201 Ultrastructural comparison of murine dendritic epidermal T cells with Langerhans cells

201 Ultrastructural comparison of murine dendritic epidermal T cells with Langerhans cells

96 JSID Abstracts/Journal of Dermatological Science 10 (1995) 61-102 199 CELL VOLUME REGULATION KERATINOCYTES 202 IN HYPERTONIC MEDIUM IN H. OHT...

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JSID Abstracts/Journal

of Dermatological Science 10 (1995) 61-102




H. OHTSUYAHA’ and H. HOROHASHI. Department of Dermatology. Faculty of Medicine. Touama Medical and Pharmaceutical University. Toyama. Japan The ability to regulate cell volume in response to the changing osmolality of external media ;; one of the vital functions of many cells. have investigated whether keratinocytes cause shrinking in hypertonic medium and. if so. how the rate of cell shrinking is. Furthermore. we have studied if there is a regulatory cell volume increase(RV1. restoration of cell volume during continuous exposure to hypertonic medium) in keratinocytes. The cell volume was determined by computerized image analysis based on video system. We found that the rate of cell shrinking was proportional to the degree of hypertonicit; (-20% in +150mOsm). RVI was not observed in 10 minutes in each hypertonicity(t50. tltl0 t150. +ZOOmOsm). We interpret the data as indicating that keratinocytes do not have well-developed ion channels or transporters to restore the cell volume.

ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES OF INTRADERMALLY INJECTED MOUSE LANGERHANS CELLS. H. Teramae”, D. Truruta’. K. Kane&: I. Sti chi” and M. w Departments of ‘Dermatology and ‘Anatomy, Osaka City Umversity Medial School.Osaka. Japan. %luh Corn&n CO. LTD., Osaka. Japan. Langerhans cell, 10the epidermis have several morphologic characteristia such as dendritic proxsses and Birbeck granules. In the present study, in order to reveal the relatmnshlp of epldermal micrOenvironmentwith the morphology of Langerhans cells, WC planted isolated Langerhans cells in the dermm of isogenic ICR mice and eramtned the ~Itrastructure at Oh and Bh after injection. comparing to that of eplderm.4 Langerhans cells. At 0 h. Langerhans cells in the dermis were devoid of &r&k granules and poor in microvilb. At 8 h. they were attxhed to collagen tibws and often extended pseudopcdia Microwlli became well developed. hmminished Birbeck granules and decreasednumber of multwe4c~l.w bodxs and lysorames were however. not restored by this tune period. The present study indicares that Langrhans cells lose their morphologxal character&c; m the dermal conwaive time.

203 ANTI-GASTRIC MUCIN ANTIBODIES REACT WITH HUMAN ECCRINE GLAND. H.Eto*‘, K.Yonemoto’, M.Tatsuta’, M.Kurihara*~ K.Ishihara’ and K.Hotta’. Department of ‘Dermatology, Qemistty and “Biochemistry, Kitasato University School of Medicine, Sagmihara and ‘Isehara Research Laboratory, Kant0 Chemical Co. Inc., khara, Japan. We have generakd a series of monoclonal antiboides (MoAb) against gastric surkce epithelial cellderived mucin and studied for reactivities on human sweat gland apparatus by immunohistocbemical technique. Thirty-seven fonnalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded llorrrml human skins were cut into 4pm sections and stained with a series of MoAb using LSAB kit(Dako). Four MoAbs out of 1 I reacted with eccrine apparatus. MoAb ROM24 stained normal eccrine duct in 28l37 cases(75.7%) and eccdne gland in 13/36 cases(36.1%). MoAb ROM25 smincd eccrine duct in 21/37 cases(56.8%) and eccrine gland in 25136 cases(69.4%). MoAb RGM26 stained cccrinc duct in 29137 cases(78.4%) and ecaine gland in 25/36 [email protected]%). RGM25 and RGM26 ako weakly stained epidermis. In addition, ROM26 weakly stained other appe&ges and Mood vessels. MoAb I’GM3 1 stained eccrine duct in 7137 cases( 18.9%) and eccrine gIand in 30/36 cases(83.3%). All 4 MoAbs less reacted with apocimc gIamls. Theso rwtdts wggwt that humul accrinc apparms cells axprow or pmduce substance(s) which share common antigenic epitapes with gashic mu&.

RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEVERE FACIAL DELMATITIS AND OCULAR COMPLICATION IN ATOPIC DERMATITIS PATIENTS. M. Nakagawa’, N. Tsuboi and S. Nishijima Division of Dermatology, Kansai Medical University, Kori Branch Hospital. Osaka. Japan We &died the relationship between severe facial dermatitis and ocular complications in atopic dermatitis patients (n = 36). Serum IgE level, serum LDH activity and indicates eosinophils were measured. The ocular finding was checked by the ophthalmologist. Ocular complications were found in 14 patients. Nine patients had allergic conjunctivitis, 2 bad retina detachment or retina break, one had retina detachment and cataract, one had retina break and high intraocular pressure, and one had a cataract. One natient with no retions on her face had complications of retina detachment h both her eyes. The serui IgE levels in all patients with ocular complications was over 16OOfl/l. We could not find any relationship between the serum LDH activity or indicates eosinophils and the ocular complications. These findings strongly suggests that the ocular complication of atopic dermatitis is related to the level of serum IgE rather than the severity of facial dermatitis.



ULTRASTRUCTURAL COMPARISON OF MURINE DENDRITIC EPIDERMAL T CELLS WITH LANCERHANS CELLS D. Tsurua”. H. Teramae’, K. Kaneda’, I. Saka.guchi’and M. Ishii’. Dzpatrmects of Dwmatolcgy’ and Aoatcmyz, Osaka City University Medierl School.Osaka Japan.Club Ccemettr Co.. LTD.3 Tberr are two cell cocnpmmb which participate to the defensesystem of the epidermis. i.% Langerhans cells (LC) and dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC). In order to characterire the mwphology of DETC. WCexamiced the tdtrastruefllre cl DETC and LC in ICR mice and Wistar rats DETC both in miw and rats exhibited similar fgwes Well develop4 processes and an abundance of actin filaments in the cytoplasm were cocuncn to DETC and LC. DETC had. however, thinner prcje&ans and a smaller amount of rER than LC and no Birbeck granules. lnvagination of the nucleus wza often ohserved in DBTC. The densegranules in DETC were smaller in size than tbm in LC and often had a halo. Small vesicles sometimesexisted m the granules of DETC. The present study has revealed that there are weral ultraatntcturaJ charxteristics of DETC. whii are distinguishable frca those of LC.

REOXRY BY IL-12 OF THE IMPAIRED THI RESPLXS~IN ATOPICDmTlTIS PATINS. T. Uatsw~‘~2, 1. UIMO*\ R. Unno*\ I. Ihtmd, A. Kuwi’, H. Nakuamg, Y. Takacka’. H. Own’\ S. Hata?‘, T. Nishinua’. ‘2hlm oeneral lkwltsl, *DeFertat of B3matolWY. T&i University, ‘Saiaeikai Central Hwpitrl, ‘Saitua Prefectwe Public Health lahcratory. “Bewtamt of Iumaoloau. Tckal Uniwaltv The i~alrad Thl inane rwwasa tad eahwxd Th2 reapc#e In AD patients has been masidlred aa cae of the cauaea of atwlc cbrmtltis disease. IL-12 has a cawbllitr of stlulatincr Thl rewmse asd inhibit IX2 reman. In the present study, 10 ask whether IL-12 tilatea the ipaired Thl ra~wnsa~ of ltoplo derditiB wthts. ~ltm Of i'B y: frol healthy donors with IwAg with IL-2 cawed the prcdwtlm of hirh level of IFN-7. In mntrrst, PM frol atopic dermtitis patients produced In level of M-7. However. the addition of IL-12 into the culture of FW frm atopic patlata resulted in high lavels of M-7 production. These results sweated the wasibilitv that IL-12 w temae an effective theweutic reagent for atopic deratitis.