232. Pump seal problems in cooling water systems

232. Pump seal problems in cooling water systems

Classified abstracts 214--234 18 : 31 214. Mechanisms of d.c. electrical breakdown in thin silicon oxide films. (Israel) Electrical breakdown on ca...

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Classified abstracts 214--234 18 : 31 214. Mechanisms of d.c. electrical breakdown in thin silicon oxide



Electrical breakdown on capacitors produced by vacuum deposition of silicon oxide thin films on glass slides. N Klein et al, Phys of Failure in Electron, 3, 1965, 315-332. 18 215. Nanosecond time response of a pulsed discharge on a dielectricvacuum boundary. (USSR) S P Bngaev and G A Mesyats, Zh Tekh Fiz, 35 (7), July 1965, 1202-

1204. 18 216. Energy loss in a high current vacuum discharge. (USSR) The characteristics of a pulsed discharge between the ends of coaxial electrodes in a vacuum are investigated. B A Osadin, Zh Tekh Fiz, 35 (7), July 1965, 1230-1235.

II. Vacuum apparatus and auxiliaries 20. Pumping systems 20 : 21 : 10 Pumps and the chemical plant. Selection. See abstract n u m b e r 197. 20 : 13 Vacuum chambers. See abstract n u m b e r 201. 20 : 21 : 10 Pumps and the chemical plant. Installation and operation. See abstract number 222. 20 : 25 217. Cadmium trap for obtaining high-vacuum in a mercury diffusion pumping system. (China) T'i- Jen Ku et al, Wu Li Hsueh Pao, 21 (6), 1965, 1170-1174, (in

Chinese). 20 218. Basic data and design features of the EMN-7 magnesium pump.

(USSR) E Risthein et al, Tr Tallinsk Politekhn Inst Ser A, 214, 1964, 91-100. 20 219. Test of a thin-walled channel in an induction pump for pumping liquid aluminium. (USSR) M Saar et al, Tr Tallinsk Politekhn Inst Ser A, 214, 1964, 123-130. 2t. P u m p s a n d p u m p f l u i d s 21 : 10 : 20 Pumps and the chemical plant. Selection. See abstract n u m b e r 197. 21:11:41 Obtaining ultra-high vacuum by means of a heated hydrogen condensation pump. See abstract n u m b e r 200. 21 : 16 Adsorption properties of A-type zeolites at liquid nitrogen temperature. See abstract n u m b e r 205. 21 : 26 Automatic control of variable speed pump drives. See abstract number 260. 21:64 220. Pumps at the Hanover Fair 1965, (Germany) Anon, Pumps, 4, July 1965, 228-234. 21 : 26 221. Scale effect in turbomachines. (Germany) R Connolet, Pumps, 4, July 1965, 246-251. 21 : 20 : 10 222. Pumps and the chemical plant. Installation and operation. (USA) Requirements for successful mounting, startup and operation of chemical pumps are described. C Thurlow, Chem Eng, 72 (12), 1965, 213-218. 21 223. Helium treatment of vac-ion pumps to remove deposited argon.


of fast running pumps by varying the pitch of the impeller or by means of lmtial swirl of the fluid are discussed. F r o m this R is possible to derive data of the characteristic fields and also certain views on design, so that appropriate fields of application of the two types of pumps can be indicated. K Saalfeld, Pumps, 5, Sept 1965, 303-313. 21 225. A simple laboratory centrifugal glass circulation pump and gas saturator for liquids. (Great Britain) G L Petriconi et ai, J Scwnt Instrum, 42 (9), 1965, 662-663. 21 226. Pump for high purity water or corrosive liquids. (Great Britain) P A Hursey, Lab Pract, 14 (5), 1965, 589-593. 21 227. Superconductive helium pump. (USA) A small (diameter 0.9 in. and length 2 m.) superconductive pump minimizing f n c h o n losses is described, which can be inserted through a 1 m. dmmeter neck of a liqmd hehum supply container. Pumping speeds of 20 htres/hr have been achieved against the pressure of a llqmd column of 1 m. T A Buckbold and B Dan'el, Cryogenics, 5 (2), 1965, 109. 21 228. The hydrodynamic and technological limitations of piston pumps.

(Germany) W W Derringer, Pumps, 1-3, 1965. 21 229. Present trends in de-watering pumps. (Germany) The use of automation for mine drainage is a relatively new techtuque m the pumping sphere. This artzcle describes a technique which has introduced a patented system for boosting de-watenng pumps. (France) Y Diebold, Pumps, 5, Sept 1965, 300-303.

21 230. A novel approach to pump model testing. (Germany) This arhcle deals with the establishment of a new method of pump model testing which greatly relieves the problem associated with model manufacture and testing techniques. (Great Britain) F A L Winternitz, Pumps, 5, Sept 1965, 314-321. 21 231. The effects of fluid properties on cavitation in centrifugal pumps.

(USA) W A Spraker, J Eng Power, 87 (3), 1965, 309-318. 21 232. Pump seal problems in cooling water systems. (USA) Pump seal design development is outlined and the problems in obtaining long seal-life in pumps used in open and closed coohng water systems are discussed. Foreign materials must be cleaned from the system, and an inhibitor used to prevent rust formation. A I Solari, Mater Protect, 4 (8), 1965, 40-44. 21 233. Dynamics ofcryosurption pumping. (USA) A technique has been developed for the rapid injection of gas samples into a low pressure system (Knudsen r6g~me) and for faithfully recording the consequent changes in pressure. The experimental procedure may be used for measurement of initial rates of adsorption on a rmllisecond tzme scale, and m this investigatmn was used for dynamically testing the speed of cryosorption pumping of air, argon, and hydrogen by activated charcoal ( t e m p : liqmd nitrogen). S H Bauer and P Jeffers, JPhys Chem, 69 (10), Oct 1965, 3317-

3321. 21 234. Closed-loop for testing large capacity and high-temperature pumps. (Germany) This article describes a loop erected for the testing of large capacaty pumps operating under high suction pressure and temperatures The loop described comprises a closed circuit with flow control valve and various auxiliary systems to enable the checking of the characteristzcs with respect to the different parameters to be carried out: temperature, pressure, delivery, quahty of the water. (Belgium) P Fournier et al, Pumps, 3, May 1965, 176-181.

N Dean, Rev Scient lnstrum, 36 (8), 1965, 1266-1267. 21 224. A comparative study of pump control by initial swirl and by impeller blade adjustment. (Germany) In this comparative study the flow conditions during the regulation

22. Gauges 22 : 15 A very highly sensitive micro-manometer. See abstract number 202. 105