[27] Emission
Spectroscopy of Rhodopsin Bacteriorhodopsin
and G. J.
I. Introduction The detection of emission from the excited state of retinylidene chromophores complexed to membrane proteins is an area which has only recently begun to yield reliable and important information. The retinylidene chromophores studied are found complexed to either rhodopsin, the primary light-absorbing entity in visual photoreceptors, or bacteriorhodopsin, the membrane-bound proton pump found in the bacterium, Halobacterium halobium. In both these systems the excited state of the retinylidene chromophore is involved both in the light absorption and in the initial molecular events that stimulate the cellular functions of these membrane proteins. Therefore, emission from this chromophore is an important and critical probe of the nature of the excited state in which light energy is converted into chemical energy and the chemical steps that lead to the transduction process. There are two reasons why emission has been difficult to measure from these systems. First, the very efficient photochemistry rapidly (within < 6 psec) depopulates the excited state causing the emission to be very w e a k ) Second, since the emission quantum yield is so low, even small amounts of an impurity could cause significant problems in identifying the origin of the emission. This latter problem plagued early workers in the fieldz'3 and it is clear that the early reports z,3 of bovine rhodopsin fluorescence probably arose from some other chemical species. This conclusion is based on the observation that purified rhodopsin, which behaves identically in terms of kinetics and other parameters to native rhodopsin, gave no evidence of the reported fluorescence.' The first report of retinylidene chromophore emission, which clearly arose from the chromophore, rather than some extraneous impurity, was observed from the purple membrane by Lewis and co-workers. 4 This emission has been studied in detail in several subsequent investiga1 G. E. B u s c h , M. L. Applebury, A. A. L a m o l a , and P. M. Rentzepis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 69, 2802 (1972). 2 A. V. G u z z o and G. L. Pool, Science 159, 312 (1968). z A. V. G u z z o and G. L. Pool, Photochem. Photobiol. 9, 565 (1969). 4 A. Lewis, J. P. S p o o n h o w e r , and G. J. Perreault, Nature (London) 260, 675 (1976).
Copyright © 1982by AcademicPress, Inc. All fights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN 0-12-181988-4
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tions. 5-~3 These studies have been aimed at critically assigning the emitting species, calculating the quantum yield of emission, elucidating the nature of the excited state responsible for the emission, studying the temperature dependence of the emission and interpreting all of these data to help determine the nature of the primary photochemistry in bacteriorhodopsin. More recently, convincing reports have begun to appear of fluorescence from photochemically generated invertebrate visual pigment intermediates t4,~5 and there has even been a picosecond study of rhodopsin and isorhodopsin fluorescence. ~6
II. Bacteriorhodopsin A. Low-Temperature Emission
(i) Is BACTERIORHODOPSIN (BR570) RESPONSIBLE FOR THE EMISSION.9 Several experiments indicate that bacteriorhodopsin (BR570) is the emitting species. In this section we will first describe these experiments and then attempt to integrate the results of Kriebel, Gilbro, and Wilds-l° which have been interpreted s-l° as indicating that a species distinct from BR570 is wholly or partially responsible for the emission. The initial experiments suggesting that a single species was responsible for the emission were the low-temperature results of Lewis et al. 4 These experiments were performed at 77°K where only BR570 and the K species are thought to be present according to absorption measurements by several groups. The fluorescence at these temperatures in the original Lewis et al. 4 experiments exhibited three partially resolved peaks at approximately 680, 730, and 790 nm. The emission polarization was invariant throughout the entire spectrum which suggested that the emission 5 R. R. Alfano, W. Yu, R. Govindjee, B. Becher, and T. G. Ebrey, Biophys. J. 16, 541 (1976). 6 R. Govindjee, B. Becher, and T. G. Ebrey, Biophys. J. 22, 67 (1978). 7 V. A. Sineshchekov and F. F. Litvin, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 461, 450 (1977). s T. Gillbro, A. N. Kriebel, and U. P. Wild, FEBS Lett. 78, 57 (1977). 9 T. Gillbro and A. N. Kriebel, FEBS Lett. 79, 29 (1977). lO T. Gillbro, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 504, 175 (1978). 1~ M. D. Hirsch, M. A. Marcus, A. Lewis, H. Mahr, and N. Frigo, Biophys. J. 16, 1399 (1976). tz S. L. Shapiro, A. J. Campillo, A. Lewis, G. J. Perreault, J. P. Spoonhower, R. K. Clayton, and W. Stoeckenius, Biophys. J. 23, 383 (1978). t3 A. Lewis, Biophys. J. 25, 79a (1979). 14 N. Franceschini, K. Kirschfeld, and B. Minke, Science 213, 1264 (1981). 15 T. W. Cronin and T. H. Goldsmith, Biophys. J. 35, 653 (1981). ~o A. G. Doukas, P. Y. Lu, and R. R. Alfano, Biophys. J. 35, 547 (1981).
