S. TOUCHAIS, P. DESBONNET, B. LUSSIEZ (Montpellier, France), n° 4, 308-312.
D DUPUYTREN'S CONTRACTURE The TEC treatment (Continuous extension technique), for severe Dupuytren's contracture of the fingers. A. MESSINA, J. MESSINA (Todno, Italy), n ° 3, 247-250.
ELBOW Factors influencing elbow arthrolysis. A. SCHINDLER, B. YAFFE, A. CHETRIT, M MODAN, J. ENGEL (Tel Hashomer, Israel), n° 3, 237-242. The rheumatoid elbow : patterns of joint involvement and the outcome of .synoviorthesis. C. GREGOIR, C.J. MENKES (Paris, France), n° 3, 243-246.
FLAPS Homodigital island flap for the repair of pulp defects. Report of eighteen cases. J.P. HALOUA, J.P. COLLIN (Beaumont, France), n° 56, 417-421. Homodigitai pulp reconstruction flaps in digital pulp amputation based on a series of 68 flaps, T. KAPANDJI, R. BLETON, J.Y. ALNOT, C. OBERLIN (Paris, France), n° 5, 406-416. Presentation of a new homodigital, countercurrent sensitive island flap. F. BRUNELLI, C. MATHOULIN (Pads, France), n° 1,48-53.
CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Polydactyly. H. BAHRI, P. FAYADA, L. TARHOUNI, (Tunis, Tunisia), n° 2, 187-191. Surgical treatment of congenital brachymetacarpus by dynamic elongation osteosynthesis. A case report. A MESSINA (Todno, Italy), n° 1, 54-58.
The emergency pulp reconstructions. K. GUELMI, V. MITZ, J.P. LEMERLE (Pads, France), n° 5, 422-429. The groin pedicle flap in emergency surgery for hand injuries : value of the long pedicle allowing early rehabilitation. J.L. BARON, M ROMAIN, N. LOUCHAHI, R. GOMIS, Y. ALLIEU (Montpellier, France), n° 5, 430-436.
The pulp recession as treatment for fixed hook finger. Technique and indications. V. MITZ, J.P. LEMERLE (Pads, France), n° 4, 324-330. The vascular rein technique : a new way for thumb reconstruction. G. LODA (Buenos Aires, Argentina), n° 3, 251-254.
1991 S U B J E C T I N D E X
Unusual deplacement of a fracture of the first metacarpal. Report of a case reviewed aftar 3 years. M. RONGIF:RES, B. LE BAIL, P. SAMARAN, O. LECLAIR, M. MANSAT (Toulouse, France) n° 2, 178-180.
Microsurgical emergency with the exclusion of reimplantations, D,V. EGLOFF, A.O. NARAKAS (Lausanne, Switzerland), n° 5, 448-457.
FRACTURES-DISLOCATIONS ARUM • type ~ reduction effect ~ intrafocal pins in osteosynthesis of fracture of the lower end of the radius. A. KAPANDJI (Longjumeau, France), n° 2, 138-145. Associated dislocation of the trapezoid and second metacarpal bones. A case report. J. LAULAN, E. CABROL, L. FAVARD, Ph. ROSSET, Ph. BURDIN (Tours, France), n° 2, 158-161. Foucher's K-wire technique for fractures of the neck of the fifth metacarpal bone based on a series of fifty cases. P. BARRY, J. REGNARD, P. BENSA (Dijon, France), n ° 5, 469-475. Fracture-dislocations of the radiocarpal joint. Clinical study of six cases and general review. D. LENEN, O. RIOT, P. CARO, C. LE FEVRE, B. COURTOIS (Brest, France), n ° 1, 5-12. Fractures of the proximal pole of the scaphoid. M. RONGIERES, M. MANSAT, B. LE BAIL, P. SAMARAN, O. LECLAIR, P. BONNEVIALLE, (Toulouse, France), n° 2, 119-123. Irreductible palmar dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb by a skiing accident. C. SARTORIUS (Grenoble, France), C. DARMON, O. ROBERT (l'Alped'Huez, France), J.C. GARDES (Dax, France), J. TEISSIER (Montpellier, France), n ° 5, 458-462. K-wires: preferred treatment for fractures of the neck of the fifth metacarpal bone requidng reduction. Report of thirty cases. D. BEAL, M. RONGIERES, M. MANSAT (Toulouse, France), n° 5, 463-468.
A new test for functional evaluation of the hand and its contribution to the study of toe transfers : the so-called ¢ Take-Five )) 5 match test. S. SELINGER, V. MITZ, J.P. LEMERLE, R. VILAIN (Pads, France), n ° 2, 124-137.
