AUGUST 2000, VOL 72, NO 2 2001 CONGRESS
2001 Congress
information and deadlines Sunday, March 11, to Thursday, March 15,2001 allas will host the 48th annual AORN Congress, March 11 to 15,2001, at the Dallas Convention Center. Following are important announcements and deadlines for the 2001 Congress.
CONGRESS REGISTRATION egistration brochures will be mailed in early R September. AORN members who have attended recent Congress programs will receive a brochure by mail. Those members who have not been to a recent Congress will receive a postcard with a telephone number to call for a complete Congress brochure. To take advantage of discounted registration fees (Table l), registrations must be postmarked by Jan 19,2001. Cancellations for Congress must be postmarked by Feb 19,2001.
moved to delegate status at Congress before the fist session of the House of Delegates. Member-at-large delegates also will be seated at the Dallas Congress. These delegate seats are reserved for AORN members who do not belong to chapters. If you are interested in serving as a member-at-large delegate, send a copy of your membership card and a brief letter of interest to Kendra Keene, AORN chapter relations coordinator, at AORN Headquarters, 2170 S Parker Rd, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80231571I ; call (800) 755-2676 x 250; send an e-mail to
[email protected]; or send a fax to (303) 750-3212.
CONGRESS ORIENTATION DESK o help those who are attending Congress for the first time, AORN Membership Committee representatives will be available at a Congress orientation desk to provide one-on-one information about the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of Congress and to help first-timers learn the lingo. Registrants who indicate first-time status on their Congress registration form will receive more information about this service.
DELEGATE REGISTRATION ndividual delegates and alternates are responsible I for their own Congress and delegate registrations. The Congress registration form provides an area for individuals to designate their status as chair, delegate, or alternate for their chapters. Chapter leaders should encourage delegates and alternates to register for Congress by the early registration deadline of Jan 19, 2001, to save money on the registration fee. Calculations for the number of delegates per chapter are based on the June 30,2000, chapter statistics. Chapter presidents should use the packet they received in the July presidents’ mailing to plan for delegate selection at fall meetings. Chapters should register alternate delegates before the “Meet the Candidates” session so they will be adequately informed to fulfill their roles as potential delegates. Alternates may be added or
he Exhibitors’ Advisory Committee again will sponsor the Jerry G. Peers Lectureship, which will be held Tuesday, March 13,2001, from 3:30 to 5 PM. “Attitude is everything” is the title of Keith Harrell’s presentation. This dynamic, hardhitting session will teach attendees powerful techniques for maintaining a positive attitude
AUGUST 2000, VOL 72, NO 2 2001 C O N G R E S S
Registration before Jan 19, 2001 Member Member (1 -2) (3 or more) $395/week
Student member
* *
Registration after Jan 19,2001 Member Member (ail) (3 or more) $500/week
$1 15ldaily
Student member
* *
Student nonmember
Spouse/ guest $2 1Oheek
$1 35ldaily
Student nonmember
Spouse/ guest
$1 45ldaily
Exhibit only passes will be available at any time for 5 100 daily or $250 for three days. *students-Please call customer service at (800) 755-2676 x 1 for student rates. NOTE: student classification constitutes anyone enrolled in programs leading to RN licensure.
care arena. Harrell is a former IBM marketing executive with more than 13 years of corporate experience and was one of the company’s top training instructors. As a speaker, trainer, consultant, and author, Harrell is recognized for his innovative and enlightening presentations. His high levels of energy and enthusiasm and his powerful messages are exhilarating. Harrell’s unique and charismatic style of delivery will compel you to take a “fix it” or “kick it” approach toward desired changes in attitude to increase your confidence and productivity. You cannot miss this session!
Congress session preference form will be included in the registration brochure. Brief descriptions of education sessions also will be included. A more in-depth description of each session will be available on the AORN web site and in the pre-Congress issue of the AORN Journal. Education session descriptions will be available on the web site after Nov 6,2000. It is imperative that participants return the session preference scan form identifying the education sessions they plan to attend. Submitting this information will not guarantee a seat in a room. As always, rooms are filled on a f i t come, fist served basis. The information obtained from the preference scan sheets will be
used to facilitate the room assignment of each session based on the level of participant interest. These forms will include spaces for the attendee’s name, identification number, and interest in volunteering as a session assistant or moderator. Session assistant and moderator assignments are made on a first come, first served basis.
re-Congress education seminars will be held Saturday, March 10,2001, at the Dallas Convention Center and at Parkland Health and Hospital Systems. There will be two day-long sessions and three half-day sessions in the morning and afternoon. The purpose of the pre-Congress sessions is to provide more in-depth information about a topic. AORN prepares pre-Congress session handouts and chooses session rooms based on the number of attendees who register for a session. Unfortunately, registrants did not identify 775 sessions they planned to attend when registering last year. To prevent a shortage of handouts, AORN printed, on average, an additional 50% for each session, which increased the cost of each session. To prevent the additional cost and to select the most appropriate rooms for sessions, we ask that you register for pre-Congress sessions when submitting your registration fee. A