arose from a single excited state of a single species. Picosecond experiments at 77°K also support this conclusion: the emission lifetime is 60 - 15 psec at both 670 and 735 nm independent of whether single or multiple pulse excitation is used. In the single pulse experiment the excitation photon flux was sufficiently low that each molecule had only a probability of 0.008 of absorbing a photon, whereas in the multiple pulse experiments the probability was 0.8 by the end of the pulse train. The identity of the results in the single and multiple pulse experiments argues against the necessity of suggesting that a photoproduct is responsible for the emission. The steady-state 77°K emission results of Govindjee et al. 6 also arrive at the conclusion that BRs~0 is the emitting species. These researchers 6 followed the time course of emission intensity at 680 nm excited at 590 nm after preillumination with 640 nm light. The intensity decreased from its initial value to a steady-state value of about 17% less. Since the emission intensity excited near the isosbestic point of BRsr0 and the primary photoproduct K is maximum when the concentration of BRsr0 is maximum, this result indicated that BRsr0 emits more strongly than K. 6 In another experiment, 6 the percentage decrease in emission as a function of wavelength of excitation was shown to follow the percentage of K produced at steady state by the excitation beam. The approximate equality further indicates that BR570 has an emission quantum yield much higher than that of K. Sineschekov and Litvin 7 have also measured the Effects of manipulating the concentration of K at 77°K and arrive at the conclusion that BR~70 is the principal emitting species. Although, they also report a "small" ( - 15%) d e c r e a s e in the intensity of emission at 670 nm relative to 720 nm after extended preillumination. (ii) Is THERE A PSEUDOBACTERIORHODOPSIN-EMITTINGSPECIES.9 Gillbro et al. s have also reported preillumination experiments. However, they report a large ( - three-fold) i n c r e a s e in the intensity of the 670-nm band after preillumination with 514.5 nm laser light. They interpret their results in terms of a distinct new photochemical species which they call pseudobacteriorhodopsin. (P-BR) In support of this suggestion they report an excitation spectrum with a maximum at 597 nm which is significantly redshifted from the BR5r0 absorption maximum at 570 nm. However, it can be shown that the excitation spectrum of a BR/K mixture in photoequilibrium will be red-shifted because red light increases the percentage of BRsr0 in the sample which compensates for the decreasing absorption in the red. Thus, the position of the maximum will be at a point intermediate between the absorption maximum of BR and K (i.e., close to the isosbestic point). The predicted maximum for the excitation spectrum is 585 nm and 573 nm respectively depending on whether the absorption spectra of Ref.