Carpal tunnel syndrome in the elderly. ~ Beware of severe cases )). P. SEROR (Paris, France), n° 3, 217-225. Carpal tunnel syndrome due to an haemangioma of the median nerve in a 12-year-old child. B. COESSENS, A. DE MEY, B. LACOTTE, D. VANDENBROECK (Brussels, Belgium), n° 3, 255-257.
H HANDS IN ART The hand as a symbol. C. VERDAN sanne, Switzerland), n° 1, 77-83.
(LauCarpal tunnel syndrome. Comparative pre and post-operative studies of magnetic resonance imaging and electremyography. B. LACO-I-i'E, C. PIERRE-JCR£)ME, B. COESSENS, M. SHAHABPOUR, J. DURDU (Brussels, Belgium), n° 4, 300-307.
IMAGING Three-dimensional CT study of the carpus under pronation-supination constraints. A.I. KAPANDJI, Y. MARTIN-BOUYER, S. VERDEILLE (Longjumeau, France), n° 1, 36-47.
Compression of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve as it leaves the piso-hamate hiatus : report of a previously undescribed anomaly. C. DUMONTIER, A. APOIL, T. MEININGER, J. MONET, B. AUGEREAU (Paris, France), n° 4, 337-341.
Palmar subluxation of the carpus in rheumatoid disease : a radiological evaluation. A. PAGLIEI, C. LECLERCQ (Pads, France),N. GODDARD (London, Great Britain), R. TUBIANA, (Pads, France), n° 6, 541-555.
Compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel due to an intracarpal palmaris Iongus. J.F. SCHUHL (Bois-Guillaume, France), n° 2, 171 - 174.
Neurological forms of the thoracic outlet syndrome. Y. ALLIEU, M. BENICHOU, S. TOUCHAIS, P. DESBONNET, B. LUSSIEZ (Montpe/lier, France), n° 4, 308-312.
Tuberculoid tenosynovitis of the hand. Report of two cases with rare and different cases. M. EBELIN, X. MARIETTE, J. QUILLARD, M. BISSON, F. MAZAS (Paris, France), n° 2, 151-153.
Supraepitrochlear p r o c e s s and median nerve compression. L.M. PEYROUX (Dunkirk, France), J.L. DUNAUD, M. MOUGHABGHAB (Saint-Quentin, France), n° 1, 68-70.
M Radio-scapho-lunate partial wdst arthrodesis following comminuted fractures of the distal radius. M. STURZENEGGER, U. B0CHLER (Bern, Switzerland), n° 3, 207-216. Report of five cases of scaphoid-trapeziumtrapezoid dislocation. H. MESTDAGH, Y. BUTRUILLE, E. BUTIN~ P. URVOY, S. PERLINSKI, C. MAYNOU, (Lille, France), n° 4, 280-285.
MICROSURGERY A new test for functional evaluation of the hand and its contribution to the study of toe transfers : the so-celled (( Take-Five D 5 match test. S. SELINGER, V. MITZ, J.P. LEMERLE, R. VILAIN (Pads, France), n° 2, 124-137.
The Herbert screws for the treatment of scaphoid fractures. K. SMITH, R. HELM, M.A. TONKIN (St-Leonards, Australia), n ° 6, 556-563.
Digital reimplantations and revascularisations. Preservation factors (based on 183 fingers). B. RENAUD, F, LANGLAIS, M. COLMAR, H. THOMAZEAU (Rennes, France), n° 5, 385-398.
Treatment of fracture-dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint using estension-block Kirschner wire. G. INOUE, Y. TAMURA (Nagoya, Japan), n° 6, 564-568.
Four finger amputation injudes. Concept of treatment. Y. LANZ, H. KRIMMER, J. VISPO-SEARA (W~rzburg, Germany), n° 5, 399-405.
NERVE LESIONS Improvement in muscular reinnervation by using enriched biological glue in the rat. O. DAUNOIS, A. SEBILLE (Pads, France), n° 2, 113-118. Late lesions of the brachial plexus after fracture of the clavicle. D. DELLA SANTA (Geneva, Switzerland), A. NARAKAS, C. BONNARD, (Lausanne, Switzerland), n° 6, 531-540. Neuritis and neuromas of the sensory branches of the radial nerve. Report of 44 cases. G. FOUCHER, Ph. GREANT (Strasbourg, France), D. SAMMUT (Manchester, United Kingdom), N. BUCH (Strasbourg, France), n° 2, 108-112.
VOLUME 11 N° 3 - 1992
P PAIN The chronic painful hand. Report of a consecutive series of sixty cases. F. BOUREAU, M. PEZE, J.F. DOUBRERE, F. ISELIN (Paris, France), n° 4, 313-318.
