30 ns PROM

30 ns PROM

Interface revises portable bus analyser US company Interface Technology has produced a revised version of its Model 553 portable bus analyser, designe...

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Interface revises portable bus analyser US company Interface Technology has produced a revised version of its Model 553 portable bus analyser, designed to facilitate the design and maintenance of MIL-STD-1553 hardware. Features of the Model 553A analyser include a 4kbit encoder output buffer, 2 kbyte of EZPROM (expandable to 4kbyte), multiple message program sequencing and enhanced data entry and editing. Also included is 14 kbyte of RAM. The analyser incorporates dynamic ramp functions which, says the manufacturer, are useful for design verification and production test of remote terminals. The unit has IEEE-488 and RS232C interfaces, selectable A- and B-type bus parts, a tdgger input and three outputs for trap detect, xmit sync and composite video. (Interface Technology, 150 East Arrow Highway, San Dimas, CA 91773, USA. UK distributor: Microsystem Services, PO Box 37, Lincoln Road, Cressex Industrial Estate, High Wycombe, Bucks HP72 3XJ, UK. Teh (0494) 41661) []

30 ns PROM Monolithic Memories of the UK has introduced two l k X 8 titaniumtungsten fuse-link PROMs. The 63S881A is claimed by the manufacturer to be faster than any similar PROM device, with a maximum access time of 30 ns. A maximum access time of 45 ns is quoted for the 63S881. An enhanced version of the 63S881A, designated PLE10Pg, also doubles as a programmable logic element. When used in conjunction with relevant software, the device translates in silicon any Boolean transfer function, says Monolithic, allowingten inputs and eight outputs with 1024 product terms per output. The devices come in plastic and ceramic 7.6mm 24-pin packages, 15.2 mm dual inline packages and 28-pin PLCC packages. Maximum supply current for each device is 160 mA. (Monolithic Memories Ltd, Monolithic House, 1 Queens Road, Farnborough, Plants GUT4 6DJ, UK. Tel: (0252) 517431) []

Unix network s/w 'builds on Ethernet' Transparent networking software for the Unix operating system has been launched by UK software house Root Computers. The Rootnet software package runs under UniPlus+, a commercial implementation of Unix. Conformingto the ISO seven-layer module for network protocols, Rootnet is a suite of programs that allows, claims Root, any system running UniPlus+ to communicate with any other Unix-based machines using TCP/IP protocols via Ethemet. However, says the company, the facilities of Ethernet are extended to allow an 'almost unlimited' number of users to operate in an 'extensive and transparent networked environment'. A range of security and system access controls are included in the package, as are facilities to allow an administrator to specify which users can access which files and with what restraints. Standard Unix security and password protection features remain in force. (Root Computers Ltd, Saunderson House, Hayne Street, London EC1A 9HH, UK. Teh 01-726 6501) []

BASIC-52 board A board-level system incorporating Intel's BASIC-52 microcontroller -an 8052 chip that contains a BAStC interpreter-- has been introduced by Tech Star Laboratory of the USA. The 4015 System includes up to 24 kbyte of static RAM and is designed to connect to a standard ASCII terminal via an RS232C interface. The board can access a large number of input and output lines, says Tech Star. It includes an EPROM programmer which can program up to 32 kbyte of ROM without a usersupplied programming voltage. The system clock operates at 10MHz, and the board allows the option of using an 8741 slave processor. Pdce of the 4015 System is $389 plus $10 for shipping. (Tech Star Laboratory, Suite 709, R & B Corp. Park, 1701 North Greenville Avenue, Richardson, TX 75080, USA. Teh (214) 680-2304) []

vol 9 no 8 october 7985

"lndustry's fastest l k x 8 PROM" says Monolithic Memories of the 635881A

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Pick port for Altos 3068 Pick has been ported onto Altos's 3068 'supermicro' system. The 3068, a 68020-based system with an 8kbyte associative cache and up to 16 Mbyte of RAM, is described by the US manufacturer as 'an ideal vehicle for Pick'. The operating system's availability does not mark a change in direction for Altos, says the company's UK marketing manager Barry Forrest. 'Unix is still the principal operating system for the 3068,' he stressed. 'However, our resellers are in the solutions business and there is plenty of good application software for Pick.' (Altos Computer Systems, 2641 Orchard Park Way, San Jose, CA 95134, USA. Altos Computer Systems Ltd, Manhattan House, High Street, Crowthorne, Berks, UK. Tel: (0344) 777911) []