[9. 7]
17 or 18 are used. Therefore, the red-shift in the excitation spectrum does not necessarily prove that there is an emitting species distinct from BR570. Another important aspect of the experiments reported by Govindjee e t a l . , 6 Sineshchekov and Litvin,7 and Gillbro e t al. s is the invariance of the emission maxima as a function of either preiUumination or excitation frequencies within the bulk of the absorption band of bacteriorhodopsin. Therefore, if emission is indeed being observed from a pseudobacteriorhodopsin (P-BR) species, then P-BR must have emission maxima and lifetime identical to those of BR and, based on our analysis of the excitation maximum, probably would have an absorption maximum identical to that of BR. This latter suggestion is in fact admitted in a discussion by Gillbro. 1° Thus, the only essential difference between the postulated P-BR species and BR is the relative intensity of emission. (iii) SURVEY OF EMISSION DATA FROM VARIOUS GROUPS. Emission data for BR at low temperatures are summarized in Table I. All reported emission spectra have their most intense peak between 710 and 735 nm. The most extensive studies yet reported of the effect of environment on the emission maxima demonstrate that the most intense peak can vary in position over a range of - 10 nm (720-730 nm) depending on the method of preparation. Such an environmentally induced shift, together with small errors in correction of spectra for instrument response, probably accounts for most of the variationa'7"a in this peak position with the exception of the value of 710 nm reported by Govindjee e t al. 6 Possible explanations for this outlying value could be the low resolution (10-nm interval) of the reported data and/or errors in the instrument response correction. Some investigators also report a band at - 7 9 0 nm 4az and Sineschekov and Litvin7 have observed that this peak can be made to disappear or shift in frequency as a result of environmental factors. This peak is only apparent at - 7 9 0 nm, the value reported by Lewis e t a l . , 4 in a film at 77°K. The results are thus consistent since the samples used by Lewis e t al. 4 were films on the tip of a glass rod immersed in liquid nitrogen. The 740nm lowest energy peak of Govindjee e t a l . 6 has not been observed by any other workers. The highest energy emission peak appears between 665-680 nm according to all workers. 4"6-8a2 Even though this variation is relatively large our data indicate that since this peak is a shoulder, the apparent maximum varies between - 6 6 5 and 680 nm depending on temperature (at 20°K the shoulder is well resolved and it occurs at 670 nm whereas at 100°K it is poorly resolved and appears at longer wavelength). 12 Preillumination experiments by Gillbro e t al. s increased the intensity of this shoulder and 17 B. Becher, F. Tokunaga, and T. G. Ebrey, Biochemistry 17, 2293 (1978). is R. H. Lozier and W. Niederberger, Fed. Proc. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. 36, 1805 (1977).
shifted it to shorter wavelengths. Thus, it is our considered opinion that the accurate position of this shoulder is 670 nm and lower temperatures, preillumination, and even possibly sample preparation cause a better definition of the shoulder and therefore a more accurate reading of the maximum. This above deduction is important because it suggests that before and after preillumination the species has a peak in its emission spectrum at 670 nm. This is also consistent with lifetime measurements discussed above which indicate that the species responsible for the 670-nm shoulder is also responsible for the principal emission between 720 and 730 nm. (iv) SUMMARYA review of all the data certainly suggests that the initial species, BR570, does indeed emit light. The steady-state preillumination experiments of Gillbro et al. 8-1° have been interpreted as suggesting that a new species, with the same band structure as the unilluminated molecules but with a more intense low-energy emission at 670 nm, is responsible for the emission. However, the Gillbro et al. conclusions-l° is not the only explanation for the effect of preillumination in creating this increase in 670-nm emission intensity. Alternate causes for this effect which agree better with the data discussed above are (1) laser annealing of the sample altering the nature of the sample preparation which has been shown to cause intensity alterations in the emission 7 or (2) conversion of a nonfluorescent or a species with weaker emission to a fluorescent species. (For example, suppose dark-adapted BR~0 is a weaker emitter which is converted with laser light to the fluorescent BR570.) B . T h e R o o m T e m p e r a t u r e E m i s s i o n There is large variation in the room temperature emission maximum (Table II). Lewis et al. 4 reported it at 791 nm. However, Govindjee et al. 6 detect it at 700 nm. Sineshchekov and Litvin7 report that the emission maximum at pH 5.7 is 660 nm. They also report a pH dependence: 645 nm at pH 10.2 and 720 nm at pH 2.7. Kriebel e t al. 21 determined that a low (50/zW/cm 2) versus high (3 W / c m 2) incident intensity stationary sample showed a movement of the emission maximum from 714 to 735 nm. In fact, early data of Spoonhower, 2~ obtained using xenon arc excitation, show a room temperature emission maximum at - 7 3 0 nm and dye laser excited emission spectrum with a broad maximum considerably to the red in agreement with Lewis et al. 4 However, recent experiments 23 with laser excitation and samples, which were flowed past the laser beam with a 10-/xsec transit time to control 19 G. J. Perreault and A. Lewis, Biophys. J. 21, 171a (1978). ~0 G. J. Perreault and A. Lewis, Biophys. J. 25, 308a (1979). 21 A. N. Kriebel, T. Gillbro, and U. P. Wild, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 546, 106 (1979). 22 j. Spoonhower, Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (1976). 23 G. L Perreault, unpublished results.