Incomplete section of a superficial flexor tendon in zone II : successive complications and quadriga syndrome. RM. GUIGNARD (Lausanne, Switzerland), n° 4, 354-359.
THUMB PHYSIOTHERAPY (( Desensitization )) technique in rehabilitation of the painful hand. M. BELLUGOU, Y. ALLIEU, J. DE GODEBOUT, M.N. THAURY, J.F. STER (Lamalou-les-Bains, France), n° 1, 59-67.
R RESEARCH Improvement in muscular reinnervation by using enriched biological glue in the rat. O. DAUNOIS, A. SE~BILLE (Paris, France), n° 2, 113-118. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Palmar subluxation of the carpus in rheumatoid disease : a radiological evaluation. A. PAGLIEI, C. LECLERCQ (Paris, France), N. GODDARD (London, Great Britain), R. TUBIANA (Paris, France), n° 6, 541-555.
Bad results after large toe to thumb transplantation. H.J. BUNCKE, GM. BUNCKE, W.C. LINEAWEAVER, A. OLIVIA, P.P. SIKO, B.S. ALPERT (San Francisco, USA), n ° 6, 513-516. Complications and bad results of thumb reconstruction by the microvascular ((wraparound )) technique. J.B. STEICHEN (Indianapolis, USA), n° 6, 523-528. Complications and bad results of toe partial transfers in thumb reconstruction. G. FOUCHER (Strasbourg, France), n° 6, 529-530. Complications and bad results in pollicization of the index finger (in congenital cases). D. BUCK-GRAMCKO (Hamburg, Germany), no 6, 506-512. A critical study of thumb reconstruction by second toe transfer. M. MERLE, (Toul, France), no 6, 517-522.
Older ((( Traditional ))) methods for thumb reconstruction with special regard to bad results. V.E. MEYER (Zurich, Switzerland), n° 6, 499-505.
S SYNOViTIS Case report of sarcoid synovitis in the digital flexor tendons. R. BLETON, J.Y. ALNOT, MF., KAHN, L. BOCQUET (Paris, France), n° 4, 360-363.
TRAUMA Ballistic hand injuries. F. ISELIN, J.L. AUDREN, E. HAUTEFORT, O. GOUET, W. PEZE, G. PRADET (Courbevoie-Paris, France), no 5, 437-442. Firework injuries to the hand. M. KON (Utrecht, The Netherlands). n° 5, 443-447.
TENDONS EXTENSOR Traumatic dislocation of the extensor apparatus of the dorsum of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger, Report of six cases. D. LE VIET, M. EBELIN, S. LOY (Paris, France), n° 4, 273-279.
Hand injuries : narcissistic damage, functional and emotional crisis, physiological management. E. GOUGEON, P. PREVOST, L. POLl (Strasbourg, France), n° 5,482-485.
Flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis Iongus repair by the (c rope down technique. Results of a series of 77 cases. F. MARIN BRAUN, G. FOUCHER, N. BUCH JAEGER, D. SAMMUT (Strasbourg, France), n° 1, 13-21.
Amelanotic ungueal melanoma, A case report, J.F. FILLOUX (Amiens, France), F. BREUILLARD (Dunkerque, France), C, OBRY, P. VIVES (Amiens, France), n° 2, 181-183.
Carpal tunnel syndrome due to an haemangioma of the median nerve in a 12-year-old child. B. COESSENS, A. DE MEY, B. LACOTTE, D. VANDENBROECK, (Brussels, Belgium), n° 3, 255-257. Case report of isolated metastasis of the capitatum. F. MOUTET, P. BELLON-CHAMPEL, Ch. LEBRUN, R. SARRAZIN (Grenoble, France), n° 2, 148-150. Metacarpal chondrosarcoma. A case report. P. OBERLIN, V. ROUAULT-PLANTAZ, (Grenoble, France), F. OBERLIN (Paris, France), n° 2, 184-186. Necrotising fssciitis of the upper limb. Report of twelve cases. R. BLETON, C. OBERLIN, J.Y. ALNOT, A. FICHELLE, J. CHASTRE (Pads, France), n° 4, 286-296. Osteoid osteoma of the distal end of the radius. Case report and review of the literature. D. CLERMONT, E. PARTOUNE, G. LEJEUNE (Liege, Belgium), n° 2, 146-147. Osteoid osteoma of the trapezoid. J.L. TRICOIRE, M. DUPORT, J. PUGET, B, MAZI#RES, P. CHIRON, G. UTHEZA, (Toulouse, France), n° 2, 175-177. Rare bone tumour of the hand : solitary cavernous haemangioma. A case report. F. CHAISE, M.P. BOUC (Nantes, France), n° 4, 348-350. Rare multiple tumours of the hand : a case of multifocal reticulohistiocytosis. P. LEMARE~CHAL, F. TRUCHETET, M. GRANDIDIER (Thionville, France), n° 4, 351-353. Tenosynovial osteochondromatosis of the hand. A case report. B. VINCHON, G. POLVECHE, D. CORDONNIER, D. THERY, M. DE BUTTER, B. RATIER (Lomme, France), n° 4, 343-347.