Reference Lewis e t al. 4
Alfano e t al. 5 Govindjee e t al. 6
Sineshchekov and Litvin 7
Gillbro e t al. s
Temperature (°K)
Source/ intensity
Range a
For EMSP b
Exc Max
LA/CDK g Deaerated: no effect LA/CDK
Dye laser ~102 W/cm 2
LA/CDK Preillumination 640 pH 7.0
100-W tungsten low h 100-W tungsten low h
pH 7.0
Freezedried Film Film
pH 7.0 pH 1.4 LA/CDK Preillumination Ar + 515 nm 1 W/cm 2 5 rain
77 77 77
100-W tungsten low h
635 640 597 540 sh
2.5 kW Xe
Further preillumination
Shapiro e t al.12
Dye laser 623 nm 0.1 W/cm ~ LA/CDK 2x HzO HzO
e t al. 21
17 77
Ar + laser -102 W/cm 2 Xe 50/.~W/cm ~
515 570
a Range of excitation wavelengths used. b Excitation wavelength used for emission spectra reported in this table. c Maximum of excitation spectra at given emission wavelength. a Ratio of quantum yield of emission from sample at low vs. room temperature. All samples at 77°K except that of Shapiro e t al.12 where 17°K data are reported. e Polarization = p Anisotropy = ~/,
1H - 1~
/tl + 1±
(continued) EM wavelength c (nm)
Assigned emitting species
Band positions nm (cm -x) 678
670 w ~ 670 678 w ~
720 725 725
795 w
670 s i
QY (LT)a/ QY(RT)
Polarization anisotropy e
COLL angle PMT f
p = 0.23-0.49 r = 0.63-0.34
90 ° RCA C31034
p = 0.45-0.47
30 °
p = 0.45-0.47 10
Photomultiplier. L A / C D K : light adapted at r o o m temperature and cooled in darkness. h Intensity sufficiently low that sample does not undergo significant photochemistry during time necessa: to record spectrum. w = weak; s = strong
[2 7]
Excitation wavelength (nm) Temperature (°K)
Range a
For EMSP a
Light adapted deaerated: no effect
Ar + laser
Spoonhower~2 Light adapted deaerated: no effect Govindjee H20, light adapted
Xe lamp
W lamp
W lamp
h -< 530
h -< 530
Dye laser
Reference Lewis
e t al. 4
Quantum yield
(1.2-2.5) × 10-a - 5 × 10 -3
e t aL e
Sineshchekov and Litvin 7 Gillbro e t al. s
H~O, pH = 5.7
H20, light adapted
Xe lamp
H20, light adapted
Dye laser
e l al. 12
a Range of excitation wavelengths used. b Excitation wavelength for emission spectra reported.
el& 1,
~l,-1~ 1,+ I~
photochemistry, have detected a room temperature emission but have not been able to reproduce the xenon excited emission maxima at short (700730 nm) wavelengths. All of these data 23 with minimal photoalteration and laser excitation yield emission maxima at ~ 790 nm, in agreement with Lewis e t a l . 4 The independence of the laser excited emission maximum with photoalteration is certainly good evidence that BR57o does emit and that the room temperature emission cannot be solely due to a photoproduct. However, the difference between the low photoalteration laser-excited data and xenon arc-excited data requires further explanation. One possible explanation for the lack of agreement between low intensity xenon-excited stationary and laser-excited flow experiments could be related to the different types of neighbor molecules under these two conditions. Namely, in the low photochemistry xenon-excited stationary case, most photoaltered molecules in the membrane lattice are in the intermediate M412 ; whereas, in the flow case most of the photoaltered neigh-
[2 7]
Em Anisotropy
of polarization c 0.63 0.34
ConcenEm tration polarization a (~M) 0.23 0.49
Positions of Bands nm (cm -1) 791 (12,650)
Assigned emitting species BR57o
Intensity 1.4 x 1021.4 x 10a
W/cm 2 10 m
20 30 33
730 (13,700)
730 (13,700)
700 (14,285) 660 (15,150)
714 (14,000) 735 (13,600)
50/.~W/cm ~
3W/cm 2
boring molecules of the emitting bacteriorhodopsin are in either the Kel0 or Lss0 thermal intermediate states. This difference could perturb the exciton interaction that we know exists in the purple membrane 24 and/or could perturb the emitting molecule via long range conformational interactions with neighbors in the lattice. The one reported observation that the above suggestion does not account for is the 660-nm emission maximum of Sineshchekov and Litvin 7 which appears not to agree with any of the other reported room temperature data.
C. The Transition Responsible for Bacteriorhodopsin (BR~70)Emission Could Be Strongly Dipole Allowed It has been generally assumed 4,5,11 that bacteriorhodopsin emission emanates from a weakly allowed excitedto-ground-state transition from a state which lies lower in energy than the excited state responsible for the strongly allowed visible absorption. In this section, we demonstrate that these previous assumptions on the nature of the transition could be incorrect and that the emission could emanate from a strongly allowed transition. Several observations supported the previous suggestion that the emission transition was only weakly allowed. For example, the original detec24 M. P. Heyn, P. J. Bauer, and N. A. Dencher, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 67, 897 (1975).
tion of the bacteriorhodopsin emission demonstrated that there was little overlap between the allowed absorption and the emission. 4 This suggested that the transition may be arising from a low-lying forbidden excited state other than the allowed singlet into which light energy is absorbed. This idea was supported by the relatively low quantum efficiency (~bf)of the room temperature emission calculated to be 1.8 (10-4). 12In addition, measurement of the emission lifetime Tm (15 psec at room temperature 11 and 40 psec at 90°K5) appeared to strongly support these ideas of a low-lying dipole forbidden state. These measurements when coupled to emission quantum efficiency data as a function of temperature yield radiative lifetime (Zm/~bf)of 60-125 nsec. A comparison of these radiative lifetimes of the fluorescent state, (based on Tm and ~bf measurements) with a value of 7 nsec calculated by integrating the absorption spectrum and using the Strickler-Berg relationships 2~ demonstrated that there was a large discrepancy in the radiative lifetimes obtained by these two methods. This has been taken, in model polyene spectroscopy, as an indication of a low-lying forbidden singlet (Ag) state in polyenes such as diphenyloctatetraene.26 Furthermore, a comparison of the data on BRs70 and diphenyloctatetraene emission (such as nonoverlap of absorption and emission, low emission quantum efficiency, etc.) 26 suggested by analogy that the observed emission in these two molecules may be emanating from similar excited states. However, a crucial element in all the above deductions on bacteriorhodopsin is the calculated room temperature emission quantum efficiency of 1.8(10-4). 12 This quantum efficiency calculation assumes that every photon absorbed does indeed populate the emitting state. However, such an assumption cannot be correct as recent data have indicated. It is now known that after light absorption there are competing pathways for light emission and photochemistry. The above deduction is based on the observation that at room 27 and low temperatures (77°K) 28 the rate of K~10 formation is close to 1.0 psec (measurements at 77°K were pulse width limited but showed the K610 forms in 6 psec) 2s whereas the observed emission lifetime changes drastically to a value of 40 psec at 90°K5 and 60 psec at 77°K. lz In addition to the above results suggesting split pathways of emission and photochemistry after vertical excitation,2a there are also recent data on photochemical quantum yields of Kel0 formation and BRat0 reformation which indicate that most of the molecules are channeled into photochemistry and not emission, za This is based on the ~5 S. J. Strickler and K. A. Berg, J. Chem. Phys. 37, 814 (1962). ~6 B. Hudson and B. Kohler, J. Chem. Phys. 59, 4984 (1973). z7 E. P. Ippen, C. V. Shank, A. Lewis, and M. A. Marcus, Science 2,00, 1279 (1978). 2s M. L. Applebury, K. S. Peters, and P. M. Rentzepis, Biophys. J. 23, 375 (1978). e~ A. Lewis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 549 (1978).