Urgent nature and severity of lesions due to high pressure injections in the hand. F. MOUTET, J.P. LANTUEJOUL, D. GUINARD, P. G~RARD, (Grenoble, France), n° 5, 476-481.
TENDONS FLEXOR Axial orientation of the phalanges following closing of the fingers. G. ORSET (Cannes, France), E. LEBRETON, A. ASSOULINE, P. GIORDANO, F. DENIS (Nice, France), G. POMEL (Cannes, France), n° 2, 101-107.
TUMOURS Abrikossoff's tumour (granular cell tumour) of the hand. Case report and review of the literature. D. MALADRY, M. REVOL, J.M. SERVANT, P. BANZET, (Paris, France) 167-170. Acrometastases. Case report and review of the literature. E. DESMANET, M. AMRANI, R. FIEVEZ, Ch. SIX (La Louvi#re, Belgium), 154-157.
Digital varices. Report of a series of twelve cases. J. BRAGA DA SILVA, G. FOUCHER (Strasbourg, France), n° 4, 319-323. Management of ischaemic fingers. Report of five cases. A. KABA, M. SCHOOFS, P. LEPS, E. VERLET, J.H. GSTACH, H. MATHEVON (Dunkerque, France), n ° 4, 364-372. Oedema in hand surgery. R. LEGRE (Marseille, France), n° 1,71-76.
1991 S U B J E C T I N D E X
Segmental arterial sympethectomies in the fingers. R. GOMIS, J. RAKOTOMAVO, N. LOUCHAI, Y. ALLIEU (IVimes, Montpellier, France), n° 1, 30-35.
WRIST Associated dislocation of the trapezoid and second metacarpal bones. A case report. J. LAULAN, E. CABROL, L. FAVARD, Ph. ROSSET, Ph. BURDIN, (Tours, France), n° 2, 158-161.
Four cases of antelunate carpal dislocation. Ph. VICHARD, Y. TROPET, P. BALMAT, J.M. BRIENTINI, R. PEM (Besangon, France), n° 4, 331-336. Fractures of the proximal pole of the scaphoid. M. RONGI#RES, M. MANSAT, B. LE BAIL, P. SAMARAN, O. LECLAIR, P. BONNEVIALLE (Toulouse, France), n° 2, 119-123. Palmar subluxation of the carpus in rheumatoid disease: a radiologic evaluation. A. PAGLIEI, C. LECLERCQ (Paris, France), N. GODDARD (London, Great Britain), R. TUBIANA, (Paris, France), n° 6, 541-555.
Report of five cases of scephoid-trapeziumtrapezoid dislocation. H. MESTDAGH, Y. BUTRUILLE, E. BUTIN, P. URVOY, S. PERLINSKI, C. MAYNOU (Lille, France), n° 4, 280-285.
Surgical treatment of Kienb6ck disease by scapho-trapezo-trapezoidal arthrodesis. Report of eleven oases. Y. ALLIEU, M. CHAMMAS, B. LUSSIEZ, B. TOUSSAINT, M. BENICHOU, F. CANOVAS. (Montpellier, France), n° 1, 22-29. The Herbert screw for the treatment of scaphoid fractures. K. SMITH, R. HELM, M.A. TONKIN (St-Leonards, Australia), n° 6,
556-563. Carpal tunnel syndrome in the elderly. (¢Beware of severe cases J. P. SEROR (Paris, France), n° 3, 217-225.
Radiolunate arthrodesis in rheumatoid wrist (21 cases). A. CHAMAY, D. DELLA SANTA (Geneva, Switzerland), n° 3, 197-206.
Three-dimensional CT study of the carpus under pronation-supination constraints.
Fractures-dislocations of the radiocarpal joint. Clinical study of six cases and general review. D. LENEN, O. RIOT, P. CARO,
Radio-scapho-lunete partial wrist arthrodesis following comminuted fractures of the
A.J. KAPANDJI, Y. MARTIN-BOUYER, S. VERDEILLE (Longjumeau, France), n ° 1, 36-47.
C. LE FEVRE, B. COURTOIS (Brest, France), n° 1, 5-12.
distal radius. M. STURZENEGGER, U. BUCHLER, (Bern, Switzer/and), n ° 3, 207-216.
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