fact that the sum of the forward ((~BR"-~K)and reverse (~K'-~BR) photochemical quantum yields sum to one. 29-31 In photochemical reactions this has been taken to mean that all other pathways of decay are very small < 10% (the accuracy of the quantum yield measurements) and that BRsr0 and K~lo share a common minimum in the excited state surface.29,32 Therefore, as Lewis33 has noted, >90% of the excited molecules never reach the emitting minimum and thus cannot be considered when calculating the emission quantum efficiency. In view of these results, it is possible that the room temperature emission quantum efficiency should be reevaluated to be t> 1.62(10 -3) and the radiative lifetime to be <~9.26 nsec. Similar corrections can be made to the previously calculated low-temperature radiative lifetimes, which bring these room temperature and low-temperature lifetimes in close agreement with the calculations based on the StricklerBerg relationship. 25 Thus, it is clear that the above analysis of emission quantum efficiency and lifetime suggests that bacteriorhodopsin emission could emanate from a strongly dipole-allowed excited-to-ground-state transition. ~3 D. Temperature Dependence of the Emission There are two principal aspects to the temperature dependence of the emission. First, the lifetime and second, the relative quant0m efficiency of the emission. In terms of the lifetime, the published measurements are at three temperatures 7 7 ° K , TM 90°K, 5 and room temperature. 5,~1"~2The 77°K and 90°K lifetimes, which are 60 - 15 psec TM and 40 -- 5 psec, 5 respectively, are perfectly consistent with the temperature dependence of the quantum efficiency in this region. TM However, the measured room temperature lifetime~1 of 15 --- 3 psec is not in agreement with the 77°K or 90°K lifetimes based on the reported ~ relative quantum yields of 38/1 and 24/1 for 77°K and 90°K versus room temperature. Using these relative quantum yields, the predicted room temperature lifetime would be between 1 and 2 psec instead of the measured 15 -- 3 psec. ~ In another investigation, Alfano et al. 5 also report that they estimate the room temperature lifetime to be < 3 psec based on their low-temperature lifetime measurements. However, they indicate that an experiment performed by them at room temperature had a decay time for the envelope of 8 psec. Since this was approximately identical to the characteristics of their light gate and because of the discrepancy of this value with their low-temperature extrapolation, they did not feel justified to suggest the 8-psec value for the room temperature lifetime.
30 B. Becher and T. G. Ebrey, Biophys. J. 17, 185 (1977). 31 C. R. Goldschmidt, O. Kalisky, T. Rosenfeld, and M. Ottolenghi, Biophys. J. 17, 179 (1977). 32 T. Rosenfeld, B. Honig, M. Ottolenghi, J. Hurley, and T. G. Ebrey, Pure Appl. Chem. 49, 341 (1977).
In view of the extensive data of Shapiro et al. 12 eliminating the possibilities of alterations in the lifetime due to pulse intensity, preillumination, or presence of photoproduct, it appears likely that even though the experimental methods of Hirsch et al. 11 and Alfano et al. 12 were different, their combined data suggest that the room temperature lifetime is'somewhere between 8 and 15 psec. Thus, based on our inability to interconnect the room and low-temperature lifetimes with the variable temperature quantum efficiency measurements, it is probable that the room and low-temperature emissions could be reflecting differing contributions from more than one region of the excited state surface. Two generally accepted results from these variable temperature measurements are (1) the very large increase in emission intensity as the temperature is lowered (we estimate, based on 17°K measurements, that 10% of the molecules are emitting at 4°K) and (2) the radically different temperature dependence of the emission lifetime when compared to the time scale for generating the photochemical product. The large increase in the quantum efficiency of emission as a function of lower temperatures is a characteristic of molecules undergoing twisting and isomerization in the excited state responsible for emission. Therefore, the data on bacteriorhodopsin could be signaling a large alteration in the retinal structure in the emitting state. It is also clear that the photochemistry precedes along an excited state coordinate distinct from that of emission. In view of the above suggestion that retinal structural alteration is integrally involved in the emission pathway it is thus certainly likely that the photochemical pathway has a large component of some other coordinate; for example, the excited state protein structural alteration suggested by Lewis. z9
II. Rhodopsin Emission Three papers have appeared with some very convincing results indicating detectable emission from visual photoreceptor pigments. The first two, Franceschini et al. 14 and Cronin and Goldsmith 15 are reports of emission from a stable photointermediate of invertebrate rhodopsin whereas Doukas et al. is have used picosecond spectroscopy to demonstrate vertebrate rhodopsin and isorhodopsin light emission. Cronin and Goldsmith 15 have published a study on crayfish metarhodopsin emission from isolated rhabdoms, which are the photoreceptor organelles in invertebrates. They showed, using fluorescence microscopy, that initially the rhabdoms were essentially nonfluorescent. However, after illumination, an emission appeared whose time course and intensity were exactly related to the appearance of metarhodopsin. In addition, the excitation spectra of the emission also matched the metarhodopsin absorption and convincingly shifted as a function of pH (the absorption of crayfish metarhodopsin is - 5 2 5 nm at pH 7.5 and - 4 6 0 nm at pH 1.9).
The Stokes shift of the emission, the shape of the emission, and the location of the emission are all very similar to those reported for bacteriorhodopsin. 4,6 The quantum efficiency (1.6 x 10-a) is somewhat higher than the value for bacteriorhodopsin of 1.8 x 10-4 reported by Shapiro et al. 12 Franceschini et al. 14 have also reported emission from an invertebrate, a fly ( M u s c a d o m e s t i c a ) . Photoreceptor cells are grouped in the fly in units of 8. Six of the cells numbered 1-6 exhibit a red emission with blue excitation that can be assigned to metarhodopsin; whereas, the emission from a subset of cells numbered 7 and cells numbered 8 are green and appear to come from a relatively photostable pigment. Excitation with ultraviolet alters the emission maximum and there are other subsets of rhabdoms numbered 7 and 8 that have different emission characteristics. It appears, however, from intracellular recordings, that the spectral sensitivity of the cell is correlated to its emission, suggesting that emission spectroscopy will become a color tag to map out various retinal types in vivo. 14
Finally Doukas et al. 16 used picosecond spectroscopy to identify rhodopsin and isorhodopsin emission. They identified a rapid < 12-psec emission and, based on the criteria of repeatability, lack of emission in bleached samples, and consistency of emission lifetimes with photoproduct formation times, conclude that these vertebrate photopigments are indeed emitting detectable signals under their conditions. The relationship of these results to the observations in invertebrates 1.'15 that the darkadapted pigment does not fluoresce is still unknown and awaits clarification. A picosecond investigation on the invertebrate system should be most interesting. III. Conclusion In conclusion, until 1976 when Lewis et al. 4 reported emission from bacteriorhodopsin, there was little activity in fluorescence spectroscopy of rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin. This was mainly the result of the extreme difficulties encountered in detecting the weak emissions from these retinylidene membrane proteins. However, recent developments in lasers in terms of both tunability, stability, and pulse duration and the development of new streak camera detection systems coupled to fluorescence microscopes may well provide the basis for the application of emission spectroscopy to rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin. Acknowledgements The author acknowledges the support of the National Eye Institute, the Army, the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration,the Naval Air SystemsCommandand the Solar Energy Research Institute at various times during the course of this investigation. A. L. was a John Simon GuggenheimFellow.